Ballard Publishes its 2023 ESG Report
Prnewswire· 2024-06-11 05:30
VANCOUVER, BC, June 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ: BLDP) (TSX: BLDP) today releases its 2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report, highlighting progress across Ballard's 2023 ESG performance and articulating an ongoing commitment to transparency and environmental leadership in the fuel cell industry. The report captures performance metrics in the pursuit of Ballard's sustainability commitments and supporting initiatives. Related information regarding Ballard's ESG gover ...
Ballard Power announces results of Annual General Meeting 2024
Prnewswire· 2024-06-07 11:55
VANCOUVER, BC, June 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ: BLDP) (TSX: BLDP) today announced results of its 2024 Annual General Meeting, which was held on June 5th. All nominees listed in the Management Proxy Circular dated April 8th, 2024 were elected as directors of the Company. Each of the Ballard directors was re-elected by a majority of the votes cast by shareholders present or represented by proxy. Director biographies are available in the "Our Leadership" section of the Company's websi ...
3 Sorry Hydrogen Stocks to Sell in May While You Still Can
investorplace.com· 2024-05-29 18:15
Adoption of renewable energy has been on the rise across the globe. Everything from government subsidies to growing consumer consciousness has driven its rise. Solar and wind energy typically receive much of the spotlight (and investment dollars). Still, other sources of renewable energy, particularly hydrogen, deserve more attention. Hydrogen energy can be produced through both clean and unclean processes. For example, a natural gas facility could create hydrogen through a reformation and gasification proc ...
Ballard(BLDP) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-08 03:35
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在Q1实现了9%的收入增长,毛利率改善5个百分点,现金运营成本略有下降 [32][35] - 公司预计Q4毛利率将达到盈亏平衡,随着收入增加和产品成本下降措施的影响 [34] - 公司维持了2024年运营费用和资本支出的指导区间,其中包括了Rockwall工厂初期设计和范围活动的资本支出 [36] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 重型动力应用占总收入约84%,加上固定电源,燃料电池产品占比约88%,公司正向商业产品公司转型 [32] - 公司在欧洲和北美市场的燃料电池公交车运营车队预计将在未来2-3年内增加3倍 [16] - 公司获得了一笔15兆瓦的大型固定电源订单,客户计划用燃料电池替代柴油发电机 [17][18] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在欧洲和北美公交车市场占据主导地位,市场份额分别超过80%和100% [40][41] - 公司预计未来3-4年内,欧洲和北美的燃料电池公交车数量将从目前的500-600辆增加到数千辆 [41] - 公司在北美铁路市场看到了巨大的机会,包括城际客运铁路和货运铁路,预计到2030年将有明确的验证和发展 [60][61][62][63] - 卡车市场发展较预期慢,公司正在关注返回基地加注的应用,如集装箱卡车和区域配送卡车 [68][69][70][71] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司宣布在美国得克萨斯州罗克沃尔建立新的制造工厂,初始产能相当于3GW燃料电池 [19][20][21][22][23] - 该工厂将采用自动化和先进制造工艺,有助于大幅降低成本,满足客户未来大规模部署的需求 [20][22] - 公司获得了高达9400万美元的政府无dilution性资金支持,包括4000万美元的DOE补助和5400万美元的税收抵免 [21] - 公司认为氢燃料电池是替代柴油机车和发电机的唯一可行的零排放解决方案 [63][64][65] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司看到了越来越有利的政策环境,订单增长势头良好,并持续投资于产品成本降低和先进制造能力扩张,对下半年和2025年的增长前景感到兴奋 [30] - 公司表示,尽管行业仍处于早期阶段,存在一些波动性,但通过长期供应协议和成本降低措施,公司有信心实现成本和价格的下降 [126][127] - 公司认为,即使在政府补贴政策最严格的情况下,也能为客户提供大幅低于当前的氢气成本,这将是市场发展的重要推动力 [107][108][109] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Rob Brown 提问** 询问Solaris订单的交付进度和市场规模 [39] **Randy MacEwen 回答** 公司在欧洲和北美的燃料电池公交车运营规模将从目前的500-600辆增加到数千辆,公司在这些市场的份额超过80% [40][41][42][43] 问题2 **Aaron MacNeil 提问** 询问Rockwall工厂的资本支出、单位成本下降和销量预期 [49][50][51][52][53][54] **Randy MacEwen 回答** 公司将在后续财报中提供更详细的Rockwall工厂信息,初步估计资本支出在1-1.5亿美元之间,政府资金支持后的净支出 [44][45] 公司有信心通过成本降低措施和规模效应,实现比客户价格下降更快的成本下降 [126][127] 问题3 **Saumya Jain 提问** 询问公司在美国铁路市场和卡车市场的发展情况 [57][58] **Randy MacEwen 回答** 公司看好北美货运铁路市场的机会,预计到2030年将有明确的验证和发展,是一个数十亿美元的市场 [60][61][62][63] 卡车市场发展较预期慢,公司正在关注返回基地加注的应用 [68][69][70][71]
Compared to Estimates, Ballard (BLDP) Q1 Earnings: A Look at Key Metrics
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-07 23:01
For the quarter ended March 2024, Ballard Power Systems (BLDP) reported revenue of $14.45 million, up 8.7% over the same period last year. EPS came in at -$0.14, compared to -$0.11 in the year-ago quarter. The reported revenue represents a surprise of -12.43% over the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $16.5 million. With the consensus EPS estimate being -$0.13, the EPS surprise was -7.69%. While investors scrutinize revenue and earnings changes year-over-year and how they compare with Wall Street expectations to ...
