Vista Outdoor(VSTO)
CSG Reaffirms its Commitment to Successfully Completing $2.15 Billion Acquisition of the Kinetic Group and Maximizing Value for All Vista Outdoor Shareholders
Prnewswire· 2024-07-24 02:45
文章核心观点 - CSG提出了2.15亿美元的收购Vista Outdoor公司的全资收购要约,这是一个为Vista Outdoor股东带来更高价值的最佳选择[3][4] - CSG已获得美国监管机构包括CFIUS的批准,并获得了权威咨询公司Glass Lewis的支持推荐[4] - 收购完成后,CSG将投资于被收购业务的增长,并在美国增加就业岗位[5][6] 公司概况 - CSG是一家全球性的工业控股集团,在多个国家和行业拥有主要生产设施,包括捷克、斯洛伐克、西班牙、意大利、印度、英国和美国[9] - CSG集团2023年合并销售额达17.3亿美元,主要业务领域包括工程、汽车、铁路、航空航天和国防以及小口径弹药生产[9] - CSG在2022年收购了美国小口径弹药制造商Fiocchi Group,成为美国战略领域的制造商[8] 交易背景 - CSG此次收购Vista Outdoor公司旗下The Kinetic Group业务[3] - 这是CSG在美国的又一次收购,体现了其在美国市场的持续投资和发展[8] - 收购完成后,CSG将整合被收购业务,为客户提供最高水平的专业性和信任,并在美国增加就业[6]
Prnewswire· 2024-07-20 05:39
NEW YORK, July 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Gates Capital Management, Inc. ("Gates Capital Management" or "we"), an event-driven alternative asset manager that beneficially owns 5,589,041 shares, or approximately 9.6%, of Vista Outdoor, Inc. ("Vista" or the "Company") (NYSE: VSTO), today reiterated its opposition to the pending sale of The Kinetic Group to Czechoslovak Group a.s. ("CSG") in a letter sent to the Vista Board of Directors.The full text of the letter follows:   July 19, 2024Vista Outdoor Inc.Attn: ...
Prnewswire· 2024-07-17 20:30
Sends Letter to Vista Board of Directors Outlining Why Tax-Free Spin-Off or Cash Offer for the Entire Company Are Superior to the Proposed Sale of The Kinetic Group NEW YORK, July 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Gates Capital Management, Inc. ("Gates Capital Management" or "we"), an event-driven alternative asset manager that beneficially owns 5,589,041 shares, or approximately 9.6%, of Vista Outdoor, Inc. ("Vista" or the "Company") (NYSE: VSTO), today sent a letter to the Vista Board of Directors (the "Board") re ...
Vista Outdoor(VSTO) - 2024 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-05-30 04:07
供应链风险 - 供应商生产中断、质量问题或价格上涨可能增加运营成本并对产品竞争地位产生不利影响[63] - 劳动力、零部件和其他供应品短缺以及用于制造和分销产品的大宗商品价格上涨可能延迟或减少销售并增加成本[65] 业务波动风险 - 我们的营收和运营结果可能会出现意外波动,导致股价下跌[66] - 我们无法准确预测产品需求可能会对运营结果造成重大损害[70] 客户依赖风险 - 公司的销售额高度依赖于几家大客户的采购,可能会受到其中一家或多家客户的流失或销售大幅下滑的影响[77] - 公司前十大客户在2024财年占公司合并净销售额的约30%[78] 全球经营风险 - 公司面临与国际业务运营相关的风险,可能对业务、财务状况或运营结果产生不利影响[73] - 公司面临激烈的全球竞争,如果无法吸引和留住关键人才,可能会对财务状况、运营结果或现金流产生重大不利影响[76] 法律合规风险 - 公司需遵守广泛的联邦、州和国际法律、规则和法规,可能对业务、财务状况或运营结果产生不利影响[92] - 公司可能面临违反《美国反海外腐败法》等反腐败立法的罚款或刑事处罚[94] 财务风险 - 公司的可变利率负债使其面临利率风险,可能导致债务服务义务显著增加[97] - 公司的经营结果可能受到税收规定的意外变化或额外所得税责任的影响[101] 资产减值风险 - 经济状况恶化可能导致商誉和其他资产减值,对公司财务状况或业绩产生负面影响[102] - 公司的销售弹药产品可能受到联邦法律的限制,可能导致资产减值[92] 汇率和利率风险 - 公司面临外汇汇率波动风险,可能对财务状况、业绩和现金流产生不利影响[102] - 公司暴露于利率变动的市场风险中,主要是来自可变利率债务的利率风险[180] 财务报表相关 - 2024财年销售净额为27.46亿美元,较上一年下降11.1%[203] - 2024财年净利润为-5505万美元,较上一年下降43.3%[203] - 公司的经营租赁资产和负债分别为107,007万美元和120,372万美元[222]
Vista Outdoor(VSTO) - 2024 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-10 01:11
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 总销售额为27.5亿美元,调整后EBITDA利润率为16.1% [11] - 公司在2024财年内共偿还了3.4亿美元的债务,使得年末净债务率降至1.5倍 [11][12] - 2024财年第四季度,公司调整后自由现金流为1.61亿美元,净债务减少1.18亿美元 [12] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 Revelyst业务 - 2024财年第四季度,Revelyst销售额为3.32亿美元,调整后EBITDA为2910万美元,EBITDA利润率为8.8% [19][55] - 2024财年,Revelyst销售额为12.9亿美元,下降2.2%,调整后EBITDA为9830万美元,下降21.5% [55] - Revelyst Precision Sports Technology业务第四季度销售增长18.8%,为业务中增长最快的板块 [53] - Revelyst Adventure Sports和Outdoor Performance业务面临一些库存压力,销售增长较为缓慢 [67][69] Kinetic集团业务 - 2024财年第四季度,Kinetic集团销售额为3.62亿美元,调整后EBITDA为1.003亿美元,EBITDA利润率为27.7% [37][57] - 2024财年,Kinetic集团销售额为14.5亿美元,下降17.4%,调整后EBITDA为4.158亿美元,下降28% [57] - 原材料成本上涨,如火药和铜,预计将在2025财年对Kinetic集团的收入和利润产生压力 [58] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司未具体披露各个市场的数据和关键指标变化 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - Revelyst正在转型成为户外行业领先的全球综合品牌集团,通过"品牌主导、消费者为中心、制造驱动"的战略,推动创新产品和技术,提升直销渠道,拓展数字游戏生态系统 [27][28] - Revelyst正在实施"GEAR Up"转型计划,预计到2025财年可实现2500万-3000万美元的年度成本节约,到2027财年实现1亿美元的年度成本节约 [31] - Kinetic集团作为子弹和枪支弹药的领先制造商,将继续支持执法部门和军方,开发新产品满足客户需求 [42] - 公司正在进行战略性资产剥离,如出售RCBS品牌,以集中资源发展核心业务 [51] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层预计短期内消费者购买行为不会发生重大变化,但公司正在采取措施提高盈利能力 [32][33] - 管理层有信心Revelyst在2025财年可实现调整后EBITDA翻番,长期目标是达到15%左右的EBITDA利润率 [34] - 管理层对Kinetic集团2025财年的销售和利润水平持谨慎态度,受原材料成本上涨的影响 [58] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Anna Glaessgen提问** 询问Revelyst各业务板块2025财年的销售预期和增长情况 [65][66] **Jason Vanderbrink回答** Revelyst Precision Sports Technology业务增长潜力最大,Adventure Sports和Outdoor Performance业务受库存压力影响,销售增长较为缓慢,但随着库存消化将逐步改善 [66][67][69] 问题2 **Matt Koranda提问** 询问Revelyst 2025财年的利润率改善主要来源 [78][79][80][81][82][83] **Andy Keegan回答** 主要来自于"GEAR Up"转型计划带来的2500万-3000万美元成本节约,以及之前宣布的2500万美元重组计划的全面实施,以及供应链和运输成本的下降 [79][80][81] 问题3 **Jason Vanderbrink回答** Kinetic集团已经实施了一轮针对性的价格上涨,但仍需要进一步的更广泛的价格上涨来抵消铜价上涨的影响 [103][104]
Vista Outdoor (VSTO) Tops Q4 Earnings Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-09 09:01
Vista Outdoor (VSTO) came out with quarterly earnings of $1.02 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $0.99 per share. This compares to earnings of $1.08 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items. This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 3.03%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this maker of firearms, ammunition and accessories would post earnings of $0.84 per share when it actually produced earnings of $0.80, delivering a surprise of -4.76%. Over ...
Ammunition Shakeup: 3 Ammo Stocks to Watch as Vista Outdoor Unloads Its Business
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-02 21:02
Vista Outdoor分拆计划 - Vista Outdoor计划分拆其射击运动业务,但面临国家安全担忧和竞争性出价,导致交易变得复杂[1] 销售表现比较 - Vista Outdoor的Kinetic Group射击运动部门遭遇销售下滑,而Olin的Winchester部门销售额在2023年仅下降6%[7] AMMO股价表现 - AMMO是一家相对较小的弹药制造商,拥有,股价在2024年上涨31%[10]
Vista Outdoor Foundation Donates $208,000 to Four Nonprofits
Businesswire· 2024-03-19 04:01
ANOKA, Minn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Vista Outdoor Foundation (the “Foundation”), the philanthropic partner of Vista Outdoor Inc. (NYSE: VSTO), today announced the donation of $208,000 to four nonprofit organizations, concluding a multi-year grant commitment. The four nonprofits receiving proceeds are: Little Bellas: Mentoring on Mountain Bikes: Little Bellas creates opportunities for girls to experience success using mountain biking as the platform and pathway to personal growth. Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation ...
Revelyst to Host Investor Day
Businesswire· 2024-03-12 19:00
ANOKA, Minn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Revelyst, a collective of world-class maker brands that design and manufacture performance gear and precision technologies and a segment of Vista Outdoor Inc. (NYSE: VSTO), today announced it will host an Investor Day. Revelyst is in the process of separating into a standalone public company, with an expected execution in the second quarter of calendar year 2024. The event will be held on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, at the company’s Adventure Sports headquarters in Irvine, Califo ...
Vista Outdoor Participating in Upcoming Investor Conferences
Businesswire· 2024-03-07 20:00
ANOKA, Minn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Vista Outdoor Inc. (NYSE: VSTO), the parent company of 41 renowned brands that design, manufacture and market sporting and outdoor lifestyle products to consumers around the globe, today announced it will participate in two investor conferences in March. UBS Global Consumer and Retail Conference — March 14 36th Annual ROTH Conference — March 18 The ROTH conference will feature Revelyst CEO Eric Nyman and CFO Andy Keegan in a fireside chat via webcast from 10:30 a.m. to 10:55 a ...