4 Integrated Energy Stocks Set to Escape Industry Weakness
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-07 23:11
原油价格影响 - 原油价格上涨对炼油业务造成了影响,输入成本较高[1] - 炼油业务承压:原油价格处于较高水平,导致炼油商的成本增加,挤压综合能源公司的炼油业务利润[5] 公司展望 - Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM)、Shell plc (SHEL)、BP plc (BP)和Eni SpA (E)等公司可能会在行业挑战中生存下来[2] - BP计划在2025年或更早成为净零排放公司,同时投资并建立20吉瓦的可再生能源发电能力[16] - Shell在液化天然气领域是全球领先的参与者,同时在可再生能源领域快速增长[16] - Eni正在领导能源转型,致力于为客户提供一整套碳中和产品和服务[17] - ExxonMobil是世界上最大的综合能源公司之一,依靠其强大的资产负债表来抵御任何业务动荡[17] 行业趋势 - 自由现金流下降,市场对Zacks石油和天然气综合国际行业前景感到悲观[1] - 自由现金流下降:自2022年第三季度以来,一些主要综合能源公司的自由现金流大幅下降[6] - 不断增长的对可再生能源的需求令人担忧:政府、投资者和利益相关者越来越重视应对气候变化,导致对可再生能源的需求增加[7] - Zacks行业排名显示悲观前景:Zacks石油和天然气综合国际行业的Zacks行业排名为196,位于250个Zacks行业中的后22%[8] - 行业表现不及行业和标普500指数:过去一年,Zacks石油和天然气综合国际行业的表现不及更广泛的Zacks石油-能源部门和Zacks标普500综合指数[11] - 行业在过去一年下跌了1.2%,而标普500指数上涨了27.3%,更广泛的部门上涨了4%[12] - 根据过去12个月的EV/EBITDA比率,该行业目前以3.27X的价格交易,低于标普500的14.66X,也低于部门的3.76X[14]
The Unbelievable Comeback: 3 Stocks Ready to Rise from the Ashes
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-06 23:19
Comeback stocks are excellent out-of-the-box picks for those on the hunt for companies poised for a rebound. The three companies spotlighted on this list are legacy enterprises operating in industries foundational to the economy. In selecting companies for this list, I focused on three legacy enterprises that led their respective industries at one time. However, over the last 12 months, these comeback stocks have registered negative returns as they struggle against the competition and external factors. Desp ...
BP p.l.c. (BP) is Attracting Investor Attention: Here is What You Should Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-06 23:00
BP (BP) has recently been on Zacks.com's list of the most searched stocks. Therefore, you might want to consider some of the key factors that could influence the stock's performance in the near future. Shares of this oil and gas company have returned -1.6% over the past month versus the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +2.9% change. The Zacks Oil and Gas - Integrated - International industry, to which BP belongs, has gained 2.5% over this period. Now the key question is: Where could the stock be headed in the near ...
EU Majors: Prefer TotalEnergies Over Shell And BP
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-06 03:33
公司业务 - 法国TotalEnergies是一家全球性能源公司,拥有超过130个国家的石油和可再生燃料生产和营销业务[2] - Total在中东、西北非、北海和巴西等地区拥有重要的石油和天然气生产项目[3] - 2023年,Total的石油产量约为2.48Mboed,液体产量占比62%,相比2018年保持稳定,管理层预计未来几年每年产量增长2-3%[4] 储量和资产负债表 - Total的探明储量保持稳定,自2018年以来有113%的有机储量替换率,远高于同行平均水平[8] - Total的储量可以覆盖当前产量超过12.5年,排名欧洲同行之首[10] - Total在资产负债表方面表现优异,杠杆率和负债占总资产比例均远低于同行[18] - Total在过去几年中一直保持资产负债表强劲,2023年杠杆率为0.4x,远低于同行平均水平[19] - Total的资产负债表强劲主要得益于有针对性的资产出售和剥离,2023年仅出售了3项主要业务,获得了84亿美元用于偿还债务和资金分配[21] 资本分配和股东回报 - Total的资本分配灵活性较高,拥有较大的资本用于并购或合资,尽管在欧洲对石油和天然气勘探活动持谨慎态度,但这为公司提供了一定的战略灵活性[22] - Total在资本效率和股东回报方面表现优异,过去3年平均资本回报率为11.9%,高于同行[24] - Total的股东回报率较高,过去3年中有36.8%的经营现金流通过股息和股票回购分配给股东,领先于同行[26] - Total的股东回报率目标为40%的经营现金流,2023年实际回报率为44%,在欧洲同行中表现较好[27] - 根据2024年预期股息和经营现金流,预计Total的未来股东收益率约为10.5%,略高于部分同行[28] 估值 - Total的估值方法包括基于市盈率和基本面的估值,根据过去3年的净资产回报率,估计合理市盈率为9.0x,目标股价为81美元[31] - Total的基于现金流的估值方法预计未来股价为92美元,较当前交易水平有44%的上涨空间[36]
3 Lagging Energy Stocks to Offload in Q1
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-06 01:18
Crude oil prices have hovered between $75 and $85 a barrel since the start of this year, despite the ongoing conflict in the Middle East due to Israel’s war with Hamas. This has led to a continued slump in energy stocks, which have badly trailed the overall market for the better part of a year now. OPEC+ recently announced that it is extending its output reductions until the second quarter of this year. In a written statement, the oil cartel said it is extending the output cuts to support the short-term pri ...
