Enterprise Products Partners L.P.(EPD)
These High-Yield Dividend Stocks Are Turning to Acquisitions to Supercharge Their Growth Engines
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-07 16:45
文章核心观点 - 油气行业并购浪潮已经蔓延到中游管道领域 [1] - 多家中游管道公司近期进行了并购交易,以增强现有资产并提升现金流 [2][3][4] - 行业内还有更多并购交易有望发生,包括大型公司收购中小型公司以及私募基金退出 [5][6][7] - 这些并购交易有助于管道公司增加现金流,从而提高高股息的能力 [8] 关键要点总结 行业并购活跃 - 大型油气公司如埃克森美孚、雪佛龙等纷纷进行并购,带动了整个油气行业的并购浪潮 [1] - 中游管道公司如Energy Transfer、Oneok和Enterprise Products Partners近期也进行了多起并购交易 [2][3][4] 并购交易特点 - 交易具有良好的战略协同,能够增强公司现有资产并提升现金流 [3][4] - 交易对公司的资产负债表影响中性,有利于维持稳健的财务状况 [3] - 交易完成后有利于公司提高高股息的能力 [3][4] 未来并购预期 - 行业内还有更多并购交易有望发生,包括大型公司收购中小型公司以及私募基金退出 [5][6][7] - 这些并购交易有助于管道公司增加现金流,从而提高高股息的能力 [8]
Dividends Don't Matter, Unless You're Alive
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-04 19:35
文章核心观点 - 股息无关论认为公司的股息对其价值没有影响 [1][2] - 但该理论存在一些重大问题 [3][5] - 管理层很难将收益有效再投资以增加公司价值 [3][5] - 股息可以创造对公司股票的需求,从而提高市值 [6][7] 行业总结 - 公司通过发行新股筹集资金,利用高估值时机进行扩张 [6][7] - 不同公司的股息政策对其股价影响程度不同 [6] 公司总结 - Meta Platforms虽然有大量净利润,但市值反而下降 [3] - Block公司收购Afterpay后市值大幅下降 [3] - 相比之下,Enterprise Products Partners通过分红和回购维持了股价 [5] - Realty Income作为一家股息贵族REIT,其股价和分红都保持增长 [6][7]
Time to Pounce: 2 Electrifying Ultra-High-Yield Dividend Stocks That Are Begging to Be Bought in September
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-04 17:21
文章核心观点 - 股息支付公司通常具有较强的盈利能力和抗风险能力,能够为投资者提供较高的长期回报 [1][2][3] - 两家高股息率公司Enterprise Products Partners和PennantPark Floating Rate Capital具有较强的投资价值 [4][6][8][9][10] 企业概况和业绩 Enterprise Products Partners - 是美国最大的中游能源公司之一,主要从事管道、储存和分馏设施的运营 [5] - 通过签订长期固定费用合同,能够提供稳定的现金流,有利于管理层做出准确的预测 [6] - 公司近期完成了950万美元收购Pinion Midstream的交易,预计将为公司带来每股0.03美元的可分配现金流 [7] PennantPark Floating Rate Capital - 是一家中型企业贷款公司(BDC),主要投资于中型企业的股权和债务 [8] - 公司债券投资组合的加权平均收益率为12.1%,受益于利率上升 [9] - 公司通过分散投资组合和优先担保债券等方式有效控制了风险 [10] - 公司当前的市盈率为9倍,股息率接近11%,具有较高的投资价值 [11]
The Smartest High-Yield Energy Stock to Buy With $500 Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-31 18:30
If you are looking for big yields in the energy patch, this midstream giant is boring, reliable, and paying out a 7.1% yield.If you have $500 and want to generate some income with that cash, one of the first places you should look is Enterprise Products Partners (EPD 0.31%). A big reason why is the huge 7.1% yield on offer at a time when the broader market is yielding just 1.2% and energy stocks in general just 3.1%.But the high yield is not the only reason to love Enterprise Products Partners.What does Ent ...
Why Is Enterprise Products (EPD) Up 0.8% Since Last Earnings Report?
ZACKS· 2024-08-30 00:38
It has been about a month since the last earnings report for Enterprise Products Partners (EPD) . Shares have added about 0.8% in that time frame, underperforming the S&P 500.Will the recent positive trend continue leading up to its next earnings release, or is Enterprise Products due for a pullback? Before we dive into how investors and analysts have reacted as of late, let's take a quick look at the most recent earnings report in order to get a better handle on the important catalysts. Enterprise Q2 Earni ...
Got $1,000? This Elite High-Yielding Dividend Stock Could Turn It Into More Than $70 of Annual Passive Income.
