AON Stock Rises 17.3% in 3 Months: Is it Time to Buy or Let it Fly?
ZACKS· 2024-09-18 22:37
Leading insurer Aon plc (AON) continues to expand its analytics capabilities and gain from strong retention and new business generation. The company has seen its shares rise 17.3% in the past three months, outpacing the industry’s 15.2% growth. The company also outperformed the S&P 500’s return of 2.4% during this period. Currently trading at $349.20, AON remains just below its 52-week high of $353.54.Given the impressive performance, can investors still consider buying AON stock, or should you book profits ...
Aon and Marsh McLennan call on (re)insurance industry to aid Ukraine's resilience
Prnewswire· 2024-09-08 15:00
-      The firms emphasized that the removal of blanket exclusions would catalyze Ukraine's growth and future reconstructionMONTE CARLO, Sept. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Aon and Marsh McLennan today called on the (re)insurance industry to build upon the capital, expertise and historical role of the (re)insurance industry to help Ukraine's resilience by catalyzing economic growth and strengthening the country's foundations for a post-conflict economy. The firms emphasized that the removal of blanket exclusions, ...
ICEYE and Aon expand collaboration with flood and wildfire data agreement to enhance event response
Prnewswire· 2024-09-04 23:08
HELSINKI, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ICEYE, a global leader in satellite-powered disaster management solutions, has announced that Aon, a leading global professional services firm, has expanded its data licensing agreement to include ICEYE's Flood Insights data globally and Wildfire Insights data for the US.ICEYE and Aon expand collaboration with flood and wildfire data agreement to enhance event responseUnder the agreement, Aon will incorporate ICEYE's near real-time flood and wildfire data into its eve ...
Aon Boosts HR Insights With Enhanced Radford McLagan Database
ZACKS· 2024-08-31 01:11
Aon plc (AON) recently announced the launch of an enhanced version of the Radford McLagan Compensation Database. This enhanced offering is expected to mark a significant upgrade to AON’s analytics offerings for its existing Human Capital Clients.This move bodes well for AON as it brings together compensation and talent insights from the life sciences and technology sectors and financial services into a single unified platform. Clients will be able to leverage the database to benchmark pay, access talent ana ...
Aon Advances Data and Analytics Capabilities for Human Capital Clients with Launch of Integrated Radford McLagan Compensation Database
Prnewswire· 2024-08-29 21:00
Newly combined platform enables HR and total rewards leaders to benchmark pay, assess plan design practices and access actionable talent analyticsCHICAGO, Aug. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Aon plc (NYSE: AON), a leading global professional services firm, today announced the launch of its newly integrated Radford McLagan Compensation Database to significantly expand its analytics capabilities for Human Capital clients. This move brings the firm's market-leading compensation and talent insights in the financial s ...
Aon Unveils D&O Risk Analyzer to Advance the Management of Executive Officer Risks
Prnewswire· 2024-08-19 21:00
–  Tool enables risk managers and brokers to assess corporate executive risks and tailor more impactful insurance programs–  Joins Aon's Property Risk and Casualty Risk analyzers in a growing suite of analytics tools for clientsDUBLIN, Aug. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Aon plc (NYSE: AON), a leading global professional services firm, today unveiled its Directors and Officers (D&O) Risk Analyzer, a digital application that allows risk managers of U.S.-listed public companies to make data-driven, technology-enabl ...
Aon: U.S. Employer Health Care Costs Projected to Increase 9 Percent Next Year
Prnewswire· 2024-08-15 21:00
CHICAGO, Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The average cost of employer-sponsored health care coverage in the U.S. is expected to increase 9.0 percent*, surpassing $16,000 per employee in 2025, according to Aon plc (NYSE: AON), a leading global professional services firm.This projected increase, which assumes employers do not implement employee cost sharing increases and other cost saving strategies, is higher than the 6.4 percent increase to health care budgets that employers experienced from 2023 to 2024 afte ...
