ENDAVA ALERT: Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. Announces that a Class Action Lawsuit Has Been Filed Against Endava PLC and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-28 10:00
NEW YORK, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C., a nationally recognized stockholder rights law firm, announces that a class action lawsuit has been filed against Endava PLC (“Endava” or the “Company”) (NYSE: DAVA) in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York on behalf of all persons and entities who purchased or otherwise acquired Endava securities between May 23, 2023, and February 28, 2024, both dates inclusive (the “Class Period”). Investors have unti ...
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Announces the Filing of a Class Action Against Endava plc - DAVA
Prnewswire· 2024-08-28 03:08
NEW YORK, Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Pomerantz LLP announces that a class action lawsuit has been filed against Endava plc ("Endava" or the "Company") (NYSE: DAVA).  Such investors are advised to contact Danielle Peyton at [email protected] or 646-581-9980, (or 888.4-POMLAW), toll-free, Ext. 7980. Those who inquire by e-mail are encouraged to include their mailing address, telephone number, and the number of shares purchased.The class action concerns whether Endava and certain of its officers and/or dire ...
ENDAVA, PLC (NYSE: DAVA) INVESTOR ALERT: Investors With Large Losses in Endava, plc Should Contact Bernstein Liebhard LLP To Discuss Their Rights
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-28 01:26
NEW YORK, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bernstein Liebhard LLP announces that a shareholder has filed a securities class action lawsuit on behalf of investors (the “Class”) who purchased or acquired the securities of Endava, plc (“Endava” or the “Company”) (NYSE: DAVA) between May 23, 2023 and February 28, 2024, inclusive (the “Class Period”). For more information, submit a form at Endava, plc Shareholder Class Action Lawsuit, email Investor Relations Manager Peter Allocco at pallocco@bernlieb.com, or c ...
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Class Action Lawsuit Filed on Behalf of Endava, PLC (DAVA) Investors – Holzer & Holzer, LLC Encourages Investors With Significant Losses to Contact the Firm
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-27 23:10
文章核心观点 - 针对Endava公司提起了股东集体诉讼 [1] - 指控公司在2023年5月23日至2024年2月28日期间做出了虚假或误导性陈述 [1] - 具体指控包括: 1) 公司服务需求下降 2) 客户延迟或取消项目 3) 因此公司2023财年和2024财年的收入和利润将受到不利影响 [1] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 诉讼相关 - 鼓励在上述时间段内购买公司股票并遭受重大损失的投资者联系律师了解自己的法律权利 [2] - 法律事务所Holzer & Holzer, LLC负责此案,该所在2021-2023年连续3年被ISS评为顶级证券诉讼律所 [3] - 该所自2000年成立以来,律师们在为受欺骗和公司不当行为的股东追回数亿美元赔偿方面发挥了关键作用 [3]
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims On Behalf of Investors of Endava plc - DAVA
Prnewswire· 2024-08-27 08:38
文章核心观点 - 调查公司Endava plc(纽交所代码:DAVA)涉嫌证券欺诈或其他非法商业行为 [1][2] - Endava公司2023年12月31日季度财报显示,收入较之前预期低约7000万英镑,约占9% [3] - 该消息公布后,Endava美国存托凭证价格下跌41.76%至每股37.17美元 [4] 公司相关 - Endava是一家上市公司,主营业务为提供IT服务 [3] - 2023年12月31日季度,Endava的收入较之前预期低约7000万英镑,约占9% [3] - 该消息公布后,Endava美国存托凭证价格大幅下跌41.76%至每股37.17美元 [4] 调查相关 - 调查公司Pomerantz LLP正代表Endava投资者进行调查 [1] - 调查涉及Endava及其部分高管是否存在证券欺诈或其他非法商业行为 [2] - Pomerantz LLP是一家知名的证券集体诉讼律师事务所 [5]
DAVA INVESTOR ALERT: Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Announces that Endava plc Investors with Substantial Losses Have Opportunity to Lead the Endava Class Action Lawsuit
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-27 07:17
SAN DIEGO, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP announces that purchasers or acquirers of Endava plc (NYSE: DAVA) securities between May 23, 2023 and February 28, 2024, inclusive (the “Class Period”), have until October 25, 2024 to seek appointment as lead plaintiff of the Endava class action lawsuit. Captioned Mueller v. Endava, plc, No. 24-cv-06423 (S.D.N.Y.), the Endava class action lawsuit charges Endava and certain of Endava’s top executives with violations of the Securiti ...
DAVA INVESTIGATION ALERT: Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Announces Investigation into Endava plc and Encourages Investors with Substantial Losses or Witnesses with Relevant Information to Contact the Firm
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-17 08:30
SAN DIEGO, Aug. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP is investigating potential violations of U.S. federal securities laws involving Endava plc (NYSE: DAVA) focused on whether Endava and certain of its top executives made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose material information to investors. If you have information that could assist in this investigation or if you are an Endava investor who suffered a loss and would like to learn more, you can provide your i ...
