Avista issues request for proposals for renewable natural gas
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-04 01:33
SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avista, through a request for proposal (RFP), is seeking to secure renewable natural gas (RNG) resources for its customers over the long term. RNG is derived from organic waste streams that would otherwise release methane to the environment as they decompose. These sources include, for example, landfills, wastewater treatment plants, food waste and dairy waste. RNG is produced by capturing that methane that would otherwise escape to the atmosphere and purif ...
Avista Makes Annual Price Adjustment Requests in Washington
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-31 04:05
SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avista (NYSE: AVA) has made annual rate adjustment filings with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (Commission) that if approved, will result in an overall decrease in natural gas rates of 13.9%, and an overall increase in electric rates of 3.5%. Washington Natural Gas Adjustment FilingsFour natural gas adjustments were filed, that if approved, are designed to change overall natural gas revenues as follows: Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment: ...
Avista CEO Dennis Vermillion Announces Retirement
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-27 04:05
SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avista Corp. (NYSE: AVA) Chief Executive Officer Dennis Vermillion announced to the company’s board of directors that he will retire from the company in the first quarter of 2025. Vermillion will transition his duties as CEO to Avista President and COO Heather Rosentrater, who was appointed to CEO by the company’s board of directors, effective January 1, 2025. As CEO, Rosentrater will retain the role of president. She has also been appointed to the board of ...
Avista: Population And Electric Consumption Growth Driving The Story
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-17 02:19
James O'Neil Avista Corporation (NYSE:AVA) is a regulated electric utility that serves customers in the Pacific Northwest states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. The company also has a subsidiary that operates in Alaska: Avista Corporation Interestingly, though, we can see that the company’s service territory does not include many of the largest and most well-known cities in the area, such as Seattle and Olympia in Washington, Portland in Oregon, or Boise in Idaho. This is not necessarily a problem, ...
Avista Corp. Board Declares Common Stock Dividend
Newsfilter· 2024-08-08 05:35
SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avista Corp.'s (NYSE: AVA) board of directors has declared a quarterly dividend of $0.475 per share on the company's common stock. The common stock dividend is payable September 13, 2024, to shareholders of record at the close of business on August 22, 2024. The declaration of dividends is at the sole discretion of the board of directors. The board considers the level of dividends on a regular basis, taking into account numerous factors, including financial ...
Avista Corp. Board Declares Common Stock Dividend
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-08 05:35
SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avista Corp.’s (NYSE: AVA) board of directors has declared a quarterly dividend of $0.475 per share on the company’s common stock. The common stock dividend is payable September 13, 2024, to shareholders of record at the close of business on August 22, 2024. The declaration of dividends is at the sole discretion of the board of directors. The board considers the level of dividends on a regular basis, taking into account numerous factors, including financial ...
Avista Corp. Reports Financial Results for the Second Quarter of 2024
Newsfilter· 2024-08-07 19:05
Year-to-date consolidated earnings reflect strength of core utility operationsConfirming consolidated earnings guidance of $2.36 to $2.56 per diluted shareContinued investment in system improved reliability during recent heat wave SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avista Corp. (NYSE:AVA) today announced financial results for the second quarter of 2024. Net income and earnings per diluted share for the second quarter and year-to-date 2024 compared to the same periods in 2023 are presented in ...
