Ericsson (ERIC) AI Transforms Jordan's Network Performance
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-18 21:30
Ericsson (ERIC) and Umniah have embarked on a transformative journey leveraging Ericsson’s Cognitive Software portfolio to enhance network performance in Jordan. The collaboration promises to revolutionize telecommunications in the region by employing state-of-the-art AI and ML technologies. Ericsson’s Cognitive Software portfolio, renowned for its AI-driven planning and optimization solutions, is set to tackle the complexities of modern networks in Jordan. By harnessing big data, Ericsson aims to proactive ...
Ericsson (ERIC) Ascends While Market Falls: Some Facts to Note
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-16 06:51
股价表现 - Ericsson (ERIC) 最近的股价为 $5.74,较前一个交易日收盘价上涨了 +1.06% [1] - Ericsson 过去一个月的股价上涨了 6.17%,超过了计算机和科技行业的增长率 [2] 财务数据 - Ericsson 即将发布的财报显示,预计每股收益为 $0.04,同比下降了 50%,预计营收为 $5.33 亿美元,同比下降了 10.95% [3] - Zacks Consensus Estimates 预测 Ericsson 全年每股收益为 $0.42,营收为 $24.03 亿美元,较去年分别下降了 -2.33% 和 -3.23% [4] 分析师预测 - 分析师对 Ericsson 的最新预测表明,近期的调整反映了最新的短期业务趋势,向上调整的预测表明分析师对公司业务运营和盈利能力持乐观态度 [5] - 研究表明,这些预测调整直接关联着即将到来的股价表现,Zacks Rank 考虑了这些预测变化并提供了一个评级系统 [6] 行业评级 - Ericsson 目前的前瞻市盈率为 13.59,低于行业平均值 14.88,可以认为 Ericsson 相对于行业来说是在折价交易 [8] - 无线设备行业属于计算机和科技行业,目前的 Zacks Industry Rank 为 191,在所有 250+ 个行业中处于倒数 25% [9] - Zacks Industry Rank 通过确定组成行业的个别股票的平均 Zacks Rank 来评估我们独特行业群体的实力,研究显示排名前 50% 的行业胜过后 50% 的行业 [10] 建议 - 使用 Zacks.com 来跟踪所有这些影响股价的指标,在未来的交易中保持关注 [11]
Ericsson (ERIC) Flat As Market Sinks: What You Should Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-14 06:56
股价表现 - Ericsson (ERIC) 最新收盘价为 $5.69,与前一交易日相比无变化[1] 财务表现 - Ericsson 预计将发布的每股收益为 $0.04,较去年同期下降50%;预计营收为 $5.33 亿美元,较去年同期下降10.95%[2] - Ericsson 全年预计每股收益为 $0.42,营收为 $24.03 亿美元,较上一年分别下降了2.33%和3.23%[3] 评级与估值 - Ericsson 目前的 Zacks Rank 为 3 (持有),其前瞻市盈率为 13.61,相对于行业平均前瞻市盈率 15,可以认为 Ericsson 相对折价[6][7]
Vonage Named Platinum Winner for Best CCaaS Solution at Telco Innovation Awards 2024
Prnewswire· 2024-03-13 20:30
Vonage Contact Center recognized by Juniper Research for standout features including powerful CRM integrations and its ability to augment AI capabilities HOLMDEL, N.J., March 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Vonage, a global leader in cloud communications helping businesses accelerate their digital transformation, and a part of Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC), has been named Platinum Winner for Best Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) Solution at the Telco Innovation Awards. Vonage was named a winner for Vonage Contact Cen ...
