AIGC人工智能·2024-05-23 11:54

更多资料加入知识星球:水木调研纪要 关注公众号:水木纪要 Goldman Portfolio Strategy Sachs Research 21 May 2024 I 4:23PM EDT Hedge Fund Trend Monitor Funds broaden out from the mega-caps into other Al beneficiaries and Cyclicals In this report we analyze the holdings of 707 hedge funds with s2.7trillionofgrossequitypositionsatthestartof2Q2024(2.7 trillion of gross equity positions at the start of 2Q 2024 (1.8 trillion long and $965 billion short). The average Us long/short equity hedge fund has delivered an 8% YTD return, boosted by the strong performance of popular stocks. Except for ...