BMY Gets EC Nod for Opdivo Plus Yervoy in First-Line Colorectal Cancer
ZACKS· 2024-12-25 01:11
核心观点 - 欧洲委员会批准了Opdivo与Yervoy联合用于微卫星不稳定性高(MSI-H)或错配修复缺陷(dMMR)的不可切除或转移性结直肠癌(mCRC)的一线治疗,这是首个在欧盟获批的双重检查点抑制剂疗法 [1][14][20] 公司动态 - 百时美施贵宝(BMY)宣布其免疫肿瘤药物Opdivo与Yervoy的组合获得欧洲委员会的新癌症适应症批准 [20] - Opdivo已在多个国家获批用于多种癌症适应症,包括美国和欧盟 [2] - 百时美施贵宝还宣布了两项III期研究(POETYK PsA-1和POETYK PsA-2)的积极顶线数据,评估了Sotyktu(deucravacitinib)用于治疗活动性银屑病关节炎(PsA)的疗效 [3][17][23] - Sotyktu是一种口服、选择性、别构酪氨酸激酶2抑制剂,目前已在多个国家获批用于治疗中度至重度斑块型银屑病的成人患者 [24] 研究数据 - Opdivo与Yervoy的最新批准基于III期CheckMate -8HW研究的数据,该研究显示联合治疗在无进展生存期(PFS)方面有显著的统计学和临床意义改善,疾病进展或死亡风险降低了79% [7][12][15] - 两项Sotyktu研究均达到了主要终点,数据显示接受Sotyktu治疗的患者在16周后达到ACR20反应的比例显著高于安慰剂组 [17][23] - 两项Sotyktu研究还达到了重要的次要终点,即在第16周时PsA疾病活动的改善 [9] 市场表现 - Opdivo在2023年前九个月的全球销售额达到68亿美元,是BMY的关键增长驱动因素 [16] - 百时美施贵宝的股价年初至今上涨了12.2%,而行业整体下跌了13.7% [21] - Spero Therapeutics(SPRO)的股价年初至今下跌了37.2%,Immunocore Holdings(IMCR)的股价下跌了58.8%,而Castle Biosciences(CSTL)的股价上涨了27.3% [5][11][13] 财务预测 - 在过去的60天里,Spero Therapeutics的2024年每股亏损预测从1.59美元收窄至1.29美元,2025年预测从1.54美元收窄至79美分 [5] - Immunocore的2024年每股亏损预测从1.80美元收窄至94美分,2025年预测从2.33美元收窄至1.57美分 [13] - Castle Biosciences的2024年每股收益预测从亏损59美分转为盈利34美分,2025年预测从2.15美元收窄至1.84美元 [11] 其他信息 - 百时美施贵宝目前持有Zacks Rank 2(买入),而Immunocore Holdings(IMCR)、Spero Therapeutics(SPRO)和Castle Biosciences(CSTL)均持有Zacks Rank 1(强力买入) [10][18][25][26] - SPRO的盈利在过去四个季度中有两个季度超出预期,平均超预期94.42% [19] - IMCR的盈利在过去四个季度中有两个季度超出预期,平均超预期25.57% [25] - CSTL的盈利在过去四个季度中每次都超出预期,平均超预期172.72% [26]
Bristol-Myers Squibb: Rich Dividends & Double-Digits Upside Potential - Bright 2026 Prospects
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-21 03:00
I am a full-time analyst interested in a wide range of stocks. With my unique insights and knowledge, I hope to provide other investors with a contrasting view of my portfolio, given my particular background.If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me via a direct message on Seeking Alpha or leave a comment on one of my articles.Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any such positions within the ...
Bristol-Myers Squibb Will Handle The Patent Cliff And Is Still Undervalued
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-20 21:00
About five months ago, I wrote my last article about Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (NYSE: BMY ). And after being a bit more cautious in my previous article, I clearly argued that the stock was a “Buy” at this point and a bargain. InMy analysis is focused on high-quality companies, that can outperform the market over the long-run due to a competitive advantage (economic moat) and high levels of defensibility. Focused on European and North American companies, but without constraints regarding market capitaliza ...
Why Bristol Myers Squibb (BMY) Dipped More Than Broader Market Today
ZACKS· 2024-12-20 07:51
Bristol Myers Squibb (BMY) closed the latest trading day at $56.30, indicating a -0.95% change from the previous session's end. The stock fell short of the S&P 500, which registered a loss of 0.09% for the day. Meanwhile, the Dow gained 0.04%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, lost 0.1%.Heading into today, shares of the biopharmaceutical company had lost 1.8% over the past month, outpacing the Medical sector's loss of 2.1% and lagging the S&P 500's loss of 0.29% in that time.Investors will be eagerly watc ...
3 High-Yielding Dividend Stocks That Retirees Can Rely On for Recurring Income
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-19 23:00
If you're a retiree and want some dependable income, high-yielding dividend stocks can help make the most of your money. While the average stock on the S&P 500 might pay just an average of 1.2%, there are many other stocks out there that pay much higher than that -- and they aren't risky investments to hold in your portfolio.For retirees, three blue chip stocks that can be ideal options for your portfolio include Bristol Myers Squibb (BMY -0.56%), Enbridge (ENB 0.40%), and Coca-Cola (KO -0.35%). These divid ...
