Petrobras (PBR) Puts Off the Barracuda-Caratinga FPSO Tender
ZACKS· 2024-07-01 19:01
文章核心观点 - 巴西国有石油公司Petrobras(PBR)再次推迟了在Campos盆地Barracuda-Caratinga油田重振业务的浮式生产、储存和卸载(FPSO)船舶招标截止日期 [1][2] - 这种反复推迟反映了PBR在吸引浮式公司参与其招标机会方面的持续挑战 [2] 行业和公司概况 - Barracuda-Caratinga油田位于巴西富产的Campos盆地,是PBR的重要资产,为该国石油产量做出了重大贡献,其重振对维持产量水平至关重要 [3] - 但吸引FPSO投标人一直很困难,导致多次推迟截止日期 [3] - PBR在吸引浮式公司参与其招标方面的困难是一个值得关注的问题,今年早些时候公司取消了为Albacora油田招租浮式设备的竞争,最近在Sergipe-Alagoas盆地深水区招租两艘FPSO的招标中只收到一家本地参与者的报价,这些挑战突出了招标过程和PBR招标机会吸引力的更广泛问题 [4] 对公司和行业的影响 - Barracuda-Caratinga油田FPSO招标的持续推迟对PBR的运营产生直接影响,可能导致产量下降,影响公司的市场地位,并影响整个供应链和运营时间表 [5] - 这些推迟可能会对PBR的市场形象产生负面影响,投资者和利益相关方可能将其视为公司效率低下或运营挑战的迹象,维护投资者信心对于PBR至关重要 [6] - PBR在吸引Barracuda-Caratinga和其他油田FPSO投标人方面的困难反映了更广泛的行业趋势,可能表明浮式公司对新项目持谨慎态度,受经济不确定性和不断变化的市场动态的影响 [7] 解决方案 - 解决这些挑战需要采取多方面的方法,包括提高招标吸引力、培养合作伙伴关系和利用技术 [8] - 通过正视并解决这些挑战,PBR可以为成功的项目执行铺平道路,维持其作为全球石油天然气行业领导者的地位 [9]
Petrobras (PBR) Stock Falls Amid Market Uptick: What Investors Need to Know
ZACKS· 2024-06-27 06:55
The most recent trading session ended with Petrobras (PBR) standing at $14.21, reflecting a -0.63% shift from the previouse trading day's closing. This change lagged the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.16%. On the other hand, the Dow registered a gain of 0.04%, and the technology-centric Nasdaq increased by 0.49%. The oil and gas company's stock has dropped by 6.23% in the past month, falling short of the Oils-Energy sector's loss of 0.71% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.22%. The investment community will be closely ...
Petrobras (PBR) Signs Gas Supply Deal With Gerdau, Naturgy
ZACKS· 2024-06-25 18:45
文章核心观点 - 巴西国有石油天然气公司Petrobras(PBR)、钢铁生产商Gerdau S.A.(GGB)和西班牙天然气及电力公用事业公司Naturgy Energy Group S.A.签署了一项天然气供应协议,标志着里约热内卢自由市场交易模式的开创性举措[1][2][6] - 这一协议扩大了PBR和GGB之间的现有合作关系,为GGB其他工业单位未来可能转向自由市场奠定了基础[2] 关键要点总结 战略合作的重要性 - 靠近客户是关键,有助于理解客户需求,PBR提供多样化的合同产品组合以满足客户需求[3] - PBR提供更灵活的合同,客户可根据需求选择合适的组合,提高客户满意度和适应性[4] 提升竞争力和可持续性 - 这一创新合作有助于提升GGB Cosigua工厂的竞争力,符合GGB的长期发展战略和脱碳目标[5] - Naturgy在推动里约热内卢天然气市场开放方面发挥了重要作用,有助于提高行业竞争力,降低天然气价格[6] 基础设施投资和国内天然气供应 - PBR计划未来数年内在天然气领域投资超过46.5亿美元,以支持基础设施扩张和增加国内天然气供应能力[7][8] - 这些投资有助于减少对天然气进口的依赖,提高巴西的能源安全[8] GGB的市场地位和前景 - GGB是巴西最大的钢铁生产商,在美洲长材钢和全球特殊钢领域处于领先地位[9] - GGB是全球最大的木炭生产商,在可持续生产实践方面处于领先地位[10]
Petrobras (PBR) Starts Drilling Uchuva-2 Well in Colombia
ZACKS· 2024-06-24 19:20
Petrobras (PBR) , a Brazilian oil and gas company, in partnership with Colombia-based integrated oil and gas company Ecopetrol S.A. (EC) , has commenced the drilling of the Uchuva-2 well in the Tayrona block, located offshore Colombia’s Caribbean coast. This move is part of a broader strategy to boost Colombia's natural gas reserves and enhance the country's energy security. The Uchuva-2 appraisal well aims to confirm the size of the natural gas discovery made at the Uchuva-1 exploration well in July 2022, ...
