Wall Street Analysts Think Byd Co. (BYDDY) Is a Good Investment: Is It?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-20 22:31
Investors often turn to recommendations made by Wall Street analysts before making a Buy, Sell, or Hold decision about a stock. While media reports about rating changes by these brokerage-firm employed (or sell- side) analysts often affect a stock's price, do they really matter? Before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage, let's see what these Wall Street heavyweights think about Byd Co., Ltd. (BYDDY) . Byd Co. currently has an average brokerage recom ...
3 Discounted Chinese EV Stocks to Buy Before They Rally
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-10 21:00
China now accounts for 60% of EV sales worldwide. Some of its leading stocks have ramped up their deliveries in 2024. This clears the path for a more international focus for operations. Despite this, the performance of some of China’s strongest EV stocks has been hampered. Blame it on a series of headwinds due to a weakening economy and extreme market competition. While the S&P 500 had grown at an impressive rate in 2023, $100 invested in the Chinese stock market at the beginning of the year would’ve been w ...
Auto Giants Fuel Brazil's Green Transition With Billion-Dollar Bets
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-07 22:31
As Brazil steps on the gas to decarbonize the national fleet, auto giants are rapidly taking notice and making massive investment plans for the country. The most recent announcements have come from Stellantis (STLA) and Toyota (TM) . Just yesterday, Stellantis announced plans to invest 30 billion reais (more than $6 billion) in Brazil between 2025 and 2030 to develop flex-hybrid vehicles. The day before yesterday, Toyota confirmed an 11 billion reais (more than $2 billion) investment in the country through ...
Battery Breakthrough: 3 Stock Innovators Outpacing the Old Guard
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-05 03:47
文章核心观点 - 锂是电动车电池的关键组成部分,但过去一年锂价格波动剧烈,导致一些优质电池股在2022年底创下历史新高 [1] - 稀土矿物供给过剩和电动车需求放缓是导致锂价格大跌的主要原因 [1] - 尽管短期内电池股可能会出现下滑,但从长远来看仍是不错的投资选择 [2] 行业和公司总结 BYD - BYD是全球第二大电动车电池供应商,最近在电动车销量方面超越特斯拉,成为全球最大电动车制造商 [3] - BYD不仅生产电动车,还直接参与电池技术的供应,去年超越LG成为全球第二大电动车电池供应商 [3] - 尽管整体电动车销量有所下滑,但BYD的销量仍在同比增长,2024年1月销量同比增长33.1% [4] - BYD正在拓展海外市场,与卡塔尔经销商Mannai合作,将BYD电动车引入当地市场,并在欧洲加强品牌推广 [6] 特斯拉 - 特斯拉是全球领先的电动车制造商,也是电池技术的先驱,采用圆柱形电池和干涂层技术生产高性能和长续航里程的电动车 [7] - 特斯拉正在投资德克萨斯州和内华达州的工厂,逐步摆脱对第三方供应商的依赖,这样可以减少供应链风险并获得更多税收优惠 [7] - 2023年特斯拉的季度业绩超出分析师预期,但价格下调策略也给毛利率带来了压力 [8] - 特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克对特斯拉和股东的前景表示悲观,但特斯拉在电池市场的主导地位不容忽视 [9][10] 松下 - 松下是一家日本综合性企业,也是电池行业的主要参与者,为特斯拉和丰田、本田等车企供应锂离子电池 [11] - 松下在2022年全球电动车电池市场占有率排名第四,并与特斯拉合作生产2170电池和正在开发4680电池 [11] - 由于担心电动车市场低迷,松下的估值在过去6个月内下跌超过15% [12] - 尽管短期内电池市场可能会低迷,但松下作为特斯拉的主要供应商,长期来看仍有巨大机会 [13]
Wall Street Analysts See Byd Co., Ltd. (BYDDY) as a Buy: Should You Invest?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-30 23:31
券商分析师推荐 - 投资者通常依赖券商分析师的推荐来决定股票交易[1] - Byd Co., Ltd.目前的平均券商推荐评级(ABR)为1.00,表示强烈买入[3] - Byd Co., Ltd.目前有五个强烈买入的推荐,占所有推荐的100%[4]
Wall Street Favorites: 3 EV Stocks with Strong Buy Ratings in January 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-30 02:50
The electric vehicle (EV) market happens to be one of the fastest-growing consumer focused segments in the transportation sector. However, some of these companies might have hit a speed bump. Last week, Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) reported its Q4 earnings and investors were not happy. Not only did the famed automaker miss Wall Street’s earnings estimates, but it warned of weaker growth to come in 2024. This bit of news hit Tesla’s shares hard, but the list below doesn’t involve Tesla. Rather, we will go through thr ...