Got $250? 2 Healthcare Stocks to Buy and Hold Forever
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-19 19:15
One of the great things about the stock market is that one doesn't have to be a genius or a multimillionaire to take advantage of its wealth-building power. A person who starts out even with a relatively modest sum, like $250, then progressively (and consistently) invests more over time, and stays invested for the long term, will typically see their efforts yield significant returns -- provided they choose the right companies to buy.But which ones are the "right" ones to invest in? Let's consider two compan ...
These 2 Stocks Just Declared Dividend Raises That Kick In Next Year. Should You Buy?
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-19 18:26
It isn't easy to find steady and reliable dividend payers in the pharmaceutical industry. The key reason is simple: Drug development is a frequently laborious and expensive process that can swallow vast amounts of capital.Yet there is a clutch of companies at the top of the industry not only paying distributions regularly, but also lately increasing them on a consistent basis.Two of these, Bristol Myers Squibb (BMY -1.41%) and Eli Lilly (LLY -1.79%), just declared dividend raises. What's more, since the new ...
BioArctic announces global license agreement with Bristol Myers Squibb for BioArctic's PyroGlutamate-amyloid-beta antibody program
Prnewswire· 2024-12-19 14:48
核心观点 - BioArctic与Bristol Myers Squibb达成全球独家许可协议,涉及PyroGlu-Aβ抗体项目,包括BAN1503和BAN2803,后者包含BrainTransporter™技术。BioArctic将获得1亿美元的首付款和高达12.5亿美元的里程碑付款,以及全球产品销售的分层低两位数版税[1][2] 协议内容 - Bristol Myers Squibb将负责BAN1503和BAN2803的开发和全球商业化,BioArctic保留在北欧地区共同商业化的选择权[2] - 协议包括BioArctic的BrainTransporter技术,该技术利用转铁蛋白受体(TfR)优化药物进入大脑的运输[4] - 协议需通过美国反垄断法的申报和批准[2] 技术与产品 - PyroGlu-Aβ抗体项目针对特定的截短、焦谷氨酸修饰的β淀粉样蛋白,这种蛋白易聚集,导致阿尔茨海默病中的有害聚集[3] - BrainTransporter技术通过主动运输生物药物(如抗体)跨越血脑屏障,提高药物在大脑中的分布,从而提高疗效、安全性和用药便利性[4][8] - BAN2803包含BrainTransporter技术,旨在克服血脑屏障对生物治疗药物的限制[4] 公司观点 - BioArctic CEO Gunilla Osswald表示,与Bristol Myers Squibb的合作将有助于推动下一代脑部疾病治疗的发展,提供更快吸收、更好疗效、更少副作用和更低剂量的治疗方案[5] - Bristol Myers Squibb的Richard Hargreaves表示,该协议有望增强和多样化其神经科学产品组合,探索阿尔茨海默病的新型治疗方法[5] 行业背景 - BioArctic专注于神经退行性疾病的创新治疗,其Leqembi®(lecanemab)是世界上首个证明可以减缓早期阿尔茨海默病进展和减少认知障碍的药物[9] - BrainTransporter技术可应用于多种治疗领域,为BioArctic提供未来合作机会[5][8]
Fangzhou Inc. and Bristol Myers Squibb China Join Forces on a Strategic Alliance to Advance Internet Healthcare
Prnewswire· 2024-12-19 12:40
核心观点 - 方舟公司(Fangzhou Inc.)与百时美施贵宝(Bristol Myers Squibb, BMS)中国于2024年12月16日宣布达成战略联盟,旨在推动互联网医疗领域的创新,特别是在慢性病管理方面 [1][2] 战略联盟目标 - 该联盟旨在通过开发先进的数字医疗平台和模式,推动互联网医疗的创新,特别是针对慢性病的在线护理 [2] - 合作将重点围绕BMS在中国的两款新产品展开:Reblozyl®(利布洛泽®)用于治疗β-地中海贫血,以及Sotyktu®(颂狄多®)用于治疗银屑病 [2] 合作双方表态 - 方舟公司创始人、董事长兼CEO谢方敏表示,凭借方舟的技术能力和BMS的研发专长,此次合作标志着数字医疗领域的新机遇 [3] - BMS中国创新药物部门负责人温益忠强调了与方舟过去建立的强大合作基础,并表示对战略合作伙伴关系将产生持久效益持乐观态度,预计将实现“1+1>2”的效果,推动行业创新发展 [3] 未来展望 - 方舟和BMS将利用其在数字创新、全渠道协作和慢性病管理服务方面的卓越专长,建立动态合作伙伴关系 [4] - 双方旨在为中国快速增长的互联网医疗行业构建一个强大而健康的未来,开拓新领域并提升医疗技术和服务的标准 [4] 公司背景 - 方舟公司是中国领先的在线慢性病管理平台,截至2024年6月30日,拥有4560万注册用户和21.7万名注册医生,为慢性病患者提供定制化医疗和精准医疗服务 [5] - 百时美施贵宝是一家全球生物制药公司,拥有强大的研发管线,涵盖肿瘤学、血液学、免疫学、纤维化和心血管疾病等领域,致力于发现、开发和提供创新药物,帮助患者战胜严重疾病 [6]
Bristol-Myers: Still An Opportunity Yielding Over 4%
Seeking Alpha· 2024-12-18 22:00
I am focused on growth and dividend income. My personal strategy revolves around setting myself up for an easy retirement by creating a portfolio which focuses on compounding dividend income and growth. Dividends are an intricate part of my strategy as I have structured my portfolio to have monthly dividend income which grows through dividend reinvestment and yearly increases. Feel free to reach out to me on Seeking AlphaAnalyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of BMY, PFE, A ...