摩根大通:TSLA 大幅反弹后面临多重压缩的巨大风险,尽管基本面不断恶化,但 Robotaxi Day 还是到来了,表明投资者的预期未得到满足
摩根大通·2024-10-17 00:28

North America Equity Research 11 October 2024 J P M O R G A N Tesla Inc See Substantial Risk of Multiple Compression After Big TSLA Rally into Underwhelming Robotaxi Day Came Despite Deteriorating Fundamentals, Suggesting Unmet Investor Expectations Something caused Tesla shares to rise +68% from their 52-week low of 142.05onApril22tocloseyesterdayat142.05 on April 22 to close yesterday at 238.77 ahead of the company's much heralded Robotaxi Day – and it sure wasn't the outlook for Tesla vehicle sales, earnings, or cash flow (all of whic ...