Capri (CPRI)
In federal trial, Michael Kors says it's harder to sell handbags in TikTok and Taylor Swift era
CNBC· 2024-09-17 03:36
Designer Michael Kors poses backstage before the Michael Kors Collection Fall 2017 runway show at Spring Studios on February 15, 2017 in New York City.NEW YORK CITY — In a federal courtroom on Monday, storied fashion designer Michael Kors spoke about the steep challenge of staying relevant in a world where brands can rise and fall based on viral TikTok videos and photos of handbags on the arms of celebrities like Taylor Swift and Beyoncé.Kors kicked off the week of testimony in the antitrust trial in Manhat ...
Three key questions that will shape whether Coach and Michael Kors owners will merge
CNBC· 2024-09-13 01:58
In this articleCPRITPRPedestrians walk past a Coach store and a Michael Kors store.Scott Olson | Getty ImagesJust a few miles from the birthplace of Coach in New York City, a federal judge will soon decide whether its owner Tapestry can become a bag behemoth — in a decision that will weigh big questions about how much consumers are paying for goods and the choices they have when they shop.Investors, lawyers and reporters have flocked this week to a courtroom in Manhattan for an antitrust trial over a Federa ...
Retail Earnings: Value, Caution, and Luxury in a Shifting Market
MarketBeat· 2024-08-19 19:30
Retail sector earnings season is about more than the statistics and metrics of your favorite retail brand. It's a window into the evolving dynamics of consumer behavior and the economic forces shaping multiple industries. The interplay between consumer staples and consumer discretionary spending is crucial to understanding these dynamics. Analyzing earnings reports through this lens provides investors with valuable insights into which segments of the economy are thriving and which are facing challenges. Thi ...
Interpreting Capri Holdings (CPRI) International Revenue Trends
ZACKS· 2024-08-12 22:21
Have you evaluated the performance of Capri Holdings' (CPRI) international operations during the quarter that concluded in June 2024? Considering the extensive worldwide presence of this luxury retailer, analyzing the patterns in international revenues is crucial for understanding its financial resilience and potential for growth.In the modern, closely-knit global economic landscape, the capacity of a business to access foreign markets is often a key determinant of its financial well-being and growth path. ...
Capri Holdings (CPRI) Q1 Earnings & Revenues Miss on Soft Demand
ZACKS· 2024-08-09 21:15
文章核心观点 - 奢侈品牌Capri Holdings(CPRI)公司在2025财年第一季度业绩疲弱,收入和利润同比下降,且低于市场预期 [1][2] - 这主要是由于全球对奢侈时尚商品的需求疲软所致 [2] - 为应对全球零售市场的挑战,公司正谨慎管控运营成本和库存 [2] - 公司仍专注于执行战略举措,以实现各奢侈品部门的长期可持续增长 [2] 公司业务表现 Versace - 收入同比下降15.4%,主要由于全球对时尚奢侈品需求疲软 [9] - 零售销售录得高个位数下降,批发收入则下降两位数 [9] - 在各地区,收入分别下降15%、22%和3% [9] - 但品牌全球客户数据库增加了130万,同比增长20% [9] Jimmy Choo - 收入同比下降5.5%,同样受到时尚奢侈品需求放缓影响 [10][11] - 零售销售中等个位数下降,批发收入小幅下降 [11] - 在各地区,收入分别下降5%、17%,但美洲增长6% [11] - 品牌全球客户数据库增加70万,同比增长13% [11] Michael Kors - 收入同比下降14.2%,受时尚奢侈品需求疲软影响 [12][13] - 零售销售下降两位数,批发收入下降两位数 [13] - 在各地区,收入分别下降10%、21%和23% [13] - 但品牌全球客户数据库增加1060万,同比增长15% [13] 财务状况 - 截至2024年6月29日,公司拥有2.13亿美元现金及等价物,12.52亿美元长期债务,总股东权益15.82亿美元 [14] - 公司共有1,230家零售门店,其中包括764家Michael Kors、227家Jimmy Choo和239家Versace门店 [15] - 公司股价在过去3个月内下跌11.1%,低于同期行业下跌10.3% [16]
Capri Holdings (CPRI) Q1 Earnings: Taking a Look at Key Metrics Versus Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-08-09 07:30
For the quarter ended June 2024, Capri Holdings (CPRI) reported revenue of $1.07 billion, down 13.2% over the same period last year. EPS came in at $0.04, compared to $0.74 in the year-ago quarter.The reported revenue compares to the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.15 billion, representing a surprise of -7.12%. The company delivered an EPS surprise of -93.22%, with the consensus EPS estimate being $0.59.While investors closely watch year-over-year changes in headline numbers -- revenue and earnings -- and ho ...
