7 Solid-State Battery Stocks Charging Up for Gains
Investor Place· 2024-07-18 18:19
文章核心观点 - 固态电池是未来电动车和其他领域的关键技术 [1][2][3] - 多家公司正在大力投资开发固态电池,并与汽车厂商建立合作关系 [3] - 投资固态电池相关公司股票可能获得丰厚回报 [4] 公司和行业总结 QuantumScape - 是固态电池技术的领军企业,在技术里程碑方面取得重大进展 [6][7][8] - 如果技术发展顺利,有望成为多倍增长的投资标的 [9] Solid Power - 是另一家具有颠覆性的固态电池公司,与宝马、福特等建立了合作关系 [12] - 财务状况良好,有足够资金支持到2026年 [13] - 相比其他固态电池公司,风险略低 [14] Toyota - 大幅投资固态电池技术,计划2027年实现量产 [16][17] - 固态电池可以提供更长续航里程和更快充电时间,有望解决电动车痛点 [17] - 作为全球最大汽车制造商,有望推广固态电池成为电动车的主流解决方案 [18] Panasonic - 在固态电池技术研发方面处于领先地位,但目前主要应用于无人机和工业机器人 [20][21][22] - 未来可能会进入电动车市场,是值得关注的固态电池股票 [22] Albemarle - 是全球最大的锂生产商之一,有望从固态电池对锂需求的增长中获益 [24][25][26] - 拥有丰富的锂资源储备和良好的财务状况,有利于与固态电池企业建立合作 [26] Arcadium Lithium - 是锂化合物和化学品的领先生产商,有望满足固态电池对原材料的需求 [28][29][30] - 资产和业务布局多元化,有利于成为固态电池企业的合作伙伴 [29][30] - 近期完成并购后,有望实现协同效应 [31] Nissan - 也在开发固态电池技术,预计2028年实现量产 [33][34][35] - 固态电池可以提供更高能量密度、更快充电和更低成本 [33] - 作为电动车领域的老牌企业,有望在固态电池领域超越竞争对手 [34][35][36]
3 Battery Stocks to Buy Now: Q3 Edition
Investor Place· 2024-07-17 18:00
While electric vehicles and perhaps electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft may represent the future of mobility, it’s quite a challenge to determine which specific manufacturing brand will win out. Not all brilliant companies make it to the finish line. For a possibly more prudent idea, it may be better to consider battery stocks.In this sector, you’re not trying to wager which team will win the competition. Rather, you’re selling tickets to the big game. Stated differently, it’s a crapshoot ...
Albemarle Announces Quarterly Common Stock Dividend
Prnewswire· 2024-07-17 04:30
CHARLOTTE, N.C., July 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Board of Directors of Albemarle Corporation (NYSE: ALB) announces that it has declared a quarterly common stock dividend of $0.405 per share. The dividend, which has an annualized rate of $1.62, is payable Oct. 1, 2024, to shareholders of record at the close of business as of Sept. 13, 2024. For 30 consecutive years, Albemarle has raised its dividend.About AlbemarleAlbemarle Corporation (NYSE: ALB) leads the world in transforming essential resources into cr ...
Here's Why Albemarle Stock Slumped by 34% in the First Half of 2024
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-16 21:00
Investors are concerned about the fall in the price of the metal and the future demand/supply situation.After a 33.4% decline in the stock price in 2023, lithium miner Albemarle (ALB -2.43%) investors were hopeful that 2024 would bring better performance. However, the stock has continued to slide this year, with a 33.9% decline in the first half of the year, according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence. It's a move as much about a deterioration in sentiment as it is about the decline in the ...
Forget The Panic, Embrace The Potential: Why Albemarle Is Still A Winner
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-15 17:54
文章核心观点 - 公司所在的锂行业正面临严峻挑战,锂价大幅下跌,导致公司业绩大幅下滑[6][9][10] - 但公司拥有优质的锂矿储备,生产成本优势,有助于在行业低迷时期保持定价能力和利润率[23][24] - 公司有多个重要的产能扩张项目,未来几年有望大幅提升产量,满足预期的锂需求增长[21][22] - 公司财务状况良好,有利于渡过行业低谷期,并在行业复苏时受益[26][27][28] 行业总结 - 锂价大幅下跌,主要受供给过剩和需求增速放缓的影响[6][9][10] - 行业面临产能过剩和价格波动的挑战,但长期需求前景仍然看好[16][17][19][20] - 行业集中度较高,大型企业凭借成本优势和财务实力更有望在低迷时期保持竞争力[23][24][26] 公司总结 - 公司拥有优质的锂矿资源,生产成本优势明显[23][24] - 公司有多个重要的产能扩张项目,未来几年有望大幅提升产量[21][22] - 公司财务状况良好,有利于渡过行业低谷期,并在行业复苏时受益[26][27][28] - 公司当前估值较低,风险收益比较有吸引力,但仍存在一定的短期不确定性[29][30][31][33][34][35]
Albemarle (ALB) Stock Alert: Why Are Lithium Prices Plunging?