Petrobras (PBR) Rises As Market Takes a Dip: Key Facts
ZACKS· 2024-06-21 06:55
Petrobras (PBR) ended the recent trading session at $14.01, demonstrating a +1.37% swing from the preceding day's closing price. The stock's change was more than the S&P 500's daily loss of 0.25%. At the same time, the Dow added 0.77%, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq lost 0.79%. Shares of the oil and gas company have depreciated by 7.87% over the course of the past month, underperforming the Oils-Energy sector's loss of 5.24% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.59%. Analysts and investors alike will be keeping a close ey ...
Petrobras: Focus On The 4X P/E Ratio, Not The 13% Yield (Rating Upgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-20 20:16
herraez Petrolco Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras (NYSE:PBR) is a Brazilian energy company with a long-term plan in place to grow energy production. Petrobras is chiefly a capital supply dynamics, which could lead to an up-trend in petroleum prices... from which Petrobras could also benefit as a large-scale energy producer. I believe that shares of Petrobras are a solid buy, in the context of OPEC+ curbing supplies, and I would recommend investors focus on valuation upside instead of the 13% forward dividend yie ...
Petrobras (PBR) Suffers a Larger Drop Than the General Market: Key Insights
ZACKS· 2024-06-15 06:50
The latest trading session saw Petrobras (PBR) ending at $13.59, denoting a -1.52% adjustment from its last day's close. The stock fell short of the S&P 500, which registered a loss of 0.04% for the day. Meanwhile, the Dow lost 0.15%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, added 0.12%. Shares of the oil and gas company have depreciated by 9.39% over the course of the past month, underperforming the Oils-Energy sector's loss of 6.02% and the S&P 500's gain of 4.15%. Analysts and investors alike will be keeping ...
Petrobras (PBR) to Develop Advanced Subsea Pumping Technology
ZACKS· 2024-06-14 22:10
Petrobras S.A. (PBR) , the Brazilian state-owned energy giant, has joined forces with Curtiss-Wright Corporation (CW) to proceed with the development of a fully electric subsea pumping system. The system will be designed to make it significantly less reliant on the production platform. The partnership has decided to use hermetically sealed (canned) motors instead of traditional mechanical seals for the subsea pumping motors. This should significantly increase the efficiency and reliability of the pumping sy ...
Petrobras (PBR), Shearwater Team Up for Seismic Innovation
ZACKS· 2024-06-13 19:05
Petrobras (PBR) , a Brazilian oil and gas company, and Shearwater GeoServices, a renowned seismic acquisition company, recently signed a five-year agreement. The partnership will focus on joint research and development (R&D) efforts to revolutionize seismic processing and acquisition technologies. This agreement built upon the existing successful collaborations between the two companies, which involved Marine Vibroseis technology and Reveal software licensing. The newly established Memorandum of Understandi ...
Petrobras (PBR), Baker Hughes Ink Well Construction Contract
ZACKS· 2024-06-11 19:00
Petrobras (PBA) , recently announced its partnership with Baker Hughes (BKR) , one of the world's largest oil field services companies, for critical offshore oil and gas services in Brazil. This collaboration, set to commence in 2025, marks a significant milestone for each entity promising enhanced operational efficiency and unparalleled service delivery. Focus on Workover and Plug and Abandonment (P&A) At the heart of this agreement lies two well-lifecycle services. Workover activities involve intervention ...