Avangrid (AGR) Beats Q2 Earnings and Revenue Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-07-24 06:31
Avangrid (AGR) came out with quarterly earnings of $0.49 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $0.27 per share. This compares to earnings of $0.21 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 81.48%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this diversified energy and utility company would post earnings of $0.71 per share when it actually produced earnings of $0.88, delivering a surprise of 23.94%.Over the last four ...
Avangrid(AGR) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Results
2024-07-24 04:27
Exhibit 99.1 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AVANGRID REPORTS SECOND QUARTER 2024 FINANCIAL RESULTS Contacts: Analysts: Charlotte Ancel, Charlotte.Ancel@Avangrid.com, 203-997-7366 Media: Leo Rosales, Leo.Rosales@Avangrid.com, 518-419-2401 • Delivered first half 2024 earnings of $1.34 per share and adjusted earnings of $1.37 per share, +58% & +61% year-over-year, respectively • Executed on multi-year rate plans in New York and Maine, including more than $9 billion of investment authorized for cost recovery in New York ...
SHAREHOLDER INVESTIGATION: Halper Sadeh LLC Investigates AGR, SHCR on Behalf of Shareholders
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-17 22:44
NEW YORK, July 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Halper Sadeh LLC, an investor rights law firm, is investigating the following companies for potential violations of the federal securities laws and/or breaches of fiduciary duties to shareholders relating to: Avangrid, Inc. (NYSE: AGR)’s sale to Iberdrola, S.A. for $35.75 per share. If you are an Avangrid shareholder, click here to learn more about your rights and options. Sharecare, Inc. (NASDAQ: SHCR)’s sale to an affiliate of Altaris, LLC for $1.43 in cash per ...
Avangrid (AGR) Begins Power Production at Texas Solar Project
ZACKS· 2024-07-16 22:42
文章核心观点 - 公司在德克萨斯州建成了最大的太阳能项目True North,为Meta的数据中心提供可再生能源 [1][2] - 公司在德克萨斯州拥有超过1,200MW的风电装机容量,并为当地缴纳了超过1亿美元的财产税 [3] - 公司正专注于开发806MW的海上风电项目Vineyard Wind 1,计划实现2035年碳中和目标 [5] - 可再生能源在美国电力生产中的占比将从2024年的23%上升到2025年的25% [6] - 其他公司如CMS Energy、FirstEnergy和PPL也在大幅投资可再生能源业务 [7-10] - 公司股价在过去6个月内上涨13.3%,优于行业8.2%的涨幅 [11][12] 公司概况 - 公司在德克萨斯州拥有超过1,200MW的风电装机容量,是当地重要的可再生能源供应商 [3] - 公司正专注于开发806MW的海上风电项目Vineyard Wind 1,计划实现2035年碳中和目标 [5] - 公司2023年总投资达30亿美元,其中74%投向电网业务,其余投向可再生能源等 [4] 行业趋势 - 可再生能源在美国电力生产中的占比将从2024年的23%上升到2025年的25% [6] - 其他公司如CMS Energy、FirstEnergy和PPL也在大幅投资可再生能源业务 [7-10] 公司股价表现 - 公司股价在过去6个月内上涨13.3%,优于行业8.2%的涨幅 [11][12]
Buy 9 Sustainable Dividend Dogs Of Barron's July Top 100
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-15 15:23
文章核心观点 - 本文根据Barron's杂志发布的2024年100家最可持续发展的美国公司排名进行分析 [2][3] - 这些公司在环境、社会和公司治理(ESG)方面表现出色,包括工作场所多样性、数据安全和温室气体排放等指标 [2][3] - 文章重点分析了这些公司的财务表现、股息收益率和分析师预测的未来涨幅 [5][6] 根据目录分别总结 行业分布 - 这100家公司涵盖了11个Morningstar行业,包括公用事业、金融服务、消费品等 [25][26] - 前10大高股息公司中,代表了5个行业 [25] 股息收益率和未来涨幅 - 前10大高股息公司中,股息收益率从4.37%到12.73%不等 [34][35] - 分析师预测这10家公司未来1年内将实现15.43%的平均涨幅 [33] - 其中5家估值较低的公司预计将实现18.54%的涨幅,优于整体10家公司 [33][35] - 最具潜力的是The Kraft Heinz Co,预计将实现27.27%的涨幅 [40] 估值水平 - 10家高股息公司中有7家的股价低于每1000美元投资所获得的年度股息 [47][48] - 这说明这些公司的股价被低估,存在投资机会 [47][48] [2][3][5][6][25][26][33][34][35][40][47][48]
Avangrid (AGR) Places First Solar Panels at Powell Creek Project
ZACKS· 2024-07-11 22:16
Avangrid Inc. (AGR) announced that it has installed the first solar panels (Golden Row) at its Powell Creek solar project in Putnam County, OH, near Miller City.The Golden Row signifies the initial row of solar panels that will serve as the blueprint for the remainder of the construction. Since the installation of Golden Row, Avangrid has proceeded with construction activities on-site. It has also successfully added more than 1,000 panels so far.Powell Creek is located on a property that is directly rented ...