Capri (CPRI) - 2025 Q1 - Quarterly Report
2024-08-09 04:10
品牌组合 - 卡普里集团旗下拥有三大奢侈品牌:范思哲、吉米·周和迈克尔·科尔斯[185] - 范思哲品牌以意大利奢华风格和工艺著称,产品线涵盖高级定制、成衣、配饰、眼镜、香水等[186] - 吉米·周品牌主打女士奢华鞋履,并提供配饰、男士鞋履等产品[187] - 迈克尔·科尔斯品牌起源于40多年前,已发展成为全球性的配饰、成衣和鞋履公司[188] 财务表现 - 总收入同比下降13.2%至10.67亿美元[211] - 毛利率下降至64.6%,主要由于销售价格折扣增加和渠道结构变化[217] - 运营费用同比下降4.8%至6.97亿美元,主要由于营销费用和零售店成本下降[218,219] - Versace业务亏损1700万美元,经营利润率为-7.8%[228] - Jimmy Choo业务经营利润下降75%至400万美元,经营利润率为2.3%[226] - Michael Kors业务经营利润下降42.3%至7500万美元,经营利润率为11.1%[226,227] - 整体经营亏损800万美元,经营利润率为-0.7%[225] - 受宏观经济环境影响,各品牌销售均出现下滑[211,212,213,214,215,216] 现金流和财务状况 - 公司现金流量充足,预计未来12个月内可满足营运资金需求,包括门店开设和翻新、基础设施投资等[236,240,241,242] - 公司暂停了转型计划的剩余项目,将在2025财年重新评估该计划及相关时间安排[237] - 公司存在30百万美元的未纳入资产负债表的备用信用证[260] - 公司存在38百万美元的银行担保[260] 风险管理 - 公司使用远期外汇合约和净投资套期来管理外汇风险[263][264][265][266][267] - 公司2022年信贷额度和Versace定期贷款利率与市场利率挂钩,存在利率风险[268][269][270] - 公司高级票据利率可能会根据信用评级的变化而调整[271] - 公司正在进行多年期ERP系统升级,可能会影响内部控制[275][276] 并购进展 - 卡普里集团正在与塔佩斯特里公司进行合并,但该交易目前正面临美国联邦贸易委员会的诉讼[184] - 公司正在就并购案与美国联邦贸易委员会进行诉讼[279]
Capri (CPRI) - 2025 Q1 - Quarterly Results
2024-08-09 04:07
财务表现 - 总收入下降13.2%,以恒定汇率计算下降12.1%[3] - 总收入下降主要受到全球时尚奢侈品需求疲软的影响[4] - 总收入为10.67亿美元,同比下降13.2%,以恒定汇率计算下降12.1%[24] 盈利能力 - 调整后营业利润率为1.5%[3] - 调整后每股收益为0.04美元[3] - 总体毛利为6.89亿美元,保持不变[30] - 总体营业亏损为0.8亿美元,主要由于重组和其他费用[31] - Versace分部营业亏损为0.17亿美元,Jimmy Choo分部营业利润为0.04亿美元,Michael Kors分部营业利润为0.75亿美元[25] 品牌表现 - 三大奢侈品牌Versace、Jimmy Choo和Michael Kors的消费者数据库增长15%,新增1260万消费者[5] - Versace分部收入为2.19亿美元,同比下降15.4%,以恒定汇率计算下降14.3%[28] - Jimmy Choo分部收入为1.73亿美元,同比下降5.5%,以恒定汇率计算下降3.8%[28] - Michael Kors分部收入为6.75亿美元,同比下降14.2%,以恒定汇率计算下降13.3%[28] 战略举措 - 公司正在积极管控经营费用和库存水平以应对当前的零售环境挑战[4] - 公司正在积极推进战略举措以实现长期可持续增长[4] - 公司正在与Tapestry公司积极配合,就美国联邦贸易委员会提起的诉讼进行坚决抗辩,以完成收购交易[6] - 公司正在进行ERP系统实施和Capri转型计划,预计将提高运营效率和数字化能力[32,33] - 公司拥有1,230家零售门店,其中Versace有239家,Jimmy Choo有227家,Michael Kors有764家[27] 财务状况 - 公司现金及现金等价物为2.13亿美元,总债务为17.11亿美元,净债务为15.00亿美元[8]
Capri Holdings (CPRI) Q4 Earnings Lag Estimates, Sales Dip Y/Y
ZACKS· 2024-05-30 21:26
Capri Holdings Limited (CPRI) came up with fourth-quarter fiscal 2024 results, wherein both the top and bottom lines missed the Zacks Consensus Estimate and declined on a year-over-year basis. Softness in demand for luxury fashion items hurt the company’s performance. While Capri Holdings continued to face challenges in the wholesale channel, the retail channel performed better. Impressively, Versace, Jimmy Choo and Michael Kors brands continued to resonate well with consumers. Better customer engagement re ...
Capri Holdings (CPRI) Reports Q4 Earnings: What Key Metrics Have to Say· 2024-05-30 07:31
For the quarter ended March 2024, Capri Holdings (CPRI) reported revenue of $1.22 billion, down 8.4% over the same period last year. EPS came in at $0.42, compared to $0.97 in the year-ago quarter. The reported revenue compares to the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.3 billion, representing a surprise of -5.57%. The company delivered an EPS surprise of -41.67%, with the consensus EPS estimate being $0.72. While investors scrutinize revenue and earnings changes year-over-year and how they compare with Wall Str ...