Aon Appoints Admiral James Stavridis to Board of Directors
Prnewswire· 2024-08-09 20:30
公司动态 - Aon plc宣布任命Admiral James Stavridis为其董事会成员,任命自2024年8月15日起生效[1] - Admiral Stavridis目前担任Carlyle的合伙人及全球事务副总裁,自2018年起任职[3] - Admiral Stavridis曾在美国海军服役至2013年,最高至四星上将军衔,曾担任北约最高盟军指挥官和美国南方司令部指挥官[3] - Admiral Stavridis还担任Rockefeller Foundation的董事会主席,以及Fortinet, Inc.等多家公司和非营利组织的董事[3] 董事会观点 - 董事会主席Lester B. Knight表示欢迎Admiral Stavridis加入,认为他的经验将为董事会带来新的见解,帮助Aon为客户、同事和股东创造更多价值[2] - Admiral Stavridis表示期待加入Aon董事会,分享其视角,并与董事会和执行领导层合作,为公司客户保护和扩展业务提供进一步机会[4] 公司介绍 - Aon plc通过可操作的分析洞察、全球整合的风险资本和人力资本专业知识,以及本地相关解决方案,为全球120多个国家的客户提供决策支持,帮助他们保护和丰富人们的生活[5] - Aon鼓励关注其社交媒体平台,包括LinkedIn、X、Facebook和Instagram,并提供新闻室和新闻提醒服务以保持信息更新[6]
Aon: Q2 2024, Net New Business Growth And Strong Retention
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-27 14:01
公司核心观点 - 公司对Aon (NYSE:AON) 维持'Strong Buy'评级,认为其通过收购NFP能够加速有机收入增长并扩展到中端市场。公司预计Aon的合理价值为每股$410。[2] 财务表现 - 公司第二季度实现了6%的有机收入增长和调整后每股收益增长,显示出由净新业务增长和持续强劲的保留率驱动的增长。[2] - 公司的主要业务部门,包括商业风险、再保险解决方案、健康解决方案和财富解决方案,均显示出高保留率。[5] 收购NFP的影响 - 公司于2024年4月25日完成了对NFP的收购,企业价值为$130亿。NFP使公司能够扩展服务到快速增长的中端市场,提供风险、健康和财富经纪服务。[6] - 公司预计从NFP获得成本协同效应,到2025财年达到$3亿,2026财年达到$6亿。管理层对实现收入协同效应持乐观态度,认为合并服务有助于双方扩大客户基础。[7] 未来展望与估值 - 公司预计2024财年有机收入增长为中个位数。预计NFP在完全整合后能产生更高的收入增长。[8] - 公司预测2024财年总收入增长为13%,从2025财年开始为8.5%。尽管重组和成本协同效应有助于扩大营业利润率,但由于整合成本和更高的摊销成本,预计未来几年营业利润率将下降。[8] - 通过DCF模型计算,公司的合理价值为每股$410。当前股价仅以20倍FCF交易,对于一个双位数盈利增长的公司来说,这是一个相当便宜的倍数。[12]
AON(AON) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-07-27 07:43
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在第二季度实现6%的有机收入增长,所有解决方案线都实现6%或更高的增长 [21] - 公司在上半年实现5%的有机收入增长,11%的总收入增长,并实现了经调整营业利润率的扩张,贡献了12%的经调整营业收入增长和7%的每股收益增长 [23] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 商业风险解决方案实现6%的有机收入增长,其中EMEA和拉丁美洲实现了两位数的增长,北美也实现了强劲增长 [24] - 再保险解决方案实现7%的有机收入增长,主要得益于条约业务的强劲增长,尤其是在拉丁美洲、EMEA和亚太地区 [27] - 健康解决方案实现6%的有机收入增长,核心健康和福利业务实现高个位数增长,消费者和高管福利业务表现强劲 [28] - 财富解决方案实现9%的有机收入增长,主要得益于养老金去风险化和核心退休业务的持续强劲表现 [29] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在EMEA和拉丁美洲的商业风险业务实现了两位数的有机收入增长 [24] - 公司在美国财产险CAT市场看到了承保能力的增加,为客户提供了增加和优化其保险覆盖的持续机会 [27] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在加大在能源、建筑等重点领域的人才投资,以满足客户需求 [26][100] - 公司正在加强与NFP的协同,发挥双方的优势为客户提供更好的解决方案 [31][32][33] - 公司正在加快推进Aon Business Services战略,通过流程优化和工作地点优化来提升运营效率和客户体验 [46][47][49] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层认为公司有望继续实现中单位数或更高的有机收入增长 [41][52] - 管理层对NFP的整合进展感到满意,预计将为公司带来持续的有机收入增长、并购增长和成本协同 [30][42][43] - 管理层对公司的长期自由现金流增长前景感到乐观 [15][55][56] 其他重要信息 - 公司在乌克兰战争期间创造了一种新的保险解决方案,为当地保险公司提供保险和再保险资本,支持经济重建 [17][18][19][20] - 公司完成了在法国的一项收购,为健康和福利业务带来了新的专业能力 [59] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Elyse Greenspan 提问** 询问NFP对商业风险业务有机增长的影响 [68] **Greg Case 和 Eric Andersen 回答** NFP的两个月业绩与公司北美业务表现一致,公司整体商业风险业务的6%有机增长不包括NFP的影响 [69][70][71] 问题2 **Andrew Kligerman 提问** 询问公司是否会考虑进行更大规模的中型市场收购 [78] **Greg Case 回答** 公司目前将重点放在充分发挥NFP平台的协同效应,包括中型市场业务,未来再考虑更大规模的收购 [88] 问题3 **Michael Zaremski 提问** 询问公司是否看到财务险和网络险等业务线的定价趋势有所改善 [91] **Eric Andersen 回答** 整体市场定价趋于平稳,但财务险和网络险等专业险线的定价仍然偏向买方市场,但已有所缓解 [138]