Victoria’s Secret & (VSCO)
Victoria's Secret Beats Q2 Earnings & Revenue Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-08-29 23:37
Victoria’s Secret & Co. (VSCO) posted decent second-quarter fiscal 2024 results, with the top and the bottom line surpassing the Zacks Consensus Estimate. Earnings beat the consensus estimate for the third straight quarter.Victoria's Secret posted positive business trends in North America in the third quarter, with encouraging early feedback on fall assortments for Victoria’s Secret and PINK brands. The beauty segment performed well, driving customer traffic to stores. Going forward, the company emphasized ...
Victoria’s Secret & (VSCO) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-29 23:17
Second Quarter Earnings August 28, 2024 Forward Looking Statements 2 • Safe Harbor Statement Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 • We caution that any forward-looking statements (as such term is defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995) contained in this presentation or made by us, our management, or our spokespeople involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change based on various factors, many of which are beyond our control. Accordingly, our fut ...
Victoria’s Secret & (VSCO) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-29 23:17
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第二季度销售额为14亿美元,同比下降1%,但好于预期 [6][7] - 毛利率同比上升80个基点,主要得益于成本管控和存货管理 [12][64][65] - 销售、一般及管理费用同比下降,并实现20个基点的费用率下降 [12] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - Victoria's Secret品牌的美妆业务连续4个季度实现同比增长,运动服务务也表现强劲 [10] - PINK品牌的销售趋势整体有所改善,尤其是服装类别 [11][36][37] - 国际业务和Adore Me业务均实现高单位数增长 [11] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 北美市场销售趋势连续第4个季度实现环比改善,线上和线下渠道均有所好转 [6][7][8] - 第三方数据显示北美内衣市场整体销售趋势较第一季度有所放缓,但公司市场份额维持在20% [9] - 中国市场受整体经济环境影响,销售趋势有所挑战,但盈利能力有所提升 [11] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司推出多款新品,如Victoria's Secret Dream系列、Featherweight Max运动内衣等,获得良好反响 [13] - 维多利亚的秘密时装秀将于10月15日在纽约重启,以全新视角呈现品牌魅力 [14][15] - 公司正在进一步发展会员忠诚度计划,32百万会员贡献约80%的周销售额 [15] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 零售环境仍具挑战性,但产品接受度提升和存货管理有效,有助于毛利率改善 [12] - 公司正专注于提升运营效率,三年内实现2.5亿美元的成本优化目标 [12] - 对第三季度及全年业绩保持乐观,预计全年销售下降约1%,调整营业利润将达2.75-3亿美元 [17][18] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Ike Boruchow 提问** 询问国际业务和促销环境的情况 [21][22][23][24][25][26] **Tim Johnson 回答** - 国际业务中,旅游零售和特许经营业务表现最佳,中国市场受整体环境影响有所放缓 - 公司将继续保持适度促销,利用美妆、内裤等品类作为流量驱动,同时依靠会员计划提升客户粘性 [22][23][24][25] 问题2 **Alex Straton 提问** 询问提高全年销售指引的原因以及对促销水平的看法 [28][29][30][31][32][33] **Tim Johnson 回答** - 提高全年销售指引主要是由于春季业绩超预期,对下半年的预期也略有改善 - 公司认为当前的促销水平较高,但在产品新品接受度提升和客户需求环境改善后,未来有望降低 [30][31][32][33] 问题3 **Corey Tarlowe 提问** 询问PINK品牌的表现及未来展望 [35][36][37][38] **Tim Johnson 回答** - PINK品牌在服装类别如T恤、背心等表现良好,尤其是在7月底的PINK Friday活动期间 - 公司看好PINK品牌未来的发展前景,特别是吸引到更多18-22岁年轻客户的能力 [36][37][38]
Victoria's Secret (VSCO) Q2 Earnings: Taking a Look at Key Metrics Versus Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-08-29 07:31
Victoria's Secret (VSCO) reported $1.42 billion in revenue for the quarter ended July 2024, representing a year-over-year decline of 0.7%. EPS of $0.40 for the same period compares to $0.24 a year ago.The reported revenue compares to the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.41 billion, representing a surprise of +0.44%. The company delivered an EPS surprise of +5.26%, with the consensus EPS estimate being $0.38.While investors scrutinize revenue and earnings changes year-over-year and how they compare with Wall S ...
Victoria's Secret (VSCO) Q2 Earnings and Revenues Beat Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-08-29 06:35
Victoria's Secret (VSCO) came out with quarterly earnings of $0.40 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $0.38 per share. This compares to earnings of $0.24 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 5.26%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this retailer of lingerie, pajamas and beauty products would post earnings of $0.11 per share when it actually produced earnings of $0.12, delivering a surprise of 9.09% ...
