Central Garden & Pet(CENT)
Central Garden (CENT) is a Great Momentum Stock: Should You Buy?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-27 02:00
Momentum investing revolves around the idea of following a stock's recent trend in either direction. In the 'long' context, investors will be essentially be "buying high, but hoping to sell even higher." With this methodology, taking advantage of trends in a stock's price is key; once a stock establishes a course, it is more than likely to continue moving that way. The goal is that once a stock heads down a fixed path, it will lead to timely and profitable trades. Even though momentum is a popular stock cha ...
Central Garden (CENT) is a Top-Ranked Momentum Stock: Should You Buy?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-23 23:56
For new and old investors, taking full advantage of the stock market and investing with confidence are common goals. Zacks Premium provides lots of different ways to do both. The research service features daily updates of the Zacks Rank and Zacks Industry Rank, full access to the Zacks #1 Rank List, Equity Research reports, and Premium stock screens, all of which will help you become a smarter, more confident investor. Zacks Premium also includes the Zacks Style Scores. What are the Zacks Style Scores? Deve ...
Ferry-Morse 2024 Collection Spotlights Organic Seeds and New Plantlings Varieties
Businesswire· 2024-02-22 23:02
公司背景 - Ferry-Morse是美国领先和最古老的园艺种子品牌之一,属于Central Garden & Pet公司的投资组合[1] 有机种子供应 - Ferry-Morse扩大了有机种子的在线供应,包括有机蔬菜、水果和草本植物种子,以满足消费者对有机食品的需求[1] - Ferry-Morse的有机种子系列不含转基因和新烟碱类化学物质,有助于保护传粉者[2] - Ferrymorse.com现在提供100多种有机蔬菜、水果和草本植物种子,包括Sweet Basil、Brandywine Red Tomatoes、Dwarf Blue Curled Kale、Boston Pickling Cucumber和Coriander Cilantro等[3] Plantlings系列 - Ferry-Morse的PlantlingsTM系列将于2024年回归,提供超过100种蔬菜、草本植物、水果、花卉和室内婴儿植物,从Ferry-Morse苗圃直接送到消费者家门[8] - Plantlings由Ferry-Morse的专家园艺师开始种植,并带有强健的根系,为没有时间或空间进行种子播种的消费者提供了种植茁壮植物的机会[9] - Ferry-Morse的Plantlings园艺套装涵盖了各种烹饪和花卉主题,包括Hot Peppers Plantling Kit和SunPatiens® Compact Forever Summer Mix,售价为39.99美元至49.99美元,包括12株幼苗[13] - Plantlings现在可以在ferrymorse.com上预订,并将于3月13日开始发货,直至6月或售完为止,所有订单将通过两天快递发货以确保质量[14]
Cadet Announces All-New Line of Rawhide Alternatives and Premium Treats Expansion
Businesswire· 2024-02-22 22:02
产品发布 - Cadet®是一家享有35年声誉的狗咀嚼和零食品牌,是bully sticks的零售品牌,属于Central Garden & Pet(NASDAQ: CENT)(NASDAQ: CENTA)的一部分[1] - Cadet推出了三款新产品:Chewalicious™ No Rawhide Chews、Chef’s Specialties™ Beef Hide Shish Kabobs和Homestyle® Jerky Turducken Recipe[2] - 这些新产品都是由真实食材制成,不含人工香料或防腐剂,将于2024年5月在部分线上和线下零售商处上市[2] 产品特点 - Cadet相信最好的天然狗零食和咀嚼品应该由简单的成分制成,这些成分应该是经过最少加工并且是负责任的从自然界获取的[6]
Is Central Garden & Pet (CENT) Stock Outpacing Its Consumer Discretionary Peers This Year?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-21 23:46
Investors interested in Consumer Discretionary stocks should always be looking to find the best-performing companies in the group. Is Central Garden (CENT) one of those stocks right now? By taking a look at the stock's year-to-date performance in comparison to its Consumer Discretionary peers, we might be able to answer that question. Central Garden is one of 292 individual stocks in the Consumer Discretionary sector. Collectively, these companies sit at #7 in the Zacks Sector Rank. The Zacks Sector Rank co ...
