MSCI(MSCI) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
2024-04-23 18:51
财务表现 - MSCI Inc.(NYSE: MSCI)2024年第一季度营收为6.8亿美元,同比增长14.8%[3] - MSCI Inc.第一季度调整后每股收益为3.52美元,同比增长12.1%[3] - MSCI Inc.第一季度有126.8万美元的股息支付给股东,董事会宣布2024年第二季度每股1.60美元的现金股息[3] - MSCI Inc.第一季度运营费用为3.4亿美元,同比增长22.7%[9] - MSCI Inc.第一季度总体运营收入为6.8亿美元,同比增长14.8%[6] - MSCI Inc.第一季度调整后EBITDA为3.84亿美元,同比增长11.3%[10] - MSCI Inc.第一季度净利润为2.56亿美元,同比增长7.2%[15] - MSCI Inc.第一季度运营利润为3.39亿美元,同比增长7.9%[12] - 资本支出为2420万美元,经营活动净现金流增长13.6%,达到3.001亿美元[30] - 第一季度2024年,稀释后加权平均股份为7950万股,同比减少1.2%[31] 财务展望 - 公司在本季度修订了信贷协议,提供了总额为12.5亿美元的循环信贷额度[29] - 2024年全年指引包括运营费用、调整后的EBITDA费用、利息费用、折旧和摊销费用等[33] - 2024年第二季度将支付每股1.60美元的现金股息[32] - 公司将于2024年5月31日向股东支付约1.268亿美元的股息[32] 非GAAP财务指标 - 自由现金流是投资者的重要指标,反映了MSCI的经营现金流与用于继续和改善业务运营的资本之间的关系[57] - 有机营收增长是衡量MSCI经营绩效的重要指标,调整了外汇汇率波动的影响,并排除了对可比年度的收入影响[58] - 非GAAP财务指标有助于进行有意义的期间对比,并为未来结果的评估提供了基准[59] - 调整后的EBITDA支出、EBITDA利润率、EBITDA、调整后的净收入、调整后的每股收益、资本支出、自由现金流和有机营收增长的定义因公司而异,可能与其他公司的同名非GAAP财务指标不可比[60] - 外汇汇率波动的影响调整包括已调整外汇波动影响的基于资产的费用,但未调整基于资产的费用的主要组成部分AUM的外汇波动影响[62] 资产管理 - 第一季度2024年,MSCI股票指数ETF的资产管理规模(AUM)从去年12月的1,468.9亿美元增长至1,582.6亿美元,同比增长7.7%[72] - MSCI股票指数ETF的期末基点费率从2023年12月的2.50%略微下降至2024年3月的2.48%[72] - 截至2024年3月31日,MSCI各业务板块的年度运行率总额为2,726.48万美元,同比增长14.6%[74] - MSCI的调整后EBITDA为383,573千美元,较去年同期增长11.3%[75] - MSCI的调整后净收入为280,229千美元,每股调整后收益为3.52美元,同比增长11.8%[76] - MSCI的调整后EBITDA费用为296,392千美元,同比增长19.6%[78] - MSCI的自由现金流为275,900千美元,较去年同期增长13.7%[80] - MSCI的运营收入增长率为14.8%,其中私人资产板块的运营收入增长最为显著,达到66.0%[81]
Why MSCI Might Surprise This Earnings Season
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-22 22:56
Investors are always looking for stocks that are poised to beat at earnings season and MSCI Inc. (MSCI) may be one such company. The firm has earnings coming up pretty soon, and events are shaping up quite nicely for their report.That is because MSCI is seeing favorable earnings estimate revision activity as of late, which is generally a precursor to an earnings beat. After all, analysts raising estimates right before earnings — with the most up-to-date information possible — is a pretty good indicator of s ...
