IBM Stock's "Lost Decade" Is Finally Over
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-23 19:10
IBM转型历程 - IBM在过去的十年中经历了重大变化,包括剥离、分拆或退出多项业务,如半导体制造、通用服务器系统和托管基础设施服务[2] - IBM的转型历程艰难曲折,但通过转型,公司已经完成了大部分工作,股价在过去一年里上涨了超过50%,这可能只是开始[3] IBM咨询业务优势 - IBM的咨询业务是其关键竞争优势之一,尽管咨询服务的利润不如软件,但两者相互促进,客户需要解决方案,而不仅仅是软件[5] - IBM CEO Arvind Krishna表示,咨询是公司为客户提供价值主张的核心驱动力[6] IBM战略合作与业务增长 - IBM愿意深度整合其他公司的产品和服务到其提供给客户的解决方案中,这为公司赢得了战略合作伙伴关系和业务[7] - IBM的增长虽然不是惊人的,但公司的业绩在大多数经济环境下应该表现良好,预计2024年调整后的收入将实现中单位数增长,自由现金流约为120亿美元[10] IBM股票投资前景 - IBM股票虽然在上涨中变得更贵,但仍然不算昂贵,市值约为1760亿美元,股价低于预期自由现金流的15倍,估值仍然合理[11] - 过去十年对投资者来说是痛苦的,但现在终于看到了曙光,有了以混合云计算和人工智能为核心的平台战略,IBM股票看起来是一个稳健的长期投资[12]
The Facts Are In -- IBM Succeeded Where Investors Thought It Would Fail
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-23 15:10
公司历史 - IBM是一个历史悠久的公司,成立于1911年,经历了多次业务转型和调整[7] 业务转型 - 公司在过去几年里经历了一些挑战,但通过不断调整和改变,成功实现了业务转型,重点发展高利润的业务领域[10] - IBM的CEO在过去的业务转型中做出了一些决策,包括退出一些不再有吸引力的业务领域,加大对人工智能、云计算和量子计算等领域的投资[9][10] 财务表现 - 公司的财务业绩逐渐好转,投资者对IBM的未来发展充满信心,认为公司有能力在竞争激烈的科技行业中持续发展[11][13]
Why IBM (IBM) Outpaced the Stock Market Today
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-20 06:51
IBM (IBM) ended the recent trading session at $193.34, demonstrating a +0.86% swing from the preceding day's closing price. The stock's change was more than the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.57%. Elsewhere, the Dow saw an upswing of 0.83%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq appreciated by 0.39%. Shares of the technology and consulting company witnessed a gain of 2.16% over the previous month, trailing the performance of the Computer and Technology sector with its gain of 3.42% and the S&P 500's gain of 2.97%. The upco ...
The Dividend Dynasty: 3 Stocks for Income Hungry Investors
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-15 03:37
Dividend stocks are optimal for investors who want cash flow and don’t want to deal with real estate. These stocks pay dividends frequently, raise them each year, and can also generate long-term capital gains for investors. Corporations that distribute cash to their investors are also known for having more stability. These companies have fewer issues with generating profits and maintaining some growth. Dividend stocks don’t outperform the stock market in most cases, especially if you narrow your focus to hi ...
Here's Why IBM (IBM) Fell More Than Broader Market
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-14 06:51
IBM股价表现 - IBM最新收盘价为$196.70,较前一交易日下跌0.55%[1] - IBM股价在过去一个月上涨了7.66%,表现优于计算机和技术行业的2.36%和标普500指数的3.18%[2] IBM财报预测 - IBM即将发布的财报备受投资者关注,预计每股收益为$1.59,同比增长16.91%;预计营收为$14.56亿,同比增长2.18%[3] - Zacks Consensus Estimates预计IBM全年每股收益为$10.07,营收为$637.9亿,较上一年分别增长4.68%和3.12%[4]
IBM Layoffs 2024: What to Know About the Latest IBM Job Cuts
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-14 04:32
IBM裁员和AI发展 - IBM在营销和传播部门裁员[1] - 公司CEO表示正在大规模提升员工的AI技能[4] - 今年以来,多家科技公司都宣布裁员,包括IBM、Alphabet、Amazon和Unity[5] - IBM裁员凸显数字智能的负面影响,即AI取代人类工作[11] IBM在AI领域的竞争和市场前景 - IBM股价在过去一年中上涨了约57%[6] - 公司在AI领域的发展努力[7] - IBM与谷歌、亚马逊和微软等企业在企业AI领域展开激烈竞争[9] - 企业AI市场前景广阔,全球市场预计将以34.6%的复合年增长率增长[10]
IBM Stock Gains After Cuts to Marketing and Communications Staff—Key Level To Watch
Investopedia· 2024-03-13 19:00
IBM股价走势 - IBM股价在周二上涨超过3%,周三盘前交易中略有上涨[1] - IBM的股价在保持在上升楔形图案的顶部趋势线之上后继续上涨[8] - IBM股价在周二上涨3.2%,过去一年上涨超过50%[9] IBM裁员计划 - IBM计划裁员其营销和传播部门的工作人员[1] - IBM通知其营销和传播部门的员工,计划减少总部人数[4] - CEO表示公司预计将暂停招聘可能被人工智能取代的职位,技术可能在未来几年取代近8000个工作岗位[5] 公司员工结构调整 - 公司正在调整员工结构,优先考虑满足客户需求的领域,如人工智能和混合云[2] - 公司表示“员工再平衡”将影响全球员工的一小部分,重点放在最符合客户需求的领域[6] - 公司预计在2024年结束时的雇佣水平与进入时相当[7]
Why IBM Stock Topped the Market on Tuesday
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-13 06:27
An apparent effort at trimming its workforce was the catalyst behind IBM (IBM 3.15%) stock's rise on the second trading day of the week. On reports that the storied tech company aims to reduce its headcount in certain divisions, investors traded the shares up by more than 3% on the day. That rate outpaced the performance of the S&P 500 index, which gained 1.1%. Job cuts apparently coming Citing an unnamed "person with knowledge of the matter," CNBC reported that IBM informed its marketing and communications ...
IBM tells employees it's cutting jobs in marketing and communications
CNBC· 2024-03-13 03:01
IBM裁员计划 - IBM宣布裁员,裁员对象为市场和传播部门员工[2] - IBM首席传播官Jonathan Adashek在一次会议中宣布裁员计划[3] - IBM计划通过AI技术替代员工,去年宣布裁员3900人[4]
2 Data Analytics Stocks to Buy Hand Over Fist in March
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-13 02:03
Palantir - Palantir是一家数据分析专家,虽然股价在过去一年里翻了三番,但其营收已超过20亿美元,净利润率为9%[4] - Palantir的商业正在向更具利润性的方向扩展,成为AI数据分析工具的领先提供商[5] - Palantir致力于推动AI和机器学习创新,让客户能够充分利用其数据[6] IBM - IBM结合了经验丰富的科技巨头和令人兴奋的AI专家的最佳特质,进入了一个强劲增长阶段[7] - IBM的未来增长故事主要依托于强大的Watson AI平台和数据分析服务[8] - IBM通过Watson AI和一套强大的分析工具和云服务提供全面的生态系统,支持整个数据生命周期[9]