3 Sustainable Packaging Stocks Wrapping Up Profits
Investor Place· 2024-07-19 07:35
Sustainable packaging stocks are an attractive investment because the industry is growing and advancing at a fast pace. Sustainable packaging stocks include companies that design and manufacture packaging packaging solutions that are eco-friendly. These companies are involved in the development of packaging solutions. These solutions are either made to be recycled or biodegradable, or even reusable through the use of modern technology.Technological developments are therefore being used in the sustainable pa ...
7 Dividend Aristocrats Offering High-Yield Returns
Investor Place· 2024-07-17 18:26
Identifying the potent Dividend Aristocrats in financial markets is about potential returns, income reliability and sustainability. Here, the focus is on the fundamentals of seven prominent companies recognized as Dividend Aristocrats. These stocks yield consistent dividend payouts and solid financial performance.Each company brings unique strengths to the table, whether it’s the first company’s leadership in packaging solutions or the second one’s diversified portfolio of properties. The third one dominate ...
Safe Space? 3 Dividend Aristocrats With 5% Yield
MarketBeat· 2024-07-16 19:12
文章核心观点 - 该文章主要介绍了3家高股息率的股票,包括Realty Income、Franklin Resources和Amcor [1][2][12][15][23] - 这些公司股价近期下跌,但仍有较高的股息率,为投资者提供了潜在的投资机会 [2][9][15][23] - 分析师和机构投资者对这些公司的前景持积极态度,认为其股价有望反弹 [10][15][16] Realty Income - Realty Income是一家专注于商业地产的房地产投资信托公司(REIT),拥有超过15,400处物业 [8] - 公司现金流稳定,能够持续增加股息,每月支付股息,对依赖投资收益的投资者很有吸引力 [8][9] - 公司股价近期下跌,但得到长期均线支撑,有望在未来2年内上涨至少35% [9][10] - 分析师和机构投资者对公司前景持乐观态度 [10] Franklin Resources - Franklin Resources是一家资产管理公司,股息率超过5.35% [15] - 公司近期业绩有所改善,预计未来12个月内业绩将进一步加速 [15] - 公司财务状况良好,股息支付安全,机构投资者近期大量买入 [15][16] - 分析师对公司评级仍较为谨慎,但预计未来股价将上涨近10% [16] Amcor - Amcor是全球最大的包装制造商,有望在经济正常化后实现反弹 [23] - 公司业绩在2024年仍有所挣扎,但预计未来将实现收入和利润的增长 [24] - 公司股息支付率较高,达到72%,存在一定风险 [24] - 公司股价接近2019年合并后的最低点,有望在未来反弹 [23][25]
4 Dividend Aristocrats To Buy In July And 4 To Watch
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-09 21:42
cynoclub/iStock via Getty Images Foreword As a supplement to this article, please note that Kiplinger has published an on-line slide-show detailing the latest 2024 S&P Dividend Aristocrats. The article, entitled The S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats, is by Dan Burrows, a contributing editor: “S&P Dow Jones Indices rebalances the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats every January, the Aristocratic population now stands at 67. There were two changes to the Dividend Aristocrats announced in January 2024. Walgreens B ...
Asia-Pacific Graphics Film Market Research and Competitive Landscape Report 2024-2030 Featuring Amcor Plc, LINTEC Corporation, and LX Hausys
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-09 21:16
文章核心观点 - 亚太地区图形膜市场预计将从2023年的97.3亿美元增长到2033年的162.7亿美元,复合年增长率为5.28% [2] - 该市场增长主要由汽车、促销和广告等行业的需求增加所推动,包括可持续和自粘性膜在内的图形膜需求不断上升 [3] - 技术进步和各种膜类型的可用性满足了多样化的应用需求,推动了市场的扩张 [4] - 向环保和高性能膜的转变与日益增长的环保意识相一致,推动了市场前进 [4] 行业分析 汽车行业 - 汽车行业对图形膜的需求不断增加,主要由于对车辆美学、品牌和广告的重视 [3] 促销和广告行业 - 促销和广告行业对图形膜的需求不断增加,主要由于对品牌推广和广告的需求上升 [3] 工业行业 - 工业行业对图形膜的需求不断增加,主要由于对各种应用的需求上升 [5] 其他行业 - 其他行业如包装、建筑等对图形膜的需求也在不断增加 [5] 产品分析 可持续膜 - 市场对可持续图形膜的需求不断增加,与日益增长的环保意识相一致 [4] 自粘膜 - 市场对自粘图形膜的需求不断增加,满足了多样化的应用需求 [4] 其他膜类型 - 聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚氯乙烯等其他膜类型也在满足不同应用需求 [9] 技术分析 - 技术进步为图形膜提供了更多选择,满足了多样化的应用需求,推动了市场扩张 [4] - 粘合剂技术的进步也为自粘膜的发展提供了支持 [9] 市场机遇 - 制造设施的战略性扩张为市场带来了机遇 [9] - 粘合膜技术的进步为市场带来了机遇 [9] 市场挑战 - 原材料价格波动给市场带来了挑战 [9]
The 3 Highest-Yielding Dividend Aristocrats to Buy This Summer
Investor Place· 2024-06-27 00:00
