DDD Boosts Dental 3D Printing: How Should Investors Play the Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-09-19 03:20
3D Systems (DDD) recently announced an advancement in dental technology, with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granting 510(k) clearance for its advanced multi-material, monolithic jetted denture solution. The technology combines NextDent Jet Denture Teeth and NextDent Jet Denture Base, along with advanced jetting technology, software and services, to produce high-quality, durable and aesthetically pleasing dentures.By integrating the FDA-cleared solution, dental laboratories can now enhance efficienc ...
3D Systems Receives FDA Clearance for First-to-Market Multi-material, Monolithic Jetted Denture Solution
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-17 20:30
Unique multi-material, single-piece dentures offer unparalleled combination of distinctive break resistance and outstanding aesthetics for enhanced patient experienceSolution being implemented by Glidewell, one of the world’s largest dental laboratoriesFDA clearance represents another important milestone in Company’s strategic initiative to expand its market-leading digital dentistry solution portfolio addressing alignment, protection, repair, replacement of teethNew denture product family significantly exp ...
3D Systems Down 64% YTD: How Should Investors Play the Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-09-14 04:11
3D Systems’ (DDD) shares have plunged 63.6% year to date (YTD) compared with the broader Zacks Computer and Technology sector’s return of 17.6%.The underperformance can be attributed to challenging macroeconomic conditions, weak customer demand and stiff competition.In second-quarter 2024, DDD generated revenues of $113.3 million, down 11.7% year over year. The downtick was mainly due to reduced printer sales from macroeconomic challenges affecting hardware demand, partly offset by growth in materials and s ...
3D Systems Expands Orthopedic Surgical Planning Portfolio Receiving FDA Clearance for Key Ankle Indications
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-11 20:30
New TOTAL ANKLE Patient-Matched Guides pair with Smith+Nephew’s Total Ankle replacement solution, designed to help surgeons save time and ensure accuracy while performing fewer steps than standard instrumentationFDA clearance expands 3D Systems’ leadership in supporting orthopedic surgeons, with surgical planning experience now exceeding 175,000 cases3D Systems engineers and manufactures custom, patient-specific orthopedic solutions leveraging its VSP surgical planning workflows that include market-leading ...
3D Systems Announces Significant Milestone in Commercialization of Oqton Manufacturing OS
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-09 20:30
Strategic partner Baker Hughes deploys Oqton Manufacturing OS as its production solution for additive-driven manufacturing workflow in Houston, TexasEnables on-demand additive manufacturing for regulated markets, improves efficiency & enables scalability leveraging power of real-time monitoringProvides full factory-floor workflow integration, automation, control, & optimization from part design through inspection and certificationFacilitates, expedites order management process for end-to-end record control, ...
3D Systems Expands High Precision Investment Casting Portfolio with QuickCast Air™
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-04 20:30
Advanced software tool maximizes material removal from casting pattern interiors for cleaner burnout, more efficient drainingCustomers realizing up to 50% reduction in material consumption, multi-hour reduction in build timesStep change in material efficiency has demonstrated cost competitiveness with traditional injection molded wax patternsExpands on Company’s pioneering solution that is recognized as the industry standard to additively manufacture casting patterns3D Systems’ solutions driving growth of a ...
Why 3D Systems Stock Withered This Week
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-31 05:48
The company posted a double miss in its latest reported quarter.Barely over a week after it released (very) delayed first-quarter results, 3D Systems (DDD -8.15%) went back to the printing presses to publish a new set of quarterlies. Investors weren't impressed with the 3D printing company's Q2, as the stock traded down by almost 19% over the course of this week, according to data compiled by S&P Global Market Intelligence.Lower revenue, but narrower net lossOn Thursday, 3D Systems unveiled those Q2 figures ...
