Moody's (MCO) Q2 Earnings Beat on Solid Bond Issuance Volume
ZACKS· 2024-07-23 21:01
文章核心观点 - Moody's公司第二季度业绩超预期,每股调整后收益为3.28美元,超过市场预期的3.06美元 [1] - 公司收益增长得益于全球债券发行量增加和对分析服务的稳定需求,但运营成本上升是一大挑战 [2][3][4] - Moody's公司的流动性状况良好,并进行了股票回购 [8][9][10] - 公司提高了2024年全年业绩指引,预计调整后每股收益将在11.00-11.40美元之间 [11][12][13] 分组1: 财务表现 - 第二季度收入同比增长22%至18.2亿美元,超过市场预期 [4] - 总费用同比增长10%至9.82亿美元 [4] - 调整后营业利润同比增长38%至9.02亿美元,调整后营业利润率由43.7%提升至49.6% [5] 分组2: 业务表现 - Moody's Investors Service收入同比增长36%至10亿美元,主要得益于企业融资、公共项目和基础设施融资以及结构融资业务的良好表现 [6] - Moody's Analytics收入同比增长7%至8.02亿美元,主要受益于对Moody's专有数据和分析洞见的强劲需求 [7] 分组3: 财务状况 - 截至2024年6月30日,公司现金及现金等价物和短期投资总额为27亿美元,较2023年12月31日的21.9亿美元有所增加 [8] - 公司有69亿美元的未偿债务,并拥有12.5亿美元的额外借款额度 [9]
Moody’s(MCO) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Results
2024-07-23 18:58
MOODY'S CORPORATION REPORTS RESULTS FOR SECOND QUARTER 2024 NEW YORK, NY - July 23, 2024 - Moody's Corporation (NYSE: MCO) today announced results for the second quarter of 2024, and updated select metrics within its outlook for full year 2024. | --- | --- | --- | |---------------------|-------------------|---------------------------| | Moody's Corporation | Moody's Analytics | Moody's Investors Service | | (MCO) Revenue | (MA) Revenue | (MIS) Revenue | | 2Q 2024 | 2Q 2024 | 2Q 2024 | | $1.8 billion ⇑ 22% | ...
Moody's: Q2 Earnings, What To Expect And What I Am Doing As Investor
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-20 12:11
fazon1 Duopolies are one of the best places to be invested in. One of the duopolies I have exposure to is the credit rating business. Alright, it actually has three main players, but two of them do get the lion's share of the market. I am talking about S&P Global (SPGI) and Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO). I currently own a stake in the former, initiated in October 2023 and then increased after its Q1 earnings report, which made it trade down a bit. At the same time, I keep a close eye on Moody's, as I c ...
Strong Global Bond Issuances to Aid Moody's (MCO) Q2 Earnings
ZACKS· 2024-07-20 00:41
文章核心观点 - 穆迪(MCO)将于7月23日公布2024年第二季度业绩 [1] - 穆迪投资者服务(MIS)部门的企业金融业务线可能在本季度实现了稳健的收入增长 [1] - 全球发行活动在2024年第二季度保持强劲,受益于企业债券息差收缩 [2][3] 业务线总结 企业金融业务线 - 该业务线是MIS部门最大的收入来源 [1] - 预计该业务线收入将同比增长35.1%至4.93亿美元 [4] 金融机构业务线 - 预计该业务线收入将保持不变,为1.45亿美元 [4] 公共、项目和基础设施金融业务线 - 预计该业务线收入将同比增长10.2%至1.4亿美元 [5] 结构融资业务线 - 住房抵押贷款支持证券、抵押债务凭证和资产支持证券的季度发行量保持强劲 - 预计该业务线收入将同比增长17.6%至1.2亿美元 [6] MIS部门整体 - 预计MIS部门总收入将同比增长18.7%至9.41亿美元 [7] 穆迪分析(MA)部门 - 随着对分析服务的需求上升,MA部门各业务单元的收入预计将增长 [8] - 公司通过并购等方式提高该部门盈利能力的努力预计将提供一定支持 [8] - 预计MA部门总收入将同比增长9.3%至8.21亿美元 [9] 其他关键因素 - 由于并购和重组等战略举措,公司整体费用预计将有所增加 [10] - 根据公司的盈利预测模型,穆迪有较大可能超越市场预期的盈利 [11] - 第二季度预计每股收益为3.02美元,同比增长31.3% [12] - 预计总收入为17.4亿美元,同比增长16.3% [12]
Are You Looking for a Top Momentum Pick? Why Moody's (MCO) is a Great Choice
ZACKS· 2024-07-19 01:02
Momentum investing is all about the idea of following a stock's recent trend, which can be in either direction. In the 'long' context, investors will essentially be "buying high, but hoping to sell even higher." And for investors following this methodology, taking advantage of trends in a stock's price is key; once a stock establishes a course, it is more than likely to continue moving in that direction. The goal is that once a stock heads down a fixed path, it will lead to timely and profitable trades.Whil ...