Investor Place· 2024-07-10 21:48
The shares of lithium producer Albemarle (NYSE:ALB) dropped about 9% yesterday to a multi-year low. ALB stock sank after two banks cut their price targets on the shares, citing the sharp decline of lithium prices. Although larger amounts of lithium are being used to power electric vehicle batteries, as global EV sales are increasing meaningfully, excess supplies of the metal have pushed down prices tremendously since late 2022.However, there are indications that lithium prices will rebound sharply in the lo ...
Why Albemarle's Stock Price Tumbled to Its Lowest Level Since 2020
Investopedia· 2024-07-10 03:25
Key TakeawaysAlbemarle shares tumbled Tuesday to their lowest level since late 2020, as Baird trimmed its price target on the stock because of slumping lithium prices.Analyst Ben Kallo said lithium prices have been at or below the low end of estimates, leading to a weak second quarter for Albemarle.Another report found lithium prices fell to a 2024 low in June, and they're expected to remain depressed in July. Shares of Albemarle (ALB), the world’s biggest lithium producer, tumbled as Baird slashed its pric ...
7 Bullish Stock Picks With the Potential to Turn $5K Into $50K
Investor Place· 2024-07-09 18:42
Investors looking for opportunities will always be interested in high-potential stocks capable of turning $5K into $50K. Realistically speaking, securing 10x returns is not particularly easy. The most obvious route to do so is through penny stocks. However, penny stocks often produce losses and are too unstable for the majority of investors. A smarter, safer route is to identify currently strong companies with the potential for rapid fundamental improvements over several years. Stock picks within this group ...
The 3 Most Undervalued Battery Stocks to Buy in July 2024
Investor Place· 2024-07-09 18:02
文章核心观点 - 全球电动车(EV)和可再生能源的推动,电池市场有望迎来显著增长 [1][2][3][4] - 锂离子电池市场预计到2030年将以20.3%的复合年增长率增长 [2] - 固态电池技术正在崛起,有望提高能量密度和安全性,相关公司有望受益 [3] - 可再生能源储能作为电池市场的重要组成部分,正在快速增长 [3] - 因此投资者应该考虑投资这些有潜力的电池相关公司 [4] 公司总结 QuantumScape (QS) - 是一家正在开发固态锂金属电池技术的公司,主要面向电动车市场 [5] - 目前仍处于研发阶段,尚未产生收入,一季度亏损较大,存在商业化和盈利的不确定性 [6][7][8] - 预计2026年前有足够现金维持运营,2025年开始有收入,但规模较小 [8] - 尽管存在风险,但目前股价处于低位,可能成为收购目标 [9] Albemarle (ALB) - 是全球最大的锂生产商,拥有广泛的锂盐和硬岩矿产业务 [10][11] - 分析师给出的目标价格显示有55.3%的上涨空间 [12] - 公司盈利能力强,过去12个月净利润32576万美元,EPS2.77美元,预计未来几年EPS将大幅增长 [13] - 估值方面,前瞻市盈率26倍低于过去12个月的35.51倍,相对于长期增长潜力而言可能有吸引力 [14] Solid Power (SLDP) - 也是一家专注于固态电池技术研发的公司,目前尚未产生大规模收入 [15] - 过去12个月收入1957万美元,亏损6760万美元,现金流为负,反映了公司目前的高现金消耗 [15] - 公司的固态电池技术仍处于未经证实的商业化阶段,存在较大技术风险 [16] - 但一季度收入同比增长2.2百万美元,显示公司在技术转移和客户合作方面取得进展,有望成为一家有潜力的电池公司 [17]
Albemarle (ALB) Rises Higher Than Market: Key Facts
ZACKS· 2024-07-09 07:06
文章核心观点 - 公司股价在最新市场收盘时达到99.15美元,较前一交易日上涨0.81%,表现优于标普500指数的0.1%涨幅 [1] - 公司股价在过去一个月内下跌14.43%,低于基础材料板块0.98%的跌幅和标普500指数4.08%的涨幅 [2] - 公司预计将于2024年7月31日公布财报,预计每股收益将同比下降89.9%至0.74美元,收入将同比下降40.48%至14.1亿美元 [3][4] - 分析师预计公司全年每股收益和收入将分别同比下降90.7%和39.37% [4] - 公司目前的Zacks排名为3级(持有),估值方面市盈率为47.48倍,高于行业平均水平 [7][8][9] 行业分析 - 公司所属的化工多元行业目前在所有行业中排名靠后,位于底部三分之一 [10][11] - 该行业的Zacks行业排名靠后,表明其整体表现可能不及市场 [11]