Why 3D Systems Stock Just Dropped 10%
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-31 01:12
文章核心观点 - 3D Systems和Stratasys两家3D打印公司最新财报均不理想,销售额和利润都未达预期 [1][2][3] - 两家公司的业绩下滑主要源于硬件销售疲软,但服务业务有所增长 [2][3] - 相比之下,3D Systems的业绩表现略差于Stratasys,亏损幅度更大 [2][3] - 3D Systems虽然预计全年销售额有所回升,但仍难以实现盈利,预计第四季度才能接近收支平衡 [3] - 总的来说,目前两家公司的股票都不太值得投资 [4] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 公司业绩 - Stratasys和3D Systems第二季度销售额分别为1.029亿美元和1.165亿美元,均未达预期 [1][2] - Stratasys和3D Systems第二季度非GAAP亏损分别为0.14美元和0.04美元,3D Systems的亏损幅度更大 [1][2] - 3D Systems第二季度GAAP亏损为0.21美元,较非GAAP亏损高出50% [2] 业务情况 - 两家公司的服务业务有所增长,但硬件销售疲软是导致业绩下滑的主要原因 [2][3] - 3D Systems预计全年销售额将在4.5-4.6亿美元之间,但仍难以实现盈利,预计第四季度才能接近收支平衡 [3] 公司应对措施 - Stratasys正在进行业务重组和裁员,预计第三季度将出现巨额亏损 [3] - 3D Systems则表示由于销售额环比有所增长,有信心提升全年业绩指引 [3]
3D Systems(DDD) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-30 08:41
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第一季度收入为2.16亿美元,同比下降13%,主要由于软件和打印机销售下降,但材料和服务收入有所增长 [34] - 第二季度收入环比增长10%,包括打印机、材料和服务在内的各个业务线都有所增长 [34] - 第一半年毛利率为40.5%,同比提升近160个基点,主要得益于材料和服务业务的有利产品组合以及制造和采购的改善 [36] - 第一季度调整后EBITDA为-2010万美元,同比下降1000万美元,主要由于销量下降和运营费用增加 [39] - 第二季度调整后EBITDA为-1290万美元,同比下降600万美元 [39] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 医疗业务第一半年收入为9400万美元,同比下降14%,主要由于打印机销售下降,但材料和服务收入保持增长 [35] - 工业业务第一半年收入为1.22亿美元,同比下降13%,主要由于打印机和材料销售下降,但服务收入增长 [35] - 工业细分市场中,半导体、航空航天和国防表现强劲,但其他主要终端市场普遍疲软 [35] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 医疗业务中,个性化医疗收入同比增长12%,连续10个季度实现年度增长 [17] - 牙科业务方面,与Glidewell的合作推出了单牙多材料喷墨打印假牙,预计将于今年获得监管批准 [25][26] - 工业市场中,航空航天、交通运输、半导体、能源等行业的应用需求强劲 [30][31][32] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正集中精力将Oqton软件平台专注于对质量和供应保证有较高要求的工业市场 [43] - 公司与United Therapeutics的再生医学合作项目,包括肺部开发项目,正在孕育重大技术创新 [43] - 公司在牙科市场的战略是全面覆盖矫正、保护、修复和替换牙齿的四大领域 [23][24][25] - 公司在正畸领域正在开发直接3D打印牙齿矫正器的技术,预计2025年底商业化 [24] - 公司在金属3D打印领域与Precision Resource和沙特NAMI公司建立了战略合作关系 [31][32] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 尽管宏观经济环境仍然充满挑战,但公司业务开始呈现顺序恢复,销售渠道日益强劲,服务业务为未来新客户增长奠定了良好基础 [42] - 公司有望在第三季度和第四季度实现中个位数的顺序收入增长,全年收入预计在4.5亿美元到4.6亿美元之间 [44] - 随着运营费用的下降和毛利率的提升,公司预计第四季度将接近EBITDA盈亏平衡 [44][45] 其他重要信息 - 公司已经完成了对2026年可转债的大部分回购,减少了超过50%的债务,进一步降低了资产负债表风险 [41] - 公司在2023年审计过程中发生了较高的成本,预计将在第四季度恢复到历史正常水平 [6][7][38] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Troy Jensen 提问** 对于公司在牙科领域的直接3D打印牙齿矫正器技术,成本是否是一个挑战,以及公司在牙科业务中最看好的是哪个细分市场? [46] **Jeffrey Graves 回答** 直接3D打印牙齿矫正器的成本确实是一个挑战,但它可以更有效地移动牙齿,并且可以通过更多的销售渠道来提供服务。公司最看好的是假牙市场,因为它可以大幅降低成本和提高质量。公司与Glidewell的合作也将有助于拓展这一市场。[47][48][49][50] 问题2 **Danny Eggerichs 提问** 公司对于第三季度和第四季度的收入增长预期是否有更多的可见度,还是仍然存在一定的不确定性? [60] **Jeffrey Graves 回答** 公司对于第三季度和第四季度的收入增长持谨慎乐观态度。客户正在更多地评估3D打印技术的经济效益,这是一个好兆头。但实际订单需求的恢复仍然取决于客户对终端市场需求的判断,存在一定的不确定性。公司将密切关注通胀和利率的变化趋势,这将影响客户的资本支出决策。[61][62] 问题3 **Ananda Baruah 提问** 公司在哪些领域看到了管线的改善? [83] **Jeffrey Graves 回答** 公司看到了军工、航空航天、半导体设备等行业的管线显著改善。这些行业对3D打印技术的需求非常强劲,因为3D打印可以帮助降低成本、提高性能。医疗领域中,个性化正畸和骨科植入物也表现良好。牙科业务起初疲软,但正在逐步好转。总的来说,公司在工业和医疗两大领域的管线都在不断改善。[84][85][86]
3D Systems(DDD) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-30 06:27
业绩总结 - 公司2024年上半年财务业绩表现一般,Q2季度收入环比增长10%[7] - 公司2024年第一季度和第二季度净利润分别为1.1亿美元和1.3亿美元,同比下降14%[16] - 非GAAP毛利率在Q2'24年同比增长110个基点,达到40.9%[17] - 非GAAP运营费用在Q2'24年同比增长,主要受外部审计费用影响[19] - 调整后息税折旧及摊销前利润(Adj. EBITDA)在Q2'24年同比下降6亿美元[21] 用户数据 - 公司在医疗保健领域取得强劲复苏,个性化健康业务连续第10个季度实现同比增长[7] 新产品和新技术研发 - 公司与Precision Resource达成战略合作,推动金属增材制造应用[13] 市场扩张和并购 - 公司截至季度末现金及现金等价物为1.93亿美元,回购了价值1.1亿美元的'26年可转换债券[22] 负面信息 - 2024年第二季度,3D Systems Corporation的调整后EBITDA为(33.0)百万美元,较2023年同期下降了92.9%[44]