BP (BP) Stock Slides as Market Rises: Facts to Know Before You Trade
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-22 07:05
股价表现 - BP公司股价在最新交易日收盘价为$37.73,较前一交易日下跌了0.42%[1] - BP公司股价表现落后于标普500指数的日涨幅0.32%[1] - 过去一个月,BP公司股价上涨了6.13%,落后于石油能源行业的6.39%涨幅,但超过了标普500指数的5.11%涨幅[2] 财务表现 - 投资者将密切关注BP公司即将发布的收益表现,预计每股收益为$1.13,较去年同期下降了31.93%[3] - 根据最新的共识估计,预计季度收入为$57.93亿美元,较去年同期增长了1.72%[3] - 根据Zacks Consensus Estimates,全年预计每股收益为$4.96,营收为$227.67亿美元,较去年分别增长了+3.77%和+6.87%[4] 分析师预测 - 最近对BP公司的分析师预测变动也应引起投资者的注意,积极的预测修订可视为公司业务前景的良好迹象[5] - 利用Zacks Rank模型可以从中受益,该模型考虑了这些预测变化并提供了一个简单的可操作的评级系统[6] 估值和行业排名 - BP目前的Zacks Rank为3(持有),Zacks Rank系统从1(强热门)到5(强卖出),自1988年以来,排名第一的股票平均年回报率为+25%[7] - 相对估值方面,BP目前的前瞻市盈率为7.64,高于行业平均前瞻市盈率7.4[8] - 此外,BP目前的PEG比率为1.91,略低于行业平均PEG比率1.97[9] 行业评级 - 石油和天然气-综合-国际行业属于石油能源部门,目前Zacks Industry Rank为142,位于所有250+行业的底部44%[10] - Zacks Industry Rank评估了特定行业群体的活力,研究表明,排名前50%的行业的表现比排名后50%的行业表现好2倍[11]
BP Electrifies Houston With Launch of Its First US Gigahub
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-21 20:41
BP在美国推出首个EV充电Gigahub - BP宣布在美国休斯顿的BP America总部开设了电动汽车充电站,名为Gigahub,将于4月2日向公众开放[1] - 新的充电站将于2024年3月20日开始运营,配备24个Tritium 150kW DC快速充电器,与BP pulse应用程序无缝集成,用户可以查找站点、实时查看充电可用性并连接WiFi[2] - BP在美国推出首个EV充电Gigahub,展望从客户充电偏好中获得见解,继续在英国、中国和德国等关键市场建立快速充电地位[3] - BP pulse计划在包括机场、主要都市区域和美国各地的BP拥有物业在内的高需求地点进一步扩展充电基础设施[4]
Here is What to Know Beyond Why BP p.l.c. (BP) is a Trending Stock
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-20 22:01
BP (BP) has been one of the most searched-for stocks on Zacks.com lately. So, you might want to look at some of the facts that could shape the stock's performance in the near term. Shares of this oil and gas company have returned +7% over the past month versus the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +3.6% change. The Zacks Oil and Gas - Integrated - International industry, to which BP belongs, has gained 5.5% over this period. Now the key question is: Where could the stock be headed in the near term? While media rele ...
bp unveils first US bp pulse EV charging Gigahub™ at Houston headquarters
Prnewswire· 2024-03-20 21:00
bp pulse Gigahub™ (EV charging station) is open to the general public The site features 24 EV DC fast-charging points A ribbon cutting for the Gigahub™ located at the bp Westlake campus with bp executives and local elected officials will be held on March 20, 2024 HOUSTON, March 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- bp (NYSE: BP) will celebrate the opening of its new electric- vehicle charging site at its bp America headquarters in Houston, Texas, expanding its network of EV chargers in the US. The new bp pulse station i ...
A Reality Check on Big Oil's Energy Transition Challenges
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-19 21:10
欧洲主要石油公司减排目标调整 - 欧洲主要石油公司调整了中期减排目标,强调回报股东优于激进减排[1] - BP和壳牌已调整其目标,强调在市场不确定性中优先考虑现金流[1] - 市场现实要求逐步过渡,壳牌和BP重新调整了减排目标,优先考虑能源安全和可负担性[4] 石油公司投资可再生能源的限制 - 可再生能源项目回报有限,导致BP和壳牌等公司减少对清洁能源的投资[3] 石油公司对能源转型的看法 - 大型石油公司认为天然气在能源转型中将发挥关键作用,强调逐步过渡的重要性[5] - 美国能源巨头埃克森美孚首席执行官认为应重视渐进的能源系统替代,强调减排是主要问题[6] - 埃克森美孚报告称自2016年以来甲烷排放减少一半,目标2030年公司范围内温室气体强度降低20-30%[7] 石油公司面临的挑战 - 政府和活动家呼吁加快减排速度,石油公司面临着环保承诺受到越来越多关注的挑战[8]
BP's Whiting Refinery Resumes Full Operations Post-Outage
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-19 20:16
BP plc (BP) , on Monday, announced the resumption of normal operations at its critical Whiting refinery, marking a milestone after more than six weeks of downtime due to a plantwide power outage. The refinery stands as BP's largest facility in the United States and the nation's sixth. Processing a staggering 435,000 barrels of crude oil per day, the refinery produces a wide range of liquid fuels and asphalt, serving as a vital fuel supplier to the Chicago area. The power outage on Feb 1, triggered a cascade ...
