Expedia Is A Bargain Even As The Economy Deteriorates
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-12 13:32
JHVEPhoto/iStock Editorial via Getty Images Executive summary Expedia Group (NASDAQ:EXPE) has largely been a disappointment to long-term investors, however we believe that the fortunes of the business are about to change. As you have guessed, Expedia is a value play, not a deep value situation, though. The company is strong in its key markets due to the leading scale, it is also very cash-generative and its revenues are growing. The B2B division of Expedia is experiencing rapid growth and driving the wh ...
EXPE Up 14.7% in a Month: Should You Buy, Hold or Sell the Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-09-06 00:46
文章核心观点 - Expedia Group (EXPE)在过去一个月内股价上涨14.7%,超过了同期Zacks互联网商务行业7.3%和零售批发行业6.7%的涨幅 [1] - EXPE受益于其在在线旅游预订领域的强势地位,其B2B、品牌Expedia和广告业务以及住宿产品的强劲表现推动了其在美国和非美国地区的发展势头 [1] - 公司计划将生成式AI技术整合到其服务中,并通过扩大合作伙伴关系来增强其产品组合,预计将在短期内提高客户参与度 [1] 关键要点总结 1. 扩大合作伙伴关系推动EXPE股票前景 - 根据Statista的报告,全球旅游和旅行市场预计将从2024年的9160亿美元增长到2029年的1.11万亿美元,年复合增长率为4% [2] - EXPE通过不断扩大合作伙伴网络来抓住这一增长机遇 [2] - EXPE最近与瑞安航空公司合作,为旅客提供瑞安航空的经济型航班选择,提升了旅行体验 [3] - EXPE与阿拉斯加航空公司合作推出了Stays by Alaska Vacation平台,为客户提供个性化的旅行体验 [3] - EXPE与Wells Fargo和Mastercard合作推出了两张联名信用卡,为美国旅客提供更大的灵活性和奖励 [3] - EXPE与国泰航空公司合作,将其White Label Template技术嵌入到国泰假期,增强客户的预订和规划体验 [4] - EXPE与多个澳大利亚旅游机构合作,提升旅行者体验,促进可持续旅游,展示澳大利亚的独特文化 [4] - EXPE与日本奢华酒店预订服务Ikyu合作,为客户提供更多全球酒店选择 [4] - 这些合作伙伴关系预计将在短期内推动EXPE的营收增长 [4][5] 2. 激烈竞争对EXPE股票前景构成风险 - 来自TripAdvisor(TRIP)、Airbnb(ABNB)和Booking Holdings(BKNG)等主要玩家的竞争加剧,对EXPE的市场地位构成威胁 [6] - 尽管EXPE在过去一个月内的股价表现优于TRIP、ABNB和BKNG,但它们不断加强在线旅游预订平台的努力也不容忽视 [6] - TripAdvisor推出了新功能,让会员可以直接在应用程序内预订酒店,这要归功于其与HTS(Hopper Technology Solutions)的合作 [6] - Airbnb推出了针对团体预订的新功能,包括一个突出由音乐、电影、电视和体育明星主持的住宿的图标类别 [6] - Booking Holdings的子公司Priceline与Cover Genius合作,通过提供客户导向的旅行保护来改善旅行预订 [7] 3. 盈利预测呈下降趋势 - 2024年第三季度的Zacks共识预测每股收益为6.07美元,同比增长12.2%,但在过去30天内下调了8.2% [8] - 2024年全年的共识预测每股收益为11.53美元,同比增长18.9%,但在过去30天内下调了2.5% [8] 投资建议 - EXPE的战略合作伙伴关系、主要产品优势、不断扩大的全球足迹以及创新驱动力为投资者提供了吸引的机会 [9] - 公司目前的价值评分为A,表明其目前具有良好的投资价值 [9] - 但激烈的竞争以及由于宏观经济不确定性和地缘政治局势导致的旅游需求波动性加大仍是EXPE股票的主要担忧 [9] - 此外,盈利预测的下调也不太乐观 [9] - 综合考虑,现有股东应维持其持股,而新投资者应等待更有利的进场时机 [9]
Expedia Group, Inc. (EXPE) Deutsche Bank Technology Conference Call Transcript
2024-08-30 09:03
