Housing Crisis Havens: 3 Stocks to Shelter Your Wealth
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-10 03:06
房地产市场挑战 - 美国房地产市场面临挑战,高额的抵押利率使首次购房者难以进入市场[1] - 房屋供应不足推动房价接近历史最高水平[1] 投资者担忧 - 投资者和经济学家担心房地产市场是否会像2008/09年那样崩盘,导致大萧条[2] - 投资者可能寻求在不确定环境中寻找稳定的避险股票[2] 可口可乐稳定投资 - 可口可乐(KO)是一支稳定的股票,被认为比债券更可靠[3] - 可口可乐每年都会提高股息支付,今年涨幅为5.4%[4] - 可口可乐已连续62年提高股息支付,属于稀有的股票之一[4] Costco稳健投资 - Costco(COST)是一家稳健的投资,其股价在过去五年几乎翻了三倍[5] - Costco每股支付1.02美元的股息,同时也会不定期支付特别股息[6] GE Aerospace安全投资 - 通用电气航空(GE Aerospace)是一项安全的投资,计划将75%的自由现金流返还给股东[7] - GE Aerospace计划在2024年产生超过50亿美元的自由现金流,其中超过37亿美元将用于股东分配[8] - 通用电气已完成GE Vernova和GE HealthCare的分拆,GE Aerospace的股价在2024年迄今上涨了55%[9]
Costco selling as much as $200 million in gold bars monthly, Wells Fargo estimates
CNBC· 2024-04-09 23:17
Costco黄金销售 - Costco的黄金销售成为了这家大型零售商的摇钱树[1] - 据Wells Fargo的分析师称,Costco的黄金销售额可能每月达到1亿至2亿美元[2] - 分析师指出,Costco的黄金销售受到了消费者信任和价格优势的推动,销售势头迅猛[3] - Costco销售的金条价格大约比当天的黄金现货价格高出约2%,预计售价超过2400美元[5] 金融市场趋势 - 2024年黄金价格上涨超过13%,受到通货膨胀和对美国财政状况恶化的担忧推动[6] - 美国政府今年的赤字预计将达到2万亿美元,总债务已超过34.6万亿美元[7]
1 Incredible Dividend Stock to Buy Now and Hold Forever
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-09 17:12
Investors love it because it's a reliable market-beater -- and also an excellent dividend stock. What makes a top dividend stock? A high yield probably tops the list. But it's not the only factor, and investors are often better off avoiding stocks with extremely high yields because they can come with a lot of risk. Other features of top dividend stocks include consistent growth over time, reliability, and strong company performance. A company that's underperforming can't necessarily support a growing divide ...
Costco (COST) Triumphs on Business Model and Pricing Strength
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-08 23:41
Costco Wholesale Corporation (COST) , an esteemed player in the retail discount space, has showcased a decent performance in the stock market. Fueled by its strategic, operational initiatives, such as the customer- centric business, a robust membership program and a commitment to delivering value-driven products, the company's stock has outpaced the Zacks Retail-Discount industry. As a consumer defensive stock, Costco has weathered market volatility admirably. Over the past year, shares of this Zacks Rank # ...