BP Explores Trinidad-Venezuela Gas Field Project Partnership
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-18 21:00
BP在加勒比海天然气合作 - BP与委内瑞拉和特立尼达和多巴哥政府就加勒比海的共享海上天然气田展开讨论,旨在增加该地区的天然气产量[1] - BP承认与特立尼达和多巴哥政府以及委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国就Manakin-Cocuina气田的潜在开发进行合作,这一联合努力符合利用共享资源和促进区域合作的努力[4] 特立尼达天然气产量挑战 - BP计划扩大在特立尼达的天然气产量,以支持当地的大西洋液化天然气出口设施的运营,公司的天然气产量急剧下降,几乎每天减少近10亿立方英尺,这种下降凸显了重振该行业的紧迫性[2] - 大西洋液化天然气设施的运营受到操作限制的困扰,岛上海域的天然气产量减少导致设施利用率不足,尽管设施拥有每年1500万吨液化天然气的额定产能,但设施一直在低于产能运行,自2020年以来首列车停工进一步加剧了生产挑战,去年仅生产820万吨[3] 委内瑞拉天然气开发前景 - Manakin-Cocuina气田横跨两国边界,估计拥有超过1万亿立方英尺的天然气,为能源合作提供了有利机遇,尽管之前存在挑战,但这些制裁的放松重新点燃了能源领域合作和发展的动力[5] - 委内瑞拉国家石油公司PDVSA表示正在考虑发放许可证,用于在其管辖的共享区域内开发非关联天然气,这一举措表明了利用该地区天然气储备未开发潜力的承诺[6]
BP (BP) Flat As Market Sinks: What You Should Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-16 06:55
股价表现 - BP公司股价在最新交易日收盘价为$37.49,与前一天相比没有变化[1] - BP公司股票在上个月上涨了5.28%,落后于石油能源行业的6.72%的涨幅,但超过了标普500指数的3.27%的涨幅[2] 财务预测 - 分析师预计BP公司将在即将发布的财报中每股盈利为$1.13,同比下降31.93%,营收预计为$57.93亿美元,同比增长1.72%[3] - 根据Zacks Consensus Estimates,BP公司全年预计每股盈利为$4.96,营收为$227.67亿美元,同比分别增长3.77%和6.87%[4] 估值分析 - 分析师对BP公司的最新估值变动持乐观态度,这通常反映了短期业务模式的变化[5] - BP公司目前的前瞻市盈率为7.56,较行业平均前瞻市盈率7.38略高[8] - BP公司的PEG比率为1.89,考虑了公司预期盈利增长率,而石油和天然气-综合-国际行业昨日收盘价的平均PEG比率为1.73[9] 行业排名 - 石油和天然气-综合-国际行业属于石油能源行业,目前Zacks行业排名为179,位于所有250+行业的后29%[10] - Zacks行业排名通过测量组内个股的平均Zacks Rank来衡量行业群体的实力,研究表明,排名前50%的行业胜过后50%的行业2比1[11] 数据更新 - 利用Zacks.com保持对这些股票变动指标的更新,以及其他在接下来的交易日中[12]
Here's Why Retain Strategy is Apt for BP Stock Right Now
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-15 23:31
BP plc (BP) is a leading integrated energy company and is likely to see earnings growth of almost 4% this year. What's Favoring the Stock? West Texas Intermediate crude price has touched $80 per barrel, which is highly favorable for BP’s exploration and production operations. The energy major has a vast pipeline of key upstream projects that are either in operation or yet to start activities this year or beyond. BP is also leading the energy transition race. The company is planning to become a net-zero emis ...
BP Seeking Natural Gas Opportunities In Trinidad-Venezuela Waters
Forbes· 2024-03-15 06:20
The petrol station forecourt for BP, one of the world's largest oil and gas companies. Getty Images On Wednesday, BP president for Trinidad and Tobago, Sir David Campbell met with Trinidadian energy minister Stuart Young and Venezuelan oil minister Rafael Tellechea. The British oil and gas “supermajor” is exploring opportunities in the cross-border region, as it would be trying to follow in the footsteps of Shell to extract natural gas mostly from Venezuelan waters while using Trinidad’s existing LNG export ...