Ericsson Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC
Prnewswire· 2024-03-13 05:48
公司背景 - 爱立信(NASDAQ:ERIC)于2023年12月31日结束的年度报告已在2024年3月12日提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)[1] - 报告可在爱立信网站上查看,股东可通过联系公司要求获得纸质年度报告[2] - 爱立信是一家通信服务提供商和企业的供应商,业务领域涵盖网络、云软件和服务、企业无线解决方案、全球通信平台以及技术和新业务[3] - 爱立信股票在纳斯达克斯德哥尔摩和纳斯达克纽约上市[4]
Ericsson(ERIC) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-03-12 00:00
伊朗业务 - 2023年,爱立信向伊朗电信公司MTN Irancell销售通信基础设施相关支持服务,销售额达到9100万瑞典克朗[32] - 爱立信估计在2023年与MTN Irancell的销售中,经过内部成本分配后,运营亏损为9800万瑞典克朗[32] - 爱立信在伊朗业务中曾安排履约保证金或类似金融担保,以确保公司履行相关商业协议[33] - 在2023年,爱立信没有针对伊朗业务发行涉及这些银行的新履约保证金或类似担保[34] - 2023年,爱立信开始显著减少在伊朗的业务参与和存在,预计未来活动将仅限于履行义务,如交付客户已购买的维修和软件许可证,以及关闭法律实体[35] 知识产权 - 爱立信拥有超过60,000项授予专利,全球许可使用FRAND条款[48] 技术中心 - 爱立信计划在爱沙尼亚建立下一代智能制造和技术中心,价值约1.55亿欧元,预计2026年初投入运营[40] 人员分布 - 2023年底,爱立信在东南亚、大洋洲和印度市场的员工人数为27,016人[56] - 2023年底,爱立信在北美市场的员工人数为10,744人[56] - 2023年底,爱立信在欧洲和拉丁美洲市场的员工人数为45,380人[56] - 2023年底,爱立信在中东和非洲市场的员工人数为4,481人[56] 高管任命 - 爱立信任命Lars Sandström为首席财务官[61] - 爱立信任命Niklas Heuveldop为全球通信平台业务区负责人和Vonage首席执行官[62] - 爱立信任命Chafic Nassif为东北亚市场负责人[63] 股东事项 - 爱立信决定利用授权转让股份[64] - 爱立信目前持有公司12,932,223股B系列股份[66] - 非美国居民持有ADS或B类股票的股东,应关注分红事项,分红将被视为来自外国来源的普通收入[93] - 持有ADS或B类股票的非公司股东,可能享受较低的适用长期资本利得税率[95] - 持有ADS或B类股票的股东通常有权获得对瑞典预扣税的美国联邦所得税抵免[96] - 出售或交换ADS或B类股票将产生资本利得或损失,长期持有的资本利得通常适用于降低的税率[97] - ADS或B类股票的初始税基通常等于购买成本[100] 财务事项 - 德意志银行同意支付给爱立信固定百分比的净收入,作为ADS持有人发行和取消费用、股息处理费用和年度服务费的补偿,2023年总计约为1010万美元[121] - 德意志银行自2019年1月起放弃提供ADS计划的行政和报告服务的成本,并同意承担与ADS计划相关的某些第三方费用,每年最高为5万美元,2023年总计约为6.1万美元[122] - 2023年未发生违约、股息拖欠和逾期情况[123] - 公司未对证券持有人权利进行重大修改或使用收益[124] - 公司已经提交了2023年的年度报告[153] - 公司的财务长已经根据《萨班斯-奥克斯法案》第302条的规定进行了认证[154] - 公司的财务长已经根据《萨班斯-奥克斯法案》第906条的规定进行了认证[155]
Ericsson (ERIC) Rises But Trails Market: What Investors Should Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-08 07:51
股价变动 - Ericsson (ERIC) 最近的股价为$5.58,较前一天上涨了+0.18% [1] 财务预期 - Ericsson 的下一个季度预计每股收益为$0.04,同比下降50%,预计营收为$5.33亿,同比下降10.95% [2] - Ericsson 整个财年的预期每股收益为$0.42,营收为$240.3亿,同比分别下降了2.33%和3.23% [3] 分析师预期 - 分析师对 Ericsson 的最新预期变化可能反映了最新的短期业务趋势,正面的变化表明分析师对公司的业务和盈利能力持乐观态度 [4]
CRN® Names Vonage's Jim Regan to 2024 Channel Chiefs List
Prnewswire· 2024-03-06 21:30
HOLMDEL, N.J., March 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Vonage, a global leader in cloud communications helping businesses accelerate their digital transformation and a part of Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC), today announced that CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, has named Jim Regan, Vonage Channel Chief, to the prestigious 2024 CRN® Channel Chiefs list. The annual award recognizes the IT vendor and distribution executives who are driving strategy and setting the channel agenda for their companies. Regan has been with Vo ...
Ericsson Annual Report 2023 published
Prnewswire· 2024-03-06 16:20
The Annual Report 2023 available for download and printed version available for order The Annual Report 2023 publication consists of Ericsson's Financial report 2023, the Corporate Governance report 2023, the Remuneration report 2023 and the Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility report 2023 STOCKHOLM, March 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) Annual Report 2023 in Swedish as well as an English translation are now available to download from the Ericsson website: www.ericsson.com/en/inve ...
Ericsson announces Appointment of Becky Rohr as Chief Compliance Officer, bringing together Investigations and Compliance
Prnewswire· 2024-03-06 00:10
Becky Rohr, currently Head of Corporate & Government Investigations, will become the new Chief Compliance Officer Jan Sprafke will leave Ericsson to pursue other opportunities STOCKHOLM, March 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) today announces that Rebecca (Becky) Rohr, currently Head of Corporate and Government Investigations, will become Chief Compliance Officer and will oversee the Compliance team as well as the Investigations office, bringing both functions under a single leader. Ms. Rohr h ...