Exploring Analyst Estimates for MSCI (MSCI) Q1 Earnings, Beyond Revenue and EPS
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-18 22:21
分析师预测 - 分析师预计MSCI将在即将发布的季度报告中每股收益为3.44美元,同比增长9.6% [1] - 预计营收将达到6.8253亿美元,同比增长15.3% [1] - 在过去30天内,对本季度的每股收益预期进行了1.3%的上调 [2] - 在公司公布财报之前,重要考虑对盈利预期的任何变化,这对预测投资者对股票的潜在反应是有价值的 [3] - 分析师通常依赖共识盈利和营收预期来评估公司在季度中的表现,但审查一些公司关键指标的分析师预测通常有助于获得更深入的洞察 [4]
MSCI (MSCI) Earnings Expected to Grow: Should You Buy?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-16 23:06
MSCI (MSCI) is expected to deliver a year-over-year increase in earnings on higher revenues when it reports results for the quarter ended March 2024. This widely-known consensus outlook gives a good sense of the company's earnings picture, but how the actual results compare to these estimates is a powerful factor that could impact its near-term stock price.The stock might move higher if these key numbers top expectations in the upcoming earnings report, which is expected to be released on April 23. On the o ...
MSCI to Participate in Upcoming Investor Events; Publishes Investor Presentation
Businesswire· 2024-02-22 22:57
公司介绍 - MSCI公司是全球投资社区的关键决策支持工具和服务提供商[3] - MSCI公司拥有50多年的研究、数据和技术专业知识[4] 公司活动 - MSCI公司宣布管理团队将参加投资者活动[1] - MSCI公司发布投资者演示文稿[2]
AI predicts MSCI stock price for the end of 2024
Finbold· 2024-02-14 17:53
MSCI Inc (NYSE: MSCI) is a prominent global provider of various financial instruments and services. Its offerings include equity, fixed income, and real estate indices alongside multi-asset portfolio analysis tools. Additionally, MSCI specializes in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and climate-focused products, contributing to its comprehensive offerings in the finance sector.MSCI has computed its global equity indices since 1969, with the MSCI World being a notable example. In 2018, MSCI signifi ...
Earnings Growth & Price Strength Make MSCI (MSCI) a Stock to Watch
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-13 23:31
Here at Zacks, we offer our members many different opportunities to take full advantage of the stock market, as well as how to invest in ways that lead to long-term success.The Zacks Premium service, which provides daily updates of the Zacks Rank and Zacks Industry Rank; full access to the Zacks #1 Rank List; Equity Research reports; and Premium stock screens like the Earnings ESP filter, makes these more manageable goals. All of the features can help you identify what stocks to buy, what to sell, and what ...
MSCI Equity Indexes February 2024 Index Review
Businesswire· 2024-02-13 07:33
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--MSCI Inc. (NYSE:MSCI), a leading provider of critical decision support tools and services for the global investment community, announced the results of the February 2024 Index Review for the MSCI Equity Indexes - including the MSCI Global Standard, MSCI Global Small Cap and MSCI Micro Cap Indexes, the MSCI Global Value and Growth Indexes, the MSCI Frontier Markets, and MSCI Frontier Markets Small Cap Indexes, the MSCI Global Islamic and MSCI Global Islamic Small Cap Indexes, the MSC ...
MSCI(MSCI) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-02-09 00:00
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 ________________________________________________________ FORM 10-K ________________________________________________________ (Mark One) x ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 o TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from ___________ to ___________ Commission file number 00 ...
MSCI Expands Custom Index Offering With Acquisition of Foxberry
Businesswire· 2024-02-07 21:00
MSCI收购Foxberry公司 - MSCI宣布签署购买协议,收购总部位于伦敦的Foxberry公司,提供面向投资者的前台指数技术[1] - Foxberry成立于2014年,致力于构建和交付由技术驱动的投资解决方案,通过其foxf9®平台实现指数和分析,专注于指数和策略创建,包括超定制化、广泛的回测和模拟能力、可持续性标准和报告[2] - Foxberry和foxf9®指数和分析工具集的战略整合将增强MSCI现有的指数定制解决方案,提供新的客户中心、互动体验,进一步扩大交付客户构想的能力,并引入适用于各种投资者的新功能[3]