Costco Expands Its Health Care Services
Forbes· 2024-04-08 18:45
Costco与Sesame合作 - Costco与Sesame合作,提供医疗服务,包括远程和面对面就诊,适用于无医疗保险的人群[1] - Costco会员可以通过Sesame获得虚拟初级护理、健康检查、虚拟心理健康治疗等服务,还可享受其他服务的折扣,Sesame市场包括多个医疗专业领域的医生和护士,提供虚拟和面对面的医疗服务[3] Sesame公司信息 - Sesame的创始人包括David Goldhill、Michael Botta和John Fontein,公司高管包括首席医疗官Dr. Marty Makary MD, MPH、医疗总监Dr. Allison Edwards和首席营销官Michael Di Lorenzo[2] Costco与Sesame合作计划 - Costco还将在Sesame市场推出减重计划,包括临床咨询、营养指导和个性化治疗方案,该计划将为会员提供优惠价格[6]
Costco Is Opening Even More New Stores to Keep Its Club Members Happy. Time to Buy the Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-07 17:36
Costco会员模式 - Costco的经营收入中,会员费占据了一半以上的比例[2] - Costco的会员模式推动了公司的发展,要确保会员满意度[3] - Costco的高人气店铺可能会影响会员续费,因此需要开设更多新店[6] - 公司计划在2024年在美国开设约20家新店,以满足客户需求[7]
3 Unstoppable Growth Stocks to Buy if There's a Stock Market Sell-Off
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-06 21:30
成长股投资 - 投资者可以期待成长股在更广泛的市场反弹开始时首先恢复[2] - 在股市抛售的早期阶段,成长股往往会大幅下跌[2] 股市投资策略 - 将股市下跌视为购买优质企业降价股票的机会,而不是害怕的事情[3] Microsoft股票分析 - Microsoft股票目前并不便宜,市值约为年销售额的14倍,是一家盈利领先科技公司中最高溢价之一[4] - Microsoft有许多增长途径,包括人工智能领域,企业服务部门的快速扩张帮助公司实现了16%的销售增长[5] Costco股票展望 - Costco股票在过去一年中大幅上涨,但可能需要等待股市下跌才能以更低的价格购买[6] - Costco目前表现出色,但高期望值可能导致投资者失望,建议在股价下跌时考虑购买[7] Meta Platforms股票分析 - Meta Platforms在过去一年中涨幅超过130%,尽管数字广告市场严峻,但公司营收增长16%,利润飙升66%[8] - 分析师看好数字广告市场复苏后Meta Platforms的盈利增长潜力,建议关注广告平均价格指标[9] - 目前Meta Platforms股价显得有些昂贵,市盈率达到33倍,建议在股价下跌时考虑购买[10]
3 Blue-Chip Retail Stocks Charting Your Course of Investment
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-05 23:21
In the dynamic world of investing, finding the right balance between risk and reward is like walking a tightrope. While the promise of quick profits can be alluring, it is equally important to anchor your portfolio with stable, long-term investments. This approach is essential now more than ever when there are speculations that the Federal Reserve might reconsider interest rate cuts if inflation persists. Adding to the uncertainty, surging oil prices are causing ripples in the stock market. Rather than chas ...
Costco: The Stock Is A Buy After Recent Correction
Seeking Alpha· 2024-04-05 13:40
公司背景 - Costco Wholesale Corporation是一家总部位于美国华盛顿州伊萨夸的巨型零售商,成立于1976年,经营874家仓储和在线平台[3] 会员制度 - Costco的会员制模式是其卓越表现的关键,拥有73.4万付费会员和全球1.32亿持卡人,会员费在2023财年达到46亿美元,会员续费率在美国和加拿大达到92.9%,全球达到90.5%[4] 零售策略 - Costco的零售策略主要集中在提供有限但价格实惠的产品组合,每个商品都经过精心挑选,仓库内只有大约4000个活跃库存单位,核心零售概念是其私人品牌Kirkland Signature,贡献了Costco总收入的三分之一[8] 财务表现 - Costco在财务表现方面表现强劲,尽管在2024年第二季度错过了收入预期,但由于扩张努力、强劲的会员费和强劲的销售量,公司仍然保持着强劲的地位[9] 扩张计划 - Costco持续追求国内外扩张机会,计划在2024财年总共开设30家新店,主要在美国[12] 战略举措 - Costco的战略举措如Costco Next、Costco Logistic和电子商务推动了销售增长,其中Costco Next的成功实施显著增强了销售增长[13] 电子商务和数字化 - Costco的电子商务和数字化举措对公司的收入增长有很大帮助,其在线业务上季度同比增长18.4%,主要推动了整体收入增长[14] 投资建议 - 尽管股价过去一年上涨了约45%,但我认为最近的10.33%的调整为长期投资者提供了一个有吸引力的入场点,24位分析师中有24位对该股票给予强烈买入或买入评级[16]
Costco vs. Dollar Tree: One Is Lowering Prices, the Other Is Raising Them. Which Strategy Could Pay Off for Investors?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-04 19:45
Costco knows its customers very well, but Dollar Tree seems like it has forgotten why people shop at its stores. When it comes to the retail sector, the best companies often connect deeply with their frequent customers. Those stores that understand that and foster their customer relationships tend to have enduring businesses. Retailers that forget what made them great, meanwhile, sometimes end up destroying their businesses. For an example of that dichotomy playing out today, consider the differing strategi ...