DOJ Crackdown: Will Google be Forced to Break Up?
ZACKS· 2024-08-15 08:30
文章核心观点 - 文章讨论了谷歌(现称为Alphabet)在搜索引擎市场的垄断地位以及其面临的反垄断诉讼。尽管谷歌在搜索市场拥有近$2万亿的垄断地位,并且其垄断触角延伸到其他多个领域,但公司长期以来一直能够避免法律审查。然而,最近谷歌在与美国司法部的反垄断诉讼中败诉,这可能导致公司面临被迫分拆的风险,尽管这种可能性被认为非常低[1][2][3][4][11] 谷歌的市场地位 - 谷歌控制着大约92%的庞大搜索引擎市场,而其最接近的竞争对手雅虎和必应仅占据极小的市场份额[1] 反垄断诉讼 - 谷歌在与美国司法部的反垄断诉讼中败诉,法官称“谷歌是垄断者,并且一直以垄断者的身份行事”[2] - 诉讼指控谷歌采取反竞争措施消除竞争,例如,谷歌向苹果支付了惊人的$200亿以确保其在2022年成为Safari的默认搜索引擎[3] 可能的解决方案 - 潜在的解决方案包括迫使公司解除其默认搜索引擎协议或变得更加透明[3] - 最引人注目的是被迫分拆,但这被认为极不可能[4] 不分拆的原因 1. 历史反垄断先例 - 上一次类似案例发生在1999年,当时司法部起诉微软采取激进策略超越网景浏览器。最初,法院命令微软分拆,但后来的上诉裁定微软可以保持原样,只要停止反竞争行为。由于这些案例的相似性,谷歌可能面临类似的命运[5] 2. 上诉过程 - 谷歌长期以来一直避免垄断惩罚,这表明其法律团队非常强大。即使法院裁定谷歌应被分拆,上诉过程也会拖延多年,因此政府迫使分拆的动机很低,因为时间和成本对纳税人来说非常高[7] 3. 雪球效应 - 公平性问题也是案件的一个因素。尽管谷歌显然是垄断者,但它远非唯一一个。苹果在智能手机市场占据约60%的份额,Meta Platforms是社交媒体行业的无可争议的领导者,亚马逊据报道也使用了反竞争策略来保持其在电子商务市场的控制[8][9] 4. 价格行动与新闻 - 投资者应始终关注价格行动而非头条新闻。周二,谷歌败诉的消息传出,周三,GOOGL仅下跌2.31%。如果投资者真正相信分拆即将到来,抛售将会更加激烈[10]
DOJ mulls Google breakup over monopoly concerns: report
Fox Business· 2024-08-15 04:22
The Justice Department is weighing options that could include breaking up Google after a federal judge held that the tech giant and its parent company Alphabet maintained an illegal monopoly over the online search market, according to a report. Bloomberg News reported the antitrust division at the Department of Justice (DOJ) is considering pursuing Google's breakup as one of the potential remedies it may pursue to address the tech giant's monopoly status, citing people with knowledge of the agency's deliber ...
Made By Google Event Leads Jefferies To Call Alphabet 'Top Pick' for Consumer AI
Investopedia· 2024-08-15 03:05
Key TakeawaysAlphabet's Google unveiled its Pixel 9 lineup and showcased how it's integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into its devices with Gemini at its Made By Google event Tuesday.Jefferies analysts called Alphabet a "top pick" for consumer AI following the event, saying Gemini integration gives the company a chance to grow its share of the smartphone market.Google announced its AI-integrated devices ahead of Apple's iPhone 16 launch expected in September. After Google unveiled its Pixel 9 lineup an ...
Ex-Google CEO blames ‘working from home' for tech giant lagging in AI race
New York Post· 2024-08-15 02:02
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt blamed Google’s work-from-home policy as the reason why the tech giant is trailing in the AI race.A professor asked Schmidt why he thinks Google has lost the lead to startups like OpenAI and Anthropic during a conversation with Stanford University students posted to YouTube on Tuesday. “Google decided that work-life balance and going home early and working from home was more important than winning,” the former CEO said.“And the reason startups work is because the people work l ...
The DOJ Wants to Break Up Google Monopoly. What to Know.
