California Water Service(CWT)
California Water Service Group Subsidiary Files Plan to Invest $1.6 Billion in its California Water Systems in Upcoming Three Years, Proposes Program to Decouple Revenue from Water Sales
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-09 20:45
文章核心观点 - 公司提交基础设施改善计划,计划在2025-2027年期间投资超过16亿美元,其中包括13亿美元的新资本投资 [1][3] - 公司提出低用水权益计划,旨在提高低用水和低收入客户的负担能力,同时保持公司收入目标 [5] - 公司提出2026年总收入增加17.1%,2027年增加7.7%,2028年增加8.1%,以支持上述投资计划 [6] 基础设施改善计划 - 约46%的新基础设施改善计划将用于更换老化的管道,以提高供水可靠性 [3] - 还包括水质升级、基础设施更换、应急备用电源和太阳能项目、安全性提升、水源保护等 [3][4] - 部署高级计量基础设施,以支持节水和提高用水效率 [4] 低用水权益计划 - 该计划旨在与公司提出的累进四级费率设计和销售预测建议配合使用,提高可负担性,特别是针对低用水和低收入客户 [5] - 该计划将收入与用水量脱钩,以确保公司能够及时收回授权收入 [5]
California Water Service Group Subsidiary Files Plan to Invest $1.6 Billion in its California Water Systems in Upcoming Three Years, Proposes Program to Decouple Revenue from Water Sales
Newsfilter· 2024-07-09 20:45
SAN JOSE, Calif., July 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- To continue providing safe, clean, reliable tap water to customers across the communities it serves, California Water Service (Cal Water)—the largest subsidiary of California Water Service Group (NYSE:CWT)—yesterday submitted Infrastructure Improvement Plans for its California districts from 2025-2027 in its General Rate Case (GRC) filing with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The application also proposes a Low-Use Water Equity Program, w ...
California Water Service Applauds California Supreme Court Decision Preserving Water Utilities' Rights to Implement Rate-Making Mechanism that Supports Conservation, Protects Customers
Newsfilter· 2024-07-09 08:00
SAN JOSE, Calif., July 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- California Water Service (Cal Water) commends the decision issued today by the California Supreme Court that preserves decoupling as a rate-making mechanism, protects water utilities' due process rights, and enables them to maintain financial stability, all while encouraging water conservation and helping protect customers at the same time. The ruling was issued in response to the Low-Income Ratepayer Assistance Phase 1 Decision (D. 20-08-047) made by the ...
California Water Service Applauds California Supreme Court Decision Preserving Water Utilities' Rights to Implement Rate-Making Mechanism that Supports Conservation, Protects Customers
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-09 08:00
文章核心观点 - 加州最高法院裁定,保留了"分离费率"作为一种费率制定机制,维护了水务公司的正当程序权利,并有助于保持公司的财务稳定,同时鼓励节水并保护客户利益[1][2][3] - 法院认为,加州公用事业委员会(CPUC)在取消"分离费率"时未遵守州议会规定的法定程序和CPUC自身的规则,未能给予公司充分的机会来证明"分离费率"的有效性[2] 公司概况 - 加州水务公司(Cal Water)为超过200万人提供高质量、可靠的水务服务,拥有497,700个服务连接[4] - 公司的目标是提高客户和社区的生活质量,负责任地投资于水和废水基础设施、可持续性举措和社区福祉[4] - 公司拥有1,100多名员工,秉持坚定的核心价值观,致力于保护地球、关爱人民和以最高诚信经营[4] - 公司被评为"美国最负责任公司"和"世界最值得信赖公司"[4] 公司立场 - 保护客户利益是公司的首要任务,公司很高兴法院裁定支持水务公司维护正当程序权利,并有机会证明"分离费率"的有效性[3] - "分离费率"是一个重要工具,有助于在推广节水以确保未来供水的同时,保持客户费率的可负担性[3]
California Water Service Group Gives Back to its Communities with $80,000 in College Scholarships
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-28 04:15
SAN JOSE, Calif., June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As part of its commitment to enhance the quality of life for those it serves, California Water Service Group (Group) has awarded $80,000 in college scholarships to 12 of the best and brightest California, Hawaii, and Washington students for the 2024-25 academic year. This year, Group is investing in the education of students in its service areas who plan to change their communities through their study of everything from artificial intelligence to neuroscie ...
