MarketAxess(MKTX) - 2022 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation

※ Market Axess® Q4 & FY2022 Conference Call and Webcast January 25, 2023 ※ Market Axess® Strategic Update ❖Rick McVey, Chairman and CEO 2 4Q22 Results Snapshot (in millions,exceptEPSdata)+8millions, except EPS data) +8% (+10% ex. FX) | --- | --- | |-------|-------| | | | | EPS | | | | | | +15% |1.58 | Revenue Operating Income Operating Expenses +8% 100.2100.2 177.9 77.7 | --- | --- | |-------------|-------| | NI & EBITDA | 1 | | +14% | 59.2 | | +10% | $95.2 | Key Themes +7% NI & EBITDA Margin1 +120 bps 53.5% +170 bps 33.3% • Str ...