California Water Service(CWT)
California Water Service Launches 11th Annual School Conservation Education Program
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-20 04:15
SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- California Water Service (Cal Water), in partnership with DoGoodery, has launched its 11th annual water conservation education program for schools and students in kindergarten through 12th grade. Tap Into Learning offers multiple opportunities for students, classrooms, and school-based clubs in Cal Water service areas to engage in activities related to water conservation and sustainability throughout the 2024-25 academic year. Program components include: ...
California Water Service Group: Buy It And Let It Drip
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-17 12:03
文章核心观点 - 加州水务公司是一家主要在加州运营的水务和污水处理公司,以稳定的股息增长和"股息之王"地位而闻名 [1] - 过去几年公司股价表现疲软,但最近由于获得费率审批和支出降低而有所好转 [1] - 公司估值较历史水平较低,是一个长期持有的好标的 [1] 公司概况 - 加州水务公司成立于1926年,是美国第三大上市水务公司 [2] - 目前在加州、夏威夷、新墨西哥、德克萨斯和华盛顿州拥有子公司,为超过200万人提供服务 [2] - 2023年全年收入超过7.95亿美元,过去12个月收入为9.85亿美元 [2] 收入和利润增长 - 2024年二季度公司业绩超预期,收入同比增长约26%,超过成本增长 [3] - 每股收益大幅增长约311%,反映了2021年费率案获批、涨价以及支出降低 [3] - 连续两个季度的良好业绩和乐观情绪推动股价在2024年上涨约6%,过去12个月上涨约11.2% [3] 未来展望 - 公司未来将继续进行小规模收购,并已提交2024年加州费率案 [7] - 2025-2027年计划投资16亿美元于基础设施,并申请2026年17.1%、2027年7.7%和8.1%的收入增长 [7][8] - 这些增长应该会带来每股收益的提升 [7] 挑战与风险 - 加州市场趋于成熟,人口增长放缓,但公司通过收购和资产基础增加来应对 [9] - 自然灾害和网络安全风险是公司面临的其他挑战 [9][10] 竞争优势 - 公司在服务区域内拥有垄断地位,这是其主要竞争优势 [10] - 淡水和污水处理需求相对抗经济周期 [10] 股息分析 - 股价疲软导致股息收益率超过5年平均水平,目前约为2.04% [11] - 公司为"股息之王",连续57年增加股息,未来几年预计将保持中个位数增长 [12] - 股息安全性良好,派息率约38%,远低于65%的安全阈值 [13] 估值分析 - 当前股价仍低于历史高点,估值水平也低于过去5年和10年 [14] - 按20倍PE计算,公司合理价值为58.8美元,较当前价格略有折价 [14] - 其他估值模型也显示公司略有被低估 [14]
Hawaii Water Service Operations Manager Recognized Nationally for Response During Lahaina Fire
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-11 05:30
SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- (NYSE: CWT)—For his leadership to keep water flowing to his local communities during the devastating Lahaina wildfire last year, the National Association of Water Companies (NAWC) honored John (Kani) Kadowaki with the Living Water Award during its annual Water Summit today. Kadowaki is the Maui Operations Manager of Hawaii Water Service (Hawaii Water), a subsidiary of California Water Service Group (Group). The Living Water Award is presented to the regul ...
Newsweek names California Water Service Group One of “World's Most Trustworthy Companies”
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-05 05:30
SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- California Water Service Group (Group) (NYSE: CWT) has earned a spot on Newsweek’s list of the “World’s Most Trustworthy Companies” for the second year in a row, the magazine announced today. The designation, also in its second year, was given to Group by Newsweek and Statista Inc., a leading statistics portal and industry ranking provider, based on feedback and analysis from the utility’s customers, investors, and employees. Newsweek selected 57 companie ...
California Water Service Opens 2024 Firefighter Grant Program
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-04 04:15
SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- California Water Service (Cal Water) opened its sixth annual Firefighter Grant Program today to fire departments in its districts, as part of its ongoing commitment to—and partnership with—local first responders. Cal Water encourages professional and volunteer fire departments that serve any part of Cal Water’s service areas to apply for funding that will offset costs for fire protection efforts, equipment, training, and education. Cal Water’s Firefighter ...
California Water Service Group Named Great Place to Work® for Ninth Consecutive Year
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-30 04:15
SAN JOSE, Calif., Aug. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- For the ninth consecutive year, the Great Place to Work® Institute has named California Water Service Group (Group) (NYSE: CWT) a Great Place to Work. The Great Place to Work award is based wholly on current, full-time employees’ feedback about their experience working at the company. The certification includes two parts: a Culture Audit© and a Trust Index©. Results were then compared to other top U.S. workplaces to determine the company’s placement. Beyon ...
3 Dividend Kings to Buy Now for a Lifetime of Passive Income
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-27 19:45
These excellent companies use dividends as one of many ways to reward shareholders.Generating income from an investment for the rest of your life is a tall order, regardless of your age or risk tolerance. To have that level of confidence in a company, the business has to be operationally sound and endure economic cycles. It should have financial credibility, a strong balance sheet, and a pathway toward growing earnings and dividend payouts.Dividend Kings are a rare breed of companies that have paid and rais ...
