Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMY) Bank of America Global Healthcare Conference 2024 Transcript
seekingalpha.com· 2024-05-16 07:58
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (NYSE:BMY) Bank of America Global Healthcare Conference 2024 May 15, 2024 2:20 PM ET Company Participants David Elkins – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Conference Call Participants Geoff Meacham – Bank of America Chen Yang – Bank of America Geoff Meacham I’m Geoff Meacham. I’m the senior biopharma analyst, and I have Charlie from my team on stage with me as well. Welcome to the Bristol-Myers session. So on behalf of Bristol, we have CFO, David Elkins. David ...
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMY) Bank of America Global Healthcare Conference 2024 Transcript
2024-05-16 07:58
新产品和新技术研发 - 公司引入新产品如KarXT、Opdualag、Camzyos和Reblozyl[4] - Opdivo的皮下制剂PDUFA日期定于2025年2月,将为公司增长提供补充[15] - 公司对Breyanzi的长期潜力感到兴奋,认为产品在高需求病人群体中将获得优先考虑[36] - 公司对细胞疗法作为未来增长平台持乐观态度,认为市场准入和定价补偿将继续改善[38] - 公司目前主要关注Opdualag和将其应用于其他肿瘤类型,预计在该领域持续增长[40] - 公司看好RayzeBio和Ray Ligand的潜力,认为市场巨大,产品获批后将在多个IND引擎和多种肿瘤类型中发挥作用[42] - Camzyos的安全性和疗效表现强劲,患者使用后持续疗程延长,公司将继续积累真实世界数据以加强产品安全性[44] - Camzyos产品推出几年后,公司计划继续扩大市场覆盖范围,力争使其成为该重要市场的首选产品[45] - KarXT的PDUFA日期较晚,公司将其视为2025年的产品推出,预计在未来几年内逐步获得各州的表格批准[54] - KarXT在阿尔茨海默病领域有巨大机会,公司计划在未来几年内公布相关Phase 3研究数据[56] - CD19 NEX-T的构造与Breyanzi相似,公司认为其有望重置患者免疫系统,对自身免疫疾病和多发性硬化等疾病患者有重要意义[69] 业绩总结 - Opdivo业务预计在未来继续增长,尤其在早期治疗领域[13] - Reblozyl在早期贫血治疗领域表现出色,市场渗透率仅为25%[18] - Breyanzi被视为公司的重要增长驱动力,具有高安全性和供应无限制[28] 市场扩张和并购 - 公司在扩大Breyanzi供应方面取得进展,包括建设新的制造设施和自动化制造流程[29][30] - 公司认为竞争对手产品的推出有助于提高患者意识,长期来看对患者将是有益的[46] - Camzyos新患者启动速度逐渐增加,公司通过直接到消费者的投资提高了疾病和产品的认知度[48]
Dividend Capture Captains: The 3 Best Blue-Chip Stocks for Tactical Traders
InvestorPlace· 2024-05-14 18:46
Give someone a dividend and you pay them that day but teach them to capture the dividend and you provide investment income for life! Executing a capture-the-dividend trade entails buying the stock before the ex-date so you are the shareholder of record. You then sell it to book the dividend income, making little if any capital gains (that would be nice but it is not the objective). There are many factors to consider in buying dividend stocks for tactical traders. The bigger the dividend the bigger the profi ...
