Surviving Energy Transfer Preferred Looks Attractive
Seeking Alpha· 2024-04-27 01:10
公司概况 - Energy Transfer LP (ET)拥有美国最大和最多样化的能源资产组合之一,拥有超过125,000英里的管道和其他能源基础设施。[1] 优先股信息 - ET.PR.E被宣布将在2024年5月15日以每单位25美元的赎回价格赎回,持有人将在2024年5月1日之前收到每单位0.4750美元的累积分配。[1] - ET.PR.I每季度支付固定分配0.2111美元,年度分配为0.8444美元,收益率为7.66%。[2] - ET.PR.I的风险溢价约为120个基点,比威尔斯·法戈支付的类似证券高出约120个基点,收益也高于ICE BofA BB美国高收益指数。[7] 财务评级 - Fitch将ET的优先股评级从BB提升至BB+,称赞ET在平衡增长机会和支持信用的财务政策和实践方面表现出色。[5] 投资决策 - 公司决定基于风险相对较低的回报率而持有ET.PR.I,并从现金储备中取出资金,等待ET.PR.E的赎回款项到账后再补充现金。[8]
3 Stocks Ready to Rebound if Interest Rates Fall in H2
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-26 02:18
公司一 - 公司一计划全球扩张,重点是利润丰厚但未开发的外国市场,如拉丁美洲、EMEA和APAC地区,以增加订阅用户数量[1] 公司二 - 公司二在能源行业崭露头角,宣布其天然气液体(NGL)和石油运输量创纪录,巩固了其竞争优势,通过及时的收购和出色的运营表现,保持市场领先地位,增强潜在投资者对其未来增长和盈利能力的信心[2] 公司三 - 公司三利用不断增长的固定无线接入(FWA)客户需求,其宽带覆盖范围不断扩大,网络基础设施得到加强,随着可能的降息,这三只股票提供了有吸引力的投资机会[3]
The Best Energy Stock to Invest $1,000 in Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-24 16:15
公司概况 - Energy Transfer是一家中游能源专业公司,具有8%的吸引人的高收益率[3] - 公司在2023年支付了约40亿美元的现金分配,而其可分配现金流(DCF)为76亿美元,覆盖率为1.9倍[4] - 公司的分配看起来很稳定,并有望继续增长[7] 公司角色 - Energy Transfer在美国能源基础设施中扮演着至关重要的角色,对美国能源安全至关重要[8] - 公司拥有庞大的增长项目备忘录,并将受益于全球能源消费的持续增长[10] - 由于人工智能(AI)应用的增加,Energy Transfer将受益于所需的增加电力,这将对公司产生积极影响[11] 投资建议 - 现在是购买Energy Transfer的绝佳时机,公司具有安全性、收益率和强劲潜在增长前景的独特组合[12] - 如果你有1000美元闲置在储蓄账户中,这家管道公司是一个强有力的选择,将为您带来额外的收入以及稳健的价格增值潜力[13]
Energy Transfer: Rock-Solid Dividend Opportunity
Seeking Alpha· 2024-04-24 11:46
公司概况 - Energy Transfer LP (NYSE:ET)是一家在北美市值前十的能源中游公司,具有8%的前瞻分配(股息)收益率[1] - 公司主要从事天然气、原油、NGL和精炼产品的运输、储存和提供终端服务[3] 股息情况 - ET有着17年连续支付股息的稳定历史,尽管在疫情危机期间有所下降,但后来得以恢复,这可能表明股息是安全的[4] - 公司预计2024财年EBITDA约为146.5亿美元,这意味着15%的年同比增长,从而有望在2024年维持股息[10] - 在2024年,即使ET无法实现110亿美元的经营现金流,也不太可能导致股息减少,因为公司的信用评级已被Fitch评为BBB(投资级)[13] 财务状况 - 公司需要大量投资于CapEx来扩大基础设施和增加资产的使用寿命,因此拥有530亿美元的总债务,相当于公司的市值[7] - ET的高杠杆率似乎是合理的,但需要关注债务的利率和到期时间[8] - 根据共识预测,ET的每股收益预计到2028年每年都会呈现正增长趋势[14] 估值情况 - 根据股息折现模型(DDM),ET的公平价值为每股28美元,几乎是当前价格的两倍,表明公司被严重低估[18] - 尽管ET在过去十年中股价表现不佳,但从股价增长的角度来看,自疫情危机以来的表现令人印象深刻[21]
Energy Transfer LP (ET) Ascends But Remains Behind Market: Some Facts to Note
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-24 06:51
In the latest market close, Energy Transfer LP (ET) reached $15.88, with a +0.28% movement compared to the previous day. The stock fell short of the S&P 500, which registered a gain of 1.2% for the day. On the other hand, the Dow registered a gain of 0.69%, and the technology-centric Nasdaq increased by 1.59%. Shares of the energy-related services provider have appreciated by 1.74% over the course of the past month, underperforming the Oils-Energy sector's gain of 3.58% and outperforming the S&P 500's loss ...
