Crown Castle Q1 Earnings Preview: Patience Is The Key
Seeking Alpha· 2024-04-15 20:01
财务表现 - Crown Castle (CCI)的股价自2023年12月以来下跌约10%,主要是由于预计2024财年第一季度和全年财务表现将恶化[1] - CCI在最新季度财报中超过了市场预期,尽管营收同比下降5.1%,FFO也有所收缩[2] - 尽管Q4营收和FFO下降,但考虑到行业高渗透率,CCI在整个2023财年的表现还算不错[3] - 预计CCI在2024年的财务表现将受到三个主要因素的影响,但如果消除这些因素的影响,公司的关键业务指标有望实现年增长[5] - 根据DDM模型计算,CCI的公平股价为125美元,比最近收盘价高出30%,表明CCI被大幅低估[11] 公司资产 - CCI拥有超过4万座蜂窝塔和约9万英里的光纤,这使得公司能够长期稳定地产生FFO,增强了对股息的信心[7] 投资建议 - CCI不适合寻求短期股价波动的投资者,因为公司的财务表现预计将在2024年恶化,市场情绪普遍负面[13] - 尽管2024年货币政策不确定性可能对CCI构成压力,但货币政策是周期性的,软化阶段只是时间问题[14] - 总体而言,CCI仍然值得买入,虽然预计在Q1和整个2024年财务表现将下滑,但这些问题是暂时的,公司持续展现有机增长,股价约30%被低估,目前提供高达6.5%的股息率[15]
Ted B. Miller Statement on Crown Castle Appointment of Steven J. Moskowitz as President and Chief Executive Officer
Prnewswire· 2024-04-11 23:16
人事变动 - Crown Castle公司任命Steven J. Moskowitz为总裁兼首席执行官[1] 董事会提名 - Boots Capital认为现任董事会在过去十年内为Crown Castle公司带来了较低的股东回报率[2] - Boots Capital提名的董事具有直接的塔台运营经验、深入了解Crown Castle业务和员工基础、资本市场专业知识,能够成功监督对光纤业务的全面审查[2] 代理征求意见 - Boots Capital和其他参与者已向证券交易委员会提交了初步代理声明和伴随的金色通用代理卡,用于在2024年Crown Castle公司股东年会上选举其董事提名[6] - 参与代理征求意见的参与者包括Boots Parallel 1, LP,Boots, LP,Boots Capital Management, LLC,Boots GP, LLC,4M Management Partners, LLC,4M Investments, LLC,WRCB, L.P.,Theodore B. Miller, Jr.和Tripp H. Rice等[7] - Boots Capital强烈建议所有Crown Castle股东阅读初步代理声明、任何修改或补充的代理声明、最终代理声明和其他由Boots Capital提交的代理材料,因为它们将包含重要信息[11]
Crown Castle Highlights Actions Underway to Create Stronger and More Valuable Company
Newsfilter· 2024-04-11 19:23
Files Definitive Proxy Materials and Mails Letter to Shareholders Urges Shareholders to Vote "FOR" Only Crown Castle's 13 Qualified and Experienced Nominees on the WHITE Proxy Card Ted Miller is Seeking De Facto Control of the Company by Installing Himself as Executive Chair and Appointing His Family and Friends to the Board HOUSTON, April 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Crown Castle Inc. (NYSE:CCI) ("Crown Castle" or the "Company") today announced that it has filed definitive proxy materials with the Securiti ...