California Water Service Group Named Bay Area Top Workplace for 12th Year
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-27 04:15
文章核心观点 公司连续12年被评为湾区顶级工作场所,体现了公司对员工的重视和承诺[1][2][3][4] 公司概况 1) 公司是美国西部最大的受管制水务公司,在加州、夏威夷、新墨西哥、华盛顿和德克萨斯州提供优质可靠的水和/或污水服务,为超过210万人服务[6] 2) 公司在加州湾区拥有近400名员工,通过4个地区和一个客户支持服务中心为39.35万人提供服务[5] 3) 公司在全州范围内通过49.77万个客户连接为超过200万人提供服务[5] 4) 公司的使命是提高客户、社区、员工和股东的生活质量,通过负责任的投资、可持续发展举措和社区福祉来实现[7] 员工关怀 1) 公司提供有竞争力的薪酬和福利待遇、成长机会、情感健康资源等,并采取措施提升员工体验,如加强内部沟通反馈、推出与公司业绩挂钩的风险报酬计划[2][4] 2) 公司被评为"美国最负责任公司"和"世界最值得信赖公司",被评为"优秀工作场所"[7]
California Water (CWT) Q2 Earnings & Revenues Beat Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-08-02 22:26
California Water Service Group (CWT) recorded second-quarter 2024 adjusted earnings of 70 cents per share, which surpassed the Zacks Consensus Estimate of 39 cents by 79.5%. The bottom line also increased from the year-ago quarter’s figure of 17 cents.Total RevenuesOperating revenues totaled $244.3 million, which surpassed the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $200 million by 22%. The top line also increased 25.9% from $194 million recorded in the prior-year quarter. The quarterly results continued to benefit fro ...
California Water Service(CWT) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-02 08:53
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第二季度营业收入增长25.9%至2.443亿美元,主要由于2021年综合费率案授权的新费率带来的19.3百万美元增加以及应计未计费收入的10.4百万美元增加 [16][17] - 第二季度净收入为4,060万美元,每股摊薄收益0.70美元,去年同期为960万美元,每股摊薄收益0.17美元 [16] - 2024年前6个月营业收入增长58.4%至5.15亿美元,主要由于2021年综合费率案带来的累计费率增加1.315亿美元以及之前递延的RAM收入确认1,600万美元 [21][22][24][25] - 2024年前6个月净收入为1.105亿美元,每股摊薄收益1.90美元,去年同期为净亏损1,270万美元,每股摊薄亏损0.23美元 [21] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 公司未提供各业务线的具体数据和指标变化 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司未提供各市场的具体数据和指标变化 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司提出2025-2027年投资超过16亿美元用于基础设施改善计划,以提高可靠性和可持续性 [35] - 公司提出费率设计优惠低用水和低收入客户,并重新实施解耦机制以保持客户费率的可负担性 [35][38][39][40] - 公司认为PFAS/PFOS标准的实施将是未来3年的一个重要投资领域,预计投资2.26亿美元 [49][50][51] - 公司通过小型水系统的并购整合来提高运营效率和服务水平 [54][55][76][77] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层表示2023年与2024年的差异很大,2024年获得了2021年费率案的全面实施,这对财务业绩产生了重大影响 [11][15] - 管理层预计第三季度将是最繁忙的季度,除了正常的运营外,还需要应对严重的火灾季节 [65] - 管理层认为PFAS/PFOS标准的实施将是未来几年的一个重要投资领域,但这些投资不包括在当前的资本支出预测中 [49][50][51] - 管理层对公司的ESG表现和未来碳减排目标感到自豪 [58][59][60][63] 其他重要信息 - 公司获得加州最高法院的有利裁决,维护了水公用事业的权利和解耦机制 [37][38][39][40] - 公司积极参与社区应急演练,与第一响应者保持密切沟通协调,以应对日益严重的火灾威胁 [41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48] - 公司获得标普A+稳定的信用评级,并获得CPUC批准发行高达13亿美元的新债务和股权证券 [31] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Michael Gaugler 提问** 询问PFAS相关资本支出的时间安排 [68] **Martin Kropelnicki 回答** 公司计划在2025年和2026年加大PFAS相关投资,预计将推高资本支出增速至9%-10% [70][71][72][73] 问题2 **Davis Sunderland 提问** 询问小型水系统在PFAS合规方面的挑战,以及这是否为公司带来并购机会 [75] **Martin Kropelnicki 回答** 公司认为小型水系统在PFAS合规方面将面临巨大挑战,这可能为公司带来更多并购机会,尤其是一些资金实力较弱的小系统 [76][77][78][79][80][81] 问题3 **Jonathan Reeder 提问** 询问第二季度每股收益中是否存在非经常性因素 [87] **James Lynch 回答** 第二季度每股收益中没有特殊因素,主要反映了2021年费率案的影响,但年初至今的每股收益中包含了2023年的64百万美元收益确认 [88][89][90][95][96][97]