Down 79% in a Year, Can ChargePoint Turn Around?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-15 00:00
The EV charging business isn't what investors thought it would be.Chargepoint (CHPT -0.57%) is facing pressure on multiple fronts as electric vehicle (EV) sales growth slows and the company continues to burn cash. In this video, Travis Hoium shows why Chargepoint needs to turn its business around sooner rather than later.*Stock prices used were end-of-day prices of Aug. 12, 2024. The video was published on Aug. 12, 2024. ...
7 Stocks to Sell Before the 2024 Tech Selloff Worsens
Investor Place· 2024-08-10 19:10
The recent carry trade scare sent Japanese stocks into a tailspin, and the contagion spread to other markets faster than a juicy rumor in a high school cafeteria. Even stocks that were already in correction mode got hammered even harder. Some analysts warn that the carry trade debacle could just be the tip of the iceberg for stocks to sell.As if that wasn’t enough to give investors heartburn, the macro picture also looks pretty grim. All the usual recession red flags are waving – the inverted yield curve, r ...
Why ChargePoint's New OmniPort Could Be a Game Changer for CHPT Investors
Investor Place· 2024-08-09 04:18
ChargePoint Holdings (NYSE:CHPT) is back in the green today on important news. After a volatile month, the electric vehicle (EV) charging company has reported a key catalyst that could revolutionize EV infrastructure. Its new “Omni Port” device is exactly what it sounds like. Essentially, it combines “multiple charging plugs into one single port,” ensuring that almost any EV driver will be able to charge their vehicle at any ChargePoint charging space. CHPT stock has been rising steadily all day, making it ...
Why ChargePoint Stock Zoomed 43.7% in July
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-09 01:33
Global EV sales momentum may have slowed down, but investors have high hopes for ChargePoint.ChargePoint Holdings (CHPT 9.75%) shares made a dramatic comeback in July and surged a whopping 43.7%, according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence. That's a huge rebound for a stock that lost one-third of its value in the first half of 2024.The electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure company was hitting the headlines for all the wrong reasons in recent months, including dwindling sales and mar ...
ChargePoint Pivots for Profitability, But Is It a Stock to Buy?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-04 06:42
ChargePoint's stock price has absolutely spiraled lower over the past three years, but a change in strategy could reverse its course.Investors initially bought into the hype surrounding ChargePoint (CHPT -3.52%) and other charging infrastructure companies. It was a logical direction with the electric vehicle (EV) industry poised to boom in the coming years. In fact, some of the biggest concerns facing potential EV customers are range anxiety and charging infrastructure availability, problems ChargePoint can ...
Zap! That's the Jolt You'll Feel When ChargePoint Stock Doubles From Here.
Investor Place· 2024-08-03 19:45
Despite some bumps in the road, the electric vehicle (EV) revolution hasn’t stopped in 2024. ChargePoint (NYSE:CHPT) continues to grow and provide powerful EV charging equipment in the U.S. and elsewhere. In the long run, ChargePoint will prevail against the skeptics and short sellers, and its stock could jolt up to four dollars, five dollars or even higher.I’ve already made the case that ChargePoint’s financials, while not perfect, are improving in key areas. It’s undeniable that some investors are worried ...
Get Your Money Out of These 3 EV Stocks by 2025
Investor Place· 2024-07-28 20:00
文章核心观点 - 电动汽车(EV)行业具有长期增长和可持续性的巨大潜力,使这些EV股票成为一项稳健的投资[1] - 虽然EV行业确实很有利润,但并非所有EV股票都如此 [2] - 事实上,非盈利的EV股票比盈利的更多,今年EV股票在股市经历了大幅价格调整,将盈利和亏损的公司区分开来[3] - 虽然存在从被低估的EV股票中获利的机会,但明智的做法是远离基本面较差的EV公司[4] 公司总结 ChargePoint (CHPT) - ChargePoint是一家总部位于加州坎贝尔的EV基础设施公司,运营全球最大的在线EV充电站网络[6] - 由于EV行业的快速增长和发展,充电基础设施公司之间的竞争激烈,ChargePoint目前落后于竞争对手[7] - ChargePoint的股价在过去一年经历了大幅调整,目前处于多年来最不吸引人的水平[8] - ChargePoint的收入下降18%至1.07亿美元,经营亏损也有所增加,短期内不太可能实现复苏[9][10] Polestar (PSNY) - Polestar是一家总部位于瑞典哥德堡的EV制造商,是沃尔沃汽车和吉利汽车的子公司[12] - 尽管今年EV行业整体表现不错,但Polestar的股价在过去一年下跌81%,可能会进一步下跌[13] - Polestar的最新季度报告显示,其收入下降36%,经营亏损略有增加,尽管现金缓冲区达7.84亿美元,但预计无法在2025年前实现现金流指引[14][15] Mullen (MULN) - Mullen是一家总部位于加州布里亚的汽车和EV制造商,专注于生产乘用车和商用车型[17] - Mullen是EV行业表现最差的公司之一,其股价在过去一年下跌98%,维持运营的能力令人怀疑[18] - Mullen的财务指标非常糟糕,最新季度报告显示,其权益从2.728亿美元下降至1.174亿美元,经营活动现金流支出1.209亿美元远超1630万美元的EV销售收入[19][20]
ChargePoint Stock Is the Hidden Gem in the EV Sector's Turnaround
Investor Place· 2024-07-18 18:10
Picks-and-shovels investments can be very rewarding. Buying the stock of the company who sells the basic equipment a booming industry needs can be lucrative. The problem arises when the industry fades. That is where ChargePoint Holdings (NASDAQ:CHPT) finds itself.It is the leading provider of electric vehicle charging infrastructure but faces declining sales as demand for battery EVs gives way to consumer preference for hybrids. A public charging network is less critical if you can use gas to where you want ...
CHPT Stock: ChargePoint Pops as EV Charging Firm Hires New CFO
Investor Place· 2024-07-13 05:40
文章核心观点 - ChargePoint(CHPT)股票在过去一年中一度跌破5美元,未能重新上涨 [1][3] - ChargePoint任命了新的首席财务官和首席软件开发官,市场对此反应积极,表明公司正在采取措施扭转局面,重新成为电动车充电市场的领导者 [2][4] 公司方面 - ChargePoint任命Mansi Khetani为新任首席财务官,Ash Chowdappa为新任首席软件开发官,Mitesh Dhruv加入董事会并担任审计委员会成员 [4] - CEO Rick Winter表示,这三位新任高管都拥有丰富的行业经验,将有助于ChargePoint成为电动车充电领域的首选平台 [4] 行业方面 - 过去一年,ChargePoint股票表现波动,但整体仍上涨超过15% [3] - 尽管此前被视为投机性较强,但ChargePoint仍有潜力实现反弹 [5]
ChargePoint Stock: The Electrifying Comeback Play of 2024?
Investor Place· 2024-07-12 18:35
The financial market abandoned electric vehicle charging equipment specialist ChargePoint (NYSE:CHPT) during this year’s first half, but the story isn’t finished yet. Indeed, I wouldn’t be surprised if ChargePoint stock surges this year and eventually escapes from Penny Stock Land (i.e., breaks above the $5 penny-stock threshold).How did the ChargePoint share price get so far below $5 in the first place? Maybe investors are worried about EV demand. They may also be concerned that high interest rates will ta ...