Victoria's Secret stock climbs on Q2 earnings beat, raised outlook
MarketWatch· 2024-08-29 04:47
文章核心观点 - 维多利亚的秘密公司二季度业绩转亏为盈,净利润为3200万美元,每股收益为0.40美元,超出分析师预期[1][2] - 公司2024年销售额预期上调,主要得益于北美地区销售的增长[1] 公司业绩 - 公司二季度净利润为3200万美元,扭转了上年同期100万美元的亏损[2] - 每股收益为0.40美元,高于分析师预期的0.37美元[2] 销售表现 - 公司2024年销售额预期上调,主要得益于北美地区销售的增长[1]
Victoria’s Secret & (VSCO) - 2025 Q2 - Quarterly Results
2024-08-29 04:17
高管任命及薪酬 - 公司任命Hillary Super为Victoria's Secret & Co.的首席执行官[5] - 公司将向Hillary Super授予价值5,750,000美元的限制性股票单位(RSUs),并将在未来三年内分三期解锁[10] - 公司将在2025财年的第一个财季向Hillary Super授予价值7,700,000美元的股权激励[11] - 公司将向Hillary Super支付100万美元的一次性现金签约奖金[13] - 公司将为Hillary Super提供搬迁支持,如果Hillary Super在入职后两年内离职(除非有正当理由),需要偿还搬迁费用[17] - 公司将为Hillary Super提供办公室和必要的支持设施[19] 高管离职及补偿 - 公司有权根据其政策收回支付给Hillary Super的任何激励性或其他薪酬[20] - 公司可以在获得后续证据的情况下,将之前的离职理由改为有因解雇[22] - Hillary Super可以在给予30天书面通知的情况下自行辞职,无论是否有正当理由[23,24] - 如果公司无故解雇Hillary Super(非因过错、残疾或死亡),公司需支付Hillary Super相关补偿[27] - 公司将继续支付高管基本工资2年,并提供医疗保险补助[31][32] - 公司将根据绩效目标支付高管当年和次年的绩效奖金[31] - 公司将按时间比例解锁高管部分未行权的股权激励[32] - 如果高管在变更控制期内被解雇或主动辞职,公司将支付高管3年基本工资和3年绩效奖金[37][38] - 高管需要在60天内签署并生效的离职协议,才能获得相关补偿[40] 高管义务和限制 - 高管不得泄露公司商业机密和竞争公司[42] - 高管职位位于纽约,需要经常前往俄亥俄州[44][45] - 公司可以将任何应付给高管的遣散福利用于抵消高管欠公司的任何款项[49] - 如果高管违反保密、竞业限制、不诽谤和知识产权协议,将不再获得任何遣散福利[50] 协议条款 - 公司可以在不需要高管同意的情况下将本协议的权利和义务转让给其关联公司或进行重组、合并等[51] - 本协议旨在避免或遵守税法第409A条的规定,包括对支付时间和方式的限制[52,53,54,55,56,57] - 如果高管是"不合格人员",公司可以减少支付给高管的遣散福利金额,以避免触发税法第280G条的限制[58,59,60,61] - 双方同意通过仲裁解决因本协议产生的任何争议,但涉及保密、竞业限制等协议的争议除外[62,63,64,65] - 仲裁中不允许集体诉讼或代表诉讼,仲裁裁决仅限于针对个人的索赔[66,67,68] - 本协议的任何条款无效或不可执行,不会影响其他条款的有效性和可执行性[76] - 本协议可以签署一份或多份副本,所有副本共同构成同一份原件[77] - 本协议构成双方就本协议主题达成的完整协议,取代了之前的所有协议、谅解和安排[78] - 本协议不改变高管的随时雇佣性质,公司有权随时终止高管的雇佣关系[79] - 本协议中的标题和分节仅为方便而设,不应用于解释任何条款[80] - 公司向高管支付的款项是公司的无担保义务,高管无优先权或担保权益[81] - 公司有权从应付款项中扣除任何联邦、州和地方税款,以满足其任何适用法律或法规下的扣缴义务[82]
Victoria's Secret & Co. Reports Second Quarter 2024 Results
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-29 04:15
Sales performance sequentially improved for fourth consecutive quarter Quarterly operating income growth for first time since 2021 Raises full year 2024 outlook and provides third quarter guidance REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio, Aug. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Victoria’s Secret & Co. (“Victoria’s Secret” or the “Company”) (NYSE: VSCO) today reported financial results for the second quarter ended August 3, 2024. Interim Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial and Administrative Officer Timothy (TJ) Johnson commen ...
Victoria's Secret (VSCO) to Post Q2 Earnings: What's in Store?
ZACKS· 2024-08-27 00:15
Victoria's Secret & Co. (VSCO) is scheduled to report second-quarter 2024 results on Aug 28. In the last reported quarter, VSCO’s earnings beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate by 9.1%.Q2 EstimatesThe Zacks Consensus Estimate for second-quarter earnings per share is pegged at 38 cents, indicating a gain of 58.3% from the year-ago reported figure. In the past 30 days, estimate revisions have witnessed upward movements of 123.5%. The consensus mark for revenues is pegged at $1.41 billion, implying a 1.4% decrease ...
Can Victoria's Secret (VSCO) Run Higher on Rising Earnings Estimates?
ZACKS· 2024-08-22 01:21
Investors might want to bet on Victoria's Secret (VSCO) , as earnings estimates for this company have been showing solid improvement lately. The stock has already gained solid short-term price momentum, and this trend might continue with its still improving earnings outlook.The upward trend in estimate revisions for this retailer of lingerie, pajamas and beauty products reflects growing optimism of analysts on its earnings prospects, which should get reflected in its stock price. After all, empirical resear ...