会议主要讨论的核心内容 Expedia B2B业务概况 [2][3][4] - 公司有大型消费者品牌如Expedia、Hotels.com和Vrbo,同时也有一个规模很大的B2B业务 - B2B业务在2023年实现了约250亿美元的预订量,超过1亿间客房夜,服务超过6万家合作伙伴 - 过去5年B2B业务保持了16%的复合年增长率,收入和调整后EBITDA分别增长14%和28% B2B业务的特点和优势 [5][7][9][10][11] - B2B业务中30%的预订来自于忠诚度计划,60%来自美国以外的地区,15%来自企业出行 - B2B业务与消费者业务是互补的,不存在大规模的业务蚕食 - 公司在酒店供给、分销产品和技术、合作伙伴基础以及专业团队等方面具有优势 - 消费者业务带来的需求有助于提升供应商的价值,B2B业务也反过来增强了消费者业务 B2B业务的主要产品 [12][13] - Rapid酒店API:为合作伙伴提供酒店内容和预订能力 - 白标模板:为航空公司等提供一站式酒店销售解决方案 - 旅行社联盟计划:为旅行社提供Expedia的存货和佣金机会 B2B业务的发展前景 [14][15] - 公司认为自己是B2B领域的领导者,未来增长将保持在双位数 - 增长动力来自于现有合作伙伴的业务拓展,而非新客户的获取 - 未来将继续投资于供给、技术和团队建设等方面的优势 消费者业务的发展 [27][28][29][31][32] - 过去几年公司进行了大规模的技术升级和整合,对部分消费者品牌造成了一定影响 - 但Expedia品牌在此期间保持了良好的增长势头,得益于创新能力和品牌力的提升 - 公司正在努力提升Hotels.com和Vrbo的表现,利用Expedia的成功经验进行复制 宏观环境和未来展望 [48][49] - 公司第二季度的整体业务表现良好,但7月份出现了一定程度的需求放缓 - 公司将更多关注自身可控的执行能力,而非过度关注短期宏观波动
Expedia, Airbnb and Booking Holdings Look to Elevate Customer Engagement
PYMNTS.com· 2024-08-17 05:20
As inflation reshapes consumer spending, travel giants Expedia, Airbnb and Booking Holdings are adjusting their strategies to drive customer engagement and bookings amid shifting family budgets and evolving preferences.Expedia is enhancing its One Key loyalty program with a co-branded credit card and expanding its global reach to boost cross-brand engagement. Airbnb is prioritizing unique experiences by adding new quality features like Guest Favorites and Airbnb Icons to increase customer engagement. Meanwh ...
3 Travel Stocks Poised for a Comeback After Last Week's Market Meltdown
Investor Place· 2024-08-15 02:35
The reasons behind the August market meltdown are numerous and are already moving into the rearview mirror of investors. A coolish reading in the July producer price index (PPI) has investors putting their foot on the gas to get ahead of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates. It’s also a reason to consider investing in travel stocks.One rate cut, even if it’s one of 50 basis points, which the experts seem to favor, won’t do much to relieve pressure on consumers right now. But the markets are forward-th ...
Expedia: Picking Up Steam Where Rivals Are Slowing
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-11 20:29
JHVEPhoto/iStock Editorial via Getty Images It's been a surprising earnings season so far in Q2, where many high-flying stocks have been pummeled and rebound plays have unexpectedly stepped into the spotlight. Such was the case for Expedia (NASDAQ:EXPE), the online travel giant that has been beleaguered by softer trends at its home-sharing subsidiary Vrbo and lost tremendous market value this year. But in Q2, Expedia pulled off a much-needed turnaround. Whereas rivals Booking.com (BKNG) and Airbnb (ABNB ...
