Europe Heating Equipment Market Report 2023-2033 with Competitive Analysis of Leading Players, Johnson Controls, Vaillant Group, and Robert Bosch
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-12-19 17:01
Dublin, Dec. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Europe Heating Equipment Market: Focus on Application, Product Type, Fuel Type, and Country - Analysis and Forecast, 2023-2033" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.The Europe heating equipment market is projected to reach $53.65 billion by 2033 from $31.27 billion in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 5.55% during the forecast period 2023-2033 The growing emphasis on sustainability and energy efficiency in the region is propelling the market for ...
Johnson Controls Stock Exhibits Strong Prospects Despite Headwinds
ZACKS· 2024-12-13 01:05
Johnson Controls International plc (JCI) has been experiencing strong momentum in the Building Solutions North America and Building Solutions Europe, Middle East, Africa/Latin America (EMEA/LA) segments. Solid demand for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) platforms in data centers and strength in controls businesses are driving the Building Solutions North America segment.Strength in control, security and industrial refrigeration businesses is supporting the Building Solutions EMEA/LA segment. ...
Johnson Controls prices senior notes offering
Prnewswire· 2024-12-05 05:15
CORK, Ireland, Dec. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Johnson Controls International plc (NYSE: JCI) (the "Company" or "Johnson Controls"), a global leader for smart, healthy and sustainable buildings, today announced the pricing of its offering of €500 million senior notes due 2033. The net proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes, including the repayment, redemption or refinancing of outstanding commercial paper and other near-term indebtedness. General corporate purposes may also include acquisitions, ...
Why Shares of Johnson Controls Surged Again in November
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-04 17:18
Heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), and building controls company Johnson Controls (JCI -1.42%) rose by 11% in November, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence. The catalyst for the move comes from the company's fourth-quarter earnings report, released early in the month. The earnings confirmed the powerful investment case for the stock and just why it's one of the most attractive stocks in the industrial sector.Johnson Controls' excellent results and guidanceNot only did fourth-qu ...
Johnson Controls Named an IoT Digital Platform Leader
Prnewswire· 2024-11-26 21:45
文章核心观点 - Johnson Controls被独立行业分析师公司Verdantix评为建筑运营领域物联网数字平台领导者,主要得益于其OpenBlue数字生态系统的强大功能和特性 [1][2][5] 公司荣誉 - Johnson Controls在Verdantix的Green Quadrant: IoT Digital Platforms For Building Operations 2024报告中被评为领导者 [1][2][5] - OpenBlue在'capabilities'类别中获得最高评分,特别是在全面的基础设施和自动化方面 [3] - OpenBlue在'momentum'类别中也表现强劲,包括客户采用率、战略投资、交易结构和规模 [6] 产品功能 - OpenBlue通过AI驱动的洞察力提升建筑性能,包括提高能源效率、减少碳排放、优化空间使用和设备性能,以及确保居住者的健康和福祉 [1] - OpenBlue提供远程管理和监控建筑组合的功能,确保运营效率、节能和维护管理 [3] - OpenBlue通过提供全面的基础设施和自动化,帮助用户主动做出决策,节省能源、延长设备寿命并提高建筑运营商的生产力 [3] 市场影响 - 建筑业主正在利用数字化转型来简化运营并提升租户体验,OpenBlue等创新物联网解决方案为此铺平了道路 [7] - Green Quadrant报告以其全面的评估和基准测试方法而闻名,为物业所有者、资产管理公司、房地产高管和设施经理提供深入见解,帮助他们选择最适合其需求的供应商 [8] 公司发展 - Johnson Controls通过2023年收购FM:Systems,进一步扩展了OpenBlue的功能,增加了空间性能功能 [5] - Johnson Controls在Verdantix的Green Quadrant研究中已连续五年被提及,并在2019年首次进入领导者类别 [5] - Johnson Controls最近还被列为Green Quadrant: Energy Management Software 2023报告中的领导者 [5]
Lincoln Tech, Johnson Controls Celebrate First Graduating Class from JCI Academy at Denver Campus
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-11-26 04:00
PARSIPPANY, NJ – November 25, 2024, Nov. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lincoln Educational Services Corporation (NASDAQ: LINC), a national leader in specialized technical training for more than 75 years, announces the graduation of eight new technicians from its specialized Johnson Controls International (JCI) Academy program at the Denver, CO campus. This is the first group to graduate from the Denver location; the JCI Academy has also operated at Lincoln’s Columbia, MD campus since the Fall of 2022. Since ...