Ballard Power Systems (BLDP) Reports Q1 Loss, Misses Revenue Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-07 22:46
Ballard Power Systems (BLDP) came out with a quarterly loss of $0.14 per share versus the Zacks Consensus Estimate of a loss of $0.13. This compares to loss of $0.11 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items. This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of -7.69%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this fuel cell technology company would post a loss of $0.12 per share when it actually produced a loss of $0.16, delivering a surprise of -33.33%. Over the last four quar ...
Ballard Reports Q1 2024 Results
Prnewswire· 2024-05-07 20:30
VANCOUVER, BC, May 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ: BLDP) (TSX: BLDP) today announced consolidated financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2024. All amounts are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted and have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). "In our last earnings report, we indicated that we expected continued growth in our Order Backlog, major order announcements from customers in our Bus and Stationary verticals, and ...
Penny Stock Powerhouses: 3 Tiny Titans Ready to Explode
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-10 02:09
低价股票趋势 - 低价股票因低交易量、价格实惠和运营因素而经历快速波动,对于了解情况的投资者来说,有一些值得购买的低价股票可以以较低成本获得可观收益[1] - 预计2024年将连续降息,这种情况下低价股票通常会蓬勃发展,但应与廉价债务时代相比保持适度期望。随着预期利率在2024年剩余时间保持在低5%左右,明年降至高4%,相比于今天的5.5%,这种独特的位置可能会催生低价股票的激增[2] - 经过多年的紧缩和加息,淘汰了最弱的低价股票。幸存下来的公司现在更强大、更高效和更具竞争力。那些成功度过过去几年的低价股票有望在利率下降时增长,这些值得购买的低价股票有望超越微型市值地位并取得成功[3] Ballard Power Systems - Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ:BLDP)是一家燃料电池制造商,专注于重型汽车如公共汽车和火车以及建筑工地上的便携电源解决方案。Ballard在可靠行业中确立了立足点,首先针对企业级客户,为未来的战略转变打下基础[4] - Ballard去年底获得了欧洲公交车订单,订购了超过177台氢燃料电池发动机。这份合同标志着欧洲最大规模的氢燃料动力公交车部署,对这家能源低价股票领导者来说是一个关键时刻[5] - 尽管有人对Ballard的快速现金燃烧表示担忧,但公司最近的盈利报告突显了减少现金燃烧的努力。此外,公司资产负债表上没有债务,避免了在当前高利率环境中过度负担公司不可持续的杠杆[6] Desktop Metal - Desktop Metal (NYSE:DM)是一家3D打印低价股票公司,受到不断攀升的利率的重大挑战,导致其股价从2021年的30美元下跌至今天的不到1美元,被归类为字面意义上的低价股票。然而,Desktop Metal从这次对其韧性的考验中走出来,为下一轮低价股票牛市做好了准备[8] - 在零利率政策结束后,高管、董事会成员和股东吸取了教训,与以往在廉价债务时期普遍存在的“以所有成本实现增长”思维相矛盾。像Desktop Metal这样成功应对这些变化的低价股票公司,经济上更强大,更擅长应对未来的经济衰退,也有望利用有利的市场变化[9] - Desktop Metal在其第四季度报告中展示了改善的财务状况,将净亏损从2022年的7.403亿美元减少了一半以上,到2023年底降至3.234亿美元。此外,公司将燃烧率降低了25%,大幅增加了现金储备。更令人鼓舞的是,公司预计在2024年下半年实现EBITDA盈亏平衡,这表明在Desktop Metal开始盈利之前仍有投资机会[10] Taboola - Taboola (NASDAQ:TBLA)是一家低价股票,到目前为止在2024年表现相对平稳,自1月1日以来仅上涨了2.14%。然而,其一年涨幅达到75%,表明看涨势头仍在继续,这意味着投资者现在可以在更大的上涨之前积累股份[11] - 即使对于你来说Taboola是新的,你可能在知名在线平台如CNBC、Business Insider和Apollo Asset Management的(Yahoo!平台)等上看到过它的产品。Taboola通过展示多样化广告帮助网站实现流量变现,同时为企业提供独特的广告平台来提升其可见性。拥有超过1.5万家广告商和近6亿日活跃用户,Taboola在塑造在线广告格局中发挥着关键作用[12] - 最近,Taboola与Advance Local达成了一项独家多年扩展合作伙伴关系,以增强用户参与度并抓住新的营销机会。Advance Local的高级程序化策略总监Scott Lawrence在最近的讨论中赞扬了这一合作伙伴关系,称“在过去的八年中,Taboola已经证明是一个出色的合作伙伴,通过高质量内容促进我们与读者的互动,并为本地媒体公司提供创新的业务解决方案。”数字营销是一个永久增长的行业;这家低价股票是少数准备利用其众多机会的公司之一[13]
Ballard Announces Q1 2024 Results Conference Call
Prnewswire· 2024-04-09 20:30
公司活动 - Ballard Power Systems将于2024年5月7日举行第一季度运营结果审查电话会议[1] - 可通过拨打+1-844-763-8274(加拿大/美国免费电话)或访问公司主页上的链接收听直播电话会议[2] 公司愿景 - Ballard Power Systems的愿景是为可持续发展的星球提供燃料电池动力[3]
Trade of the Day: Take a Bet on Ballard Power Systems (BLDP) Stock
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-03 20:26
Fuel cell products developer and manufacturer Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ:BLDP) needs a win. Over the past year, BLDP stock has suffered a loss of 43%. On Tuesday, it tanked more than 4%. However, a recent company announcement coupled with rising interest in the underlying industry may bode well. It’s possible, then, that the dynamic could provide a swing-trade opportunity for bullish speculators. Recently, Ballard made news when it inked a deal with Solaris Bus & Coach, a leading European bus manufacture ...