SSR Mining(SSRM)
SSR Mining to Restart its Seabee Mine Operations in October
ZACKS· 2024-09-24 22:51
SSR Mining Inc. (SSRM) announced that its Seabee mine operations will resume in the second half of October, following a temporary suspension on Aug. 21, 2024.SSR Mining’s Restart and Recovery EffortsFollowing the neighboring forest fire in August, the company's employees were evacuated from the premises. The fire impacted remote equipment such as power poles, pipes and exploration equipment. The process plant and the Santoy mine were not materially affected by the incident.The fire risk has been greatly red ...
SSR Mining: The Game May Not Be Over At Çöpler
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-10 20:49
Monty Rakusen Thesis In February 2024, SSR Mining (NASDAQ:SSRM) suspended all operations at Çöpler following a significant slip on the oxide leach pad which accounted for roughly 11.0% of Çöpler's total production in 2023. The share price fell by 53.5% on the announcement date and has been languishing since. The company's enterprise value is now around $900 million or roughly equal to $122.6 per proven and probable gold ounce and that excludes the silver reserves located at Puna and other resources like ...
SSRM vs. WPM: Which Stock Should Value Investors Buy Now?
ZACKS· 2024-09-05 00:45
Investors with an interest in Mining - Miscellaneous stocks have likely encountered both SSR Mining (SSRM) and Wheaton Precious Metals Corp. (WPM) . But which of these two stocks is more attractive to value investors? We'll need to take a closer look to find out.There are plenty of strategies for discovering value stocks, but we have found that pairing a strong Zacks Rank with an impressive grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system produces the best returns. The Zacks Rank is a proven strategy ...
Is the Options Market Predicting a Spike in SSR Mining (SSRM) Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-08-30 21:40
Investors in SSR Mining Inc. (SSRM) need to pay close attention to the stock based on moves in the options market lately. That is because the Sep 20, 2024 $10 Put had some of the highest implied volatility of all equity options today.What is Implied Volatility?Implied volatility shows how much movement the market is expecting in the future. Options with high levels of implied volatility suggest that investors in the underlying stocks are expecting a big move in one direction or the other. It could also mean ...
Should Value Investors Buy Silver Standard Resources (SSRM) Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-08-19 22:45
The proven Zacks Rank system focuses on earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find winning stocks. Nevertheless, we know that our readers all have their own perspectives, so we are always looking at the latest trends in value, growth, and momentum to find strong picks.Looking at the history of these trends, perhaps none is more beloved than value investing. This strategy simply looks to identify companies that are being undervalued by the broader market. Value investors rely on traditional forms of a ...
SSR Mining (SSRM) Forms 'Hammer Chart Pattern': Time for Bottom Fishing?
ZACKS· 2024-08-07 22:56
The price trend for SSR Mining (SSRM) has been bearish lately and the stock has lost 18% over the past week. However, the formation of a hammer chart pattern in its last trading session indicates that the stock could witness a trend reversal soon, as bulls might have gained significant control over the price to help it find support.While the formation of a hammer pattern is a technical indication of nearing a bottom with potential exhaustion of selling pressure, rising optimism among Wall Street analysts ab ...
SSRM vs. WPM: Which Stock Is the Better Value Option?
ZACKS· 2024-08-03 00:46
文章核心观点 - 比较了两家矿业公司SSR Mining(SSRM)和Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.(WPM)的估值指标,认为SSRM的估值更具吸引力 [1][3][6][7][8] - SSRM的Zacks排名为2(买入),而WPM为3(持有),表明SSRM的盈利预测修正活动更为积极 [3] - SSRM的估值指标如市盈率(P/E)、市销率(P/S)、PEG比率等均优于WPM,获得A级的价值评分,而WPM仅获得D级 [6][7][8] 公司概况 - SSR Mining是一家专注于黄金、银和铜开采的矿业公司,拥有10年投资银行从业经验 [1] - Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.也是一家从事贵金属开采的公司 [1] 行业分析 - 分析师认为,通过结合Zacks排名和价值评分,可以发现具有较高投资价值的公司 [2] - 价值投资者通常会关注传统的估值指标,如市盈率、市销率、收益收益率、每股现金流等 [4][5]
Are Investors Undervaluing Silver Standard Resources (SSRM) Right Now?