Moody's (MCO) Earnings Expected to Grow: What to Know Ahead of Next Week's Release
ZACKS· 2024-07-16 23:07
文章核心观点 - 摩根士丹利(Moody's)预计在2024年6月季度报告中将实现营收和利润同比增长[1][2][4] - 摩根士丹利的实际业绩是否超出预期将是影响其股价短期走势的关键因素[2][3] - 分析师对摩根士丹利业绩的预测修正趋势也是投资者需要关注的重点[5][6] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 业绩预期 - 摩根士丹利预计2024年第二季度每股收益为2.95美元,同比增长28.3%[4] - 预计营收为16.9亿美元,同比增长13.3%[4] 预测修正趋势 - 分析师过去30天内将摩根士丹利的每股收益预测下调了0.06%[5] - 这反映了分析师对公司业绩的集体预期调整[5][6] 业绩超预期分析 - 摩根士丹利的最新预测值高于共识预期,预示着分析师近期对公司业绩前景更为乐观[12] - 这导致公司的预期惊喜概率(Earnings ESP)为+2.8%[12] - 加上公司目前的评级为买入评级,表明摩根士丹利很可能会超出共识预期[12][13] 历史业绩表现 - 摩根士丹利在上一季度的实际每股收益为3.37美元,超出预期10.13%[14] - 过去4个季度,公司有3次超出共识预期[14] 行业同行表现 - 另一家行业公司Applied Digital Corporation预计2024年第二季度每股收益为0.24美元,同比下降242.9%[18] - 其营收预计为4.27亿美元,同比增长93.7%[18] - 但Applied Digital Corporation的预期惊喜概率为-15.46%,加上目前的评级为强卖,预计很难超出共识预期[19][20]
Moody's (MCO) Expands in Africa's Credit Market With GCR Buyout
ZACKS· 2024-07-09 23:12
Moody’s Corp. (MCO) has fully acquired Global Credit Rating Company Limited (GCR). This move expands the company’s footprint in Africa’s domestic credit markets. The terms of the deal were kept under wraps.In 2022, Moody’s initially announced the acquisition of a majority stake in GCR Ratings.Global Credit Rating has a presence across the continent, including in countries like Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Senegal and Mauritius. The firm rates a broad range of entities, including financial institutions, cor ...
Moody's (MCO) Moves to Buy: Rationale Behind the Upgrade
ZACKS· 2024-07-09 01:01
文章核心观点 - 穆迪公司(Moody's)被评级机构Zacks上调至2级(买入),这反映了公司盈利预期的上升趋势,这是影响股价的最强大力量之一 [1][4][6] - 评级机构Zacks的评级系统有较强的预测能力,能有效把握公司盈利预期变化对股价的影响 [7][8] - 穆迪公司的盈利预期有所上升,预计2024财年每股收益将同比增长9% [9][10] 行业总结 - 评级机构Zacks的评级系统通过跟踪分析师对公司未来盈利的预测,能有效把握公司业绩变化对股价的影响 [2][3][5][7] - Zacks评级系统将公司划分为5个等级,只有前20%的公司获得"买入"评级,这反映了其盈利预期的优势,有望在短期内实现超额收益 [11][13]
Moody's (MCO) Forms Strategic Alliance to Boost ESG Solutions
ZACKS· 2024-07-03 01:11
文章核心观点 - 穆迪公司(MCO)和MSCI公司(MSCI)建立了战略合作伙伴关系,以利用双方的优势提高环境、社会和治理(ESG)以及可持续性方面的透明度,并为市场和决策提供更好的支持[1][2][3][4][5] - 这一合作有利于穆迪公司的客户获得MSCI公司领先的ESG评级和内容,同时也有利于MSCI公司扩大其对私营公司ESG覆盖范围[2][3][4] - 双方还将评估利用穆迪公司的私营公司数据和信用评分模型提供更深入的洞见,以服务于私人信贷市场[5] - 这一合作不会影响穆迪公司的信用评级业务,该公司将继续提供ESG因素对信用评级的重大影响的透明度[6] - 这一举措符合穆迪公司扩大业务规模和增强产品与解决方案的目标,体现在其近年来的一系列收购行动中[7] 行业概况 - 行业内其他公司如贝莱德(BLK)和AssetMark Financial Holdings Inc.(AMK)也采取了类似的战略合作举措,以扩大服务能力,满足客户需求[9][10][11][12] 公司概况 - 穆迪公司目前在Zacks排名中为第4级(卖出)[8] - 过去6个月,公司股价上涨10.4%,而行业平均仅上涨0.8%[7]
Wide Moat Dividend Growth - What Makes Moody's Such A Powerful Compounder
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-10 14:38
Jitalia17 Introduction It's time to talk about one of the dividend stock stocks on my 28-stock watch list. On that watch list, I'm holding most of the companies I discuss on Seeking Alpha for potential inclusion in my dividend growth portfolio, which currently holds 21 individual stocks. One of my favorites on that list is the Moody's Corporation (NYSE:MCO), a stock I haven't covered since February 20, when I went with the somewhat boring title "Moody's Poised To Benefit From A Diversified Business Model." ...