Investor Place· 2024-08-15 01:06
The United States may be about to witness antitrust history. Recently, a federal judge handed down a warning against Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG, NASDAQ:GOOGL), ruling that Google holds an unfair monopoly over the search engine market. Described as the “biggest tech antitrust case in decades,” this ruling may already be about to yield action. According to reports, the U.S. Department of Justice is considering taking steps to break up the Google monopoly. Indeed, after years of politicians floating the possibility ...
Why Alphabet Stock Was Falling Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-15 01:04
A new antitrust ruling against Alphabet could potentially lead to a breakup.Shares of Alphabet (GOOG -2.94%) (GOOGL -2.97%) were sliding today on a report from Bloomberg last night that the U.S. Department of Justice was considering a full-scale breakup of the company following earlier lawsuits, including a ruling by a judge last week that said payments to companies like Apple and Samsung to be the default search engine on their devices constituted an illegal monopoly.As of 11:35 a.m. ET on Wednesday, Alpha ...
Alphabet (GOOGL) Boosts Smartphone Offerings With Pixel 9
ZACKS· 2024-08-15 00:56
Alphabet (GOOGL) recently unveiled new smartphones, including the Pixel 9, 9 Pro, 9 Pro XL and 9 Pro Fold.These phones feature an upgraded version of Google Assistant with Gemini generative AI. The smartphones are available in two sizes, featuring Super Actua displays and a new 42 MP front camera. The models share similar specs, charging speed and power.The Pixel 9 phones feature a custom Tensor G4 chip, designed with Google DeepMind for efficient use cases like app opening and web browsing. The processor r ...
Google breakup reportedly being considered by DOJ following antitrust ruling
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-08-15 00:06
About this content About Emily Jarvie Emily began her career as a political journalist for Australian Community Media in Hobart, Tasmania. After she relocated to Toronto, Canada, she reported on business, legal, and scientific developments in the emerging psychedelics sector before joining Proactive in 2022. She brings a strong journalism background with her work featured in newspapers, magazines, and digital publications across Australia, Europe, and North America, including The Examiner, The Advocate, ...
US considers breaking up Google after illegal monopoly ruling, reports say
The Guardian· 2024-08-14 23:43
文章核心观点 - 美国司法部正在考虑拆分谷歌的各项业务,包括Android操作系统、AdWords搜索广告程序和Chrome浏览器等 [1][2][3] - 这是在法官裁定谷歌非法垄断在线搜索市场一周后做出的反应 [1] - 司法部还在考虑其他措施,如要求谷歌与竞争对手共享数据,以及防止其在人工智能产品方面获得不公平优势 [6] - 此前曝光的信息显示,谷歌在2021年单独向苹果等公司支付了超过260亿美元,以保持在Safari浏览器中的默认搜索地位,这助长了其垄断地位 [7] - 这是联邦当局打击科技巨头市场主导地位的又一个重大胜利 [9] 公司相关 - 谷歌正计划对法院裁决提出上诉 [5] - 谷歌还面临另一起司法部提起的反垄断诉讼,将于下月开庭 [5] - 竞争对手DuckDuckGo提议禁止这种独家协议 [8] 行业相关 - 过去4年里,联邦反垄断监管机构已经起诉了Meta、亚马逊和苹果等公司,指控其非法维持垄断地位 [11] - 2004年,微软曾与司法部就将Internet Explorer强加给Windows用户达成和解 [12]
Could the US Government Break Up Google After Monopoly Ruling?
Investopedia· 2024-08-14 23:38
文章核心观点 - 美国司法部正在考虑拆分谷歌(Google)以解决其在搜索市场的垄断地位 [1][2] - 分析师认为强制拆分谷歌的可能性较小,此案可能需要数年才能最终裁决 [4] - 谷歌案将对科技行业的反垄断监管产生影响 [6][7] 根据目录分别总结 谷歌案的可能结果 - 如果谷歌上诉失败,最可能的结果包括罚款,以及被迫改变与苹果等公司的分销协议,使其他搜索引擎如微软必应或OpenAI的SearchGPT获得更多机会 [5] - 分析师认为短期内不会对谷歌的运营产生影响 [5] 对科技行业的影响 - 此案将为科技行业的反垄断监管设立先例 [6] - 分析师认为未来一年内科技行业的监管环境将趋于严格,但目前对科技公司的影响相对有限 [7] - 司法部还在调查苹果和英伟达等其他科技公司的潜在垄断行为 [8]