ICYMI: Avangrid CEO Pedro Azagra Guest on CNBC's "Squawk Box" to Discuss JUST 100 Ranking
Businesswire· 2024-02-08 02:47
ORANGE, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Pedro Azagra, CEO of Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR), a leading sustainable energy company and a member of the Iberdrola Group, was featured as a guest on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” on Wednesday, January 7, 2024 to discuss the company’s recent JUST 100 ranking and the state of the clean energy industry. VIDEO: Avangrid CEO Pedro Azagra on #12 Just 100 ranking A rough transcript of the interview is below: Becky Quick: Earlier this week JUST Capital announced its annual JUST 100 list of Am ...
True North Solar Project Achieves Construction Milestone with Delivery of Main Power Transformers
Businesswire· 2024-02-07 01:28
Avangrid公司 - Avangrid公司在德克萨斯州True North太阳能项目中成功安装了主要电力变压器,标志着该公司在该州的第一个太阳能场项目取得重要里程碑[1] - True North项目是Avangrid公司在德克萨斯州的第一个太阳能场,将为Meta公司的净零承诺提供清洁可再生能源,支持其在邻近Temple的第二个数据中心100%使用可再生能源[2] - Avangrid公司致力于成为美国领先的可持续能源公司,拥有约420亿美元资产,主要业务包括网络和可再生能源,旗下拥有并运营八家电力和天然气公用事业公司,服务于纽约和新英格兰地区超过330万客户[4]
Avangrid Ranks First Among Utilities on 2024 JUST 100
Businesswire· 2024-02-05 22:05
Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR) - Avangrid, Inc. 连续第四年获得JUST 100年度排名,成为美国最佳企业公民之一[1] - Avangrid 在公正领导、客户待遇、气候变化、员工晋升等关键问题上获得领先分数,获得公用事业行业第一名[2] - Avangrid CEO Pedro Azagra 表示获得公正100中公用事业行业第一名的荣誉是团队每天为客户、社区和利益相关方提供服务的证明[3] - JUST Capital 是一个独立的非营利组织,展示了公正的商业对公众优先事项的重要性,显示表现最佳的公司在财务上也表现更好[4]
3 cheap utility stocks that shouldn't be so
MarketBeat· 2024-02-05 19:07
公用事业股投资机会 - 红海冲突升级可能使公用事业股受益迅速,投资者可以看向该行业的稳定性[1][2] - 一些股票在这个领域内迅速脱颖而出,可能是潜在的高增长故事,且价格折扣优惠[1] - 分析师的价格目标有助于将理论与实践联系起来[1] - 高波动性可能会将新的投资流量引入稳定的行业,如公用事业股,尤其是那些在石油价格昂贵的情况下提供更具吸引力方案的股票[4] 石油价格走势分析 - 紧随石油价格上涨的投资者可能会看到成功,例如通过Hess (NYSE: HES)等股票[2] - 随着冲突不断升级和造成不稳定,石油价格可能很快上涨,接近高盛集团(NYSE: GS)分析师设定的目标[3] - 石油价格可能在2024年范围内达到每桶70至100美元,这可能是价格上涨的催化剂[4] 公用事业股评估 - 公用事业部门的平均每股收益(EPS)增长率为6.3%,前瞻市盈率(P/E)为13.7倍,价格账面比(P/B)为1.5倍[7] - 选择折扣股票时,要寻找P/B比率低于1.0倍的股票,确保公司的“账面价值”可以以有吸引力的价格购买[7] - 分析师认为某股票未来12个月的EPS可能增长高达75.0%,这明显高于行业平均水平,直接证明其123.9倍的前瞻市盈率优势[8] 公用事业股目标价格预测 - 同一分析师对该股票设定了每股31.2美元的目标价格,预计从今天的价格上涨22.8%[9] - Avangrid的目标价格设定为每股37.3美元,预计从今天的交易价格上涨20.5%[14] - Algonquin尽管增长预期令人失望,但该股票的目标价格为每股7.7美元,预计有28.8%的上涨空间[14]
Avangrid Partners with Colby College to Launch Global Sustainability Independent-Study
Businesswire· 2024-02-03 04:19
Avangrid与Colby College合作项目 - Avangrid与Colby College合作开展了一项独立研究和全球体验项目,专注于ESG理论及其实际应用[1] - 该课程旨在提供学生沉浸式的实践经验,以增加对可持续发展领域的兴趣和建立ESG知识[2] - 学生在课程中以第三方顾问的身份向投资者展示了Iberdrola的ESG目标和战略,包括Avangrid和Iberdrola的可持续承诺、实现这些目标的方式以及衡量结果的指标[3] - Avangrid与Colby的合作进一步展示了公司支持清洁能源教育和人才培养的承诺[4]
Avangrid Partners with SUNY Broome Community College to Launch New Lineworker Training Program
