Time Is Money: 3 Growth Stocks to Supercharge Your Path to Wealth· 2024-05-22 02:18
There are many paths to greater wealth. While some are longer than others, I think it’s only prudent to have an investment horizon long enough to allow you to recover from the odd setback. No investor is perfect. Mistakes will happen along the way. The important thing is to minimize the impact of said investment errors and ensure you learn from each mistake. The investing game can be as much about blocking punches as landing slam dunks. When it comes to growth stocks you intend to hang onto for several year ...
Is Casey's General Stores (CASY) Stock Outpacing Its Retail-Wholesale Peers This Year?· 2024-05-21 22:46
The Retail-Wholesale group has plenty of great stocks, but investors should always be looking for companies that are outperforming their peers. Casey's General Stores (CASY) is a stock that can certainly grab the attention of many investors, but do its recent returns compare favorably to the sector as a whole? Let's take a closer look at the stock's year-to-date performance to find out. Casey's General Stores is a member of the Retail-Wholesale sector. This group includes 212 individual stocks and currently ...
Is Casey's General Stores (CASY) Stock Undervalued Right Now?· 2024-05-20 22:45
The proven Zacks Rank system focuses on earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find winning stocks. Nevertheless, we know that our readers all have their own perspectives, so we are always looking at the latest trends in value, growth, and momentum to find strong picks. Considering these trends, value investing is clearly one of the most preferred ways to find strong stocks in any type of market. Value investors use tried-and-true metrics and fundamental analysis to find companies that they believe ar ...
Casey's (CASY) Expands Horizons Through Operational Efforts
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-22 23:51
Casey's General Stores, Inc. (CASY) has been strengthening its place in the industry through a resilient business operating model, stellar omnichannel capabilities, expanded customer outreach and exclusive private- label offerings. Driven by an unwavering commitment to guest-centered convenience and restaurant-quality food, Casey's endeavors to carve out a unique niche in the market. Decoding Casey's Strategies Casey's shines brightly in the retail landscape, thanks to its ingenious pricing and product opti ...
4 Stocks Building Long-Term Value for Shareholders
MarketBeat· 2024-03-19 22:56
Key Points Cintas is a leader in value-building and increased its share price by quadruple digits because of it. UniFirst is following in Cintas' footsteps: similar gains are in store over the next decade. Williams-Sonoma and Casey's General Stores are also value-building stocks income investors can buy and forget about. 5 stocks we like better than Cintas Investing in business growth, acquisitions, improving margins, cash flow, dividends and share repurchases are among the leading drivers of shareholder va ...
Casey's General Store Stock Discounted, Analysts to Raise Targets
MarketBeat· 2024-03-13 21:24
营收表现 - Casey's General Store上个季度营收不及预期,但利润率强劲[1] - 公司的业绩平淡但表现坚韧,营收持平,利润率、现金流、资本回报和股东权益均好于预期[2] - 内部销售增长4%,食品杂货和快餐表现强劲[4] 利润率和资本回报 - 利润率是报告中最亮眼的地方,内部利润率扩大,推动部门运营利润增长11.3%[4] - 燃油利润下降2%,但高于共识预期,提振了资本回报前景和股东价值[5] - 公司的股份回购使全年股份数量下降了0.6%,预计将在年底和明年保持稳定[7] 分析师预期 - 分析师将共识目标提高了7.5%,推动市场创下新高[1] - 分析师在第三季度发布后提高了对Casey's的预期,共识高于发布前,比当前价格高出5%[8] 技术面展望 - 技术面展望良好,股价长期上涨,受到增长、运营质量、现金流和股息的推动[9]
