Canaan(CAN) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-05-17 20:08
业绩总结 - 2024年第一季度营收为3,510万美元,超过了管理指导的3,300万美元[8] - 在东南亚市场,Q1总收入为35.1百万美元,超过管理指导的33百万美元[21] 用户数据 - Canaan的Avalon Nano 3消费者型挖矿加热器实现了每TH/s功耗的99.8%降低[10] - Q1销售的计算能力为3.4百万TH/s,平均销售价格为6.90美元/TH/s[21] 未来展望 - Canaan的自挖矿项目在2024年第一季度实现了1,057枚比特币的挖掘,带来1050万美元的收入[16] 新产品和新技术研发 - Canaan的Avalon Nano 3消费者型挖矿加热器实现了每TH/s功耗的99.8%降低[10] 市场扩张和并购 - 在东南亚市场,Q1总收入为35.1百万美元,超过管理指导的33百万美元[21] 负面信息 - Q1净亏损包括200万美元的非现金收益,由于未转换的优先股份额的确认[25]
Canaan (CAN) Reports Q1 Loss, Tops Revenue Estimates
zacks.com· 2024-05-17 20:06
文章核心观点 - 公司本季度业绩超出市场预期,每股亏损0.16美元,而市场预期为每股亏损0.60美元 [1][2] - 公司本季度收入为3509万美元,超出市场预期16.58% [3] - 公司股价今年以来下跌49.4%,表现不佳 [4] - 公司未来业绩走势取决于管理层在财报电话会议上的评论 [4] 公司表现 - 公司本季度每股亏损0.16美元,去年同期为每股亏损0.43美元,业绩有所改善 [1] - 公司本季度收入为3509万美元,去年同期为5523万美元,同比下降36.5% [3] - 公司过去4个季度中有4次超出市场收入预期 [3] - 公司股价今年以来下跌49.4%,表现不佳 [4] 行业表现 - 公司所属的计算机软件行业目前在250多个扎克斯行业中排名前25% [9] - 扎克斯研究显示,排名前50%的行业相比排名后50%的行业,业绩表现会好2倍以上 [9] - 同行业公司Descartes Systems预计本季度每股收益为0.42美元,同比增长23.5%,收入为1.5亿美元,同比增长9.8% [11]
Canaan(CAN) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-05-17 18:02
Exhibit 99.1 Canaan Inc. Reports Unaudited First Quarter 2024 Financial Results Singapore, May 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Canaan Inc. (NASDAQ: CAN) ("Canaan" or the "Company"), a leading high-performance computing solutions provider, today announced its unaudited financial results for the three months ended March 31, 2024. First Quarter 2024 Operating and Financial Highlights Revenues were US$35.1 million, which beat the previous guidance of US$33 million by 6%. Mining revenue was US$10.5 million, representin ...
Canaan Inc. Reports Unaudited First Quarter 2024 Financial Results
Prnewswire· 2024-05-17 17:15
SINGAPORE, May 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Canaan Inc. (NASDAQ: CAN) ("Canaan" or the "Company"), a leading high-performance computing solutions provider, today announced its unaudited financial results for the three months ended March 31, 2024. First Quarter 2024 Operating and Financial Highlights Revenues were US$35.1 million, which beat the previous guidance of US$33 million by 6%. Mining revenue was US$10.5 million, representing a sequential increase of 182.1%. The number of Bitcoins held by the Company su ...
