IBM Earnings Trade Generates Returns If Stock Stays In Its Range
Investors Business Daily· 2024-04-09 20:30
International Business Machines (IBM) is showing an implied volatility percentile of 99%, which means the current level of IV is higher than 99% of all other occurrences in the last 12 months. X When volatility is high, it can be a good time to be an option seller rather than a buyer. Part of the reason for the high volatility in IBM stock is because the company reports earnings on Friday before the market open. Option traders can take advantage of the high volatility by selling a strangle. This option trad ...
IBM (IBM) Rises As Market Takes a Dip: Key Facts
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-09 06:51
IBM股价表现 - IBM股价在最新交易日收盘价为$189.82,较前一交易日上涨了+0.36%[1] - IBM股票在过去一个月下跌了3.48%,表现不如计算机和技术行业的增长4.26%以及标普500指数的增长2.57%[2] 财务预测 - 投资界将密切关注IBM在即将发布的财报中的表现。预计公司下一季度每股收益为$1.59,较去年同期增长16.91%;预计营收为$145.6亿美元,较去年同期增长2.18%[3] - 根据Zacks Consensus Estimates,全年预计IBM每股收益为$10.07,营收为$637.9亿美元,较去年分别增长了+4.68%和+3.12%[4] 分析师预测和评级 - IBM最近的分析师预测发生了变化,积极的预测修订反映了分析师对公司业务和盈利能力的乐观态度[5] - Zacks Rank系统从1(强热门)到5(强卖出)。自1988年以来,1股票的平均年回报率为+25%。目前,IBM的Zacks Rank为2(买入)[7] 估值和行业比较 - 就估值而言,IBM目前的前瞻市盈率为18.79,较其行业平均前瞻市盈率17.05有所溢价[8] - IBM的PEG比率为3.71,较计算机集成系统行业的平均PEG比率2.53略高[9] 行业排名 - 计算机集成系统行业属于计算机和技术行业。该行业目前的Zacks行业排名为66,在所有250多个行业中处于前27%的位置[10] - Zacks行业排名通过测量组内个别股票的平均Zacks Rank来衡量我们行业群体的实力。我们的研究显示,排名前50%的行业的表现是排名后50%的两倍[11]
Got $5,000? These 3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks Are Still Cheap Buys
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-06 17:52
Rockwell Automation - Rockwell Automation专注于工业自动化,具有广泛的应用领域,是一个实用的人工智能投资[4] Oracle - Oracle是数据库和云服务的信任提供商,最近季度收入增长7.1%,利润增长27%,股价相对便宜[8] IBM - IBM的watsonx平台可以帮助公司管理人工智能模型,尽管增长潜力较大,但需时日发展[11]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and IBM unveil the world's first IBM Quantum System One on a university campus
Prnewswire· 2024-04-05 21:00
IBM与RPI合作推动量子计算研究 - IBM与RPI合作在纽约推出世界首台IBM量子计算机[1] - IBM Quantum System One将为RPI提供教育和研究机会[2] - RPI成为全球首个在校园内安装IBM Quantum System One的大学[3] IBM Quantum System One技术特点 - IBM Quantum System One由127量子比特IBM Quantum 'Eagle'处理器驱动[6] RPI与IBM合作培养未来专业人才 - RPI与IBM合作培养未来的量子专业人才[6]
IBM and The Government of Spain Collaborate to Advance National AI Strategy and Build the World's Leading Spanish Language AI Models
Prnewswire· 2024-04-05 20:44
西班牙政府与IBM战略合作 - 西班牙政府与IBM达成战略合作,共同推动人工智能倡议,加强经济和技术努力[1] - 合作协议旨在开发以西班牙语和官方语言为基础的人工智能模型,推动人工智能和超级计算领域的发展[1] - 合作双方签署谅解备忘录,致力于推动开放、道德和负责任的生成式人工智能在西班牙的实际应用[3] - 谅解备忘录基于五项原则,包括推动开发西班牙语和官方语言的基础模型,合作研发全栈生成式人工智能平台,促进国家和地区人工智能战略的合作,培育人工智能创作者和建设者生态系统,以及加速发现、开发和验证新材料以推动半导体产业价值链的可持续发展[11] [12] [13] 西班牙政府的承诺 - 西班牙政府强调此类协议展示了西班牙加速人工智能的道德和负责任使用的承诺,特别是在公共部门,对经济多个领域的生产力产生重大影响[4] IBM的贡献 - IBM将利用其开源人工智能框架,让社区参与塑造和贡献西班牙的大型语言模型,提高创新、透明度和安全性,确保在市场上更具成本效益和技术竞争力[6] 技术合作重点 - 西班牙政府的合作举措将利用生成式人工智能和人工智能超级计算的最新进展,实现这些技术带来的生产力增益[9] - 合作重点还包括在超级计算应用领域合作研发人工智能技术[14]