Casey’s(CASY) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-03-13 02:04
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 稀释每股收益为2.33美元,同比下降13% [13] - 净利润为8700万美元,同比下降13% [13] - EBITDA为2.186亿美元,同比下降2% [13] - 这些指标同比下降,主要是由于上一年度有一次性15百万美元的法律费用减免 [13] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 内部销售 - 同店销售增长4.1%,两年堆积增长9.9%,毛利率为41.3% [15] - 同店现制食品和现调饮料销售增长7.5%,两年堆积增长12.9%,毛利率为59.6%,同比提升230个基点 [15] - 全面派和热三明治等表现良好 [15] - 毛利率提升得益于原料成本下降,尤其是奶酪,以及适度的价格调整 [15][28][29] 杂货和日用品 - 同店销售增长2.8%,两年堆积增长8.8%,毛利率为33.9%,同比下降10个基点 [17] - 酒精和非酒精饮料表现良好,自有品牌表现出色 [17] 燃料 - 同店销量基本持平,燃料毛利率为37.3美分/加仑 [18] - 连续11个季度保持在34.5美分/加仑以上 [18] - 公司销量持续优于区域市场,OPIS数据显示中西部地区销量下降约5% [18] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在中西部地区的销量表现优于整体市场,同比下降约5% [18] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司采取有机增长和并购相结合的策略,保持稳定的增长节奏 [151][152][153] - 并购环境较为有利,可以以低于重置成本的价格收购并整合优质资产 [151][152][153] - 公司对行业内其他中小运营商的经营状况有深入了解,他们主要依赖燃料毛利来弥补内部业务的亏损 [168][169][170][171] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司在经营环境和通胀压力下仍保持良好业绩,体现了业务模式的韧性 [12][14] - 公司在内部销售、运营效率和整合并购方面持续取得进步,为未来发展奠定了良好基础 [12][49][51][52] - 公司有信心在未来12-18个月内进一步简化门店运营,为员工提供更多工具以提升客户体验 [49] - 公司看好未来发展前景,有充足的增长机会和资金实力来实现战略目标 [51][52] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **分析师提问** 分析师询问公司是否在调整燃料业务与内部销售业务的权重策略 [79][80] **公司回应** 公司表示没有调整燃料业务与内部销售业务的权重策略,一直保持平衡 [80][81][82] 问题2 **分析师提问** 分析师询问公司未来是否有机会将现制食品毛利率提升至60%左右 [140][141][142][143][144][145] **公司回应** 公司表示现制食品毛利率有望进一步提升至60%左右,得益于原料成本下降以及定价策略 [141][142][143][144][145] 问题3 **分析师提问** 分析师询问公司在并购时如何评估燃料业务的价值 [167][168][169][170][171][172] **公司回应** 公司表示在并购时会根据自身的经验和运营模式对目标公司的燃料业务进行评估,而不是简单沿用目标公司的做法 [168][169][170][171][172]
Casey's (CASY) Q3 Earnings Beat, Inside Same-Store Sales Rise
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-13 01:31
财务表现 - CASY第三季度营收未达到Zacks Consensus Estimate,但利润超过预期[1] - 毛利润增长6.6%,内部毛利润增长11.3%,内部毛利率提高了70个基点[5] - EBITDA同比下降1.8%,主要是由于去年有利的燃油利润和一次性运营费用收益的重叠,以及运营额外167家店铺的增加[6] - 总体运营费用同比增长10.3%,其中约3%是由于去年法律解决方案带来的一次性1500万美元收益[7] - 准备食品和饮料销售同比增长11.5%,同店销售提高7.5%,净利润率从57.3%增长到59.6%[8] - 杂货和一般商品销售同比增长8.8%,同店销售增长2.8%,净利润率从34%下降到33.9%[9] - 燃油销售同比下降4.9%,燃油加仑销量增加6.9%,燃油加仑同店销售下降0.4%[10][11] 公司运营 - 截至2024年1月31日,公司运营2639家店铺,预计在2024财年至少增加150家店铺[12] - 公司现金及现金等价物为1.779亿美元,长期债务和融资租赁债务净额为15.836亿美元,股东权益为29.475亿美元[13] - 在第三季度,CASY回购了价值约3000万美元的股票,预计在2024财年全年回购至少1亿美元的股票[14] - 公司预计2024财年内部销售增长为3.5-5%,内部利润率为40-41%,燃油加仑同店销售为-1%至+1%,EBITDA增长与长期战略计划目标8-10%一致[15] - 公司预计总运营费用将增长6-8%,在2024财年投资5-5.5亿美元用于物业和设备[16] 股票表现 - CASY股票在过去一年中上涨了42%,与行业增长趋势一致[17]
Casey’s(CASY) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-03-13 01:02
业绩总结 - Casey's在2023年的EBITDA为952,464千美元[28] - Casey's自由现金流为405,383千美元[28] 用户数据 - Casey's是美国第3大便利店连锁,拥有超过2600家门店[6] 未来展望 - Casey's计划在2026年之前通过新建和收购增加350家以上的店铺,内部销售预计将有中等单数字增长[16] 新产品和新技术研发 - Casey's私人品牌产品数量约为300种,具有更高的利润率,质量优于国家品牌[19] 市场扩张和并购 - Casey's在过去10年内收购了418家店铺,其中仅在过去3年内就收购了259家店铺[10] 负面信息 - 无 其他新策略和有价值的信息 - Casey's具有明确的战略举措,包括通过有机和非有机单位增长扩张的成功记录,以及在行业内独特的竞争优势,如是第五大披萨连锁店,约50%的店铺位于5000人以下的人口稀少地区[26]
Casey's Ramps Up Hiring as High-Traffic Summer Season Approaches
Businesswire· 2024-03-12 21:00
招聘力度加大 - 公司正在加大店铺级别的招聘力度,鼓励团队成员和社区成员考虑加入公司[1] 内部职业发展 - 公司正专注于发展团队成员,引入内部职业发展活动,如内部职业博览会,以帮助继任计划和当前团队成员的成长[4] 团队成员价值主张 - 公司引入了团队成员价值主张,包括职业发展机会、全面福利、公司价值观和文化以及团队成员参与度[3]