Warner Bros. Discovery Announces Early Results and Upsize of Previously Announced Cash Tender Offer
Prnewswire· 2024-05-23 19:00
NEW YORK, May 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. ("Warner Bros. Discovery" or the "Company") today announced the early results of the previously announced cash tender offer (the "Tender Offer") by its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Warner Media, LLC, Discovery Communications, LLC and WarnerMedia Holdings, Inc. (each, an "Issuer" and together, the "Issuers") for the outstanding notes in the order of priority listed in the table below (together, the "Notes"). The Company also announced that the ...
Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (WBD) J.P. Morgan's 52nd Annual Global Technology, Media and Communications Conference
2024-05-23 03:24
业绩总结 - 公司计划在2025年实现至少10亿美元的DTC盈利目标[19] - 公司在广告市场上逐渐改善,特别是在数字销售方面[49] - 公司线性业务对现金流非常重要,将继续努力提高广告收入[52] - 公司在制作成本方面有很好的投资回报,将继续寻求更高效的运营方式[54] - 公司正在努力提高成本节约和现金流转化率,有望超过10亿美元的成本节约目标[71] 用户数据 - 公司强调订阅者的重要性,但也注重用户参与度,认为广告收入和用户留存是增长的关键驱动因素[30] - 公司将推出新的体育内容,包括国家曲棍球、棒球、篮球和美式足球,以提高用户参与度和吸引力[38] 未来展望 - 公司认为影视工作室是潜在的价值驱动器,正在采取措施提高内容的盈利能力[66] - 公司拥有出色的业务组合,认为目前没有必要进行重大的并购[79] 新产品和新技术研发 - 公司在EMEA市场推出D2C平台,计划在未来六周内在多个国家推出,利用House of the Dragon Season 2和巴黎奥运会等活动[10] - 公司将推出新的体育内容,包括国家曲棍球、棒球、篮球和美式足球,以提高用户参与度和吸引力[38] 市场扩张和并购 - 公司对与Disney+和Hulu合作推出捆绑服务充满信心,并认为这将有利于ARPU的增长[41] - 公司一直是捆绑销售的坚定支持者[42] - 新的捆绑销售模式将带来更高的ARPU,预计将超过国内整体平均水平[43] 负面信息 - 公司非常专注于将工作室的盈利水平恢复到可以轻松实现的水平,并为J.V.、Casey和团队打下长期动态增长和盈利的基石[80] - 公司非常专注于执行这一计划,确保取得成功[80] - 公司已经做好准备,将继续努力工作,确信在当前公司结构下会取得很好的成绩[80]
Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (WBD) J.P.
seekingalpha.com· 2024-05-23 03:24
Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (NASDAQ:WBD) J.P. Morgan's 52nd Annual Global Technology, Media and Communications Conference May 22, 2024 10:40 AM ET Company Participants Gunnar Wiedenfels - Chief Financial Officer Conference Call Participants David Karnovsky - J.P. Morgan David Karnovsky Okay, great. We'll get started. My name is David Karnovsky, I cover media, entertainment and advertising at JPMorgan. Very happy to have back at the conference Gunnar Wiedenfels, Chief Financial Officer of Warner Bros. Disco ...
Midea America Collaborates with Warner Bros-Discovery on Mini-Documentary "Project Homestead" to Enhance the Lives of Alaskan Residents in Need
Prnewswire· 2024-05-22 01:57
The Mini-Doc Showcases Midea's Cold-Climate Heat Pump System and the Transformation of a Residential Facility in Alaska LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Midea America, in collaboration with Warner Bros. Discovery, is proud to present "Project Homestead," an inspirational mini-documentary showcasing the transformative renovation of Willow Ranch. Willow Ranch is a residential facility near Willow, Alaska operated by Hope Community Resources, the foremost provider of support services to adults wit ...
The NBA is picking its next TV partners — and a deal hinges on Warner Bros. Discovery's next move
cnbc.com· 2024-05-17 03:37
NBA Commissioner Adam Silver speaks to the media during a press conference as part of the 2022 All-Star Weekend at Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse on February 19, 2022 in Cleveland, Ohio. Whether it's two people in a marriage or a company and a sports league, it's not easy to break up a 40-year partnership. The National Basketball Association and Warner Bros. Discovery's Turner Sports have been in business together for nearly four decades. The relationship is now in jeopardy, as Comcast's NBCUniversal is attempt ...
Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (WBD) MoffettNathanson's Media, Internet & Communications Conference (Transcript)
2024-05-16 04:57
业绩总结 - 公司在2021年第一季度结束时拥有46.9万DTC订阅用户[38] - 公司的DTC订阅用户规模正在扩大,接近5000万[37] 用户数据 - 公司在全球市场的定位仍处于早期阶段,尚未进入重要市场如英国、德国、意大利和澳大利亚[40] 未来展望 - 公司计划在欧洲等市场推出Max服务,与传统分销合作伙伴和非传统分销合作伙伴进行捆绑销售[43] - 公司认为全球消费者最终会在三到五个全球流媒体服务提供商之间做出选择,公司有信心成为前三大玩家并实现盈利[48] - 公司在未来三到五年的战略规划中,重点包括全球市场推广Max产品、保持强大的线性产品、增加本地内容和提高国际市场的利润[78] 新产品和新技术研发 - 公司在全球推出HBO Max和Discovery+产品时,注重技术和产品的完善,产品评分得到提升[30] 市场扩张和并购 - 公司计划在欧洲等市场推出Max服务,认为本地内容至关重要,已取得一些本地内容的成功[70] 负面信息 - 公司对于奥运会合同的续签采取了谨慎的方式,只竞标了付费电视和流媒体权利[76]
Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (WBD) MoffettNathanson's Media, Internet & Communications Conference (Transcript)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-05-16 04:57
Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (NASDAQ:WBD) MoffettNathanson's Media, Internet & Communications Conference May 15, 2024 1:00 PM ET Company Participants Gerhard Zeiler - President of International Conference Call Participants Robert Fishman - MoffettNathanson Robert Fishman It's Robert Fishman here again, and we are very excited to have a new guest for us and for most here, Gerhard Zeiler at Warner Bros. Discovery. And so instead of me just reading your bio, I thought we'd maybe just kick off with you sharing ...
Warner Bros. Discovery Announces Upsize of Previously Announced Cash Tender Offer to an Aggregate Tender Cap of up to $2,500,000,000
Prnewswire· 2024-05-14 23:37
文章核心观点 - 华纳兄弟发现公司宣布增加之前公布的现金收购要约的总购买价格上限至25亿美元 [1] - 该收购要约涉及多只华纳媒体、发现传播和华纳媒体控股公司发行的债券 [1][2] - 收购要约的具体条款和条件在《收购要约》中有详细说明 [14] 根据目录分别总结 收购要约细节 - 收购要约将于2024年6月7日到期,除非提前终止或延长 [5] - 持有人可在2024年5月22日之前撤回已提交的债券 [5] - 对于在2024年5月22日之前提交且未撤回的债券,将支付包括30美元提前提交溢价的总对价 [6] - 在2024年5月22日之后提交的债券将只获得不含提前提交溢价的收购对价 [6] - 对价将于2024年5月23日确定 [6] - 支付对价时将包括应计未付利息 [7] - 预计结算日为2024年6月12日 [8] 收购要约的优先顺序和分配 - 根据优先顺序(1-12),先接受优先级更高的债券 [9][10] - 如果在提前提交截止日前提交的债券总购买价格等于或超过总购买价格上限,在提前提交截止日后提交的债券将不会被接受 [11] - 如果最后一个优先级别的债券导致总购买价格上限被超过,将对该系列债券进行比例分配 [11] 其他条款 - 该收购要约需满足包括融资条件在内的多项条件 [12] - 公司保留多项权利,如延长或终止要约、修改条款等 [13] - 公司未来可能以其他方式继续收购剩余未偿还债券 [17] - 该要约不构成任何证券的要约或出售邀约 [18]
Warner Brothers Discovery: Deleveraging Key To Shares Rallying
Seeking Alpha· 2024-05-13 02:33
Jacek_Sopotnicki Warner Brothers Discovery (NASDAQ:WBD) released first quarter earnings last week. The media giant has been scrutinized for earnings performance and high leverage since its merger. Back in February, I took a bullish stand on Warner Brothers Discovery through the sale of cash secured puts. While the first quarter earnings report disappointed by missing both revenue and earnings estimates, I believe there are current and upcoming catalysts to stay bullish on WBD stock. Warner Brothers Discover ...
Prnewswire· 2024-05-10 21:00
NEW YORK, May 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (Nasdaq: WBD) today announced that its President of International Gerhard Zeiler and its Chief Financial Officer Gunnar Wiedenfels will each present at media industry conferences during the month of May. Gerhard Zeiler will present at MoffettNathanson's Media, Internet and Communications Conference on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. ET. Gunnar Wiedenfels will present at J.P. Morgan's 52nd Annual Global Technology, Media and Communicati ...