Birkenstock plc(BIRK)
2 Stocks to Celebrate Schaeffer's 43 Years
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-07-16 22:21
Subscribers to Chart of the Week received this commentary on Sunday, July 14.Every year at Schaeffer’s we look forward to celebrating our company’s anniversary with all of you, our loyal readers and subscribers, by gifting a free report of our trader’s top stock picks. The year 2024 ushered in our 43rd rotation around the sun as one of the first companies to be at the forefront of options trading. Founder Bernie Schaeffer insisted that moving in the direction of options-centric trading was the route the com ...
Is Birkenstock Holding PLC (BIRK) Stock Outpacing Its Consumer Discretionary Peers This Year?
ZACKS· 2024-07-10 22:41
For those looking to find strong Consumer Discretionary stocks, it is prudent to search for companies in the group that are outperforming their peers. Birkenstock (BIRK) is a stock that can certainly grab the attention of many investors, but do its recent returns compare favorably to the sector as a whole? Let's take a closer look at the stock's year-to-date performance to find out.Birkenstock is one of 281 individual stocks in the Consumer Discretionary sector. Collectively, these companies sit at #15 in t ...
Birkenstock Stock Rises After Bull Notes
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-07-01 21:53
Shares of footwear retailer Birkenstock Holding PLC (NYSE:BIRK) are 3.9% higher at $56.51 at last glance, following a pair of bull notes. UBS upgraded BIRK to "buy" from "neutral," with a price-target hike to $85 from $52 -- a 56% premium to Friday's close, citing higher-than-expected average selling price and rapid growth in Asia. Citigroup chimed in as well, resuming coverage with a "buy" rating and a $65 price target. Though Birkenstock stock is fresh off its worst weekly loss since going public in Octob ...
Birkenstock shares stumble after major shareholder sells large stake
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-06-25 15:44
About this content About Oliver Haill Oliver has been writing about companies and markets since the early 2000s, cutting his teeth as a financial journalist at Growth Company Investor with a focusing on AIM companies and small caps, before a few years later becoming a section editor and then head of research. He joined Proactive after a couple of years freelancing, where he worked for the Financial Times Group, ITV, Press Association, Reuters sports desk, the London Olympic News Service, Rugby World Cup New ...
Footwear Stock Downgraded Amid Record Highs
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-06-12 22:57
Publicly traded since October, Birkenstock Holding PLC (NYSE:BIRK) is hitting all-time highs today, despite a downgrade from Goldman Sachs to "neutral" from "buy." The firm cited the stock's current valuation, seeing it as "fairly priced." At last check, BIRK was up 0.9% at $59.68, earlier hitting a peak of $60.55. BIRK is up 26% just in the last month, in part due to its 11.7% post-earnings pop in late May. At this point in the week, the stock is on track for its sixth consecutive weekly gain. The equity c ...
Birkenstock: Stellar Growth In Asia And Closed-Toe Shoes
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-11 22:47
BalkansCat With the market continuing to hover near all-time highs, I’m being selective about the positions I’m entering and holding now - as I do believe we’ll see a medium-sized correction sometime before the end of this year. That being said, Birkenstock (NYSE:BIRK) remains a staple in my portfolio and a long-term hold despite elevated valuations. The European shoemaker has continued to demonstrate its current ability to grow at scale while also chipping away at longer-term initiatives, including deeper ...
