Pfizer Follows Lilly's Example, Unveils DTC Service for Selling Drugs
ZACKS· 2024-08-29 01:11
文章核心观点 - 辉瑞公司推出了一个名为PfizerForAll的直接面向消费者(DTC)的网站,允许患者直接订购公司销售的新冠疫苗、流感药物和偏头痛药物 [1][2][3] - 该DTC平台提供方便的家庭送药服务,并可预约独立医疗专业人士的当天预约,无论是线下还是线上 [2][5] - 该平台不仅提供辉瑞自身的产品,也可预约接种现代公司的新冠疫苗 [4] - 该平台与医疗机构合作,允许患者使用现有的保险和药房福利 [5] - 与辉瑞类似,礼来公司也推出了自己的DTC平台LillyDirect,但目前仅限于提供礼来自身的药品 [8] - 这些DTC平台有助于制药公司直接与消费者沟通,更好地了解他们的需求,同时也可以规避药品福利管理公司等中间商 [10][11] 公司表现 - 今年以来,辉瑞股价上涨0.1%,而同期行业整体上涨27% [7] - 辉瑞目前评级为中性(Zacks Rank 3) [12] 行业动态 - 礼来公司推出了单剂量瘦身药物Zepbound,价格至少比同类药物低50%,旨在缓解目前供应短缺的问题 [9] - 生物通公司(BVS)和Fulcrum Therapeutics(FULC)是目前Zacks评级为强烈买入(Zacks Rank 1)的两只较佳选择 [13] - 生物通公司过去60天内2024年和2025年每股收益预期均有所上调,今年以来股价已上涨83.3% [14][15] - Fulcrum Therapeutics过去60天内2024年和2025年每股亏损预期也有所改善,今年以来股价已上涨31.2% [16]
Why Walgreens Boots Alliance Plunged Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-28 04:01
文章核心观点 - 主要药企正在越来越多地采取直接面向消费者的销售模式 [1] - 沃尔格林药店股价下跌的主要原因是辉瑞和礼来推出了直接面向消费者的电商和远程医疗平台 [3] - 这些直接面向消费者的销售模式可能会对沃尔格林的零售药店业务造成负面影响 [8][10] 行业总结 1. 行业出现直接面向消费者的销售模式 - 辉瑞推出了Pfizerforall平台,提供远程医疗、处方送货等服务 [5] - 礼来推出了LillyDirect电商平台,销售其GLP-1减肥药 [5] 2. 这种直接销售模式可能对传统零售药店业务造成冲击 - 减少了消费者到实体药店的流量,影响零售药店的药品销售 [8][10] - 也可能影响零售药店的其他商品销售 [10] 3. 沃尔格林作为传统零售药店面临长期挑战 - 药品销售占其收入的56%,受到直销模式的冲击 [10] - 已经面临药品利润率下降的压力,现在又面临直销模式的威胁 [10][11] - 可能陷入价值陷阱,难以扭转局面 [12]
Healthy Returns: What to know about the latest round of Pfizer, Moderna Covid vaccines
CNBC· 2024-08-27 22:48
In this articleDXCMModerna Covid-19 Vaccine mRNA 2024-2025 formula.Courtesy: ModernaA version of this article first appeared in CNBC's Healthy Returns newsletter, which brings the latest health-care news straight to your inbox. Subscribe here to receive future editions.It's that time of the year again. A new round of Covid shots is on its way to Americans. The Food and Drug Administration last week approved updated mRNA-based vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna amid a relatively large summer surge of the virus ...
Is Pfizer Stock Still a Buy After an Unexpected Setback?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-26 21:30
文章核心观点 - 辉瑞公司的长期增长计划遭遇了一些挫折 [1] - 辉瑞公司的新冠疫苗Comirnaty贡献了超过1000亿美元的收入,但未来收入预期大幅下降 [4][5] - 辉瑞公司开发的联合流感和新冠疫苗候选药物未能通过临床试验,这可能会导致公司失去一个潜在的大收入来源 [7][10][11] 公司概况 - 辉瑞公司是一家大型制药公司,在过去三年中其股价大幅低于市场 [2] - 公司的主要增长动力之一是其新冠疫苗Comirnaty,但未来收入预期大幅下降 [4][5] - 公司还在开发其他产品,如联合流感和新冠疫苗候选药物,但最近的临床试验失败 [7][10][11] - 公司的肿瘤药物业务预计未来将有较大增长,成为新的增长引擎 [13] - 公司目前估值较低,股价具有一定投资价值 [14][15]
Pfizer and BioNTech Receive U.S. FDA Approval & Authorization for Omicron KP.2-adapted COVID-19 Vaccine
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-23 02:15
The updated COVID-19 vaccine is tailored to the KP.2 strain of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron JN.1 lineage and is recommended for individuals 6 months of age and olderThe KP.2 adaptation is based on FDA guidance, which stated that KP.2 is the preferred strain for COVID-19 vaccines for the US 2024-2025 fall and winter season, if feasibleShipping will begin immediately to ensure robust supply and rapid access of this season’s vaccine in pharmacies, hospitals, and clinics across the country NEW YORK and MAINZ, GERMANY ...