Canaan Unveils the New Avalon A1566 Mining Machines at Bitcoin Asia
Prnewswire· 2024-05-09 18:00
文章核心观点 - 公司推出了新一代比特币矿机Avalon A1566,具有出色的算力和能效比,为用户提供更可靠的挖矿体验,为"后减半"时期做好准备 [1][2] - 公司还推出了面向消费者的Avalon Nano 3矿机,凭借手感温暖、多样化颜色等特点在消费市场越来越受欢迎 [3] - 公司致力于推进挖矿技术的进步,为全球比特币矿工提供更高效、更经济的解决方案 [4] 公司概况 - 公司成立于2013年,专注于ASIC高性能计算芯片的设计、研发、生产和软件服务 [5] - 2013年,公司创始人张楠庚领导团队首次推出基于ASIC技术的比特币矿机 [6] - 2019年,公司在纳斯达克上市 [6]
Canaan debuts Avalon A15 New Product Series
Prnewswire· 2024-05-09 13:08
文章核心观点 - 公司推出了新一代比特币矿机Avalon A15系列,其中A1566型号具有行业领先的能源效率比18.5J/T,为用户带来更高的盈利能力 [1][2] - 该系列产品体现了公司在产品开发、市场研究和与合作伙伴合作等方面的努力,旨在提供高质量、可靠的矿机解决方案,尤其在减半后的时期更为关键 [2] - 公司自2013年成立以来,一直专注于ASIC高性能计算芯片的设计、研发和生产,并提供软件服务,在ASIC领域拥有丰富的经验 [3][4] 公司信息 - 公司名称: Canaan Inc. [3] - 成立时间: 2013年 [4] - 主要业务: ASIC高性能计算芯片设计、研发、计算设备生产和软件服务 [3] - 创始人及CEO: Nangeng Zhang [4] - 上市情况: 在纳斯达克上市(股票代码:CAN) [3] 产品信息 - 产品名称: Avalon A15系列,其中A1566型号 [1][2][3] - 算法/加密货币: SHA256/比特币 [3] - 算力: 185TH/s,误差±5% [3] - 功耗: 3420W,误差±10% [3] - 能效比: 18.5J/TH,误差±5% [3] - 电压: 200-300V [3] - 重量: 14.9kg [3] - 工作温度: -5~35℃ [3]
Canaan Announces Proposed Share Purchase by Management
Prnewswire· 2024-04-22 18:00
SINGAPORE, April 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Canaan Inc. (NASDAQ: CAN) ("Canaan" or the "Company"), a leading high-performance computing solutions provider, today announced that Mr. Nangeng Zhang, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Canaan, and Mr. James Jin Cheng, Chief Financial Officer of Canaan, informed the Company their intention to use their personal funds to jointly purchase no less than US$2 million of the Company's Class A ordinary shares represented by American depositary shares ("ADSs"), each A ...
Canaan Makes Statement Regarding Shelf Registration Submission
Prnewswire· 2024-04-19 22:12
SINGAPORE, April 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Canaan Inc. (NASDAQ: CAN) ("Canaan" or the "Company"), a leading high-performance computing solutions provider, today announced that it has filed a universal shelf registration statement on Form F-3 (File No. 333-278762) with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on April 17, 2024. The Company believes it is prudent to file the shelf registration statement as a matter of standard corporate procedure and to streamline any response to future ...
Canaan Shines at Blockchain Life 2024 in Dubai
Prnewswire· 2024-04-18 22:53
DUBAI, UAE, April 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Canaan Inc. (Nasdaq: CAN), the creator of ASIC Bitcoin miners, captured the spotlight at the highly anticipated Blockchain Life 2024 event in Dubai, UAE, on April 15th-17th. Canaan introduced its cutting-edge One-Stop Mining Solutions, flagship Avalon miners, the eye- catching Avalon Nano 3 which designated to revolutionize accessible Bitcoin mining for all. Canaan also emphasized strategies of green mining of Bitcoin in the Middle East. (Source: Canaan's booth in ...
Why Is Canaan (CAN) Stock Down 21% Today?
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-18 20:37
Canaan公司业务概况 - 公司的矿机主要设计用于比特币网络,也可挖掘比特币现金[2] - 比特币减半事件可能导致矿工奖励减少,使得挖矿变得不那么有效和有利可图,这可能导致对Canaan产品需求下降[5] Canaan公司风险提示 - 公司指出潜在风险包括比特币系统变化可能导致矿机无法运行,以及行业竞争加剧可能对公司产生负面影响[3] Canaan公司股价波动 - Canaan公司发布2023年度报告后,股价下跌[1] - 投资者可能因为担心比特币减半事件而导致的影响而卖出股票,使得Canaan股价下跌20.7%[6]