Avangrid (AGR) Gains From Infrastructure & Renewable Investment
ZACKS· 2024-07-10 00:11
Avangrid, Inc. (AGR) is among the largest solar and wind generators in the United States with operations in 24 U.S. states. Its long-term capital expenditure plans, strategic investments for expansion in clean energy, share repurchase and low debt will boost the performance of the company.AGR currently has a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). Let’s take a look at the factors that could impact the performance of the company.TailwindsAvangrid continues to pursue its organic growth strategy. In the first quarter of 2024, t ...
Dominion Energy Announces Agreement to Acquire Offshore Wind Lease From Avangrid For Potential Future Regulated Generation Development
Prnewswire· 2024-07-09 04:30
文章核心观点 - 公司同意以约1.6亿美元的交易价格从Avangrid公司收购Kitty Hawk North Wind海上风电租赁权和相关开发项目,该项目将被重新命名为CVOW-South [1] - CVOW-South项目预计在2030年代可提供800MW的海上风电装机容量,足以为20万户家庭和企业提供电力 [2] - 该交易为公司提供了部署额外受监管的海上风电项目的灵活性,以满足弗吉尼亚州电力需求的快速增长 [3] 交易细节 - 交易价格包括租赁权收购费用1.17亿美元和相关开发成本报销4300万美元 [1] - 交易预计于2024年第四季度完成,不会影响公司2024-2029年的资本支出计划 [1][6] - 公司正在建设2.6GW的CVOW商业项目,该项目进展顺利,预计于2026年底投产 [4] - 公司承诺将与社区、弗吉尼亚州和弗吉尼亚海滩市密切合作,解决CVOW-South项目登陆点的相关社区关切 [5]
3 Utilities in Focus Before World Wind Day 2024
ZACKS· 2024-06-14 20:41
World Wind Day is an annual event celebrated on Jun 15 to raise awareness about the importance of wind energy and its potential to aid in the transition to a clean energy future. Global Wind Day was first celebrated in 2007 by the European Wind Energy Association (“EWEA”). In 2009, the Global Wind Energy Council joined forces with the EWEA to organize the event. The events and activities take place in more than 100 countries. The day highlights the advancements achieved in wind energy development, such as t ...
Buy 9 Sustainable Dividend Dogs Of Barron's June Top 100
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-14 03:37
文章核心观点 - 该文章根据Barron's杂志2024年2月26日发布的年度可持续公司排名报告,对100家最可持续公司进行了分析 [1][2][6] - 这些公司在环境、社会和公司治理(ESG)方面的表现指标,如工作场所多样性、数据安全和温室气体排放等,都位于行业前25% [3][4][5] - 这些公司在股东、员工、客户、社区和环境等五大利益相关方方面的表现都较为出色 [2][3][4] 根据目录分类总结 可持续公司评选方法 - Barron's从1000家市值最大的上市公司中选出,根据230多项ESG指标进行评分和排名 [2][3][4][5] - 每个利益相关方类别的得分在0-100分之间,然后根据行业的重要性加权平均得出最终得分 [4] - 要进入前100名,公司必须在每个重要的利益相关方类别中都得分在底25%以上 [5] 可持续公司的投资价值分析 - 从收益率角度来看,有9家公司的年度股息超过其股价,符合"狗熊策略"的标准 [8][9] - 分析师预测,未来一年这10家公司的平均净收益率可达20.97%,风险水平低于整体市场 [10][11][21] - 在这10家公司中,5家估值较低的公司未来一年预计将获得20.02%的净收益,高于10家公司的平均17.12% [31][32][33] - 这些数据仅供参考,投资者需谨慎对待分析师预测的准确性 [34][35] 可持续公司的行业分布 - 这10家高股息可持续公司涵盖了5个GICS行业,包括公用事业、金融、非必需消费品、必需消费品和通信服务 [24][25][26][27] - 公用事业和金融服务行业各占3家,其他行业各占1家 [25][26]