Should Value Investors Buy Central Garden & Pet (CENT) Stock?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-21 23:46
Zacks Rank系统 - Zacks专注于Zacks Rank系统,强调盈利预期和预期修订,以找到优质股票[1] 价值投资 - 价值投资是发现强劲股票的最受欢迎方式之一[2] Central Garden & Pet (CENT) - CENT目前具有Zacks Rank 2(买入)和价值评级A[4] - CENT的P/B比率为1.99,相对于行业平均值5.61来看,当前P/B看起来很有吸引力[5] - CENT的P/CF比率为12.72,相对于行业平均值43.13来看,当前P/CF看起来很稳健[6] Central Garden & Pet (CENTA) - CENTA是一家消费品公司,具有Zacks Rank 2(买入)和价值评级A[7] - CENTA的P/B比率为1.70,相对于行业的价格/账面比率5.61来看,CENTA也被低估[8] - CENT和CENTA的估值数据显示这两只股票目前可能被低估,结合其盈利前景,可以清楚地看出它们是令人印象深刻的价值股[9]
Ferry-Morse Helps Gardeners Think Big with NEW Colossal Seed Collection, Crops at Least Double the Average Size or Yield
Businesswire· 2024-02-13 23:02
背景介绍 - Ferry-Morse隶属于Central Garden & Pet Company(NASDAQ: CENT)(NASDAQ: CENTA)[1] 新品种子系列 - Colossal Collection是Ferry-Morse推出的新品种子系列,可以种植至少是普通大小的两倍,提供更多的口味、价值和炫耀的机会[2] 种子品种 - Colossal Collection包括五种不同的农产品品种,如The Big Dill Cucumber、Jack’s Magic Pole Beans、Super Nacho Jalapeño Peppers、Beefed Up Beefsteak Tomato和Sasquatch Butternut Squash[3][4][5][6]
Central Garden & Pet (CENT) Q1 Earnings Top, Margin Expands
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-08 21:55
公司业绩 - Central Garden & Pet Company (CENT)在2024财年第一季度的业绩中,销售额和利润超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate[1] - 公司的净销售额为6.345亿美元,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的6200万美元,有机净销售增长了0.5%[4] - 毛利润为1.788亿美元,毛利率扩大至28.2%,受益于成本控制和通胀趋缓[5] 财务状况 - 公司在本季度结束时拥有3.414亿美元的现金及现金等价物,长期债务为11.891亿美元,股东权益为14.519亿美元[13] - 公司在本季度进行了1000万美元的资本支出,预计在2024财年将进行7000万美元的资本支出[14] 宠物部门 - 宠物部门的净销售额为4.092亿美元,较去年同期下降1.6%,有机净销售下降4.8%[8] - 宠物部门的运营收入为4340万美元,较去年同期的3960万美元增加,调整后的运营利润率扩大至10.6%[10] 园艺部门 - 园艺部门的净销售额为2.253亿美元,较去年同期增长6.3%,有机净销售增长11.3%[11] 财务预测 - Central Garden & Pet预计2024财年调整后的每股收益将达到2.50美元或更高,较2023财年的2.59美元有所下降[15]
Central Garden & Pet(CENT) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-02-08 09:03
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 净销售额增长1%至6.35亿美元,有机净销售额也增长1% [12][18] - 综合毛利增长4%至1.79亿美元,毛利率提升80个基点至28.2%,主要得益于成本管控和通胀缓解 [18] - 销售、一般及管理费用为1.7亿美元,与上年持平,占净销售额的比重下降40个基点至26.9% [19] - 营业利润增加800万美元至840万美元,营业利润率提升120个基点至1.3% [19] - 净利润为43万美元,上年同期净亏损800万美元,每股收益为0.01美元,上年同期每股亏损0.16美元 [19] - 调整后EBITDA为3700万美元,上年同期为2900万美元 [19] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 宠物业务 - 销售额下降2%至4.09亿美元,健康和保健以及水族和爬虫类增长,但耐用品如宠物床、小动物和分销业务双位数下降 [21] - 有机净销售额下降5% [21] - 市场份额和总分销点在大多数类别如狗玩具、小动物、宠物鸟、水族和健康保健等均有增长 [22] - 电商销售占宠物业务的26% [23] - 营业利润增长10%至4300万美元,营业利润率提升110个基点至10.6% [23] - 调整后EBITDA为5400万美元,上年同期为5000万美元 [23] 园艺业务 - 销售额增长6%至2.25亿美元,主要得益于控制和肥料、草种和包装种子的早季发货 [24] - 有机净销售额增长11% [25] - 营业亏损为900万美元,上年同期为1100万美元,营业利润率为负3.9% [25] - 调整后EBITDA为200万美元,上年同期为持平 [25] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 园艺业务中野鸟饲料受到不利天气影响销售下滑 [24] - 电商销售在园艺业务中也实现了双位数增长 [27] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在进行多年的简化业务和提高效率的计划,包括优化布局、优化产品组合和改善成本结构 [13][31] - 公司将继续专注于"Central to Home"战略,并对未来进行战略投资 [15] - 公司正积极寻求并购机会,以补充有机增长 [35][72] - 公司认为宠物和园艺行业长期向好,并保持竞争优势 [15] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司对2024财年的指引保持不变,预计外部环境仍将充满挑战 [14][37] - 公司将继续专注于成本和现金管理,并将更谨慎地投资于消费者增长计划 [39] - 公司相信自身的竞争优势和"Central to Home"战略,以及宠物和园艺行业的长期趋势 [39] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Bill Chappell 提问** 对于园艺业务,公司是否看到零售商提前备货的趋势,以及对于本季度的整体零售商热情如何 [43][44] **J.D. Walker 回答** 目前还难以判断是否为长期趋势,部分零售商提前备货,但并非所有零售商如此。总体来看,零售商对本季度的热情较高,但公司仍保持谨慎态度 [44][47] 问题2 **Niko Lahanas 回答** 公司将继续提供成本节约计划的季度更新,但不会给出全年的具体数字预测,因为存在很多不确定因素 [65] 问题3 **J.D. Walker 回答** 公司正积极推进并购,不会因为暂时没有CEO而放缓并购步伐,并已完成TDBBS的收购 [72]
Central Garden (CENT) Q1 Earnings and Revenues Surpass Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-08 07:20
Central Garden (CENT) came out with quarterly earnings of $0.01 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of a loss of $0.18 per share. This compares to loss of $0.16 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items. This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 105.56%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this maker of products for the pet supply and lawn and garden markets would post earnings of $0.08 per share when it actually produced earnings of $0.10, deliverin ...