Crown Castle Appoints Tower Industry Veteran Steven J. Moskowitz as President and Chief Executive Officer
Newsfilter· 2024-04-11 04:15
Crown Castle公司任命Steven J. Moskowitz为总裁兼首席执行官 - Steven J. Moskowitz在美国塔公司担任高管职务期间,使其成为美国最大和最具盈利性的无线基础设施公司之一[3] - Steven J. Moskowitz曾担任Centennial Towers Holding LP的CEO,在该公司成为巴西、哥伦比亚和墨西哥建造定制基站的领先提供商[4]
Crown Castle Announces First Quarter 2024 Earnings Conference Call Details
Newsfilter· 2024-04-04 04:15
公司业绩 - Crown Castle计划于2024年4月17日发布2024年第一季度业绩[1] 会议信息 - 可以通过Crown Castle网站上的直播音频网络研讨会访问会议[2] 公司资产 - Crown Castle拥有超过40,000座蜂塔和大约90,000英里的光纤[3]
Crown Castle (CCI) Sees a More Significant Dip Than Broader Market: Some Facts to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-03 07:21
股价表现 - Crown Castle (CCI) 最近的股价为 $102.85,较前一个交易日收盘价下跌了 1.35% [1] - 过去一个月,无线通信塔运营商的股价下跌了 7.57%,表现不佳 [2] 财务预测 - 投资者将密切关注 Crown Castle 即将发布的财报,预计每股收益为 $1.71,较去年同期下降了 10.47% [3] - Zacks Consensus Estimates 预测整个财年的每股收益为 $6.94,营收为 $66 亿美元,较去年同期分别下降了 8.08% 和 5.43% [4] 分析师评级 - 分析师对 Crown Castle 的最新预测变化也应引起投资者的注意,这些变化通常反映了最新的短期业务趋势 [5] - Zacks Rank 模型考虑这些预测变化,并提供可操作的评级系统,Crown Castle 目前的评级为 3 (Hold) [6] 估值和行业排名 - Crown Castle 目前的前瞻市盈率为 15.02,较行业平均值 11.56 偏高 [7] - CCI 的 PEG 比率为 2.64,考虑到公司的预期盈利增长 [8] - REIT and Equity Trust - Other 行业目前的 Zacks Industry Rank 为 141,位于所有 250+ 行业的后 45% [9] - Zacks Industry Rank 评估特定行业群体的活力,研究显示排名前 50% 的行业胜过后 50% 的行业 [10] 数据跟踪 - 使用 Zacks.com 跟踪所有这些股票相关指标,并在未来的交易中使用 [11]
Crown Castle: Shares Should Comfortably Outperform Moving Forward
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-23 04:18
morfous One of the companies that I have been the most bullish on over the past several months, but do not own shares of, is telecommunications firm Crown Castle (NYSE:CCI). For those not familiar with the company, it owns and operates telecommunications towers and other related assets such as fiber and small cell operations. Since I initially rated it a 'strong buy' back in October of last year, shares have seen an upside of 21.9% compared to the 17.3% rise seen by the S&P 500. But more recently, performan ...
Crown Castle (CCI) Stock Drops Despite Market Gains: Important Facts to Note
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-19 07:20
公司股价表现 - Crown Castle (CCI) 最新收盘价为 $104.35,较前一个交易日下跌了 -1.34% [1] - 公司股价在过去一个月下跌了 2.26%,未能跟上金融部门的增长 [2] 财务表现预期 - 分析师预计 Crown Castle 的每股收益 (EPS) 将为 $1.71,较去年同期下降了 10.47%,营收预期为 $1.63 亿美元,较去年同期下降了 8.14% [3] - Zacks Consensus Estimates 表明分析师预计公司全年每股收益为 $6.94,营收为 $66 亿美元,较去年分别下降了 8.08% 和 5.43% [4] 估值和行业排名 - Crown Castle 目前的前瞻市盈率为 15.23,较行业平均值 11.11 有溢价 [8] - 公司的 PEG 比率为 2.67,考虑了公司预期的盈利增长率 [9] - REIT and Equity Trust - Other 行业的 Zacks Industry Rank 为 140,在所有 250+ 个行业中处于底部 45% [10] - Zacks Industry Rank 评估了不同行业群体的实力,研究显示排名前 50% 的行业胜过底部一半的行业 [11]
Mortgage Rate Meltdown: 3 Real Estate Stocks Poised to Prosper
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-15 04:29
The United States housing market is heading into its busiest season, with several real estate stocks poised to gain from falling mortgage rates. With investors anticipating the Fed to cut rates later this year, the sector could pick up activity. Some real estate fund managers see the potential for “fantastic” real estate deals in the coming months. Real estate stocks offer their own ecosystem, with companies targeting residential, commercial, healthcare and speciality sectors. Investing in real estate stock ...
Crown Castle Deserves Better: An Open Letter to Shareholders from Crown Castle Co-Founder Ted B. Miller
Prnewswire· 2024-03-14 06:13
Provides Detailed Operating Plan to Restore Operational Excellence, Bolster Leadership with Experienced Tower Professionals, Maximize Value of the Company's Fiber Business to Position Crown Castle as Premier Pure-Play Tower Company Believes Crown Castle Can be Worth at Least $150 in the Next 18 Months if Board Takes Immediate Action to Restore Leadership and Prevent Further Erosion of Shareholder Value HOUSTON, March 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ted B. Miller, co-founder of Crown Castle Inc., (NYSE: CCI) ("Crow ...