California Water Service Group Gives Back to its Communities with $80,000 in College Scholarships
Newsfilter· 2024-06-28 04:15
SAN JOSE, Calif., June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As part of its commitment to enhance the quality of life for those it serves, California Water Service Group (Group) has awarded $80,000 in college scholarships to 12 of the best and brightest California, Hawaii, and Washington students for the 2024-25 academic year. This year, Group is investing in the education of students in its service areas who plan to change their communities through their study of everything from artificial intelligence to neuroscie ...
5 Safe Stocks to Buy as Uncertainty Over Rate Cuts Continue
ZACKS· 2024-06-06 21:55
文章核心观点 - 通胀温和下降,但联储仍处于观望状态,导致华尔街再次出现波动 [1][2] - 制造业活动持续放缓,制造业采购经理人指数连续18个月下降 [8] - 建议投资防御性股票,如公用事业和必需消费品股票 [9][10] 行业总结 公用事业行业 - 阿特摩斯能源公司(ATO)是一家从事天然气输配业务的监管公用事业公司,服务于8个州的340万客户 [11][12] - 加利福尼亚水务集团(CWT)是美国最大的投资者拥有水务公司之一,在6个州拥有多家子公司 [13][14] - 波特兰通用电力公司(POR)是一家垂直整合的电力公用事业公司,为俄勒冈州的住宅、商业和工业客户提供服务 [15][16][17] 必需消费品行业 - 百事公司(PEP)是一家全球领先的食品和饮料公司,旗下拥有多个补充品牌 [18][19] - 金宝洁公司(KMB)主要从事消费品的制造和营销,产品广泛应用于各行各业 [20][21]
California Water (CWT) Acquires Kings Mountain's Water System· 2024-05-29 20:05
文章核心观点 - 加州水务集团(CWT)的子公司加州水务(Cal Water)收购了Kings Mountain Park Mutual Water Company的水系统资产[1][2][3] - 收购有助于提高水供应可靠性和消防能力[3] - Cal Water计划对Kings Mountain的水基础设施进行投资,确保提供可靠和安全的水[4] 行业概况 - 老旧的水和污水基础设施以及必要升级的延迟是行业的关切[5] - 小型服务提供商财力有限,无法及时进行必要的昂贵修缮,导致管线破裂、服务中断和污染风险增加[5] - 大型水务公司通过收购小型参与者来确保向客户提供高质量服务并进行必要的基础设施升级[6] - 未来20年内,饮用水和污水系统至少需要8960亿美元的额外投资[6] 公司动态 - 2024年第一季度,CWT的资本投资为1.098亿美元,同比增长34%,预计2024年资本支出为3.8亿美元[7] - CWT继续通过收购水和污水系统来扩大业务[7][8] - 其他公司如美国水务(AWK)和必需公用事业(WTRG)也通过收购和投资来扩张业务[9][10][12] - AWK计划2024年投资31亿美元,主要用于监管业务的基础设施改善[11] - 必需公用事业计划2024年投资13-14亿美元,2024-2028年投资72亿美元,改善水和天然气系统[13] 股价表现 - 过去3个月,CWT股价上涨7.6%,优于行业4.9%的增长[14]
California Water Service Group Bolsters Environmental, Social, and Governance Program, Reaffirms Commitment to Safe and Reliable Water Supply for Communities· 2024-05-23 04:15
SAN JOSE, Calif., May 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As part of its dedication to enhancing the transparency of its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) program, California Water Service Group (Group or Company) (NYSE: CWT) today released its 2023 ESG Report and ESG Analyst Download. The ESG Report—which is aligned with recognized reporting frameworks and standards, including the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Water Utilities & Services Industry Standards, the Recommendations of the Task For ...
California Water Service Group Bolsters Environmental, Social, and Governance Program, Reaffirms Commitment to Safe and Reliable Water Supply for Communities
Newsfilter· 2024-05-23 04:15
SAN JOSE, Calif., May 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As part of its dedication to enhancing the transparency of its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) program, California Water Service Group (Group or Company) (NYSE: CWT) today released its 2023 ESG Report and ESG Analyst Download. The ESG Report—which is aligned with recognized reporting frameworks and standards, including the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Water Utilities & Services Industry Standards, the Recommendations of the Task For ...