Investors Heavily Search Energy Transfer LP (ET): Here is What You Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-23 22:06
Energy Transfer LP (ET) has been one of the most searched-for stocks on Zacks.com lately. So, you might want to look at some of the facts that could shape the stock's performance in the near term. Over the past month, shares of this energy-related services provider have returned +1.7%, compared to the Zacks S&P 500 composite's -4.2% change. During this period, the Zacks Oil and Gas - Production Pipeline - MLB industry, which Energy Transfer LP falls in, has gained 0%. The key question now is: What could be ...
Meet the Ultrahigh-Yield Dividend Stock That Helped 1 Member of Congress Generate a 122% Return Last Year
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-20 17:46
A midstream energy stock has been an income and growth machine for a GOP representative. Beat the market. That's the goal for most investors. However, achieving that goal is often easier said than done. It wasn't difficult for quite a few U.S. senators and representatives last year, though. Over 30 of them managed to beat the market, with some of them raking in gains more than four times greater than the S&P 500. Meet the ultrahigh-yield dividend stock that helped one member of Congress generate a 122% retu ...
Beat the Fed: 3 Rate-Hike Winners to Buy Before Liftoff
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-18 05:48
It’s often said that baseball is America’s pastime. But for some investors, Fed watching is the real spectator sport. There’s a tremendous amount of interest and importance placed on every meeting of the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC). Three months ago, few investors would have thought their 2024 investment strategy would include choosing rate-hike protected stocks. However, as we’re already more than a quarter of the way through 2024, the question on many investors’ minds is when, or if, the ...
Is It Too Late to Buy Energy Transfer Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-17 19:16
公司业绩 - Energy Transfer自2023年开始一直处于强劲上涨状态[1] - 公司的盈利增长是推动其股价上涨的主要因素[3] - 公司通过有机扩张和收购来推动增长[4] - 公司的盈利增长为其提供了增加分配的动力[5] - 公司计划回购部分普通股[9] 公司财务状况 - 降低杠杆率使得公司信用评级得到提升[6] - 公司的估值仍然较低,有上涨空间[8] - 公司的分红率较高,且有望继续增长[12] - 公司相对便宜,仍有投资机会[13]
Energy Transfer LP (ET) Stock Drops Despite Market Gains: Important Facts to Note
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-17 06:51
In the latest market close, Energy Transfer LP (ET) reached $15.10, with a -0.85% movement compared to the previous day. The stock's performance was behind the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.03%. Elsewhere, the Dow saw an upswing of 0.41%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq appreciated by 0.12%. Prior to today's trading, shares of the energy-related services provider had lost 2.12% over the past month. This has lagged the Oils-Energy sector's gain of 4.4% and the S&P 500's loss of 0.9% in that time. Market participants ...