Avista Corp. Reports Financial Results for the Second Quarter of 2024
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-07 19:05
Year-to-date consolidated earnings reflect strength of core utility operationsConfirming consolidated earnings guidance of $2.36 to $2.56 per diluted shareContinued investment in system improved reliability during recent heat wave SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avista Corp. (NYSE: AVA) today announced financial results for the second quarter of 2024. Net income and earnings per diluted share for the second quarter and year-to-date 2024 compared to the same periods in 2023 are presented in ...
Avista(AVA) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Results
2024-08-07 07:49
财务表现 - 公司2024年二季度和年初至今的合并收益反映了公用事业核心业务的实力[2] - 公司确认2024年合并收益指引为每股2.36美元至2.56美元[5] - 公司电力和天然气公用事业利润率因一般费率案的影响而有所增加[12][13] - 公司2024年上半年的有效税率为2.9%,预计全年有效税率为1.8%[15] - 公司预计Avista公用事业2024年的贡献为每股2.23美元至2.39美元,AEL&P为每股0.09美元至0.11美元[22][23] - 公司预计其他业务2024年的贡献为每股0.04美元至0.06美元[23] - 公司预计长期收益增长率为4%至6%,前提是一般费率案获得建设性结果[24] 运营情况 - 公司最近热浪期间通过对电网的投资确保了系统的强劲稳定表现[3] - 公司预计从8月1日开始为一个新的大型电力客户提供服务,这将大幅抵消2024年的较高电力供应成本[4] - 公司提供电力服务417,000名客户和天然气服务380,000名客户,服务区域覆盖30,000平方英里[27] 风险因素 - 公司面临天气条件、自然灾害、政治冲突、网络攻击等多方面的运营风险[30][31][32][33] - 公司面临监管风险,包括监管决定对成本回收和合理收益的影响[29] - 公司面临气候变化带来的风险,如严重天气事件对发电和输配电的影响[32] - 公司面临网络安全风险,包括对运营系统和管理系统的网络攻击[33] - 公司面临技术风险,包括新技术的采用成本和新技术带来的风险[34] - 公司面临战略风险,包括客户群的变化和非监管业务的收益波动[35][36] - 公司面临外部强制性要求的风险,如环境法规和政策的变化[37] - 公司面临财务风险,包括融资、利率、商品价格波动等[38] - 公司面临能源商品价格波动和供应中断的风险[39] 资本支出计划 - 公司预计2024年Avista公用事业的资本支出为5亿美元,AEL&P为2100万美元[19]
Avista(AVA) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-08-07 07:48
业务分部和经营业绩 - 公司业务分部包括Avista Utilities、Alaska Electric Light and Power Company和其他业务[11] - Avista Utilities业务经营业绩[11] - Alaska Electric Light and Power Company业务经营业绩[12] - 其他业务经营业绩[12] - 公司电力和天然气销售收入分别增长14.3%和18.1%[49] - 公司资源成本增加30.9%,主要受能源价格上涨影响[49] - 公司其他运营费用增加6.1%,主要受人工成本和折旧费用上升影响[49] 财务指标和现金流 - 总体经营业绩概述,包括监管事项[11] - 非公认会计准则财务指标的使用[11] - 公司上半年总收入为10.115亿美元,同比增长18.4%[49] - 公司上半年净利润为9.435亿美元,同比增长30.5%[49] - 公司上半年资本支出为3.97亿美元,主要用于电力和天然气基础设施建设[60] - 公司二季度末现金及现金等价物余额为1.46亿美元[57] - 公司二季度末长期债务余额为26.14亿美元[57] - 公司二季度末股东权益为25.27亿美元,较年初增加1.7%[57] 关键会计政策和估计 - 关键会计政策和估计[12] - 公司约40%的劳动和福利成本资本化计入公用事业资产,60%计入其他营业费用[1] - 公司约40%的非服务成本资本化计入监管资产,60%计入损益表[1] - 2024年公司为退休金参与者提供离开退休金计划加入401(k)计划的选择,导致退休金计划缩减,确认13.4百万美元收益[1] 资本资源和资本支出 - 流动性和资本资源[12] - 整体流动性状况[12] - 简明合并现金流量表的审查[12] - 资本资源[12] - 资本支出[12] - 2024年上半年营业活动产生的现金流净额为316.99亿美元,同比增长17.6%[61] - 2024年上半年资本支出(不含权益相关的AFUDC)为251.21亿美元,同比增加10.8%[62] - 2024年上半年发行新股筹集资金17.6亿美元,同比减少70.5%[66] - 2024年上半年派发现金股利75.09亿美元,同比增加7.4%[66] 养老金计划 - 养老金计划[12] - 公司在2024年上半年为养老金计划贡献了670万美元现金,预计2024年全年将贡献1000万美元[118] - 2024年6月30日三个月期间,公司的养老金福利净定期成本为167.2万美元,其他退休福利净定期成本为123.8万美元[119] - 2024年6月30日六个月期间,公司的养老金福利净定期成本为348.4万美元,其他退休福利净定期成本为245.8万美元[119] 风险管理 - 企业风险管理[12] - 公司面临外部监管、财务、能源商品价格波动等多方面风险[41][42][43][44] - 截至2024年6月30日,公司已就能源商品衍生工具提供了23,902,000美元的现金抵押品,并开具了6,900,000美元的信用证[117] - 截至2024年6月30日,公司有22,440,000美元的信用风险相关或有特征负债,如果公司的信用评级下降至投资级以下,可能需要提供额外22,991,000美元的抵押品[116] - 截至2024年6月30日,公司的外汇衍生工具合约数量为24份,名义金额为1,905,000美元[109] - 截至2023年12月31日,公司的外汇衍生工具合约数量为5份,名义金额为81,000美元[109] - 截至2024年6月30日,公司有1份未结算的利率掉期衍生工具,名义金额为10,000,000美元,到期日为2025年[111] - 截至2023年12月31日,公司有2份未结算的利率掉期衍生工具,名义金额合计为20,000,000美元,到期日分别为2024年和2025年[111] 收入确认 - 公司主要收入来自于向零售客户提供电力和天然气的销售,包括固定费用和用量费用两部分[94][95] - 公司部分批发合同不属于衍生工具交易,属于与客户的合同收入,收入在交付能源或服务可用时确认[95] - 公司的解耦机制(FCA)属于替代收入项目,在发生收入短缺或超额时确认,并在未来期间向客户收取或返还[96] - 公司的大部分批发电力和天然气交易(包括实物和金融交易)以及燃料销售属于衍生工具,在衍生工具结算/到期时确认收入[97] - 其他公用事业收入包括租金、材料销售、滞纳金等不属于与客户签订合同的收入,单独列示[98] 客户构成 - 公司电力和天然气业务收入从合同客户中获得,包括住宅、商业、工业和其他类型客户[102][103] - 公司电力业务收入中,住宅客户收入占比最高,达到24.6%[102] - 公司天然气业务收入中,住宅客户收入占比最高,达到62.5%[103] - 公司电力业务收入中,商业客户收入占比次之,达到19.0%[102] - 公司天然气业务收入中,商业客户收入占比次之,达到32.4%[103] - 公司电力业务收入中,工业客户收入占比为6.2%[102] - 公司天然气业务收入中,工业及可中断客户收入占比为2.4%[103] - 公司电力业务收入中,输电收入占比为3.5%[102] - 公司电力和天然气业务收入中,其他合同客户收入占比分别为1.7%和0.5%[102][103] 公允价值计量 - 公司衍生工具资产