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-27 17:23
Enterprise Products Partners is an excellent passive income producer.There are no sure things in investing. However, Enterprise Products Partners (EPD 0.34%) has been as bankable as they come. The master limited partnership (MLP) has increased its cash distribution to investors every year since its initial public offering (26 years in a row). The MLP's payout currently yields more than 7%. At that rate, it could turn a $1,000 investment into a more-than-$70 annual passive income stream. That big-time income ...
This Magnificent Ultra-High-Yield Stock Is Spending $950 Million to Add More Fuel to its Dividend Growth Engine
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-23 18:34
文章核心观点 公司持续寻找扩张业务和现金流的新方式 [1] 公司是一家优质的股息股,连续26年增加现金分红,过去一年增加5% [2] 公司有足够的动力继续增加大额分红 [3] 公司概况 公司最近以9.5亿美元收购Pinon Midstream公司 [4] Pinon Midstream公司提供特拉华盆地天然气收集和处理服务,资产包括50英里管线、5个压缩站和270百万立方英尺/天的硫化氢和二氧化碳处理设施 [4] 这些资产产生稳定的基于长期合同的现金流 [4] Pinon Midstream公司还有可见的增长潜力,正在扩大处理能力至450百万立方英尺/天 [5] 公司对此交易感到兴奋,认为这将加快其进入特拉华盆地东部地区的步伐,为生产商提供可靠和增值的处理服务 [6] 增长动力 这次收购增加了公司已有的6.7亿美元在建项目,包括新的天然气加工厂、管线扩张和出口能力提升 [8] 公司还有多个有机扩张项目,包括大型项目如海港油码头、加工和出口能力提升以及管线扩张 [9] 公司还在评估碳捕集和储存等低碳机会 [9] 公司有财务灵活性进行更多收购,信用评级最高,杠杆率低,今年已完成4亿美元收购 [10]
Enterprise Products (EPD) Signs Deal to Acquire Pinon Midstream
ZACKS· 2024-08-23 01:42
文章核心观点 - 企业产品合伙公司(EPD)以9.5亿美元现金收购Pinon Midstream公司,这标志着EPD在特拉华盆地的业务显著扩张[1][2][3] - 此次收购将加速EPD进入特拉华盆地东部地区,为公司提供在该地区扩大天然气加工能力的战略立足点[3] - EPD预计该交易将在2025年为每单位可分配现金流贡献0.03美元[3] - Pinon Midstream拥有天然气收集和处理系统,包括管道、压缩站和酸性气体处理设施,总处理能力达到270百万立方英尺/天,未来将扩大至450百万立方英尺/天[4][5] - Pinon还拥有两口最大容量和最深的酸性气体注入井,EPD正在评估增加第三口注入井,将总处理能力提升至750百万立方英尺/天[5] - Pinon的Dark Horse设施是一个先进的酸性天然气处理和碳捕集解决方案,已经捕集和封存了超过10万吨二氧化碳和硫化氢[6] 行业概况 - 该收购交易体现了油气管道行业正在经历整合的趋势,随着美国产量持续增长以及新管线许可挑战持续,现有中游运营商如EPD变得越来越有价值[7] - EPD正在德拉华和米德兰盆地开发两座新的天然气加工厂,预计将于2025年投入运营[8] 公司概况 - EPD总部位于德克萨斯州休斯顿,一直积极扩大在美国页岩区的业务足迹[8] - EPD目前的扎克斯排名为3级(持有)[9] - 其他被扎克斯评为2级(买入)的能源公司包括MPLX、Northern Oil and Gas和Devon Energy[10-16]
This 7%-Yielding Energy Stock Just Raised Its Dividend for the 26th Year in a Row
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-20 19:01
Enterprise Products Partners is an income-producing machine.Enterprise Products Partners (EPD 0.93%) has a knack for increasing its cash-distribution payments to investors. The master limited partnership (MLP) has given its investors a raise twice already this year and boosted its payout by 5% over the last 12 months. That continues its long history of dividend growth. This year marks its 26th consecutive year of distribution increases. The MLP has ample fuel to continue increasing its distribution, which c ...
Your Retirement, Sponsored By Growing Dividends
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-16 20:30
Nopphon Pattanasri/iStock via Getty Images Co-authored with Hidden Opportunities. When I plan my vacations, I take a quick look at the weather forecast if I am looking to do outdoor activities. Sure, I can’t play paintball if there is a thunderstorm in the forecast, so my plans always have the flexibility to switch things around. But I don’t obsess over the changing forecasts every minute of the day and stress myself over the developments. Weather patterns are inherently variable and seasonal, so I focu ...