CERAWeek by S&P Global to Showcase the 2024 Class of Energy Innovation Pioneers
Prnewswire· 2024-03-15 00:52
能源创新先锋计划 - 2024年能源创新先锋计划将在休斯敦举行[1] - 能源创新先锋计划每年在CERAWeek举办,评选标准包括创意、及时性、技术可扩展性和领导力[2] - 2024年的获奖者代表着推动能源转型步伐和路径的新兴技术和商业模式[3] - 2024年的能源创新先锋包括七家公司,他们将在CERAWeek 2024参加Agora Studios会议,探讨初创公司及其创新如何重塑能源系统规模,以及这些创新对全球经济的影响[4] - 能源创新先锋计划是CERAWeek的重要组成部分,体现了技术和创新在能源行业中不可分割的作用[5] CERAWeek 2024 - CERAWeek 2024会探讨与能源市场、政策和地缘政治相关的关键主题[6] - CERAWeek 2024的活动还将包括创新市场,展示能源和相关行业的转型技术平台[7] S&P Global - S&P Global提供必要的情报,帮助政府、企业和个人做出有信心的决策[11]
Prnewswire· 2024-03-14 20:13
Input demand beginning to recover across all major markets, after a protracted nearly two-year period of decline North American suppliers see capacity stretched for the first time in nearly a year as manufacturers, especially in consumer-facing sectors, report growth Global transportation costs fall despite Red Sea disruptions CLARK, N.J., March 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The GEP Global Supply Chain Volatility Index — a leading indicator tracking demand conditions, shortages, transportation costs, inventories ...
Exploring the Multidimensional Energy Transition: S&P Global Unveils its Latest Look Forward Journal
Prnewswire· 2024-03-13 22:05
能源过渡 - S&P Global发布了第六卷《展望:多维过渡》研究系列,深入分析了主要的地缘政治、技术、金融和监管驱动因素,塑造了多维能源过渡的方向和速度[1] - 能源安全是一个高度重要的优先事项,最近几年的事件表明,能源过渡取决于能源安全以稳定的速度和规模进行[3] - 全球每年至少需要新增1,000 GW的新可再生能源容量,以满足COP28承诺将可再生能源容量增加三倍的目标[8]
S&P Global Market Intelligence to Collaborate with DTCC on T+1 Offering
Prnewswire· 2024-03-13 20:30
Organizations plan to link S&P Global Market Intelligence's Onboarding Accelerator with DTCC's ALERT with aim of delivering increased transparency to broker trades and reducing settlement failures NEW YORK, March 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- S&P Global Market Intelligence, a division of S&P Global (NYSE: SPGI) today announced plans to collaborate with DTCC, the premier post-trade market infrastructure for the global financial services industry, to deliver a joint solution to support clients impacted by upcoming ...
Bestselling Author Walter Isaacson, Leaders from ARPA-E, AWS, LanzaTech, Microsoft and Radia Headline Innovation and Technology Programming at CERAWeek by S&P Global 2024
Prnewswire· 2024-03-11 21:00
会议主题 - CERAWeek 2024将于3月18日至22日在休斯顿举行,聚焦于技术、创新和脱碳领域[1] - 多维度能源转型是本次会议的主题,涵盖市场、气候、技术和地缘政治,探讨不同地区、技术、行业策略以及社会政治方法在能源转型中的应用[2] 演讲嘉宾 - 本次会议将邀请众多科技和创新领域的领导者发表讲话,包括Walter Isaacson、Amazon Web Services、Microsoft等知名公司的代表[3]
Bill Gates to Address CERAWeek by S&P Global in Houston, March 18-22
Prnewswire· 2024-03-07 01:06
CERAWeek 2024主题 - 2024年CERAWeek将聚焦“多维能源转型:市场、气候、技术和地缘政治”主题[1] - CERAWeek 2024将探讨多维、多速度和多燃料能源转型策略,反映不同地区、技术、行业战略、社会政治方法和日益多极化世界中的国家优先事项[4] - 2024年CERAWeek会议将探讨与能源市场、政策、公司战略、能源转型、气候可持续性、技术创新和资本转型相关的关键主题[5] 演讲嘉宾 - 比尔·盖茨将作为演讲嘉宾参加第42届CERAWeek by S&P Global,与能源行业领袖、专家、政府官员、科技、金融和工业界领袖共同探讨今年的会议议题[1] - CERAWeek 2024演讲嘉宾包括美国能源部部长詹妮弗·格兰霍姆、沙特阿美总裁兼首席执行官阿明·纳瑟尔、埃克森美孚董事长兼首席执行官达伦·伍兹等[6] 技术展示 - CERAWeek 2024还将设立创新广场,展示能源和相关行业的转型技术平台,涵盖人工智能、脱碳、低碳燃料、网络安全、氢能、核能、矿业和矿产、移动性、自动化等领域[5] 会议信息 - CERAWeek 2024将在休斯敦希尔顿美洲酒店举办,有关注册和代表注册信息可在www.ceraweek.com上获取[8] - 媒体注册现已开放,有意报道CERAWeek 2024的媒体人士需申请认证[9]