FDA approves updated Pfizer, Moderna Covid vaccines as virus surges; shots to be available within days
CNBC· 2024-08-23 01:36
The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved updated Covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, putting the new shots on track to reach most Americans in the coming days amid a summer surge of the virus. The jabs target a strain called KP.2, a descendant of the highly contagious omicron subvariant JN.1 that began circulating widely in the U.S. earlier this year. KP.2 was the dominant Covid strain in May, but now only accounts for roughly 3% of all U.S. cases as of Saturday, according to the latest Cen ...
How Should You Play Pfizer (PFE) After COVID-Flu Shot Setback?
ZACKS· 2024-08-20 22:46
文章核心观点 - 辉瑞公司及其合作伙伴BioNTech公司开发的一种针对流感和新冠病毒的mRNA组合疫苗在临床试验中未能达到其中一个主要免疫原性目标 [1][2][3] - 尽管该组合疫苗在针对新冠病毒株的抗体反应方面与辉瑞的新冠疫苗Comirnaty相当,但在针对流感B型病毒株的反应中未能达到非劣效性 [3] - 辉瑞公司的新冠相关产品Comirnaty和Paxlovid的销售正在大幅下降,预计2024年收入将进一步下滑 [6] 公司概况 - 辉瑞公司第二季度业绩强劲,超出预期,实现了5个季度以来的首次营收增长 [7] - 辉瑞公司2023年获得9项新药/疫苗批准,预计将推动未来几年的增长 [8] - 辉瑞公司的非新冠业务在2024年上半年实现了14%的营业收入增长,主要得益于主要产品如Prevnar、Vyndaqel和Eliquis以及新上市产品的表现 [9] - 辉瑞公司预计2025-2030年的年复合增长率约为6% [10] - 辉瑞公司收购Seagen公司后,预计2030年Seagen贡献的风险调整收入将超过100亿美元,并有望在2030年之后进一步增长 [11] 肿瘤业务 - 辉瑞公司是肿瘤领域最大和最成功的制药公司之一,肿瘤业务占其总收入的26%以上 [12] - 辉瑞公司肿瘤业务在2024年上半年实现了23%的营业收入增长,主要得益于Xtandi、Lorbrena、Braftovi-Mektovi组合以及Seagen的肿瘤药物 [13] - 辉瑞公司还进军了肿瘤生物类似药领域,并拥有6款肿瘤生物类似药 [13] - 辉瑞公司预计到2030年将拥有8个或更多的肿瘤药物blockbuster [13] 估值与股价 - 辉瑞公司股价今年迄今未能实现任何收益,相比行业上涨24.1%和标普500指数的上涨表现 [14] - 从估值角度来看,辉瑞公司相对行业而言估值较为吸引人,目前股价低于行业平均水平和自身历史平均水平 [16] - 分析师对辉瑞公司2024年和2025年的盈利预测也有所上调 [18] 总结 - 尽管2021/2022年辉瑞公司在新冠疫苗/治疗药物市场占据主导地位,但随着疫情结束,其困境也开始显现 [20] - 然而,辉瑞公司的最坏时期似乎已经过去,其非新冠药品和新近收购的产品开始推动增长 [21] - 辉瑞公司还在肥胖症领域取得进展,并保持了较高的股息收益率,同时还在进行成本控制和内部重组 [22][23] - 尽管最新的临床试验失利,但考虑到辉瑞公司整体的增长前景,这只是一个较小的挫折,投资者可能会继续持有或考虑以低估值买入该公司股票 [24]
Pfizer (PFE), BioNTech COVID-Flu Combo Shot Study Falters
ZACKS· 2024-08-19 22:25
Pfizer (PFE) and partner BioNTech (BNTX) announced that a phase III study evaluating an mRNA-based combination vaccine candidate against influenza and COVID-19 missed one of its two primary immunogenicity objectives. The vaccine combines Pfizer’s investigational mRNA-based influenza vaccine candidate with it and BioNTech’s popular marketed COVID-19 vaccine called Comirnaty. The study was conducted in more than 8000 healthy individuals aged 18-64.The study’s two primary immunogenicity objectives were to demo ...
Pfizer and BioNTech's Combo Shot Missed the Mark. Is It Time to Sell?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-19 16:07
A clinical-trial failure for Pfizer and BioNTech means Moderna is leading the race to develop a combo shot for the flu and COVID-19.Pfizer (PFE -1.43%) and BioNTech (BNTX -2.36%) recently fell behind in their race with Moderna (MRNA 0.25%) to develop new combination shots that could be worth billions in annual sales. Top-line results from an experimental vaccination to protect against influenza and COVID-19 weren't a complete disaster, but there isn't much room for error when it comes to vaccine development ...
Is Pfizer Stock Ready to Bounce Back?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-18 18:02
The stock won't stay down forever.Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer (PFE -1.43%) has been in a bit of a freefall since early 2022, with shares down by 46%. Pfizer's revenue and earnings dropped off a cliff along with its coronavirus-related results as the pandemic started fading, which explains its poor performance over the past 18 months. However, there are clues that Pfizer is starting to make a comeback. That's an important takeaway from Pfizer's second-quarter results. Let's dig in. Revenue is finally moving ...