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMY) Presents at Guggenheim Securities Radiopharmaceuticals Day (Transcript)
2024-05-14 02:23
业务发展 - RayzeBio是Bristol-Myers Squibb公司的独立子公司,致力于放射治疗领域,Bristol希望通过收购RayzeBio来拓展放射治疗领域的机会[5] - RayzeBio的技术基于actinium-225,相比于lutetium-177具有更高的能量释放,能够创造更持久的治疗效果,同时具有更长的半衰期,有利于全球市场供应[11] - RayzeBio在放射治疗领域有领先地位,计划快速扩展研发管线,探索更多潜在靶点,并加速研究团队的扩张[33] 产品研发 - RZY101在GEP-NETs的Phase 3研究中是以PFS为终点,目前正在全球范围内进行招募,预计2026年公布数据,可能会有中期分析[14] - RayzeBio的另一项目RYZ801针对肝细胞癌,采用GPC3治疗方案,预计将在今年下半年提交IND,有望填补肝癌领域的治疗需求[27] 生产与供应链 - RayzeBio在印第安纳州拥有一座全新的制造工厂,用于生产actinium-225,以确保临床和商业需求,同时与多家供应商签订协议,确保供应链的稳定性[35] - RayzeBio计划建立全球物流体系,确保患者能够及时获得治疗,同时在制造和供应链方面借鉴CAR T细胞治疗的经验[37] 成本与盈利模式 - RZY101的成本预计与Lutathera相当,但由于使用更少的actinium,未来将实现更可持续和盈利的业务模式[40] 合作与发展 - RayzeBio非常专注于内部执行,确保长期锕供应,加速101研究的临床试验招募[42] - RayzeBio在放射治疗领域有专门团队,正在考虑许可和合作选择[42]
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMY) Presents at Guggenheim Securities Radiopharmaceuticals Day (Transcript)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-05-14 02:23
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. (NYSE:BMY) Guggenheim Securities Radiopharmaceuticals Day May 13, 2024 11:00 AM ET Company Participants Ben Hickey - President RayzeBio, Head of Mirati Conference Call Participants Unidentified Analyst Alright, Ben, let's continue here with Ben Hickey now from Bristol. Welcome. Thanks for joining us today. And so, yes, before we start with the fireside chat here, yes could you just introduce yourself and talk a bit about your role at Bristol. First of all, good to see you. Ben ...
Bristol Myers (BMY) Fails to Meet Goal in Opdivo NSCLC Study
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-14 00:21
Bristol Myers (BMY) recently announced that a late-stage study, seeking to expand the label of its cancer combination drug, Opdivo (nivolumab) and Yervoy (ipilimumab), failed to meet the primary endpoint of progression-free survival in unresectable, locally advanced stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The phase III CheckMate -73L study evaluated Opdivo with concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) followed by Opdivo plus Yervoycompared with CCRT followed by AstraZeneca’s (AZN) Imfinzi (durvalumab) in 9 ...
Down but Not Out: 3 Stocks to Buy on a Post-Earnings Dip
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-12 16:45
Bad news can be good news for an enterprising investor with a longer time horizon than the market's immediate reaction. About once every 90 days, publicly traded companies have to face their shareholders and let them know how their businesses have performed over the past quarter. Those earnings releases often bring with them all sorts of news that can move the market. Sometimes that news is bad, which can knock a company's stock down. Yet that can provide an opportunity for investors to buy shares at a barg ...
Is Bristol Myers' Dividend in Danger?
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-11 19:29
Should investors brace for a dividend cut? Bristol Myers Squibb (BMY 0.45%) pays investors an attractive dividend, which yields an incredibly high rate of 5.5%. That's nearly four times the S&P 500 average of 1.4%. At such a high rate, investing approximately $18,200 would be enough to generate $1,000 in annual dividends from the stock. However, as is the case with many high-yielding stocks, Bristol Myers' dividend comes with some risk. The company's growth has been a concern for investors, and recently, it ...
Bounce Alert: 3 Large Caps With RSIs Too Good To Ignore
MarketBeat· 2024-05-10 23:45
Key Points A dismal report from CVS has sent shares plunging, but they already look to have put in a low. Bristol-Myers is experiencing something similar, with a big day of gains yesterday boding well for next week. TripAdvisor shares are still recovering from Wednesday's shock and hold the most risk but also the most reward. 5 stocks we like better than CVS Health ...
2 Beaten-Down Stocks to Buy and Hold for 10 Years
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-10 21:45
They offer plenty of upside and solid dividend growth. It's easy to find stocks that are lagging broader equities, even in a bull market like the one we're currently in. It's harder to find beaten-down stocks that still look worth buying and holding onto for a while. Some corporations are condemned to deliver subpar financial results and stock market performances practically in perpetuity. Thankfully, Bristol Myers Squibb (BMY 2.45%) and Pfizer (PFE 1.19%), two drugmakers that are failing to keep pace with ...