Popular(BPOP) - 2023 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-10-27 05:09
Popular, Inc. (NASDAQ:BPOP) Q3 2023 Earnings Conference Call October 26, 2023 11:00 AM ET Company Participants Paul Cardillo - Investor Relations Ignacio Alvarez - President and CEO Carlos Vazquez - CFO Lidio Soriano - CRO Conference Call Participants Timur Braziler - Wells Fargo Securities Brett Rabatin - Hovde Group Alexander Twerdahl - Piper Sandler Broderick Preston - UBS Kelly Motta - KBW Operator Hello, and welcome to today's Popular Inc. 3Q Earnings Call. My name is Jordan, and I'll be coordinating y ...
Popular(BPOP) - 2023 Q3 - Earnings Call Presentation
2023-10-27 01:41
业绩总结 - Popular公司第三季度2023年净利润为1.53亿美元,同比增长7%[3] - Popular公司净利息收入为5.34亿美元,净利息收入后的信贷损失准备金为4.88亿美元[5] - Popular公司营业费用为4.66亿美元,净利润为1.37亿美元,每股收益为1.90美元[5] - Moody's 2023年8月基准情景显示经济弹性强,避免了衰退[12] 贷款和存款 - 贷款增加了9.98亿美元,达到34.02亿美元[3] - 非履行贷款减少了2400万美元,不良贷款占比从2023年第二季度的1.17%下降至1.06%[3] - BPPR的商业贷款增加了6.42亿美元,总存款减少了12.38亿美元[4] - Popular Bank的贷款增加了3.56亿美元,总存款增加了2.84亿美元[4] 投资和资产 - 公司投资组合主要投资于短期到中期美国国债,包括现金在内,投资组合的持续时间为2.2年[8] - AFS投资组合的未实现收益增加2.31亿美元,主要受到MBS投资组合的推动[8] - HTM投资组合的市场价值降至80亿美元,比账面价值低2.3亿美元[8] 风险和负债 - 公司的Common Equity Tier 1为16.8%,较上季度下降6个基点[9] - 杠杆比率为8.4%,受到资产负债表上零风险加权资产比例高的影响[9] - NCOs达到3,300万美元,较上季度增加9百万美元[11] - ACL达到7.11亿美元,较上季度增加1.1亿美元[11] 市场和经济 - Moody's 2023年8月基准情景显示经济弹性强,避免了衰退[12] - 2023年预测的波多黎各(GDP)增长率提高,由于波多黎各政府经济活动指数的修订[12] - 波多黎各失业率接近历史低点[12]
Popular(BPOP) - 2023 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2023-08-09 00:00
UNITED STATES SECURITIES A ND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 Form10-Q [X] Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 For the quarterly period ended June 30, 2023 or [ ] Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Commission File Number: 001-34084 POPULAR, INC. (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) Puerto Rico 66-0667416 (State or other jurisdiction of Incorporation or (IRS Employer Identifi ...
Popular(BPOP) - 2023 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-07-27 04:37
Popular, Inc. (NASDAQ:BPOP) Q2 2023 Earnings Conference Call July 26, 2023 11:00 AM ET Company Participants Paul Cardillo - Senior Vice President and Investor Relations Officer Ignacio Alvarez - President and Chief Executive Officer Carlos Vazquez - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Lidio Soriano - Executive Vice President and Chief Risk Officer Jorge Garcia - Senior Vice President and Corporate Comptroller Conference Call Participants Timur Braziler - Wells Fargo Securities Broderick Pre ...
Popular(BPOP) - 2023 Q1 - Quarterly Report
2023-05-10 00:00
UNITED STATES SECURITIES A ND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 Form10-Q [X] Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2023 or [ ] Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Commission File Number: 001-34084 POPULAR, INC. (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) Puerto Rico 66-0667416 (State or other jurisdiction of Incorporation or (IRS Employer Identif ...
Popular(BPOP) - 2023 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-04-27 05:18
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第一季度净收益为1.59亿美元,较上一季度调整后的1.89亿美元减少3000万美元 [6] - 贷款较上季度增加2.61亿美元,其中Banco Popular在各个细分市场实现贷款增长,而Popular Bank的商业贷款增长抵消了建筑和消费贷款的减少 [7] - 资产组合改善,贷款增长和投资组合减少 [8] - 信贷质量趋势保持良好,不良贷款减少,净核销率仍远低于疫情前水平 [8] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 零售存款占42%,平均余额不到1万美元 [10] - 公共部门存款占25%,由抵押品担保 [10] - 商业存款占28%,批发存款占5% [10] - 客户群增加约1.2万,达到200万 [11] - 数字渠道用户超过110万,占客户群的56% [11] - 信用卡和借记卡销售额同比增长9% [12] - 抵押贷款发放额同比下降29%,主要受利率上升和房源有限的影响 [12] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 波多黎各经济在第一季度表现良好,就业和其他经济数据呈现积极趋势 [13] - 新车销售放缓但仍高于疫情前水平,反映强劲的汽车需求 [13] - 旅游和酒店业是当地经济的亮点,机场客流创历史新高,酒店需求强劲 [14] - 还有约500亿美元的飓风灾后重建资金尚未发放,预计将支持未来几年的经济活动 [14] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司保持充足的流动性,并将继续谨慎管理以应对潜在挑战 [15] - 对波多黎各市场保持乐观,有信心通过任何潜在挑战为客户提供服务 [15] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 第一季度业绩良好,贷款增长和存款基础保持稳健 [6][15] - 密切关注经济和市场环境以及最近美国银行业的发展 [15] - 对波多黎各未来保持乐观,有信心应对潜在挑战 [15] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Brody Preston 提问** 询问净息差(NIM)的预期变化 [57][58][59][60][61][62] **Carlos Vazquez 回答** 解释了持有更多联邦储备存款对税收利息收入的影响,以及NIM走势的不确定性 [57][58][59][60][61][62] 问题2 **Timur Braziler 提问** 询问公共存款的季节性变动和NIM走势 [77][78][79][80] **Carlos Vazquez 回答** 预计第二季度公共存款将有季节性增加,但NIM走势的时间点难以确定 [77][78][79][80] 问题3 **Alex Twerdahl 提问** 询问贷款组合未来的增长预期 [91][92] **Carlos Vazquez 回答** 表示不会给出具体的贷款增长指引,但预计今年贷款增速将放缓于去年 [91][92]
Popular(BPOP) - 2022 Q4 - Annual Report
2023-03-01 00:00
UNITED STATES SECURITIES A ND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 Form10-K [X] ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the Fiscal Year EndedDecember 31, 2022 Or [ ] Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Commission File Number: 001-34084 POPULAR, INC. Incorporated in the Commonwealth ofPuerto Rico IRS Employer Identification No.66-0667416 Principal Executive Offices 209 Muñoz Rivera Avenue Hato Rey,Puer ...
Popular(BPOP) - 2022 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-01-26 04:29
Popular, Inc. (NASDAQ:BPOP) Q4 2022 Earnings Conference Call January 25, 2023 10:00 AM ET Company Participants Paul Cardillo - Investor Relations Officer Ignacio Alvarez - Chief Executive Officer Javier Ferrer - Chief Operating Officer Carlos Vazquez - Chief Financial Officer Lidio Soriano - Chief Risk Officer Conference Call Participants Timur Braziler - Wells Fargo Securities Alex Twerdahl - Piper Sandler Kelly Motta - KBW Gerard Cassidy - RBC Operator Hello and welcome to today's Popular Fourth Quarter 2 ...