Here's Why You Should Avoid Investing in Johnson Controls Now
ZACKS· 2024-11-22 00:05
Johnson Controls International plc (JCI) has failed to impress investors with its recent operational performance due to continued softness across its Building Solutions Asia Pacific segment. Also, given the company’s extensive international presence, foreign currency headwind is an added uncertainty.Headquartered in Ireland, the company’s operations include the creation of intelligent buildings, providing efficient energy solutions and integrated infrastructure. Johnson Controls provides building systems, i ...
Johnson Controls(JCI) - 2024 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-11-19 23:50
财务业绩 - 2024财年,公司因全球通胀、供应链中断等因素经历材料成本上涨,但需求增加和价格上涨抵消了通胀对收入的影响,同时供应链中断缓解和高价积压订单转化为销售使利润率提高[37] 安全事故率 - 2024财年公司的OSHA总可记录事故率(TRIR)为0.34,损失工时(或损失工作日)事故率(LTIR)为0.13[54] 人员招聘与晋升 - 2024财年超过一半的开放管理职位由内部人员填补[62] - 2024年公司旗舰女性领导力(WIL)项目自2022年成立以来参与人数总计增长162%,原同期参与者中有28%在项目完成后得到晋升[66] 员工培训与学习 - 2024财年公司提供了近225,000项活动的丰富课程,员工完成了超过117万项学习活动,总学习时长为158万小时,平均每位员工近20小时[67] 员工构成 - 2024年9月30日全球约有94000名员工,其中美国约35000名,美国以外约59000名[69] - 约22000名员工受集体谈判协议或工会覆盖[69] - 员工总数中男性占77%,女性占23%,少数族裔(仅指美国员工)占31%;管理人员中男性占79%,女性占21%,少数族裔(仅指美国员工)占22%[70] 销售季节性 - 部分销售具有季节性,夏季对住宅空调设备和服务需求增加[71] 研发支出 - 研发支出参考合并财务报表附注1“重要会计政策摘要”[72] 研发方向 - 公司致力于将新产品研发的大部分投入气候和效率相关创新[72] - 公司投资提升产品线和服务能力,包括OpenBlue平台及相关服务、数字产品能力、节能产品、低全球变暖潜能值制冷剂和技术[72] 信息获取 - 公司向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件可在公司网站和SEC网站免费获取[73] - 公司免费提供道德准则、公司治理指南、董事会委员会章程等信息[73]
Johnson Controls Academy Doubles Training Capacity to Tackle National Skilled Building Systems Technician Shortage
Prnewswire· 2024-11-19 03:34
文章核心观点 - Johnson Controls与Lincoln Tech合作扩展学院项目以应对建筑系统行业技术人员短缺问题满足市场需求 [1][2][4] Johnson Controls相关 - Johnson Controls是智能健康和可持续建筑领域的全球领导者 [1] - 公司继续扩展其行业领先的全国劳动力发展计划Johnson Controls Academy [1] - 扩展后的项目每年将在美国雇佣超过300名安全和消防安装及服务技术人员 [1] - 目标是每年培训300多名新技术人员以应对行业需求 [4] - 公司在建筑解决方案方面有近140年的创新历史 [7] - 公司拥有全球100000名专家分布在150多个国家提供建筑技术软件和服务解决方案 [7] Lincoln Tech相关 - Lincoln Tech是一家领先的多元化职业导向的高等教育提供商 [9] - 自1946年成立以来为劳动力提供技术人员 [9] - 目前在13个州运营22个校区有四个品牌 [10] 项目相关 - 扩展项目在Lincoln Tech的丹佛校区开展将使JCI学院培训的技术人员数量翻倍补充马里兰校区的现有项目 [2] - 项目提供六周的强化培训以填补技术劳动力缺口为安全和消防安装及服务角色做准备 [4] - 项目提供实践培训并支持参与者在项目期间的住宿和完成后的搬迁费用毕业生毕业后一年内有留存教练支持 [4] - 合作始于2018年用尖端设备和技术提升课堂体验 [5] 行业相关 - 行业面临建筑技术人员严重短缺问题46%的人力资源专业人士认为熟练工种职位“非常难”填补 [2] - 随着企业和市政当局对设施升级改造需求增加对管理维护和排除复杂建筑系统故障的高技能劳动力需求大增 [3]
Johnson Controls Boosts AI Capabilities in OpenBlue Digital Ecosystem
ZACKS· 2024-11-14 22:10
Johnson Controls International plc (JCI) has upgraded the Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities in its OpenBlue Enterprise Manager suite (part of the OpenBlue digital ecosystem). These updates feature the first generative AI applications for customers, improved building controls and a better user experience.The OpenBlue digital ecosystem is a suite of interconnected smart building solutions to improve the performance, efficiency and sustainability of buildings. It leverages cutting-edge technologies suc ...