Expedia: Artificial Unsustainable Growth And Riskier Balance Sheet
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-11 19:01
文章核心观点 - 文章认为Expedia Group的股票(NASDAQ:EXPE)虽然目前估值吸引人,但公司显示出许多不良迹象,暗示其难以实现真正的增长。因此,股票不是买入的选择,但由于不确定性和相对较低的估值,也不是卖出的选择,而是一个观望的选择[2][3] 公司业务模式 - Expedia是一家在线旅游公司,提供约300万处住宿设施,包括酒店和替代住宿,以及来自约500家航空公司的服务、租车、保险和体验。公司拥有多个品牌,如Expedia、Hotels.com、Vrbo、Orbitz、Travelocity、ebookers和Wotif,这些品牌采用代理或商家模式运营。此外,公司还拥有Trivago,这是一个旅游广告业务,而非直接经纪旅游产品。Expedia的业务模式在疫情期间受到重创,但最近已完全恢复收入和运营利润率[6] 竞争环境 - Expedia面临的主要竞争对手包括Booking和Airbnb,这两家公司都在酒店和替代住宿领域与Expedia的Hotels.com和Vrbo品牌直接竞争。Booking和Airbnb在广告支出和品牌影响力方面具有显著优势,这使得它们能够获得更好的商业交易和更高的利润率。此外,Expedia自今年2月以来一直处于管理层过渡过程中[7] 财务表现 - Expedia在2024年第二季度的财务表现显示,尽管总预订量和收入同比增长6%,调整后的EBITDA和调整后的EPS分别增长5%和21%,但深入分析显示,股票可能正处于中期增长峰值,这可能解释了其低股票估值倍数[8] 不良财务指标 - 2024年第二季度,Expedia的营收增长$2亿美元,而销售和营销支出增长$2.14亿美元,这表明公司在有机增长方面可能已达到上限。相比之下,竞争对手Booking在营销支出增加$1.38亿美元的同时,总收入增加了$3.97亿美元,显示出Expedia在市场竞争中的劣势。此外,Expedia的品牌收入增长20%,Vrbo从第一季度恢复了一些适度增长,但这不足以与Airbnb竞争,后者报告了11%的年同比增长和超过Expedia两倍的净收入。管理层正在尝试通过整合忠诚度计划来应对竞争,但这被认为不足以提供有效竞争。同时,公司正在进行管理层重组,并裁员约1500人,占年初员工总数的近9%[9] 财务健康和资本配置 - Expedia的财务健康状况不佳,当前负债未被当前资产充分覆盖,这一差距从负$20亿美元扩大到$40亿美元,使公司更加脆弱。长期债务目前约为$62亿美元,但已减少$10亿美元,因为今年已达到到期债务。这笔债务大约是今年预计收益的5倍,并且由于Expedia的BBB-信用评级,债务展期时可能面临更高的利率。管理层还宣布完成$36亿美元的回购,而不是减少债务,这被认为是不良的资本配置,增加了风险、不确定性和由于财务状况减弱而导致的波动性[10] 未来展望 - 在最近的财报电话会议中,管理层报告了7月份收入的疲软,客户正在寻找价格更低的住宿。公司预计今年的预订量将增长约5%,但如果这是通过增加广告支出而不是实际收入来实现的,这并不令人印象深刻。股票价格不贵,但由于不良的资本配置和财务状况的过度使用,使得公司在宏观经济低迷时期可能比竞争对手下跌更多,且在低迷后表现不佳[11] 估值和风险 - 从估值角度来看,Expedia的股票并不吸引人,因为公司承担的风险。分析师对2025年的盈利预测可能过于乐观。使用预测盈利和公司积极的股票回购,公司可能提供高达8.4%的年复合增长率,但这对于业务质量低、周期性和风险较高的财务状况来说并不令人印象深刻[12][13] 结论 - Expedia在Booking和Airbnb之后的第二梯队业务中,这导致公司在增长和竞争能力方面处于劣势,因为可用于营销的支出较少。此外,新的管理层正在实施风险财务策略,这正在削弱EXPE的财务状况。这些措施在不良宏观经济环境中可能迅速反噬,因为财务状况可能在长期内受损[17][18]
S&P 500 Gains and Losses Today: Expedia Soars as International Demand Drives Earnings Beat
Investopedia· 2024-08-10 05:57
Key TakeawaysThe S&P 500 gained 0.5% on Friday, Aug. 9, 2024, closing out a week of dramatic stock market fluctuations driven by concerns about the U.S. economy.Expedia shares jumped as international demand helped the travel platform operator top second-quarter sales and profit forecasts.Insulet shares dropped after the insulin pump maker suggested new user growth could be lower than previously expected in the second half of 2024. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq added around 0.5% on Friday, wrapping up a volatil ...
Expedia's Q2 outperformance to partially offset weaker second half: analysts
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-08-10 02:57
About this content About Emily Jarvie Emily began her career as a political journalist for Australian Community Media in Hobart, Tasmania. After she relocated to Toronto, Canada, she reported on business, legal, and scientific developments in the emerging psychedelics sector before joining Proactive in 2022. She brings a strong journalism background with her work featured in newspapers, magazines, and digital publications across Australia, Europe, and North America, including The Examiner, The Advocate, ...
Why Expedia Stock Was Gaining Altitude Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-10 02:41
A slowdown is coming, but there are reasons the stock can keep going.Shares of Expedia Group (EXPE 9.27%) were climbing today after the company posted better-than-expected results in the second quarter and investors looked past modest guidance for the third quarter.As of 1:48 p.m. ET, the stock was up 10.1% on the news. Expedia benefits from low expectationsLike other online travel agencies including Booking Holdings and Airbnb, Expedia reported slowing growth as consumer spending on travel slows.However, a ...