Hasbro Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2023 Financial Results
Businesswire· 2024-02-13 19:30
公司财务表现 - 公司全年营运亏损15.39亿美元,主要与eOne电影和电视业务有关[3] - 公司调整后的营运利润为4.77亿美元,调整后的营运利润率为9.5%[4] - 公司在2023年实现了约2.2亿美元的毛利润节约,完成了eOne电影和电视业务向狮门公司的出售[5][6] 各部门业绩 - 消费品部门全年营收下降19%,主要由于业务退出、类别趋势和库存管理[8] - Wizards of the Coast和数字游戏部门全年营收增长10%,主要由于许可数字游戏收入的增加[10] - 娱乐部门全年营收下降31%,主要由于电影和电视收入下降,家庭品牌收入增长6%[13] 2023年第四季度财务数据 - 公司2023年第四季度净收入为1288.9百万美元,较2022年同期的1678.5百万美元下降了23%[37] - 公司2023年第四季度亏损达到1060.8百万美元,较2022年同期的128.6百万美元有所增加[36] - 公司现金及现金等价物在2023年末为545.4百万美元,较年初的513.1百万美元有所增加[37]
Dungeons & Dragons Celebrates 50th Anniversary in 2024 with More than 50 Million Fans
Prnewswire· 2024-02-13 02:00
Wizards of the Coast活动 - Wizards of the Coast将庆祝Dungeons & Dragons的50周年纪念活动,包括举办全球各地的活动,推出新游戏和产品[1] - D&D团队将推出新产品,包括Vecna: Eve of Ruin冒险活动和The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977[5][6] - Wizards of the Coast将在2024年推出更新的Player's Handbook、Dungeon Master's Guide和Monster Manual,为玩家提供更多游戏选项和规则[9][10][11]
Should You Buy Hasbro (HAS) Ahead of Earnings?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-12 23:00
Investors are always looking for stocks that are poised to beat at earnings season and Hasbro, Inc. (HAS) may be one such company. The firm has earnings coming up pretty soon, and events are shaping up quite nicely for their report. That is because Hasbro is seeing favorable earnings estimate revision activity as of late, which is generally a precursor to an earnings beat. After all, analysts raising estimates right before earnings — with the most up-to- date information possible — is a pretty good indicato ...
Hasbro to Announce Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2023 Earnings on February 13, 2024
Businesswire· 2024-01-24 05:16
PAWTUCKET, R.I.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ: HAS) announced today that the company’s fourth quarter and full year financial results will be released before the market open on Tuesday, February 13, 2024. Hasbro will webcast its fourth quarter and full year 2023 earnings conference call at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Certain financial and statistical information included in the webcast, such as information required by Regulation G, will be available at the time of the webcast on Hasbro’s Investor Relat ...
Red Sea and Panama Canal disruptions may snarl supply chains, but these two toy makers appear well-positioned
Market Watch· 2024-01-12 04:59
胡塞武装袭击和全球供应链影响 - 英国服装零售商Next PLC警告称,胡塞武装袭击可能会扰乱公司的供应链,延迟英国交付时间长达两周半,美国零售商也存在潜在的干扰担忧[2] - 红海是苏伊士运河的重要航道,据新西兰政府2021年报告,苏伊士运河约占全球贸易的12%,约30%的全球集装箱交通通过苏伊士运河,每年运输价值1万亿美元的货物[3] - 一些主要航运公司已经重新调整船只路线绕过南非好望角,但这会导致航程延长。T.D. Cowen估计,这种绕道会使从中东或东南亚到荷兰鹿特丹港的航程增加8至12天[4] - 红海的混乱导致货运费率飙升,根据星期三发布的花旗银行报告,取消航班率也增加到11.5%,比上周的8.5%高,花旗银行表示:“我们认为红海和巴拿马运河的瓶颈导致了取消率的上升”[5] - 红海袭击的后果可能提高这个行业的利润率,T.D. Cowen表示[11] 玩具行业的运输情况 - D.A. Davidson分析师琳达·博尔顿·韦瑟表示,两家玩具行业巨头有能力避免海运费率飙升。她在最近的一份报告中写道:“Buy评级的玩具制造商Mattel(MAT)和中立评级的Hasbro(HAS)的大部分运费暴露是与从亚洲到美国西海岸的运输有关,而不是从亚洲到欧洲的运输”[6] - 玩具公司通常不在现货市场购买集装箱,尽管可能会受到附加费用的影响[6] - 现货市场是指支付一次性费用以运输集装箱的费用,这些所谓的现货费率可能会波动。《华尔街日报》报道称,中国到鹿特丹之间的集装箱运价在1月4日结束的那一周达到了3577美元,比上周上涨了115%[7] - 玩具从亚洲运往美国的运输在第一季度处于季节性低点,而从亚洲运往美国的玩具在8月和9月之间达到高峰[8] - Mattel和Hasbro的其他成本结构元素可能在2024年成为有利因素,分析师指出,塑料树脂成本和电子芯片组件成本的有利趋势处于通缩趋势,中国制造成本也较低[9]