Have you Lost Money in Endava? Contact Johnson Fistel to Learn More About Potentially Recovering Your Losses
Prnewswire· 2024-08-10 02:59
SAN DIEGO, Aug. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Shareholder rights law firm Johnson Fistel, LLP is investigating whether Endava plc (NYSE: DAVA) (the "Company") or any of its executive officers or others violated securities laws by misrepresenting or failing to timely disclose material, adverse information to investors. The investigation focuses on investors' losses and whether they may be recovered under federal securities laws.What if I purchased Endava securities? If you purchased securities and suffered signifi ...
3 Tech Stocks That Could Be Multibaggers in the Making: July Edition
Investor Place· 2024-07-21 18:16
The stock market appears to be entering a major rotation. Over the past week, the largest tech and momentum stocks have started selling off. In particular, firms related to semiconductors and AI have seen their share prices plunge.This could be normal profit-taking after the massive run-up over the past year. There are also concerns that the Republican presidential ticket could shake up the tech landscape, leading to challenges for the leading firms in the field.However, the large companies’ struggles could ...
Endava(DAVA) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-24 03:04
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司第三季度收入为1.744亿英镑,同比下降11.8%,在公司此前提供的指引范围内 [21][42] - 公司第三季度调整税前利润为1550万英镑,调整税前利润率为8.9% [22][43] - 公司第三季度调整每股摊薄收益为0.22英镑,超出公司指引 [22][44] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 支付业务收入同比下降27%,占总收入24% [48] - 银行和资本市场业务收入同比下降24.2%,占总收入14% [48] - 保险业务收入同比增长1.7%,占总收入9% [48] - 电信、媒体和科技业务收入同比下降4%,占总收入24% [48] - 移动业务收入同比下降22.4%,占总收入10% [48] - 其他业务收入同比增长3.2%,占总收入19% [48] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 北美地区收入同比下降19.4% [46][47] - 欧洲地区收入同比增长0.9% [47] - 英国地区收入同比下降22.3% [47] - 其他地区收入同比增长3.8% [47] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在投资于人才培养和技术能力建设,以应对行业的变革,特别是在人工智能领域 [13][18][19][28][35] - 公司通过收购GalaxE拓展了在美国医疗行业的业务,并与GalaxE团队合作开拓新的业务机会 [23][24][25][26][27] - 公司开发了Agentic AI Industry Accelerator,帮助客户更好地利用人工智能技术 [28][29][30][31][33][34] - 公司认为自身在数字化转型和核心系统现代化方面具有独特优势,有望从人工智能带来的行业变革中获益 [92][93][94][127] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层认为当前宏观经济环境充满不确定性,客户正在审慎评估支出优先级 [13] - 但同时也看到客户在数字化转型和人工智能方面的大量潜在需求 [13][15][16] - 公司将继续投资于人才和技术能力,以保持竞争优势并抓住未来的市场机遇 [17][39] 其他重要信息 - 公司第三季度末员工人数为11,025人,同比下降6.1% [38] - 公司重视员工培训和发展,以保持技术领先优势 [38] - 公司第三季度自由现金流为220万英镑,同比下降 [49] - 公司第四季度和全年业绩指引包括GalaxE的贡献 [50][51] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Jonathan Lee 提问** GalaxE Solutions整合进展如何?未来几个季度的收入和EPS影响是什么? [54][55][56][57][58] **John Cotterell 和 Mark Thurston 回答** 整合进展顺利,已经开始获得一些联合业务。GalaxE在第四季度的收入贡献约为2100万英镑,但由于整合成本,对EPS贡献较小,未来将逐步提升至Endava水平。 [55][56][57][58] 问题2 **Bryan Bergin 提问** 客户需求情况如何?第四季度收入增长情况如何? [64][65][66][67][68] **John Cotterell 和 Mark Thurston 回答** 新增需求正在逐步恢复,但速度较慢。第四季度收入增长主要来自GalaxE的贡献,剔除GalaxE的情况下基本持平。公司拥有99%的已签约和承诺收入,对第四季度和全年有较强的可见性。 [65][66][67][68] 问题3 **Ryan Potter 提问** 支付业务表现如何?Mastercard和Worldpay业务情况如何? [73][74][75][76][77] **John Cotterell 和 Mark Thurston 回答** 支付业务持续下滑,但被其他业务的增长所抵消。Mastercard业务中RTP业务持续下滑,但其他业务保持健康增长。Worldpay业务有望随着其自身重组计划的推进而恢复增长。 [75][76][77]