Construction sector demand improves in February, PMI shows
Proactive Investors· 2024-03-06 17:52
February brought an improvement in demand for Britain’s construction sector, helping the rate of new business growth reach its fastest since May 2023. At 49.7 in February, S&P Global’s UK Construction Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) was up from 48.8 in January. Housebuilding saw a near-stabilisation of business activity, the financial information firm noted, while residential and commercial construction also saw improving market conditions. “A stabilisation in house building meant that UK construction outpu ...
S&P Global Mobility: US Commercial Truck Market Beats Growth Expectations; New Insights on the Commercial Vehicle Upfit Market Now Available
Prnewswire· 2024-03-05 22:16
New upfit solution from S&P Global Mobility offers new insights into commercial vehicle registrations SOUTHFIELD, Mich., March 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The US commercial vehicle market in 2023 experienced substantial growth and is up 14% year-over-year, according to new analysis from S&P Global Mobility. More than 1.6M new vehicles in the class 1-8 GVW have been registered in 2023. More importantly, new analysis and insights into the commercial vehicle upfit market show that over 45% upfitted vehicles are cu ...
S&P Global Inc. (SPGI) Presents at Annual Raymond James Institutional Investors Conference (Transcript)
2024-03-05 05:48
公司发展 - S&P Global在人工智能、技术和数据方面投入大量资本,以维持与客户的重要关系,并不断升级系统和能力[5] - 公司通过收购Visible Alpha和IHS Markit,提升市场地位和产品创新[15][20] - S&P Global每年投入约1亿至1.3亿美元用于新产品和新想法的投资,推动创新和新服务的增长[33] 业务运营 - S&P Global在管理Ratings业务的周期性波动中学到了重要的经验,包括警惕市场信号、灵活应对周期性挑战和保持核心能力[38] - IHS Markit的收购使S&P Global的订阅收入比例增加,业务模式更加稳定,有助于公司吸收Ratings和Indices业务的波动[44] - 公司在中国市场拥有完全拥有的评级机构许可证,保持承诺使用全球一致的评级标准[74] - S&P Global将印度视为优先市场,拥有印度最大评级机构CRISIL的68%股权,同时在印度市场拥有增长潜力[76] 财务管理 - S&P Global强调资本分配计划,将75%的自由现金流返还给股东,同时保持资本分配的纪律性[64] - 公司注重现金流优化,通过监控现金转换率、应收账款等指标来确保现金流的稳健[81]
US Commercial Vehicle Market Grew 14 percent in 2023, according to S&P Global Mobility
Prnewswire· 2024-02-29 21:23
SOUTHFIELD, Mich., Feb. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Fueled by the resurgence of the rental and leasing industry, US commercial vehicle registrations (GVW 1-8) rose 14% in 2023 compared to 2022, with more than 1.6 million commercial vehicles registered in 2023, according to the latest analysis of new commercial vehicle registration data from S&P Global Mobility. US commercial registrations are also approaching pre-pandemic levels, as 2023 was just 196,000 units shy of 2019 registrations. US fleet industry trend ...