7 Rock-Solid Utility Stocks to Power Your Portfolio for the Long Haul
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-22 04:03
Facing some doubts in February, investors should turn to utility stocks. Why? It’s very simple. With this sector, you’re dealing with permanent relevance. In the connected world we live in, going off grid won’t get you very far. Everything we do depends on power and other critical resources. Further, the top utility stocks are effectively entrenched in their key markets. Protected by significant barriers to entry – including steep regulations – legacy utility companies benefit from natural monopolies. Secon ...
AEP Schedules Live Webcast of Quarterly Earnings Call
PRNewsWire· 2024-02-21 22:31
公司概况 - 美国电力公司总部位于俄亥俄州哥伦布市,拥有近17,000名员工,运营和维护超过40,000英里的输电线路和超过225,000英里的配电线路,为11个州的560万客户提供电力[3] 投资计划 - 公司计划在未来五年投资430亿美元,使电网更清洁、更可靠,力争到2030年将二氧化碳排放量降低80%,并在2045年实现净零排放[3] 财务电话会议 - 美国电力公司将于2月27日上午9点ET与财务分析师举行季度收益电话会议[1] - 电话会议将通过http://www.aep.com/webcasts网站实时播出[1]
If You Like UPS, Then You'll Love These 2 High-Yield Dividend Stocks
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-13 20:45
高收益股票 - 高收益股票目前不受青睐,主要原因是10年期国债利率超过4%,导致很难对收益低于此的稳健股票感到兴奋[1] - 联合包裹服务(UPS)、塔吉特(Target)和美国电力公司(American Electric Power)是目前值得考虑的优秀高收益股票[3] 股息股票 - 长期投资者知道,投资优质股息股票的秘诀不在于在特定年份击败市场,而是在参与市场的同时收集 passsive income[2]
AEP Appoints Two New Directors
Prnewswire· 2024-02-13 05:30
Company enters into an agreement with Icahn Capital L.P. COLUMBUS, Ohio, Feb. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- American Electric Power (Nasdaq: AEP) today announced that it has entered into an agreement with Icahn Capital L.P. and certain of its affiliates, under which Hunter C. Gary, senior managing director at Icahn Enterprises L.P., and Henry ("Hank") P. Linginfelter, retired executive vice president of Southern Company Gas, will join AEP's Board of Directors, effective today. Julie Sloat, AEP chair, president a ...
American Electric Power: Double-Digit Upside Potential With Interest Rate Cuts
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-06 16:53
imaginima Overview While the utilities sector as a whole hasn't been too popular lately, I believe that we are in the midst of a great buying opportunity. The utilities sector operates on a consistent basis considering they offer a product and service we all need. However, I believe the price has been suppressed by the rising interest rates. Now that we are on the horizon of anticipated rate cuts this year, I think it is likely we will see a nice price recovery. In the meantime, we have the opportunity to c ...
AEP Named One of America's Most JUST Companies for Fourth Consecutive Year
Prnewswire· 2024-02-05 22:06
AEP公司表现 - AEP连续第四年入选JUST 100榜单[1] - AEP在公众舆论研究中表现出色,被认可为在支持员工、客户和社区方面的领导者[2] - AEP致力于提供可靠、负担得起的服务,推动社区增长,并满足客户和股东的期望[3] AEP公司信息 - AEP是美国最大的电力生产商之一,拥有近29,000兆瓦的多样化发电能力,其中约6,100兆瓦来自可再生能源[4]
AEP Receives Top Customer Service Awards from EEI and Key Business Customers
Prnewswire· 2024-01-30 00:15
AEP公司获奖情况 - 美国电力公司(AEP)从Edison Electric Institute(EEI)和国家大客户处获得三项杰出客户参与奖[1] - AEP的国家大客户团队管理着250家大型多地点客户,代表AEP的11个州服务领域内的超过60,000个计费账户[3] - AEP还因在监管事务中与企业客户互动并为他们提供弹性解决方案而受到认可[4]
American Electric Power: Wonderful Stock At A Decent Price
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-29 21:05
JuSun The market has had a love/hate relationship with utility stocks for much of the past 12+ months, as speculation around interest rates has played a large role in the prices of these so-called 'bond-proxies'. However, with volatility comes opportunity, especially for value investors who don't mind short-term noise as it creates an opening to buy quality names in the utility sector at bargain valuations. This brings me to American Electric Power (NASDAQ:AEP), which I last covered here in October with a ' ...
3 Utility Stocks to Buy for Safety and Yield in 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-26 05:15
公用事业股票优势 - 公用事业股票的最大利好在于自然垄断概念[1] - 公用事业股票因其基础定价权而值得关注,即使费率上涨,家庭和企业也别无选择[3] 公用事业巨头优势 - 公用事业巨头在其领域占据了几十年的地位,具有深深的竞争优势[2] 公用事业公司分析 - DTE Energy (DTE)是一家总部位于底特律的多元化能源公司,基本上有地理优势,吸引了许多寻求避风港的千禧一代[5] - Duke Energy (DUK)是一家电力和天然气控股公司,总部位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特,具有地理优势,服务市场通常靠近美国东海岸[9] - American Electric Power (AEP)总部位于俄亥俄州哥伦布,是美国一家主要的投资型电力公用事业公司,服务于11个州,具有潜在的投资机会[13]
The 7 Best High-Yield Dividend Utilities Stocks to Buy Now
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-19 22:15
Investors hope 2024 will treat the utility sector better than 2023 did, so it is a good idea to look at the best high- yield dividend utilities stocks. By now, it’s no secret that utility stocks made up the worst-performing sector in 2023. That which goes down tends to swing back up regarding overall Market investment. Thus, investors continue to look to the utility sector as full of rebound potential in 2024. These stocks are doubly interesting for the fact that their dividend yields are particularly high ...