3 Chinese Consumer Stocks to Buy for the Coming Turnaround
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-24 01:30
消费股市场趋势 - 中国消费股持续面临价格下跌,自9月底以来,MSCI中国指数中的消费公司已经损失了约1570亿美元[1] - 对于愿意冒险的投资者来说,这为寻求消费股反弹带来了机会[2] - 中国资产管理人士认为通货紧缩将伤害许多公司,但并非所有人都相信中国消费者将在2024年反弹[3] 青岛啤酒公司情况 - 青岛啤酒是中国最古老的啤酒厂商,其国际知名度很高,2022年营收为322亿元人民币,净利润为37.1亿元人民币[4][5] - 尽管青岛啤酒过去五年营收和利润增长,但股价仅上涨29%,在过去一年中股价下跌45%[6][7] 比亚迪公司情况 - 比亚迪是中国最大的汽车制造商,2023年电动车销量超过特斯拉,但股价下跌16%,预计2024年会有反弹[8][9][10][11][12] 百胜中国控股情况 - 百胜中国控股是中国最大的餐饮集团,CEO计划到2026年将餐厅数量扩大到2万家,目前股价已经下跌18%,但分析师对其股票非常看好[13][14][15][16][17][18]
3 Reasons Why Growth Investors Shouldn't Overlook Byd Co., Ltd. (BYDDY)
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-23 02:46
投资增长股 - 投资者寻找增长股,以利用金融领域的高于平均增长,帮助这些证券吸引市场关注并产生异常回报[1] - Zacks Growth Style Score系统的Growth Style Score可以帮助找到前沿的增长股[3] - Byd Co., Ltd. (BYDDY)是目前我们专有系统推荐的股票之一,除了有利的Growth Score外,还具有顶级的Zacks Rank[4] 盈利增长 - Byd Co., Ltd.的历史每股收益增长率为155.8%,预计今年EPS将增长23.5%,超过行业平均水平[8] - Byd Co., Ltd.的销售预计今年将增长25.7%,远高于行业平均水平7%[11] - Byd Co., Ltd.的当年盈利预期已经上调,过去一个月Zacks Consensus Estimate上涨了0.3%[13] 资产利用效率 - Byd Co., Ltd.的S/TA比率为1.03,比行业平均水平0.68更高,显示公司更有效地利用资产来产生销售额[10] 综合评级 - Byd Co., Ltd.的整体盈利预期修订使其成为Zacks Rank 2股票,基于多个因素,包括上述讨论的因素,获得了Growth Score A[14]
Warning: This Skyrocketing Stock Has a Hidden Risk
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-14 20:30
If you think of electric cars, the first company name you are likely to bring to mind is Tesla (TSLA -3.67%). But Tesla most certainly isn't the only electric vehicle (EV) company or the only company making cars powered by alternative energy sources (including hybrids that use both carbon fuels and electricity). And there is a growing competitive threat that investors might not know about because it operates mostly in China. Tesla is growing fast To be fair, there is good news coming out of Tesla. For examp ...
Short Sellers Are Betting Big Against BYD (BYDDY) Stock
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-05 05:57
比特斯拉(NASDAQ:TSLA)与比亚迪公司(OTCMKTS:BYDDY)的竞争 - 比特斯拉(NASDAQ:TSLA)的第四季度交付表现优于比亚迪公司(OTCMKTS:BYDDY),但最近的报道显示,市场对比亚迪公司的悲观情绪正在蔓延[1][4] - 投资者可能对比亚迪公司的销售增长和来自其他中国汽车制造商的竞争增加而感到担忧[5] - 尽管市场存在悲观情绪,但分析师对比亚迪公司的股票仍持有买入评级,预计公司今年销售将增长24%[6][7] - 比亚迪公司在中国新能源汽车市场占据领先地位,如果销售增长持续,股票可能会继续上涨[7][8]