ZACKS· 2024-08-02 22:46
文章核心观点 - 公司被认为是被市场低估的价值股 [4][5][6] - 公司具有较低的市盈率(P/E)和较低的市盈率/预期增长率(PEG),表明其股票被低估 [4][5] 公司信息 - 公司当前的Zacks排名为2(买入)和价值评分为A,表明其为市场上最强劲的价值股之一 [4] - 公司的市盈率为10.51,低于行业平均水平12.48 [4] - 公司过去一年的前瞻性市盈率在9.84到51.17之间波动,中位数为16.03 [4] - 公司的PEG为0.59,低于行业平均水平0.66,表明其股票被低估 [5] - 公司过去一年的PEG在0.54到2.89之间波动,中位数为1 [5]
SSR Mining(SSRM) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-01 10:06
Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results July 2024 Cautionary Notes Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information and Statements Except for statements of historical fact relating to us, certain statements contained in this presentation (including information incorporated by reference herein) constitute forward-looking information, future oriented financial information, or financial outlooks (collectively "forward-looking information") within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as ...
SSR Mining(SSRM) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-01 10:05
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第二季度公司生产了76,000金当量盎司,全成本为每盎司2,116美元,其中包括科普勒矿山的维护费用约245美元/盎司 [16] - 前6个月,三大矿山(Marigold、Seabee和Puna)共生产156,000金当量盎司,符合公司下半年产量加权的预期 [17] - 公司第二季度现金头寸为3.58亿美元,包括5,500万美元的科普勒修复费用和1,700万美元的维护费用 [18] - 第二季度归属净收益为每股0.05美元,调整后每股净收益为0.04美元 [20][21] - 第二季度经营活动现金流为负7,800万美元,自由现金流为负1.16亿美元 [21] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 Marigold - 第二季度生产26,000盎司,符合预期,下半年特别是第四季度产量和成本将大幅改善 [23][24] - 正在进行Buffalo Valley和其他近矿目标的棕地勘探,以延长Marigold的矿山寿命 [24] Seabee - 第二季度生产17,000盎司,全成本为每盎司16.26美元,符合预期 [25] - 正在勘探Porky和Porky West目标,这些目标可能会延长Seabee的矿山寿命 [26] Puna - 第二季度生产270万盎司白银,全成本为每盎司15.19美元,显示了Puna在当前白银价格环境下的可观利润空间 [27][28] - 正在评估通过Chinchillas的潜在延伸和Cortaderas目标的推进来延长Puna的运营 [28] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在积极推进科普勒矿山的修复工作,包括失踪人员的搜救、事故的遏制、现场的修复以及事故调查等 [8][9][10][11][12][13][14] - 公司正在与土耳其政府就修复计划进行讨论,包括东部储存设施的批准和建设 [13] - 公司已委托独立第三方审查科普勒堆浸场的设计、建设和运营,目前未发现任何重大不合规情况 [14] - 公司正在与相关部门合作,以获得重启科普勒矿山所需的各项许可 [14][15] - 公司正在推进Hod Maden项目的现场建设和工程活动,为项目建设做准备 [19] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司三大矿山(Marigold、Seabee和Puna)的表现符合预期,有望实现全年产量和成本指引 [17][23][25][27] - 公司有充足的现金头寸和未提取的信贷额度,有能力应对科普勒矿山的修复成本以及业务的再投资需求 [18][22] - 公司正全力推进科普勒矿山的重启工作,一旦获得所有必要的许可,将启动硫化矿厂的运营,利用现场的700,000盎司黄金储量 [15] 其他重要信息 - 公司第二季度财务报表已按照美国公认会计准则编制,并在EDGAR、SEDAR和CASX等平台上发布 [6][7] - 公司在讨论中使用了一些非公认会计准则的财务指标,相关信息可在新闻稿中查阅 [7] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Lawson Winder 提问** 您提到无法估计科普勒矿山何时以及在何种条件下重启,这是否意味着矿山最终会重启?您是否从土耳其当局那里获得了一些重启的暗示信号? [31] **Rodney Antal 回答** 我们目前的重点是按照既定的优先事项有序推进,包括失踪人员的搜救、事故的遏制、现场的修复以及与当局的沟通等。我们正在与相关部门积极讨论科普勒矿山的重启计划,但我不会对此做过多的评论。 [32][33] 问题2 **Lawson Winder 提问** 关于勘探方面,您是否预计年底时公司现有矿山的储量将得到替代,同时是否会调整黄金价格假设? [34] **Rodney Antal 回答** 我们今年初已经对所有矿山进行了全面的技术报告更新,包括储量的更新。目前的勘探工作主要集中在Seabee和Puna,以延长这两个矿山的寿命。我们会在适当时候发布勘探结果。至于年底的储量报告,我们还没有考虑是否调整黄金价格假设,这需要到年底时再评估。 [35][37]