AMD Appears Primed To Return To Its Recent Highs (Technical Analysis)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-21 06:50
文章核心观点 - AMD最近经历了一段下跌期,但最近有所反弹,有望再次测试其近期交易区间的上限,并可能突破上行 [2][6] - AMD近期宣布以约49亿美元现金和股票的方式收购AI基础设施提供商ZT Systems,有助于AMD拓展数据中心和AI系统能力 [3] - AMD第二季度财报超预期,数据中心业务收入同比增长115%,创历史新高,但游戏和嵌入式业务有所下滑 [4] - AMD有望从AI和加密货币挖矿等趋势中获益,并可能从PC换代周期中获益 [8] 根据目录分别总结 收购ZT Systems - AMD以约49亿美元现金和股票的方式收购AI基础设施提供商ZT Systems,交易还包括最高4亿美元的或有付款 [3] - 此次收购将帮助AMD拓展其数据中心和AI系统能力,并获得ZT Systems现有的AI收入 [3] - ZT Systems还拥有一家国内数据中心基础设施制造业务,AMD计划在找到战略合作伙伴后将其剥离 [3] 第二季度财报 - AMD第二季度收入58.4亿美元,超预期约1.2亿美元,非GAAP每股收益0.69美元略超预期0.68美元 [4] - 数据中心业务收入同比增长115%,创历史新高,达到28亿美元 [4] - 客户端业务收入同比增长50%,达到15亿美元 [4] - 游戏业务收入同比下降59%至6.48亿美元,主要由于定制芯片销售下降 [4] - 嵌入式业务收入同比下降41%至8.61亿美元 [4] - AMD第三季度营收预期67亿美元,高于分析师预期约66亿美元 [4] 技术面分析 - AMD最近反弹至150美元附近,与50日和200日均线持平,这一价位可能会形成一定阻力 [5][6] - 如果AMD能突破150美元,有望再次尝试触及180美元的交易区间上沿 [6] - 分析师对ZT Systems收购的正面评价以及AMD最近良好的业绩表现,可能成为推动AMD股价上涨的近期催化剂 [6] 风险因素 - 如果AMD跌破140美元中位价,可能会失去再次测试交易区间上沿的信心 [7] - 分析师对ZT Systems收购的反应可能成为AMD股价上涨的阻力 [7] - 整体市场的大幅下跌也可能拖累AMD股价 [7]
AMD: Buying The Bear Blitz
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-21 06:06
sulcs/iStock via Getty Images Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMD) stock has given up a ton of its value since peaking in March of this year at $227. On the last massive sell down, we guided our members to open buys at $135 and $125. Shares are up nicely in that short time frame, but we see more upside ahead longer-term. Make no mistake, the chip sector, and tech more broadly, has been pressured for many weeks, but has woken back up in the last 8 sessions. After a massive run higher, we are actually st ...
AMD to Present at the Deutsche Bank Technology Conference
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-21 04:15
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, AMD (NASDAQ: AMD) announced that Mark Papermaster, executive vice president and chief technology officer, will present at the Deutsche Bank Technology Conference on Wednesday, Aug. 28 at 1:15 pm PT / 4:15 pm ET. A webcast of the presentations can be accessed on the AMD Investor Relations website ir.amd.com. About AMD For more than 50 years AMD has driven innovation in high-performance computing, graphics and visualization technologies. Billions o ...
AMD Analysts On ZT Systems Buy: 'A Step in the Right Direction' To Narrow Gap With Nvidia
Benzinga· 2024-08-21 02:51
Advanced Micro Devices Inc AMD has caught the market’s attention with its latest strategic move—the acquisition of ZT Systems, a privately-held company known for its expertise in compute infrastructure.As AMD aims to bolster its AI systems capabilities, Wall Street analysts have shared their mixed reactions. Here’s a look at what the experts have to say about this $4.9 billion deal and its implications for AMD's future.JPMorgan On AMD Stock: Narrowing The Gap With NvidiaJPMorgan analyst Harlan Sur maintains ...
AMD Buys ZT: Can Expanding AI Footprint Push the Stock Higher?
ZACKS· 2024-08-20 23:50
文章核心观点 - AMD正在通过收购ZT Systems来加强其在数据中心AI领域的足迹 [1][2][3] - AMD的收购有助于公司提供优化的机架级解决方案,以满足不断增长的数据中心AI加速器市场需求 [3] - AMD预计该交易将在2025年底前为公司带来非GAAP收益 [3] 公司表现 - AMD股价自2024年第二季度以来上涨超过37%,超过了整个科技行业的28.5%涨幅 [4][5] - AMD数据中心业务表现强劲,2024年第二季度收入同比增长114.5%,占总收入的48.6% [6] - 在数据中心AI业务方面,MI300季度收入首次超过10亿美元 [6] 公司战略 - AMD通过一系列收购来加强其AI生态系统,过去12个月内进行了12项收购 [7] - 收购旨在缩小与英伟达在AI领域的技术差距 [8][9] - AMD正在推出新的产品线,如Instinct MI325X加速器和Ryzen AI 300系列处理器,以扩大在数据中心和PC市场的份额 [12] 行业趋势 - 云计算巨头如微软和谷歌等加大了对AI的投资,推动了GPU芯片的强劲需求 [9][10] - 英伟达通过加快新AI芯片型号的发布,加剧了与AMD的竞争 [14] 挑战 - 宏观经济环境和即将到来的总统选举带来的不确定性给AMD带来了压力 [13] - AMD的嵌入式和游戏业务预计将在第三季度出现同比下滑 [15][16] - 分析师预测AMD第三季度收入和利润增速将有所放缓 [16][17] - AMD股价目前被认为估值过高 [18][19]
AMD's acquisition of ZT Systems a signal GPU market prospects remain robust: analysts
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-08-20 23:49
About this content About Emily Jarvie Emily began her career as a political journalist for Australian Community Media in Hobart, Tasmania. After she relocated to Toronto, Canada, she reported on business, legal, and scientific developments in the emerging psychedelics sector before joining Proactive in 2022. She brings a strong journalism background with her work featured in newspapers, magazines, and digital publications across Australia, Europe, and North America, including The Examiner, The Advocate, ...