文章核心观点 - 在夏季市场波动较小的情况下,可以考虑投资一些高股息的股票,如"股息貴族"公司[1] - 要成为"股息貴族",公司必须在标普500指数中,连续增加股息至少25年,同时还需要满足一定的市值和交易量要求[2] 公司总结 Amcor (AMCR) - 公司主要从事灵活和刚性包装业务,为制药、医疗、个人护理等行业提供包装解决方案[3][4] - 公司致力于减少全球废弃物,与公司如Avon有密切合作[5] - 新任CEO Peter Konieczny于4月15日上任,取代了前任CEO Ron Delia[6] - 2023年公司收入持平,但每股收益增长32%,预计2024年每股收益将在0.67-0.71美元之间[7] - 公司目前股息率为5%,是高股息"股息貴族"中的佼佼者[8] T. Rowe Price Group (TROW) - 公司是一家全球性资产管理公司,提供广泛的投资产品和服务[10][11] - 公司与Ascensus合作,旨在加强客户关系,改善529计划账户的在线和移动体验[12] - 受高利率环境影响,公司去年业绩受到挑战,但仍实现了16%的利润增长[13] - 公司目前股息率为4.2%,也是高股息"股息貴族"中的不错选择[14] International Business Machines (IBM) - 公司主要业务包括软件、基础设施、咨询和融资等[16] - 公司与Palo Alto Networks合作,共同开发基于AI的软件安全产品[17] - 2023年公司收入增长2%,每股收益增长13%,AI业务增长势头良好[18][19] - 公司目前股息率为3.8%,是一家具有长期增息历史、增长潜力和行业地位的"股息貴族"[20]
4 Dividend Aristocrats To Buy In June And 4 To Watch
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-07 20:50
文章核心观点 - 2024年1月,标普500股息贵族指数发生了两项变化:沃尔格林(WBA)被剔除,因为该公司在2023年末将股息削减近一半;工业供应商法斯特纳(FAST)被纳入,因其连续25年增加股息 [2] - 过去一年,标普500股息贵族指数还发生了其他变化,包括剔除VF Corp(VFC)以及纳入从强生(JNJ)分拆出来的Kenvue(KVUE) [3] - 3M公司(MMM)即将失去股息贵族的地位,因为该公司在4月将其Solventum(SOLV)医疗保健业务分拆给股东,后者不是季度派息股票,这意味着MMM股东从这些MMM相关证券获得的总股息将大幅下降 [4][5] 根据目录分类总结 标普500股息贵族指数变动 - 2024年1月,沃尔格林(WBA)被剔除,因为该公司在2023年末将股息削减近一半 [2] - 2024年1月,工业供应商法斯特纳(FAST)被纳入,因其连续25年增加股息 [2] - 过去一年,VF Corp(VFC)被剔除,Kenvue(KVUE)从强生(JNJ)分拆出来被纳入 [3] - 3M公司(MMM)即将失去股息贵族的地位,因为该公司在4月将其Solventum(SOLV)医疗保健业务分拆给股东,后者不是季度派息股票 [4][5] 标普500股息贵族指数概况 - 标普500股息贵族指数目前包含67只股票,是过去几十年来可靠的高股息增长股票 [6] - 投资者可以通过ProShares S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats ETF(NOBL)获得对指数的全面曝光 [6] - 大多数贵族股票估值较高,股息率较低 [7] - 从高股息角度来看,指数中有4只股票的年股息超过其单股价格,符合"狗狗理论"的理想 [8][9] - 另外4只也可能很快加入这个理想行列 [9] 分析师预测 - 分析师预测未来1年内,指数中10只最高股息股票将获得16.43%至22%的涨幅 [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] - 其中5只最便宜的高股息贵族股票预计将获得14.2%的收益,高于10只股票的12.5%平均收益 [30][31][32] - 分析师预测结果可能存在一定偏差,需谨慎对待 [33] 其他 - 如果股价下跌或股息增加,所有10只最高股息贵族股票都可能达到"合理价位" [34][35][36] - 文章中提到的股票仅供参考,不构成投资建议 [40]
5 Packaging Stocks to Watch in a Challenging Industry
ZACKS· 2024-06-06 22:31
The Zacks Containers - Paper and Packaging industry has been facing weak demand due to lower consumer spending amid an inflationary backdrop and high interest rates. Pricing actions implemented by the industry players will help offset the impacts of supply-chain disruptions and elevated costs. The industry will gain support from rising e-commerce activities, and solid demand for sustainable and eco-friendly packaging options due to increasing environmental concerns. Companies like Packaging Corporation of A ...
Amcor's new European Innovation Center brings brands the latest in material science and packaging design· 2024-05-30 15:02
Amcor has opened its European Innovation Center in Belgium. The facility will partner with brands and retailers from across the region to design packaging that delivers better results for consumers and the environment alike. ZURICH, May 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Amcor (NYSE: AMCR, ASX: AMC), a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging solutions, has expanded its packaging innovation hubs around the world. In addition to existing centers in the US, South America and Asia Pacific, the com ...
If I Had To Retire With 10 Dividend Aristocrats, It Would Be These· 2024-05-25 19:15
Passive income inscription on the board and a bundle of bills. designer491 I recently published an article titled "If I Had to Retire with Only Five Stocks, It Would Be These." In that article, I highlighted five high-quality stocks that offered a very attractive combination of current dividend income along with dividend sustainability through various market cycles, as well as the potential to continue growing that dividend at a rate that meets or even beats inflation over the long term. Those five stocks a ...