Businesswire· 2024-02-02 01:13
Avangrid与SUNY Broome Community College和国际电工工会(IBEW)合作推出新的线路工培训计划 - Avangrid与SUNY Broome Community College和国际电工工会(IBEW)合作推出新的线路工培训计划[1] - 该计划受到学生高度关注,已有超过100名学生参加信息会议,重点培养无行业知识的学生[2] - Avangrid首席执行官Pedro Azagra表示,线路工培训计划将为学生提供技术和专业技能的课堂教学,结合在纽约州电力公司NYSEG的培训设施和杆场的实践培训,还包括实习机会和就业面试机会[3] - SUNY Broome校长Tony Hawkins表示,学院的角色是满足当地劳动力需求,为学生提供教育和培训,以满足现有和需求旺盛的职位,为社区提供安全可靠的服务[4]
Avangrid Schedules Fourth Quarter & Full Year 2023 Earnings Release and Conference Call & Announces 2024 Investor Day
Businesswire· 2024-02-01 02:00
财务业绩发布 - Avangrid将于2024年2月21日发布第四季度和全年财务业绩[1] 网络电话会议 - 2024年2月22日,Avangrid将与财务分析师进行网络电话会议[3] 投资者日活动 - Avangrid将于2024年3月22日在纽约证券交易所举办2024年投资者日活动[5]
AVANGRID (AGR) Initiates First Onshore Wind Project in Oklahoma
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-31 22:26
AVANGRID, Inc. (AGR) announced its first onshore wind project in Oklahoma, a 147.5-megawatt (MW) wind farm with 33 turbines called Pontotoc Wind. The project will generate about 500,000 megawatt-hour of power each year. This project will be constructed in Pontotoc County. It will deliver clean, renewable wind power to 40,000 homes and expand AVANGRID’s presence in the United States to 25 states. The construction work is expected to start in 2024. AGR anticipates the project to benefit the neighborhood for a ...
Avangrid Announces First Onshore Wind Project in Oklahoma, Will Expand Company's U.S. Footprint to 25 states
Businesswire· 2024-01-31 01:30
PORTLAND, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR), a leading sustainable energy company and member of the Iberdrola Group, today announced its first renewable energy project in Oklahoma. Pontotoc Wind, a 147.5 MW wind farm with 33 turbines, powering 40,000 homes, will be constructed in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma and expand Avangrid’s presence in the U.S. to 25 states. “We are thrilled to be developing our first renewable energy project in Oklahoma, that will deliver clean, renewable, wind power to ...
Business Leaders Are Overwhelmingly Positive About the Green Transition, but More Needs to Be Done to Implement Green Skills Programmes
Businesswire· 2024-01-18 04:34
ORANGE, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Most business leaders believe that responsibility for driving the green transition rests with the private sector rather than policymakers, with the vast majority anticipating more opportunities than challenges. However, rapid progress to a lower carbon economy is under threat from the failure of companies to develop and source sufficient green skills, according to the Green Skills Outlook – new research from Economist Impact, supported by Avangrid’s parent company and Europe’ ...