Ultra PRO Reveals Magic: The Gathering 30th Anniversary Gaming Accessories Collection
Prnewswire· 2024-01-11 10:54
Ultra PRO新产品发布 - Ultra PRO推出了新的APEX® Deck Protector® sleeves,这是经过两年研发的全不透明袖套,提供顶级的洗牌体验,并且耐用[1] - APEX®系列还包括一个可容纳多达480张卡片的12口袋PRO-Binder,以及一款由Holofoil®材料制成的游戏垫和Alcove® Edge Deck Box,能够容纳100张标准双套卡片[2] Ultra PRO品牌介绍 - Ultra PRO是纪念品收藏和桌面游戏配件的领先品牌,自1952年以来一直致力于设计和制造高质量的产品,其品牌以高质量标准和设计创新而闻名[3] Magic: The Gathering游戏介绍 - Magic: The Gathering是一款由Richard Garfield设计的卡牌游戏,自1993年推出以来一直吸引着全球玩家,并成为了收藏卡牌游戏的代名词[3] - Magic: The Gathering 30周年游戏配件系列现已在www.ultrapro.com上架[3] - Magic: The Gathering是一款深受粉丝喜爱的游戏,通过桌面交易卡牌游戏、数字游戏Magic: The Gathering Arena、畅销小说和备受好评的漫画系列等形式让粉丝体验游戏[4] 公司介绍 - Wizards of the Coast是Hasbro的一个部门,开发了具有传奇色彩的游戏,包括MAGIC: THE GATHERING和DUNGEONS & DRAGONS[4] - Hasbro是全球品牌娱乐领导者,通过游戏、消费品和娱乐为全球观众提供引人入胜的品牌体验[4]
Here's Why You Should Retain Hasbro (HAS) in Your Portfolio
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-04 23:32
Hasbro公司业务表现 - Hasbro公司在游戏领域需求强劲,产品创新和节约成本方面表现良好[1] - Hasbro公司专注于Wizards of the Coast和数字游戏业务,前景看好[1] - Hasbro公司在第三季度的游戏部门需求强劲,拥有一流的游戏产品组合[3] - Hasbro公司正在重新聚焦核心玩乐使命,剥离电影和电视部门,简化运营[4] Wizards of the Coast和数字游戏业务前景 - Wizards of the Coast和数字游戏业务的重点强调前景看好[5] - Hasbro公司在第三季度的Wizards of the Coast预测显示高位数增长[7] 成本节约和供应链管理 - Hasbro公司的成本节约举措前景良好[8] - Hasbro公司的供应链改进带来了大幅成本节约和更高效的库存管理[9] 股价表现和评级 - Hasbro公司股价在过去三个月下跌了19.7%,主要受计划中的许可证退出、玩具和游戏销量下降等因素影响[12] - Hasbro公司目前持有Zacks Rank 3 (Hold)[14]
Hasbro Launches AI-Powered Version Of Trivial Pursuit Game
Forbes· 2024-01-04 21:30
Hasbro has launched a digital version of Trivial Pursuit that uses AI to generate questions about ... [+] topics suggested by the players. Hasbro Toy maker Hasbro HAS is hoping to attract new fans to its Trivial Pursuit game with an online version that uses AI to generate questions based on players’ interests and suggestions. Trivial Pursuit Infinite was released online today at www.trivialpursuit.com and it has two play modes - a daily challenge with typical Trivial Pursuit questions and an “infinite” mode ...
Will cost cuts be enough for Hasbro to thrive in 2024?
MarketBeat· 2024-01-03 20:05
Key Points « « « « Hasbro's revenues have declined for five consecutive quarters. Hasbro sold its eOne film and TV production business to focus on the business of play. Hasbro announced additional layoffs of 900 workers for a 20% headcount reduction to generate $350 million to $400 million in annual run rate cost savings by the end of 2025. 5 stocks we like better than Hasbro Global toy and entertainment company Hasbro Inc. NYSE: HAS had a weak 2023 as shares fell 17.5% compared to the 24.8% gain for the S& ...
Hasbro Gets a Downgrade in Wake of Layoffs
Barrons· 2024-01-02 19:05
Hasbro stock got a bumpy start to the new year, receiving a downgrade from D.A. Davidson over concerns about the outlook for the toy industry in 2024. ...