3 Pillars To Minimize BDC Dividend Cut Risk In Your Portfolio
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-08 11:12
文章核心观点 1) 投资银行业务收益已经达到峰值,未来将面临更高的波动性和不确定性,主要原因包括并购活动低迷和企业违约率上升[1] 2) 息差收缩和利率水平正常化是导致上述问题的结构性因素[1] 3) 利率下降将对大多数投资银行业务产生负面影响,尤其是在短期和中期内,因为资产规模大于浮动债务[2] 4) 这将增加投资银行维持股息的压力,因为调整后的净利息收入将会下降[2] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 增长 1) 投资银行需要专注于竞争不那么激烈的私募信贷细分市场,以实现利率独立的收益增长[3] 2) 投资银行如果同时投资债务和股权,可以通过变现嵌入式股权价值来获得额外收益,这与浮动利率贷款收益呈负相关[3] 稳健的杠杆 1) 过度依赖外部杠杆会放大利率下降对收益的影响[4] 2) 投资银行应该保持良好的资本结构,外部杠杆不应过高[4] 强劲的股息覆盖 1) 投资银行应该确保基础股息能够由调整后的净利息收入充分覆盖[5] 2) 高质量的现金流占净利息收入的比重越高越安全[5]
Barings BDC: Valuation Re-Rating Driven By Decent Performance
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-07 12:43
Adam Gault In this article, we highlight our recent starter position in the Barings BDC (NYSE:BBDC). The company is overweight Tech, Healthcare and Finance sectors, fairly typical of the average BDC. BBDC trades at a 12% discount to book and a 10.4% dividend yield with a 13% trailing-twelve month net investment income yield. We maintain a Hold rating on the stock - unchanged from our previous review. The company has a relatively high allocation to Equity securities. It is overweight in Tech, Healthcare and ...
BDC Weekly Review: Lenders Are Taking Over Pluralsight
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-07 09:37
tadamichi Welcome to another installment of our BDC Market Weekly Review, where we discuss market activity in the Business Development Company ("BDC") sector from both the bottom-up - highlighting individual news and events - as well as the top-down - providing an overview of the broader market. We also try to add some historical context as well as relevant themes that look to be driving the market or that investors ought to be mindful of. This update covers the period through the last week of August. M ...
Barings BDC: Solid BDC But Lack Of NAV Growth Reduces Appeal
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-06 18:44
skynesher/E+ via Getty Images Overview In the world of higher interest rates, business development companies were the place to be, since they were able to effectively bring in higher levels of earnings through various streams of debt investments. Since I last covered Barings BDC (NYSE:BBDC) back in May, it has provided a total return of 8.7% which has outpaced that of the S&P 500. At the time, BBDC was trading at an attractive valuation and showed portfolio strength to navigate the higher rate environment. ...
Palmer Square Capital: New BDC With Already Attractive Investment Case
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-05 23:28
cemagraphicsPalmer Square Capital BDC Inc. (NYSE:PSBD) is a relatively new BDC that was made public in January this year. Although it is still fresh and with a limited public track-record, looking at the fundamentals and the business model, it looks like a very enticing BDC for defensive yield-seeking investors to consider. So far, PSBD has delivered total returns that are almost perfectly in line with the BDC index. Here we can note that PSBD did not experience a negative downturn after the release of ...
Sixth Street Specialty Lending: A 10% BDC Yield For A Recession
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-05 20:50
Henrik Sorensen Sixth Street Specialty Lending (NYSE:TSLX) reported a decline in net funded investment activity in the second quarter, due to faster repayments from its mostly First Lien investments. The business development company comfortably out-earned its dividend with adjusted net investment income in the second quarter, and the 10% dividend yield should be relatively secure. Though there are risks related to the company’s fairly aggressive floating-rate posture in a lower interest rate environment ...
MSDL: Attractive Entry Point On Lock-Up Expiry In This 11.6% Yielding BDC
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-05 01:42
文章核心观点 - 公司是摩根士丹利旗下的私人信贷平台的一部分,最近完成了首次公开募股[1] - 公司投资组合主要集中在相对非周期性的行业,如软件、保险和商业服务[1] - 公司的投资组合较为分散,最大单一头寸占比仅2.5%,属于中型市场规模[2] - 公司在二季度实现了3.3%的总净资产收益率,高于行业平均水平[1] 季度业绩总结 - 公司二季度净投资收益略有上升[3] - 公司宣布保持0.5美元的基准股息,并额外派发0.1美元的特别股息[3] - 公司的净资产价值上升0.8%,主要由于留存收益增加[3][4] - 公司的杠杆率上升至0.9倍,但仍低于行业平均水平[6] - 公司发行了2029年6.15%的浮动利率债券,利率略高于同行[6] - 公司预计利率下降1%将导致投资组合收益下降约11%[7] 投资组合质量 - 不良贷款占比降至0.3%,为行业最低水平[9] - 公司投资组合以一级抵押贷款为主,占比达95%,高于行业平均水平[9][10] - 公司的投资组合收益率和收益率差距低于行业平均水平[7][8] 公司表现和估值 - 公司近年来的总净资产收益率优于行业平均水平[11][12] - 公司股价在首次公开募股后快速上涨,但在首次限售期到期后有所下跌[12][13] - 公司目前的估值仍低于行业平均水平,但相比最初的吸引力有所降低[12][13] - 未来公司的超额收益可能难以维持,但仍有望保持一定程度的优势[11]
3 Lessons Learned From Struggling BDCs After Q2 Earnings
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-01 11:39
文章核心观点 1. BDC行业面临多重压力,包括息差收缩、利率下降、企业违约率上升等,这些因素限制了行业进一步增长,甚至给已取得的业绩带来压力 [1][7] 2. 尽管BDC指数总体表现相对平稳,但个别BDC公司的股价和业绩却出现了较大幅度下跌 [5][6] 3. BDC行业面临的三大关键压力点包括: - 息差收缩,主要由于私募信贷市场供给增加和并购/资本市场活动相对疲软 [7] - 利率下降可能对BDC的估值和总收益产生负面影响 [7] - 企业违约率上升,导致BDC的不良贷款比例大幅上升 [7][8] 关键要点总结 1. 投资者不应过于依赖BDC组合的加权平均指标,因为底部资产质量可能存在隐藏风险 [9] 2. 个别BDC公司的违约事件可能并非孤立个案,而是反映了行业性的系统性风险 [10] 3. 即使BDC组合的加权平均指标良好,但如果底部资产质量较差,仍可能面临较大下行风险 [12]
Kayne Anderson BDC: A First Look Gets A Hold
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-31 19:30
PM ImagesIntroduction Kayne Anderson launched the Kayne Anderson BDC (NYSE:KBDC) in late 2021, entering the investment that has many established firms launching their first Business Development Corporation. Founded in 1984, Kayne Anderson is a prominent alternative investment management firm focused on real estate, credit, energy infrastructure and energy. Investment vehicles managed or advised by Kayne Anderson have $36 billion in AUM. For more on Kayne Anderson, use this link. As with almost all BDCs ...
BDC Weekly Review: Q2 Wrap-Up
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-31 16:19
Galeanu Mihai Welcome to another installment of our BDC Market Weekly Review, where we discuss market activity in the Business Development Company ("BDC") sector from both the bottom-up - highlighting individual news and events - as well as the top-down - providing an overview of the broader market. We also try to add some historical context as well as relevant themes that look to be driving the market or that investors ought to be mindful of. This update covers the period through the fourth week of Aug ...