BP can be serious force in EV charging, suggests UBS
Proactive Investors· 2024-03-05 23:51
BP is a much better equity story than just how much cash it is handing out to shareholders, according to analysts at UBS. All of the talk recently has been about share buybacks and its low relative rating, but a low oil price breakeven and efficient production base will provide the funds to sustain total distributions, while also funding growth from low carbon, says the Swiss bank. UBS notes that while the electric vehicle transformation might have stalled recently, peak oil demand is still on the horizon a ...
BP Set to Boost Egypt's Gas Projects With $1.5B Investment
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-01 02:31
BP在埃及投资计划 - BP宣布计划在未来三到四年内在埃及投资15亿美元,以加强天然气项目和钻探作业,发展埃及的能源景观[1] - BP将在埃及与阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)组建以天然气为重点的合资企业,以增强该地区的天然气生产能力[2] - BP将持有合资企业51%的多数股权,ADNOC持有其余股权,这一合作突显了BP在埃及能源行业保持强劲存在的意图[3] 埃及天然气行业发展 - BP的投资正值埃及天然气行业关键时刻,由于天然气田的自然衰竭,该国产量下降,同时埃及一直积极参与向欧洲出口液化天然气,尤其是在非夏季月份,以缓解俄罗斯天然气供应减少的影响[4] - 欧盟最近对天然气的招标超额三倍,突显了欧洲国家对天然气的增长需求,这为BP的投资提供了背景,表明埃及向欧洲出口天然气的潜力增加,通过增强生产能力实现[5] BP的投资策略和压力 - 在天然气项目战略扩张的同时,BP面临内部压力,要重新专注于其核心石油和天然气业务,股东Bluebell Capital Partners对BP的投资策略表示担忧,敦促公司减少可再生能源项目并增加盈利能力[6] - BP面临股东要求增加对公司投资重点透明度的压力,批评者认为,如果没有明确表达其战略,BP可能在股市表现不佳,潜在影响股东价值[7]
BP p.l.c. Announces Upsize to $1,300,000,000 of Cash Tender Offer of One Series of USD Notes
Prnewswire· 2024-02-27 03:27
NEW YORK, Feb. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- BP p.l.c. ("BP") (NYSE: BP) (LSE: BP) today announced the upsizing to $1,300,000,000 of the previously announced cash tender offer by its wholly-owned subsidiary BP Capital Markets p.l.c. (the "Offeror") to purchase for cash Notes issued by the Offeror (the "Tender Offer"). The Offeror has amended the terms of the Tender Offer to increase the aggregate principal amount of the Notes that may be purchased pursuant to the Tender Offer (the "Offer Cap"), as described in t ...
Stuart Varney: BP exec's husband guilty of insider trading after eavesdropping on wife's merger deal
Fox Business· 2024-02-27 00:45
内幕交易事件 - 一名休斯顿男子通过监听妻子在家工作时的电话通话,从内幕交易中赚取了170万美元[1] - 该男子的妻子在家工作,两人的办公室相距仅几英尺[2] - 该男子听到妻子讨论了她所在公司BP与一家卡车停车公司TravelCenters of America之间的合并,随后将200万美元的股票转为46,450股TravelCenters of America股票[3] - 男子赚取了170万美元的利润,但当局开始质疑,他同意归还所有利润,可能面临巨额罚款和监禁[4]
BP p.l.c. Launches Cash Tender Offer for Up to $1 Billion Aggregate Principal Amount of One Series of USD Notes
Prnewswire· 2024-02-26 21:50
要约收购 - BP宣布通过其全资子公司BP Capital Markets p.l.c.发起现金要约收购任何有效投标且未撤回的Notes,总额不超过10亿美元[1] - 投标和信息代理D.F. King & Co., Inc.将提供购买要约文件给Notes持有人[2] - Offeror将购买Notes的总额限制在10亿美元,购买的Notes将被注销[3] - 要约截止时间为2024年3月25日纽约时间下午5点[5] - 持有人必须在2024年3月8日纽约时间下午5点之前有效投标Notes,以获得适用的总额考虑[6] - Notes投标可以在2024年3月8日纽约时间下午5点之前撤回[7] - 如果在提前投标时间达到Offer Cap,则之后的Notes将不会被购买,除非Offeror增加Offer Cap[9] - Offeror将只接受不超过Offer Cap的Notes[10] - 要约不受Notes的最低主要金额的限制[11] - 每1000美元主要金额的Notes的总额考虑为990美元[12] - 持有人在提前投标时间前有效投标且被接受的Notes将收到适用的总额考虑[13] - 持有人在提前投标时间之后但在到期时间前有效投标且被接受的Notes将收到适用的总额考虑减去提前投标支付[14] 前瞻性声明 - 本文提到了BP发布的一份声明,其中包含了一些关于未来的预测、投影和前瞻性声明[28] - 前瞻性声明涉及风险和不确定性,因为它们与未来可能发生的事件和情况有关,而这些情况是BP无法控制的[29] - 实际结果可能会与前述声明中所表达的结果有实质性差异,取决于多种因素,包括市场条件、全球经济状况、政策法规变化等[30]