Birkenstock Looks Like a Fit in Any Growth-Oriented Portfolio
MarketBeat· 2024-06-04 21:55
文章核心观点 - BIRK股票在公司5月30日发布的财报中实现双重超预期后继续上涨 [1][2][3] - 尽管BIRK和CROX估值差异很大,但两家公司都是标志性鞋履零售商,比较并不完全不合理 [6][7][8][9] - BIRK股票在最近的上涨后可能已经合理估值,但投资者应该将任何回调视为可买入的机会 [1][10][11][12] 行业和公司分析 公司表现 - 公司报告每股收益44美分,收入5.225亿美元,均超出分析师预期 [3] - 毛利率略有下降,但公司表示这是由于其专注于扩张所致,只是一个小波动 [4] - 公司还提高了2024年剩余时间的业绩指引,预期在各地区和渠道都将实现稳健增长 [5] 估值分析 - BIRK股票的市盈率约为44倍,与高估值的零售股乐天股份(LULU)相当,而CROX股票的市盈率仅为12倍 [6] - 尽管估值差异很大,但BIRK和CROX都是标志性鞋履品牌,都在数字化和直接面向消费者(DTC)渠道有所布局 [7][8] - 两家公司股价在2024年都实现了强劲增长,但CROX增幅更大,且有更长的盈利增长历史 [8] - 机构投资者持有CROX超过93%的股份,而BIRK仅约19%,未来这一比例有望提高 [8][9] 未来展望 - 分析师对BIRK和CROX股票都给予"中性买入"评级,认为两只股票都存在回调风险 [9][10][11] - BIRK股票自4月18日低点以来已上涨约36%,与IPO后的40%涨幅相当,目前估值可能已合理 [10][11] - 但自5月30日财报发布以来,多家分析师上调了BIRK的目标价格,预计还有进一步上涨空间 [11][12] - 不过,在许多零售商都在降低预期的时候,BIRK却在提高预期,存在回调风险 [12]
Birkenstock plc(BIRK) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-30 23:50
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第二季度收入为4.81亿欧元,同比增长23% [18] - 毛利率为56.3%,同比下降320个基点 [18] - 销售及分销费用占收入的23.5%,同比上升220个基点 [19] - 管理费用占收入的4.2%,同比下降180个基点 [19] - 调整后EBITDA为1.62亿欧元,同比增长7%,调整后EBITDA利润率为33.7%,同比下降470个基点 [20] - 调整后净利润为7700万欧元,同比增长3% [20] - 调整后每股收益为0.41欧元,与上年同期持平 [20] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 直营渠道收入增长32%,占比提升200个基点 [18] - 批发渠道收入增长20% [18] - 关闭了一些非战略性批发客户,但批发渠道的销售增长超过30% [13][82] - 关闭了一些非战略性批发客户,但批发渠道的销售增长超过30% [13][82] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 美洲地区收入增长强劲,直营渠道表现尤为出色 [12] - 欧洲地区收入增长21%,远超市场平均水平 [14] - 亚太地区收入增长42%,为公司最快增长的地区 [15] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司持续执行精细化的渠道分销策略,推动收入和毛利率的双增长 [6][7][23] - 公司持续扩大产能,满足全球不断增长的需求 [7][8] - 公司在新兴市场如亚太地区的渗透率较低,是未来重点开发的白色空间 [15][64] - 公司在关键零售渠道的地位持续提升,成为必买品牌 [8] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 尽管整体消费市场疲软,公司仍实现强劲增长,持续抢占市场份额 [8] - 消费者对品牌忠诚度提升,公司作为全球超级品牌受益 [6][9] - 公司对未来保持乐观,预计2024财年收入增长20%,调整后EBITDA利润率30%-30.5% [24] 其他重要信息 - 公司会员计划会员人数同比增长超过100%,会员人均消费高于非会员 [9][14] - 公司在美国和欧洲新开设了6家直营门店,总数达到57家 [9] - 公司在亚太地区新开设5家直营门店,总数达到19家 [15] - 公司已完成贷款再融资,提前偿还了约5000万美元贷款 [21] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Matthew Boss 提问** 询问公司的全球增长动力以及第三季度的业务表现 [28] **Oliver Reichert 回答** 公司目前没有看到任何会导致下半年收入增长放缓的因素,维持20%左右的全年收入增长目标 [29] 问题2 **Randy Konik 提问** 询问毛利率变动的具体原因 [33] **Erik Massmann 回答** 毛利率变动主要受渠道和产品结构变化影响,公司将继续保持60%左右的中长期毛利率目标 [34] 问题3 **Dana Telsey 提问** 询问公司门店表现的区域差异以及新品类的进展 [37][38] **Nico Bouyakhf 和 Oliver Reichert 回答** 公司新开门店均表现出色,平均投资回收期12-18个月。关闭鞋类的闭趾款式增长迅速,已占到总销售的50%以上 [38][39]
Birkenstock plc(BIRK) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-05-30 21:54
Certain statements in this Presentation may constitute “forward-looking” statements and information within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the safeharborprovisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements relate to our current expectations and views of future events, including our current expectations and views with respect to, among other things, our ...
SKX vs. BIRK: Which Stock Is the Better Value Option?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-01 00:46
Investors interested in stocks from the Shoes and Retail Apparel sector have probably already heard of Skechers (SKX) and Birkenstock (BIRK) . But which of these two stocks presents investors with the better value opportunity right now? Let's take a closer look. We have found that the best way to discover great value opportunities is to pair a strong Zacks Rank with a great grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system. The Zacks Rank is a proven strategy that targets companies with positive earnin ...