Is IBM A Sleeping Giant? 3.5% Yield And A $1.3 Trillion AI Opportunity
Seeking Alpha· 2024-04-05 00:45
Paper Boat Creative Introduction Until last year, I've "never" been a big fan of International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE:IBM), as it didn't have the capabilities to keep up with more innovative growth/tech stocks or the characteristics that I was looking for in a pure-value stock. Over the past ten years, IBM has returned just 61%, including its dividends. This is a horrible performance compared to the 230% return of the S&P 500, the 194% return of the Schwab U.S. Dividend Equity ETF (SCHD), and t ...
Microsoft Creates Buzz in Quantum Realm: 3 Stocks to Watch
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-04 21:41
量子计算突破 - 微软与Quantinuum合作推出了量子计算领域的突破性进展,通过改进物理量子比特的质量和采用先进技术创建更可靠的虚拟量子比特,即逻辑量子比特[2][3] - 通过与Quantinuum的专业硬件合作,微软团队成功进行了多次主动综合提取,而不破坏逻辑量子比特,这一关键能力使得更长、更复杂的计算不会失败,标志着量子错误校正领域的重要里程碑[3] - 结合微软系统与Quantinuum的H-Series离子阱量子比特和独特的量子电荷耦合器件架构,团队声称已实现了惊人的两量子比特门保真度达到99.8%[4]
IBM watsonx Boosts Digital Experience at Major Golf Championship
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-03 00:31
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) brings several enticing features to the Masters Tournament’s digital platforms powered by generative AI built from IBM watsonx. The 88th Masters tournament is set to take place from 11th-14th April at Augusta National Golf Club. The Masters has closely collaborated with IBM for over 25 years, accelerating their digital journey from design to data insights. With a strong emphasis on AI integration, the Masters tournament is aiming to redefine digital engageme ...
IBM watsonx Brings New Generative AI Capabilities to Masters Tournament Digital Platforms
Prnewswire· 2024-04-02 12:00
IBM与大师赛合作新功能 - IBM与大师赛合作推出了新的粉丝功能,包括AI驱动的Hole Insights和西班牙语AI叙述[2] - Hole Insights通过自然语言处理和结构化数据生成了每个洞的详细分析和预测[4] - IBM还推出了西班牙语AI叙述,使西班牙语球迷可以享受到与英语同步的叙述体验[8] - IBM与大师赛合作已经持续超过25年,共同努力提供世界一流的数字体验,包括AI高亮、三分钟回顾、我的组、球员洞察和使用IBM Watson的预测[11]
3 Stocks That Could Make You Richer in 2024
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-02 02:05
One difficult part of long-term investing is simply waiting. Investors may buy inexpensive stocks in hopes of seeing outsize long-term gains. That can often involve dealing with periods of stagnation or even decline, and sometimes, that payoff can take years. In other cases, the payoff could occur more quickly, as investors saw with stocks like Nvidia and Super Micro, which have skyrocketed since the beginning of 2024. They may or may not have run their courses in the near term, but three other stocks have ...