merzbank AG(CRZBY)
Commerzbank Fined for Money Laundering Compliance Failure
PYMNTS· 2024-04-23 00:11
A German financial regulator has reportedly fined Commerzbank $1.5 million for anti-money laundering violations. BaFin said Monday (April 11) that the bank failed to update customer data on time and did not provide sufficient security measures, Reuters reported. This, the report added, led to inadequate due diligence in three cases, which meant that the bank had violated its anti-money laundering (AML) obligations. “Commerzbank AG and the former comdirect Bank AG, of which Commerzbank AG is the universal su ...
Commerzbank to Integrate PPI Platform, ISO 20022 for X-Border Payments
PYMNTS· 2024-04-05 04:54
支付平台更新 - Commerzbank正在更新其支付平台,使用Swift网络处理跨境支付[1] - 使用PPI的Travic-Payment Hub完成迁移,预计将于2025年底完成[2] - 通过Travic-Payment Hub,Commerzbank将能够为客户的全球活动在ISO 20022格式中处理所有支付消息[4] - 该平台还将使银行更容易地为未来的国际支付添加新产品,因为Travic-Payment Hub已经原生开发支持这些ISO格式[5] - Commerzbank还旨在可靠地处理国际支付的授权,扩展现有产品,并减少维护时间和次要成本[6] ISO 20022标准化 - ISO 20022的采用正在标准化金融机构之间的互动,通过消除幕后许多手动步骤来帮助直通处理[8]