Prediction: AMD Just Made Its Most Important Acquisition to Lead the AI Era
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-20 20:49
Advanced Micro Devices announced its plans to acquire ZT Systems for $4.9 billion.In today's video, I discuss recent updates impacting Advanced Micro Devices (AMD 4.52%). Check out the short video to learn more, consider subscribing, and click the special offer link below.*Stock prices used were the after-market prices of Aug. 19, 2024. The video was published on Aug. 19, 2024. ...
3 High P/E Stocks That Are Still Worth Buying Right Now
MarketBeat· 2024-08-20 20:00
文章核心观点 - 价格收益比(P/E)是投资者分析股票的常用基本指标之一,反映了投资者为每1美元的公司利润支付的价格 [1] - 不同行业的P/E比率会有所不同,技术股的P/E通常较高,因为投资者愿意为预期增长支付更高的股价 [2] - 即使P/E较高,如果公司增长前景良好,也不一定要回避该股票,需要结合公司的增长前景进行综合考虑 [3] 行业和公司研究 帕拉丁科技(Palantir Technologies) - 帕拉丁科技是一家软件公司,利用人工智能帮助客户做出有洞见的商业决策 [7] - 该公司目前的前瞻性P/E比率超过168倍,许多分析师认为该股票存在大幅调整的风险 [7] - 但该公司最近获得了美国军方价值高达15亿美元的TITAN合同,这将增加其收入和利润 [8] - 该公司还有可能在9月被纳入标普500指数,这将消除机构投资者对其的担忧 [9] 超微半导体(Advanced Micro Devices) - 尽管最近芯片股普遍下跌,但超微半导体在最近一个季度仍实现了9%的同比收入增长 [15] - 其数据中心业务收入增长115%,表明其人工智能GPU产品获得了市场认可,成为英伟达的替代品 [16] - 该公司还在不断提高CPU市场份额,从英特尔手中抢占市场 [16] - 该公司的自由现金流同比增长81%,为业务发展提供了充足的现金储备 [16] CAVA集团 - CAVA集团是一家地中海风格快餐连锁店,其增长势头良好,今年上半年新开14家门店 [23][24] - 该公司采用数字化解决方案驱动增长,与同行Chipotle类似,有望从Chipotle CEO换届中获益 [23] - 尽管该公司的前瞻性P/E高达285倍,但作为一家小型公司,其在新市场的扩张空间仍很大 [22][24]
ChatGPT-4o price prediction for AMD stock as it agrees $5 billion deal
Finbold· 2024-08-20 16:37
In a bid to bolster its competitiveness in the artificial intelligence (AI) arena, Advanced Micro Devices (NASDAQ: AMD) acquired ZT Systems for nearly $5 billion on August 19.This acquisition aims to bolster AMD’s position in a fight with Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA). ZT Systems is tasked with providing hardware solutions for cloud systems to companies like Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) and enhancing AMD’s GPU-producing capabilities.Amid such a huge deal, Finbold decided to use AI, more precisely ChatGPT-4o from OpenAI ...
AMD buying server maker ZT Systems for $4.9 billion as chipmakers strengthen AI capabilities
Techxplore· 2024-08-20 14:08
文章核心观点 - AMD正在以49亿美元的现金加股票交易收购服务器制造商ZT Systems,以增强其人工智能能力,以更好地与英伟达竞争 [2][5][6] - 交易完成后,ZT Systems的服务器制造业务将被AMD出售,这是在科技和其他领域的并购交易受到拜登政府更密切审查的背景下进行的 [3][7] - ZT Systems是一家总部位于新泽西州塞考卡斯的私营公司,专门为云计算公司设计和推出数据中心和存储基础设施系统,交易还包括最高4亿美元的或有付款 [4] 公司相关 - AMD正在加大对人工智能能力的投资,在过去一年中投资超过10亿美元来扩大其人工智能生态系统并增强其人工智能软件能力 [5] - 一旦AMD与ZT Systems的交易完成,ZT Systems将加入AMD数据中心解决方案业务部门,AMD表示将寻找买家收购其美国数据中心基础设施制造业务 [7] - 该交易已获得AMD董事会批准,预计将于明年上半年完成,AMD股价在市场开盘前上涨超过3% [7] 行业相关 - 这次交易是在科技和其他领域的并购交易受到拜登政府更密切审查的背景下进行的 [3] - 英伟达在为人工智能应用提供芯片方面经历了近乎无法满足的需求,AMD正试图通过这次收购来更好地与之竞争 [6]